Trout Unlimited Meeting…………………
Fly Tying……………………
June Class: CDC Jig Style Hairs Ear Nymph
Fly of the Month: Green Flashy Clouser
Stanislaus Fly Fisher Swap Meet
Fishout Schedule…………
Posted on June 17th, 2024
Trout Unlimited Meeting…………………
Fly Tying……………………
June Class: CDC Jig Style Hairs Ear Nymph
Fly of the Month: Green Flashy Clouser
Stanislaus Fly Fisher Swap Meet
Fishout Schedule…………
Posted on June 17th, 2024
June Meeting: Matt – Truckee River………………
June Raffle……………………
Trout Unlimited Meeting…………………
President’s Line……………………
Fly Tying……………………
June Class: X-Caddis
Fly of the Month: Hemingway Caddis
Conservation Concerns……………
Profile: Carmel River Steelhead Association
Membership Notes…………………
Club Activities – June
Online Merchandise Store is Now Open
Help Disabled Veterans Learn to Fly Fish
238 Members Including 7 New Members
Gearing Up…………………
Fishout Schedule – June
Cartoon ……………………
Posted on May 29th, 2024
Matt began fly fishing the waters of the Tahoe-Truckee region when he was a kid. As a guide, Gilligan brings to the river over 35 years of experience fly fishing and tying flies for Truckee River trout. A veteran guide, Gill loves to guide anglers of all abilities. Gill lives on the banks of the Truckee River in Hirschdale Ca, and has a familiarity with river that he will present to you.
Posted on May 29th, 2024
NOTICE: There will be no pre-meeting sales of raffle tickets this month, all raffle tickets will be sold at the monthly June meeting, 6/6/24, held at the Aptos Grange.
Posted on May 29th, 2024
Trout Unlimited Steinbeck Country Chapter (Central Coast of California) membership meeting announcement.
Please join us for a hybrid General Membership meeting on June 19th.
Date: June 19
Time: 6:30 – 8:00
In Person Location: Aptos Grange, 2555 Mar Vista Dr, Aptos, CA 95003
Zoom option: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 9562 6770
6:00 Gather and Social Time
6:30 Call to Order and Introduction by Christy Fischer, Chapter President
7:00 Presentation: Current and Future of the Klamath River – After the Dams are Gone – Latest news and Vision for the Future Presentation by Tommy Williams, SW NOAA Science Center
7:45 Presentation: Carmel River / Rancho Canada Floodplain Project – Turning a Golf Course into a Natural River on the Central Coast Presentation by Tim Frahm, Trout Unlimited
8:00 Wrap up by Christy Fischer – What’s next for the Chapter
Our lead presenter for this meeting is Tommy Williams who is a research biologist at the National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) for the past 24 years, Tommy serves as the lead for the SWFSC on issues related to planning, and science issues regarding the removal of four dams on the Klamath River. He knows the river, the landscape, the politics, the current conditions and the potential for recovery of cold-water fisheries.
Also presenting will be Tim Frahm, TU Central Coast Steelhead Project Manager discussing the ambitious Carmel River Floodplain Restoration Project (largest such project on the California Coast) which will commence construction next summer (2-year effort).
Posted on May 29th, 2024
Santa Cruz Fly Fishing has been busy the past few months and doesn’t seem to be stopping. One of the exciting areas is that we are doing more and more with other organizations n the area. Some are looking towards us for resources, others are wanting to share knowledge and try and grow both organizations. I am encouraging these types of relationships to provide opportunities for our members. I am highlighting some of the organizations with articles in this month’s newsletter:
Fishout Exchanges with the Stanislaus Fly Fishers:
Fishout Committee chair, Justin Ice, continues to come up with ways to increase the number of available fishouts for the club. His latest brainstorm is to form alliances with other fly fishing clubs and do fishout exchanges. The first one is with the Stanislaus club out of Modesto and we are invited to attend their fishout on the Clarks Fork of the Stanislaus River . And in exchange, we will be providing a Zoom presentation on fishing the surf and invite them to join us for the July 6th fishout at Palm Beach .
Project Healing Waters
At the last casting clinic, I was talking to club member, Derek Whitmer, about a local Project Healing Waters (PHWFF) being started in Monterey Peninsula to help disabled veterans using the magic of fly fishing. Derek became enthused and contacted the coordinators to see how what they needed. They already have veterans who have signed up to learn how to fish and go fishing, now they need volunteers. Read the article in Membership Notes to learn how to help.
Steinbeck Country Trout Unlimited: Last month, SCFF member, Kevin Morrison, contacted me to start a conversation between SCFF and our local Trout Unlimited chapter, Steinbeck Country TU. Covering an area from the San Mateo down San Louis Obispo, Trout Unlimited has thousands of local members and almost none of them know about the local chapter. The Steinbeck Country TU Board’s strategy is to leverage the fly fishing clubs within the Central Coast area to quickly build up momentum. To help them, the Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will be hosting the TU Chapter meeting at the Aptos Grange on Wednesday, June 19th.
Profile: Wild Steelheaders United
Who are the organization’s that SCFF gives conservations dollar to and why? These are the questions that Conservation Committee Chair, Bob Garbarino, is answering with “profile” series to let us know more aobut the organizations that we are financially supporting. The May 2024 newsletter highlights the work of the Wild Steelheaders United.
Profile: Carmel River Steelhead Association
The June 2024 newsletter is highlighting the work of Carmel River Steelhead which member, Rich Hughett, has been supporting since the start. (see link)
Student Scholarship:
Finally by providing scholarships, our relationship with the local public high schools continues to flourish. I had the pleasure of presenting a $500 check to Ruby from Pajaro Valley High School (PVHS) who will be attending Brown University in Rhode Island and majoring in Environmental Studies. Another benefit from providing scholarships is that we get our club’s name out to the community. For example, a teacher from PVHS, Nathan Hokie, saw us presenting last year and joined the club!
I hope that you get out and fish this summer!
Scott Kitayama
Posted on May 29th, 2024
Date: Wednesday, June 12
Time: Doors open 6:15 PM, class begins at 6:30
Place: Aptos Grange Hall
Posted onThis dry fly caddis pattern was featured last month as the fly of the month. If you tied this on your own Great, and if you’d like some further instruction come join the class. This class will feature how to handle deer hair as a wing. Greg Foy will be the instructor and I will be there to assist as my foot is still healing and limits my mobility. As usual, the class is free and all material materials are provided. If you have tan 6/0 or 8/0 thread do bring it. For you beginners tools and vises are available to borrow. Please sign up at the club meeting or call, with at least 24 hours notice, either Greg at 831-239-8780, or Elaine at 831-234-6515
Posted on May 29th, 2024
This adult caddis is very similar to a Henryville Caddis. The larger sizes can be used pretty much anywhere and particularly in the Rocky Mountains. The very small ones are great in tail waters and spring creeks. Apply floating before fishing. Using a light dun hackle and quill wing make the fly easier to see.
HOOK: TMC 100 SIZES 12 TO 18. (I also tie size 20). Crimp bar.
THREAD: gray or olive, 6/0 for larger flies, 8/0 for medium, or 10/0 or 14/0 for small. Attached 1/3 back, wrap to rear of shank.
HACKLE: Dun barbs equal to one hook gap.
Remove any fuzz at end of feather. Cut five or six barbs short on each side of butt end of steam (crew cut). Tie in crewcut with dull side feather facing you, tip of feather to rear.
BODY: gray or olive super fine dubbing: Gray muskrat fur can also be used.
Dub a cigar shaped body up to thread tie in. Palmer hackle forward in about five wraps. tie cut excess.
UNDERWING: Wood duck or mallard flank feather.
Lineup tips of barbs. Using the hook gap as a guide cut that many from the stem. Tie to top of shank with tips, extending hook gap length beyond rear of body.
WING: mallard quill feather or secondary feathers of other birds also work. Apply silicon to feather ahead of time which will help keep the barbs from separating. If they do when fishing, the fish still respond to the fly readily.
Using the hook gap as a guide, use a Bodkin to separate the barbs. Cut section nearest the stem straight across, then fold in half length wise and cut a diagonal notch. ( See diagram). Position butt end on top of body with tips extending hook gap beyond rear of body. Pinch wing in half length wise and tie in place with several wraps. Cut excess and tie down butt ends.
HACKLE: dun hackle. Size, prep, and tie in the same as above.
THORAX: Peacock hurl.
Cut barbs from stem. Approximately four for larger hooks, three for medium, and one or two for small flies. Tie in tips make, dubbing loop. Advance thread to one eye length behind eye. Make chenille with dubbing tool. Close wraps to one eye behind eye. Tie off cut excess. Palmer hackle forward to one eye length behind eye. Tie off cut access. With finish. Apply glue to tie off threads.
Posted on May 29th, 2024
Last month I started a series of profiles on conservation organizations Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club is supporting this year with cash donations. The goal of these articles is to keep you all informed and hopefully inspires you to learn more about conservation. This month I will continue with another outfit that is new on our list this year— Carmel River Steelhead Association (CRSA). CRSA is a good fit because steelhead are listed as either threatened or endangered throughout most (if not all) of the Pacific coast, and it is local.
The mission of CRSA is the restoration and conservation of the federally threatened steelhead fishery on the Carmel River and its watershed. The primary goal is to return the Carmel River watershed to as natural a state as possible so that it will maintain an annual run of adult steelhead in excess of 2,000 fish.
The association was formed in 1974. It appears that Richard Hughett (a long-time SCFF member) and Ray Wermuth are principally credited with the formation of the association. They are primarily an important advocacy voice for steelhead recovery on the Carmel and contribute matching funds to some of Tim Frahm’s Trout Unlimited projects on the Carmel River.
CRSA focuses their work in three main areas to recover steelhead populations in the Carmel River—Fish Rescues, Water Advocacy and Habitat Improvement.
Fish Rescues—Every year parts of the Carmel River and most of its tributaries go dry because of excessive pumping of water to meet the needs of humans. When this happens fish stranded in these drying reaches will die without intervention by caring people. CRSA is very integral to an ongoing juvenile rescue program in the upper watershed. They have agreements with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) who accompanies them to electroshock reaches which are drying back. The captured juveniles are moved to the main stem. CRSA members have volunteered an average of 500 hours and rescued approximately 10,000 young steelhead per year.
Water Advocacy—While there are many reasons Carmel River Steelhead are endangered, lack of adequate water ranks number one. The Carmel River has been the primary source of water for the Monterey area resulting in over-pumping of the aquifer, thus drying the river. Similarly, local pumping for housing and vineyards results in the drying of most of the river’s tributaries.
With so many people wanting a portion of our limited amount of water, it has been a primary function of CRSA to be an advocate for adequate water for fish.
Habitat Improvement—In 1997 American Rivers listed the Carmel River as one of the 10 most endangered rivers in the United States. A lot has been done since that time to improve conditions on the Carmel River and a lot more must still be done. Whether it is a simple river trash removal or the installation of woody debris, CRSA has and will continue to work to improve the habitat from Los Padres Dam to the lagoon for steelhead.
For the SCFF conservation committee, Carmel River Steelhead Association is a great fit to complement our mission and worthy of our support. With their continued dedication and effort, we look forward to seeing some positive results in the recovery of our local steelhead.
For more information on CRSA, go to:
Posted on May 29th, 2024
Date | Activity Link | Description | Location |
Jun 22 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Fly Casting Meetup | All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters. This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting. We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time. Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too. | Jade Street Park baseball field |
Posted on May 16th, 2024
Greetings from the Marketing Chair,
The link I have included is our club link .
This will take you to Our Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club Store. As of today we have 13 items (many of the items come in different colors), including women’s and men’s specifically in the store with our logo. You may order and have your order shipped direct to your home with a shipping fee of $7.40.
The Club can ask for other garments to be included in the store. If any one has a request please send a link to the Item to me at I will have some sample garments for the June Club meeting to check out . I will also have cards printed up with this link out at the meetings. Check out new swag garments on display.
Tight Lines
Rick Chace
Posted on May 29th, 2024
Posted on May 29th, 2024
Our Club continues to grow 3 new members per month for a total of 238 members. Welcome below the latest 7 new members
March-M. Martin April-S.Devries, G. Sousa, C.Basel May-J.Gosciminski, M.Gingles, M. Hoover
Posted on May 29th, 2024
New members who may need donated items may contact me by email, if interested. The donor’s request that it might go to a first time flyfishing member. Items are Orvis 8ft 6 wt rod and Madison reel, Cortland 7ft.6 rod 5/6w, and Waders Large.
Posted on May 29th, 2024
The newsletter provides brief fishout info. For full detail, go to the website menu and select EVENTS -> Fishout Schedule
Posted on May 23rd, 2024
Gotta watch those crazy birds!
Posted on May 29th, 2024