Well – this is late. Stuff has hit us again. It’s not a knock out punch by far, but I’m really getting bothered by the constant belting we are taking. And it hasn’t even started raining yet!
Covid has been troublesome enough. While respecting all concerns, I’m getting tired of Covid, Fires and PSPS! PG&Es means of mitigating more lawsuits from potential fire activity. We need some rain.
Due to the aforementioned, I’m typing on battery power hoping to send when I can get to a wifi signal tomorrow morning. But I’m not really complaining.
In the midst of all of this, we’ve really been fortunate.
If you own a fly-rod and some flies, a decent reel, and have been fishing this year – consider yourself fortunate. If you went fly-fishing at all this year – same.
At this writing, the only power I have is what’s left in this laptop battery. Otherwise, I am managing my life by what everything else is throwing at us, hitting back with all this 5’6” dog can muster. It’s only a couple of days, but stacked on top of the last 7 months – ugh. I’ve been spending weekends preparing for rain – hoping to get some in spurts so the mountains don’t wash away.
Do me a favor – pull out the club “roster” you’ve been given. There are about 150 of you. Tantamount to a miracle given this year of 2020. Take that roster and call someone you don’t know. You have an interest in Fly-Fishing in common, you’re stuck at home -make a new friend.
Get to know each other. Do something different, even if it means just talking and getting to know the person on the other end of the line. Like the old days – the good – old days.
As your “President”, at this President’s Line – All I want you to do is pick up the phone and call someone you don’t know – on the roster – and start from there.
Since 1977, the Santa Cruz Fly Fishermen (and BTW, that means, every being that has two feet and walks on this planet) describes a mission to “Promote, Educate and Enjoy the Sport of Fly Fishing”. This is “high-level” thinking but you are part of this greater good. This mission isn’t just for the board members – it’s for you too!
We have some fun stuff coming up and if you haven’t been on one of Elaine’s Zoom Fly-Tying classes, try it. We also have the results of your survey with some really excellent input on things we can do to improve the membership experience.
I also want to thank all of you for submitting very generous donations to the club for use in our Conservation budget, the High School Scholarship program and the general club fund.
The on-line raffle at the club meeting has been very successful and will continue to improve. Jeff is going to start to set up again the opportunity for you to choose which “buckets” you want your tickets to go to.
Be proud of SCFF; we’ve been helping our other FFI clubs in Northern California sharing our successes as we quickly morphed from a nymph to a beautiful salmon fly during this year of opportunity. Thank you for being part of it. More to come. Jump on Zoom – do something different! ?
Posted on October 28th, 2020