Feb 01 5:00 PM at the Pajaro Valley Rod & Gun, Watsonville
with HORS D’OEUVRES to spur your appetite
5:00 – 9:00 pm
followed by
DINNER TICKETS: Are $40 which can be purchased at the November, December and January club meetings and online at www.santacruzflyfishing.org/product-category/annual-fundraiser/. There is room for 160 people and we are going to sell out so buy your tickets soon.
ALCHOHOL: The facility has a full bar with reasonable prices for wine, beer, liquor and sodas. You may bring wine to the event, however you will pay a corkage fee at the bar to open it and provide wine glasses. The Bar only accepts cash.
VOLUNTEERS: Many long-term club members say that the best part of our event is the time volunteering, and working with others to put the whole event together. Contact Kevin McClish at (831) 338-4513 or kbmcclish@hotmail.com (no text please) to find out how you can best help.
DONATIONS: Our club would be grateful for donations to be used as raffle prizes at our annual fundraiser. Examples: flies you have tied, other handcrafted items, business services, personal services such as fly-tying lessons, casting lessons, etc. If you have such a contribution, please contact our Scott Kitayama, at (650)279-5871.
RAFFLE TICKETS: Can will be sold at the event. Two door prizes of 50 raffle tickets will be awarded, which should increase your chances of winning. There will be silent auction items as well.
ABOUT THE ROD AND GUN CLUB: it’s located in a rural setting overlooking Kelley lake. The parking lot is gravel so not a problem if it’s raining. There is additional parking at lower lots if you go around the left side of the building.
Ticket purchasers : ( 180 as of Jan 28)
j. Ainsworth(1)
D. Belville (1)
J. Brewer (4)
B.Burt (2)
R. Chace (2)*
R. Chace (1)
B. Ciapponi(1)*
J. Cook (2)
M. Converse (2)
G. Cumming(1)*
D. Eaton (2)*
J. Eichhorn (1)*
K. Escobar (2)
R. Ethrington (2)*
F. Farias (2)
R. Farren (2)
J. Goyert (1)
H. Hassani (1)
M. Hermansky (1)*
J. Hopkins (4)
W. Hopkins (2)
B. Kemp (2)*
S. Kitayama (2)
P. llic (2)
G. Lund (1)
J. Mello lll (2)
K. Murdock (5)*
B. Murphy (1)*
P. Osman(2)
S. Pappas (2)*
B. Peterson (1)
G. Pike jr (2)
G. Pike (2)*
K. Powers (3)*
A. Presser (2)
P. Purtscher (1)*
R. Ransdell (1)*
R. Reed (2)
J. Register (3)
B. Seaman (1)*
L. Shaw (1)
M. Sherwood (2)
D. South (2)
R. Squier (2)
C. Stipes (2)
W. Taguinod (1)
W. Taguinod (3)
J. Tolonen (1)
P. Torie(1)*
M. Twisselman (2)
D. Witmer (4)
J. Wolfe (2)
Asterisk means that the person paid by cash or check. Did not purchase through website.
We are not going to have an “official meeting” in February since we have just had the Annual Fundraiser the Saturday before. However, we have already rented the Aptos Grange for Feb 5th and so we are going to open it up for a hang out. There will be a couple of different groups meeting there that night.
New Member Orientation: This is open to anyone, but is primarily meant for people who have joined in the last year. Opportunity to meet other new members, talk about your fishing goals and learn how to get the most out of the club.
Women’s Group Meetup: This is an opportunity for women in the club to be able to meet each other, discuss fishing opportunities and ways to make the club more welcoming to the fastest growing segment of fly fishing.
Jim Cox joined Western Rivers Conservancy in 2011 and is the Director of Donor Relations. He has more than 40 years of experience working professionally in the nonprofit sector. Jim joining the club to discuss how Western Rivers Conservancy works to restore and protect rivers through the Western US.
In conjunction with June’s Pyramid Lake Fish Out, we’re thrilled to have Rob Andersen, owner and operator of Bucket List Fishing, join the club to share his expertise on new techniques for fishing Pyramid Lake. Rob’s knowledge of this iconic fishery is second to none, whether you’re a seasoned Pyramid Lake angler or new to the lake’s unique challenges, you won’t want to miss this chance to learn from one of the best in the business!
We’re excited to welcome Lance Grey, longtime friend of the club and owner/operator of Lance Grey & Company, to speak with us about some of Northern California’s most renowned fisheries, including Lake Almanor and the Feather River.
Lance has spent years exploring and guiding in these waters, and his deep knowledge of these rivers and lakes will give us invaluable insights into fishing techniques, seasonal patterns, and how to make the most of your time on these iconic fisheries.
by Jerry McKeon - Instagram administrator and SCFF board member
When I joined the club about 4 years ago my intention was to attend the monthly meetings and learn from our guest speakers. All I really wanted back then was to get out the house and learn more about fly fishing. After several meetings I got inspired to fish locally and to do so with other club members but I found it challenging to make those connections. Today I have a handful of friends I’m comfortable calling or texting who I fish with regularly. I consider this group my primary tribe. When I look back on how I became part of this network of fishing buddies, it comes down to two basic factors. Leveraging club resources and putting myself out there socially is how I made my connections.
Club Resources:
Google Groups: This email based form of communication reaches all club members that use this feature. This a good place to start up dialogue around anything fly fishing. It’s fairly common for people to post upcoming trip info to the O’Neill Forebay, Pyramid lake and other fishing destinations.
WhatsApp: A text based app you can put on your smart phone or device to message people within a particular interest group. Currently the club has one WhatsApp group and that is for local surf fishing. Folks ask questions, post invites to hit the beach and sometimes offer fishing reports when they’re finished fishing. If you seek information or fellowship fishing the beach, this a worthwhile app to put on your phone. If you would like to start a page for a different type of fishing, the opportunity is yours.
Club Meetings: A lot of members show up early for club meetings and are willing to engage with fellow anglers. You might have to introduce yourself and kick start the conversation but our members are always welcoming and happy to talk fishing.
Casting Practice: Work on your cast while building your social circle. Check the website for dates and times.
Fly Tying Classes: Every second Wednesday (the Weds after the General Meeting) the club offers free fly tying. After the initial instruction there is plenty of opportunity to strike up conversation and talk fishing while everyone is tying.
Instagram/Facebook: These social media accounts we support are a yet another way to see what’s happening in the club and put some faces to the names of our members. For both mediums just search SantaCruzFlyFishing.
Fish Outs: These club organized fishing trips are probably the most organic way to find your tribe. Not only are you fishing with like minded folks, there are usually post trip opportunities to socialize. Breakfast, campfire hangouts, meeting up for a beer, etc.
Putting yourself out there:
Go fish and let others know.
A great way to find your tribe is to simply plan your own trip and invite others to join. The advantage here is you choose the date, time, place, etc that works for you. A possible disadvantage is you might not get any takers but you will if you keep at it. I’ll add that when you consistently invite others to fish or simply update them with your results, they will often return the favor.
Know your fishing opportunities and improve them. If you’re fairly competent with the fundamentals you’re more likely to find people that will want to fish with you. Sure we have members who will help beginners but not everyone wants to spend their time teaching a novice how to cast or how to tie on a fly. If you can get yourself proficient in the fundamentals you’re more likely to find your tribe. While fishing the surf my first time, it was obvious my double haul needed work. The anglers getting the most hook ups could throw their flies 70-90’ consistently over the waves. I practiced my double haul at the local soccer field for several months until I was satisfied with my distance. When I rejoined the club for a few summer fish outs the fishing was more second nature allowing me to focus more on having fun with other members.
The club is run entirely on volunteer service. There are lots of opportunities to support your club with your time. In addition to personal satisfaction, volunteering exposes you to a lot of engaged and very knowledgeable members and anglers. My time on the board, working a service project or leading a tying class has expedited my ability to meet members and be included on fishing outings. To learn about club opportunities check the website, newsletter or talk to board member. We’d love to have your help!
Joining an established club with 250 members can make finding your tribe challenging but if you leverage the club’s resources and push yourself socially you should find success. Next time you see me at a club event, say hi. Maybe we can go fishing sometime.
This mayfly emerging fly pattern can be used throughout the United States. For those going to the Green River fishout in April, it is being recommended by a particular guide named Gino who has guided there for many many years. As always, the class is free and materials provided. if you have black 8,0 thread do bring it. For you beginners, there our vices and tools for you to use. You are always welcome to try your hand at flying. Sign ups are important which you can do at the February club meeting or by calling me at 831-234-6515. Please allow at least 24 hours to prepare materials. Elaine
Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to Fly Name to see more information.
You may have noticed that midges are being featured the last few months. Those of you going to the Green River fishout certainly need to have a variety with you. One of the guides at the Green River has recommended this one in size 16 for the last week of April. Needless to say these flies can be used wherever you fish for trout.
1. Hook: Heavy skid hook. TMC 2457, Dai-Riki 235. Sizes 16-22. Crimp barb .
2. Bead: Copper. Refer to chart in December newsletter for choosing appropriate size bead for the different sizes of hooks. Feed bead onto hook up to eye, small opening first.
3. Thread: Black, 8/0 for size 16 and 18 hooks, 12/0 for a smaller hooks. Attached behind bead. Touching wraps halfway around bend. Touching wraps back to bead.
4. Rib: Copper wire. Small for size 16 and 18 hooks. Extra fine for smaller. Insert tip into back of bead. Tie to top of shank with touching wraps back almost to rear of body. Touching wraps back to bead.
5. Body: Thread as above. Create a tapered body with thread wraps. See picture. Then spiral rib forward in about seven wraps up to bead. Holding wire upright, makes several thread wraps behind and several in front. Twist wire to cut. Hold bead in place with a collar of thread wraps. Whip finish, cut thread. Apply glue to body and color.
Last year when the SCFF conservation committee was looking for new ideas for our support, The Osprey caught my attention. First of all, naming your organization after such an amazing bird is a great start. So, other than a cool name, what is it about The Osprey that is a good fit for our club? The Osprey describes itself: “International Journal of Salmon and Steelhead Conservation is a scientific journal published by a consortium of like-minded conservation organizations: The Conservation Angler, Fly Fishers International, World Salmon Forum, Wild Steelhead Coalition, Steelhead Society of British Columbia, and Skeena Wild.” The journal is published three times a year by a team consisting of an editorial committee and a group of of scientific advisors. The focus of the articles is on Pacific salmon and steelhead science, recovery and management. They are devoted advocates of conserving existing wild steelhead and salmon and recovery of diminishing populations. They identify some primary threats to their survival include climate change, population growth, ill-advised dams and hatchery projects. By going to the website https://www.ospreysteelhead.org/, you can access their archive of publications. Some of the articles get pretty deep into the science, but it shows they are committed to understanding the fundamental basis for decisions and recommendations involving that benefit to the fish. Here’s a sample of article titles from the fall 2024 issue: Rewilding the Lower Snake River Life history Diversity Emerges in Salmonids Repopulating Tributaries of the Undammed Elwha River Native Resident Trout Policy: An Opportunity to Properly Acknowledge Gaps in Managing Resident Wild Steelhead in Washington State Reflections on American Conservation and Economic History in Relation to Wild Salmon and Steelhead Articles like these demonstrate the authors have a sound understanding of the science and history of the challenges these fish have endured. It also show their commitment to the fish and rivers they care deeply about. Not only does support for The Osprey help with the journal publication, it also helps to get the journal into the hands of wild fish conservation decision-makers and influencers including scientists, fisheries managers, politicians, and wild fish advocates. In the fall 2024 issue, the new editor, John McMillian suggests other sources of information about wild steelhead and salmon: Research and peer-reviewed papers by John McMillan: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/John-Mcmillan-8 John McMillan’s Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/rainforest_steel/ An informative podcast about science, angling and conservation called The Deep Wade Podcast: https://thedeepwadepodcast.buzzsprout.com/
Wild Alaska Salmon will highlight the dinner and we will have many prizes available for the raffle. We are keeping the dinner affordable at $40/person and expect it to sell out early. Click on the article to see who has purchased tickets to the event.
We will be working on FFI skills development course from the Bronze and Silver levels. If you’re not familiar with these exercises, it would be a great time to come out and see what it’s all about. The skills are directed at improving your casting skills, and will improve your overall fly fishing success. This will be a perfect time for those folks who are just getting started, to learn some basic core casting techniques. I will have practice rods if needed. Hope to see you there.
The Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will have booth B6 at the Pleasanton Fly Show. Club members will be staffing the booth and will have our new club signage at the show.
The Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will have booth B6 at the Pleasanton Fly Show. Club members will be staffing the booth and will have our new club signage at the show.
The Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will have booth B6 at the Pleasanton Fly Show. Club members will be staffing the booth and will have our new club signage at the show.
From the New Member Orientation meeting we had in February, it was obvious that we need to provide some introductory skills and knowledge to members who are just starting out in fly fishing. Instead of building some complicated training program, we are going to start by providing short skills development before the fly casting clinic and the general meetings. The first one, will be about basic fishing knots.
We will be working on FFI skills development course from the Bronze and Silver levels. If you’re not familiar with these exercises, it would be a great time to come out and see what it’s all about. The skills are directed at improving your casting skills, and will improve your overall fly fishing success. This will be a perfect time for those folks who are just getting started, to learn some basic core casting techniques. I will have practice rods if needed. Hope to see you there.
If you are not on Googlegroups, have not renewed your 2025 membership, or have been placed on the inactive file, please email me at robert6367@aol.com to be updated. As of Jan 23rd we have over 200 members on our Roster. Also, as of January 23, we have 8 tickets left to the Annual Fundraiser Feb 1. Thank you for your renewal, Annual Dinner support, and generous donations.
Stand by as dates and details to be updated as the days get longer and warmer! Fishmaster: Scott Kitayama Location: Kelly Lake in Watsonville (Private lake limited to 6 people) Species: bass, crappie, bluegill Duration: 1 day Registration and Cost: No Cost, but you must contact Scott as the number of people fishing is limited. Contact at scottkitayama@gmail.com. Addtional Details & Confirmation of dates to be updated - Stay tuned Meeting time and place: Scott will directly be in contact with those that are coming on the Fishout. Equipment: Need to have float tube or kayak to fish the lake. [...]
23rd Annual Bass Fishout at Roostercomb Ranch 3/04/2025 - SOLD OUT - If you are still interested, contact the Fish Master to be added to the wait list (contact information below) This is our club's 23rd annual bass Fishout to the Roostercomb Ranch since year 2000. This sprawling private ranch is located adjacent to Henry Coe State Park, off Hwy 152 entrance in Hollister near Casa de Fruta Restaurant. It's a 22-mile off-road trek through the backcountry from the park entrance. This requires a 3-day weekend commitment. Accommodations are a 1928 ranch house and bunk house with options to tent [...]
Green River - Utah Currently this trip is at maximum capacity. For wait list options or updates, please contact the Fishmaster Rick chace rchace@got.net General Information - It is necessary for us to pay upfront to reserve the accommodations. The club's standard approach to this is for each angler to pay his individual portion of the rental fee for sleeping accommodations. Each angler will be responsible for the weekly rate of $300. This is a nonrefundable fee. If an angler decides not to attend, they are responsible to sell their portion to another angler or forfeit their portion of the [...]
This Fishout’s final date is still TBD and subject to river flows as we get closer to spring.
The upper Sac. has excellent access via. Hwy 5 and by walking the railway tracks. Euro/High Stick/Indicator Nymphing is the go to.
Fishmaster: Mike White Greetings fellow Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club Members I have been leading the Pyramid Lake fishing trip for the past ten years. It has always been a remarkable fish out, and one of the best attended too. However the past three years have been very challenging and we have not caught very many fish and people have come away disappointed with the outcome. That leads me to a new discovery about how to fish Pyramid Lake. Jeff Goyertte, a club member and our raffle coordinator took a trip to the lake and fished with Rob Anderson, a [...]
Date and description subject to change due to seasonal conditions Please Stay Tuned Fishmaster: Alex Ferber Location: Lakes, rivers and streams of the Burney area Species: Trout Duration: 3 Days Cost: No Cost Meet Up: Date of Fishout TBD and subject to change due seasonal conditions Hat Creek Park off Hy 299 (See the map below). The park is approximately 10 minutes from the highway 299/80 junction. The park is on the left hand side going east on 299. If you google Hat Creek Park, it should show up. This meet up will be a general discussion with your Fishmaster [...]
The Lake Almanor Fishout is scheduled for the last week of June, 6/22 thru 28th, 2025. This time period is, hopefully, the peak of the annual Hexagenia hatch that begins generally mid-June and runs through mid-July. The most productive fishing takes place early evenings on into past dark between Lake Almanor West to Canyon Dam on the Southwest side of the lake. Most of the fishing is done from float tubes as well as small boats or even from shore. In addition to the evening "Hex" hatch, a multitude of opportunities exist for fishing throughout the day to include Little [...]
Loreto Mexico Details to be finalized and date to be confirmed The fishing day starts around 6:00 a.m. and we usually get back to the harbor between 1:30 and 2:00 p.m. Spend the rest of the afternoon fishing from the beach, having a cool drink in the pool, exploring Loreto, or just sitting around telling some tall fish stories. And, you will have many exciting moments on the Sea of Cortez to talk about. The approximate cost for everything but meals and airfare is: *$995.00 per person, double occupancy; around $460.00 for a non-fishing guest. - It does not include [...]