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San Luis Fishout

by Kevin Murdock

O’Neill Forebay Fishout

Quarry: Striped Bass


We’ll start with a date: Thursday, October 17 to Sunday, October 20.

The location: Maderios Campground on the southern part of the O’neill Forebay. To get there, take Highway 152 (Pachecho Pass), go east on Santa Nella Blvd. and make a left at the entrance for the Madeiros Kiosk. Camping is first-come, first-served. The Campsites are $20 per night, with a $2 discount for seniors. I’ll be shooting for a campsite near the old boat launch.


Once again, the camp area nearest the islands is closed to vehicle traffic. Those wishing to float near the powerlines might choose to launch their tubes from the San Louis Creek side.


The campsites are primitive, with fire rings, shade shelters, and picnic tables. Water is scarce so bring your own. There are very clean pit toilets.


Most club members fish with 8 weight rods and fast sinking lines. Heavy streamers are the usual ticket. Lee Haskins ties a beautiful San Louis Smelt imitation. Also, the usual assortment of reds, white, chartreuse or grey weighted streamers or deceivers. Some club members have reported occasional top water action with gurglers. There is a link on our website for all the tips & tactics on this lake. Yog & company had an extremely successful day last weekend!


Float tubes are the order of the day. If they have zippered compartments, they will need to be inspected for quagga mussels. Have your float tubes inspected by the ranger at the Kiosk as you enter. Don’t forget your life preserver and a whistle.


Small boats must be launched from the San Louis Creek campground and boat launch. Arrive early as there will be a line of boats being inspected. Boats may not be left on the water after nightfall. I recommend returning to the exit kiosk prior to their closing (6 pm) so you can have your boat tagged, thus avoiding the inspection line the following day.

Meals: I have a signup sheet on the table, and those wishing to participate in pot luck meals can make their intentions plain. I’m hoping to have a ‘Stosh’ moment Saturday evening where we can toast Stosh, as well as all of our lost friends and share stories. I’m bringing some firewood but don’t know if fires will be allowed due to extreme dryness.


This fishout is so close to our own back yard, it’s one of our easiest to join in on. Its 90 minutes from my home in Aptos to the campground. The club members are happy, nay, EAGER to share tips and tactics.. You can attend just one day or the whole weekend. Los Banos is only 20 minutes away, with the famous ‘Woolgrowers’ Basque style restaurant as the main attraction.


Today was 80 degrees at the lake with light winds. Wind can sometimes shut down the lake.


Tip-o-the-day: if you’re getting skunked, find Elain & John and fish within sight of them. (It’s saved more than one fishless day for me).


I’ll sign off with this admonition: you’ll regret missing this fishout when you see the photos! Even a modest schoolie striper (18”) feels like a

20 lb salmon on the line.


Kevin ‘Dock’ Murdock



Phone #s:                (831) 238-3037  Kevin

      •    (209) 826-6240 Campground

(209) 826-4714   O’Neill Forebay Kiosk

(800) 805-4805    Real time wind reports

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