This is a high floater that never wants to sink. Use a floating line and floatant. There are over 300 species of caddis in the western USA so vary your fly colors and sizes. Good colors would be gray, brown, or dark gold.
HOOK: TMC 100 size 16-20 Crimp barb.
THREAD: 8/0 or smaller, pick a color from above. Attach 1/3 back on shank. Wrap to rear of shank.
BODY: Super fine dubbing, same color. Wrap generous body forward to tie in.
WINGS: Spooned Antron, same color. Cut two pieces 1 1/2 inches long. Fold in half. Place on top of shank with loop extending forward over front of eye. Attached to top of shank with three wrap then lift loop and make three wraps right in front of tie in, then make three more wraps over original three wraps. Divide wing and half and figure 8 wraps to hold wings out to the side with tips slightly up. One or two wraps around base of wing will help hold them in place. Cut wings to length of hook. Wrap thread forward binding to one eye length behind eye.
HACKLE: Grizzly dyed color as above, barbs equal to 1 1/2 hook gap. Stroke barbs against grain at base at butt end.. Cut 4 to 5 barbs short on each side of stem. Lay on top of shank with shiny side up. Tie in place and wrap thread forward to one eye length behind eye. Wrap hackle forward in 3 to 4 wraps, tie off, cut excess.
HEAD: Extended wing material. Advance thread to behind hook eye. Make 3-4 Half hitched knots. Cut thread. Hold Antron loop up and cut short equal to two eye lengths.
LEGS: Cut hackle tips off at the bottom to the level of hook point.
Posted on March 9th, 2025