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July Vacation Newsletter

We will NOT have a general meeting in July and won’t have another until September 4th. Until then, there are plenty of activities for you:

  • Trout Unlimited meeting June 19th
  • Surf fishout at Palm on July 6th
  • Fly Tying class with Jesse Collins on July 9th
  • Kennedy Meadows fishout on July
  • Fly Casting in July, date TBD
  • Club BBQ on Wednesday, August 7th

Have a great summer!

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Trout Unlimited Meeting

Jun 19 6:30 PM at the Aptos Grange
Zoom link:

TU Meeting at Aptos Grange on June 19th

Trout Unlimited Steinbeck Country Chapter (Central Coast of California) membership meeting announcement.
Please join us for a hybrid General Membership meeting on June 19th.
Date:  June 19
Time:  6:30 – 8:00
In Person Location:  Aptos Grange, 2555 Mar Vista Dr, Aptos, CA  95003
Zoom option:  Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 9562 6770

6:00 Gather and Social Time
6:30 Call to Order and Introduction by Christy Fischer, Chapter President
7:00 Presentation: Current and Future of the Klamath River – After the Dams are Gone – Latest news and Vision for the Future Presentation by Tommy Williams, SW NOAA Science Center
7:45 Presentation: Carmel River / Rancho Canada Floodplain Project – Turning a Golf Course into a Natural River on the Central Coast Presentation by Tim Frahm, Trout Unlimited
8:00 Wrap up by Christy Fischer – What’s next for the Chapter

Our lead presenter for this meeting is Tommy Williams who is a research biologist at the National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) for the past 24 years, Tommy serves as the lead for the SWFSC on issues related to planning, and science issues regarding the removal of four dams on the Klamath River.  He knows the river, the landscape, the politics, the current conditions and the potential for recovery of cold-water fisheries.

Also presenting will be Tim Frahm, TU Central Coast Steelhead Project Manager discussing the ambitious Carmel River Floodplain Restoration Project (largest such project on the California Coast) which will commence construction next summer (2-year effort).


Date:  July 10th

Time:  Doors Open at 6:15pm

Place:  Place: Aptos Grange, 2555 Mar Vista Dr, Aptos 95003

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CDC Jig Style Hairs Ear Nymph

by by Instructor Jesse Collins

Description of Fly: This is my favorite all around nymph pattern. It is very versatile and has accounted for many large trout around the US. From central Pennsylvania spring creeks, Appalachian mountain streams, Putah Creek and Hamilton Branch in California, to the Beaverhead River in Montana…it just produces fish. It is perfect in smaller sizes for picky spring creek fish and in larger sizes it makes a great point fly for czech style nymphing. The jig head keeps the hook riding up which keeps the hook point sharper and reduces snags. The CDC collar traps bubbles and looks very buggy. This is a great all around pattern for mayflies, smaller stoneflies, and even caddis pupa.

Class is free

Provided: All materials except thread (some will be available for beginners), instructions, demonstration, and helpful assistance.

Bring: Olive, pink, or grey 70 denier or 8/0 thread, vise, tools, magnification, and glasses as needed. (some will be available for beginners) who are always welcome.

Sign Up: Call instructor at least 24 hrs ahead: Jesse Collins: 831-227-9987

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Green Flashy Clouser

by Elaine Cook - fly tying chairman

The clouser fly is designed to go after stripers either our local surf, Delta, O’Neill Forbay. and other waters that hold stripers. This is a style of tying a fly, and there are many different this one has been used successfully in the past at the Forbay and since fish are going for larger fish now this pattern has been increased in size.
HOOK: Mustard 34007 size 1/0 and 2/0.     Crimp bar
THREAD: white strong thread Such as: 3/0 monocord, flat waxed nylon, Dannille 2/0, Ultra thread 140 denier    Attach 1/3 back shank. Lay down thread base halfway to eye. Position thread 1/4 back on shank.
EYES: barbell eyes, either white or red with black pupil  Sizes 1/30 or 1/40 ounce. Attached to top of shank with figure 8 wraps and snug parachute wraps. Apply superglue, or similar. Allow to dry. leave thread hanging in front barbells.
LOWER BODY: chartreuse crystal flash. NOTE: for this and other materials being used, moisten for easy handling.Place center of 14 strands on top of shank where thread hangs. Make two thread wraps, move thread to behind barbells. Fold forward strands backward over top of barbells. Wrap, snuggly and place. advance thread to in front of barbells. Cut length to 2 1/2 inches from front of hookeye.
LOWER BODY CONTINUED: Mega Baitfish Emulator, flash pearl color. Get from Hairline Dubbin Inc.    NOTE: this material comes with ends stitch to a cloth strip. Cut a 5/8 inch piece of cloth strip. Hold material as a bundle, cut off cloth drip. Lay  center of bundle on top of shank and attached the same as crystal flash. advance thread to in front of barbells. cut to length of crystal flash
LOWER BODY CONTINUED: white bucktail.    Use clump about 3/4 the diameter of a wooden matchstick. Even tips by pulling out long tip fibers and stacking them on other fibers. Position tips at rear ends of mega bait fish. Secure in place with several snug thread wraps in front of barbells. Cut butt ends at an angle behind hookeye.. Tie down butt ends and trim any whiskers. Build up a thread nose with many thread wraps. Bring bundle over barbells snuggly tied down, keeping bundle on top of shank. With finish, cut thread, apply zap gap to all thread wraps and deer hair over bar bills. Allowed to dry.
UPPER BODY: Fire Fly peacock color,   Turn hook upside down. Reattached thread behind hook eye. Place center of bundle on top of shank where thread hangs.Make 2 thread wraps. Fold forward fibers backward. With touching thread wraps, tie in place back to barbells, then forward to hookeye. Whip  finish, cut thread. Apply glue to all thread wraps. Trimfibers to length of mega beta fish.



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Stanislaus Fly Fishers Swap Meet Announcement

by Paul Wallace Stanislaus Fly Fishers Board Member

Stanislaus Fly Fishers is having a Swap Meet instead of their July Meeting.

The event is Tuesday July 9th, 6pm at the Tuolumne River Lodge (comes up on Google maps) (across the river from the Modesto Airport). There is more information on our webpage, and a registration form. Please pre register so we have enough tables.

Please let me know if there is any further info you’d like!

Paul Wallace

1st Annual SFF Swap Meet – July 9, 2024 6PM
Our July 9, 2024 general meeting will feature a Fly Fishing Gear Swap. Have excess gear you’re looking to turn into cash? Have cash and are looking to buy some pre-owned gear fished only by a little old lady on Sundays after church? (Okay … that’s a stretch.) If you’ve got gear to clear, register now and reserve a table (or two) or half-table. Note: All sellers are solely responsible for conducting their own transactions. The Stanislaus Fly Fishers will not act as a third party in any transactions.

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Fishout Schedule – July

The newsletter provides brief fishout info.  For full detail, go to the website menu and select EVENTS -> Fishout Schedule

Jul 06 : Palm Beach Surf Fishout – Updated 6/11

Location: Palm Beach State Park  Species: Surf Perch, Striped Bass  Min./Max Participants: NO Limit Cali Surf Style Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the… Read More

Jul 07 : Loreto Fly Fishing Trip *UPDATED*

Loreto Fly Fishing Trip *UPDATED*
Sign Up Now! Experience a new HIGH! Fish for Dorado, and many other salt-water fish, including Bonito, Roosters, Yellowtail and Sailfish on a fly! Join the group going to Loreto in Baja July 7th through the 11th This trip includes: Four nights at the beautiful Hotel La Mission, on the water-front next to the Loreto… Read More

Jul 21 : Kennedy Meadows / Sonora Pass – Fish-Out 2024

Kennedy Meadows / Sonora Pass - Fish-Out 2024
Kennedy Meadows Resort & Pack Station / Baker & Deadman campground.   If you want to stay in a cabin, you should try to get a reservation now.  The cabins generally roll over annually with returning guests from the previous year.   The Hogye's will be in Cabin 11.   Rates range from $115 - 260 per… Read More

Aug 03 : Rio Del Mar State Beach Surf Fishout

Rio Del Mar State Beach Surf Fishout
Location: Rio Del Mar State Beach Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the Fishmaster ahead of time. Also there… Read More

Sep 07 : Manresa Beach

Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Read More

Sep 21 : Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5

Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5
Fall trout fishing in streams and lakes. Trip is for seven days and the participants share a condo in Mammoth Lakes. Read More

Oct 05 : Last Surf Fishout of 2024!

Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Read More

Oct 17 : O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout October 17-20th

O'Neill Forebay 'Stosh' Memorial Fishout October 17-20th
Camping and striped bass fishing at the O'Neil Forebay. Read More

Nov 01 : Trinity River Fishout

Trinity River Fishout
Target: Steelhead and trout.  Contact Alex Ferber if you are interested in going on the trip, text Alex at (831) 419-0564  or  Read More