Both the Fly of the Month and Fly Tying Class this month will feature bass flies the Dan Eaton highly recommends for his upcoming Fishouts in the spring.
HOOK: Saber 7246. Or. TMC 5262
BEAD: brass conehead Size 1/4 “ (large) fits size 2-4 hooks
THREAD: black 6/0
TAIL: black marabou with long barbs and Black Krystal Flash
HACKLE: black saddle hackle, barbs equal to about hook gap
BODY: small peacock crystal chenille and small grey or silver chenille
- Crimp barb.
- Feed cone onto hook, small hole first.
- Attach thread behind cone.
- Select generous clump of marabou barbs. Position on top if shank, butts behind
cone, tips extending shank length beyond rear of shank. Tie snugly in place up to
cone then back nearly to rear of shank. - Using one strand of Krystal Flash, cut in half then in half again.
Attach center of strands with 2 wraps. Position rear strands to side near you, tie in place. Pull forward strands back and to far side. Tie in place. - Attach tip of hackle to rear of shank, extending to rear.
- Attach crystal chenille to rear of shank, extending to rear.
- Remove some fuzz from end of chenille exposing strings. Tie in strings.
- Advance thread to cone.
- Snugly wrap chenille forward to cone with slight spaces between the first few then
touching. Make 3-4 more wraps that will help to fill and secure cone. Snugly
tie off, cut excess. - Palmer crystal chenille forward in about 8 wraps. It’s OK to see a little grey. Tie off,
cut excess. - Palmer hackle forward in about 6 wraps then one extra behind cone. Tie off, cut
excess. - Whip finish. Cut thread. Carefully apply glue to thread wraps
Posted on December 27th, 2021