Ahhhh – October. Wait – it’s almost November!
Admittedly, I was very skeptical and downright depressed when the middle of October came and went with no rain. For me, rain signifies so much. For a kid who grew up loving the change of seasons in Ohio, all of them, even especially when it snowed, I was desperate for a change from the same old boring sunshine and warm weather. Seriously. Long before I was a steelhead fisherman, I longed for fall and winter, and moving to California, rain was that chance to slow down, get inside, rest, tie some flies, watch some fly-fishing shows.
So, you can imagine my delight when it started to rain, and it kept raining. It was almost like the first snow. And I loved it. The rain came gently, then strong, but never too strong. We got 10” at home and the San Lorenzo came up from 10CFS to 500 at 6 p.m. cresting at 1,500 at 10 p.m. All staying that nice tea brown color, never that dreadful chocolate milk that is a bi-product of scouring. The river mouth opened by itself and rushed out to welcome steelhead and coho – those genetic strains that have known for millennia that the San Lorenzo is home.
Let’s hope the rains continue throughout the winter in the same manner, that flows never get below 40 or 50 CFS at lowest and that the fish will thrive. When they thrive – we thrive.
November Club meeting – Tuesday, November 2nd. While I have your attention – please make note that November’s Meeting is Tuesday November 2nd – and will be via Zoom because April Vokey is going to be joining us to ring in the steelhead season with British Columbia Steelhead with Spey and Single-hand fly-rods.
Submit an Article Also, we want to hear from more of you. Did you know you can submit an article for the newsletter simply by going to the Newsletter-Submit tab on the website, copy and paste something you wrote and submit it to our newsletter editor for publishing? We want to hear from you! And, if it’s not you, have one of your children write an article and submit it on their behalf. You never know – you could have a writer on your hands and this could be there first published piece. Submit a photo too – easy!!
Hey – if you haven’t been around, I want you to know that we miss you. What an incredible year and a half this has been.
You know – it’s no coincidence that in April 2020, we launched our new-website and in May 2020 had our very first Zoom meeting. Before that Zoom was part of a Mazda commercial and our web-site and Facebook page were just, sort of there, doing what it had been doing for the past 29 years.
Do you know even despite our not being able to meet in person, our membership has grown from an average of 150 to now more than 177 members. We’ve had an average of 25 of you on every Zoom meeting and 50 of you attended the August BBQ at the Sherriff’s Posse when we thought the war was over. For the first time in 44 years, we’re renewing most of our memberships “on-line”, and many of you are already renewing your dues that way. Super.
We even have had six new board members who jumped on board during that time, remarkably some of them I’d not had a chance to meet until the August BBQ.
January Club Member Slide Show -Send in Your Photos. In January, we’re going to be back at the Sherriff’s Posse Hall for another BBQ and our annual Club Members Photo Slide Show. Submit your photos today to Tommy Polito Thomaspolito12@gmail.com then come join us the first week of January – in person!!!
While we will be missing our Annual Dinner/Fundraiser which is our primary funding source for our budget, we are working to do a number of other activities to help us with our finances to keep up with our goals in preserving and restoring trout, Steelhead and Coho habits, our high-school scholarships, youth programs/events, facilities rent, and more. Some of that can also come by way of the “Donation” tab on the membership renewal form which many of you have used. I would like to thank each and every one of you for doing this as it has made a significant difference in the importance and growth of our scholarship program for one. So, thank you to all of you who have done this. It is huge.
Well – again, don’t miss the November – Tuesday meeting via Zoom. April is going to be awesome. And I look forward to seeing you soon.
Fish on my friends. Tom
Posted on October 28th, 2021