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Fishout Schedule – July

The newsletter provides brief fishout info.  For full detail, go to the website menu and select EVENTS -> Fishout Schedule

Jul 06 : Palm Beach Surf Fishout – Updated 6/11

Location: Palm Beach State Park  Species: Surf Perch, Striped Bass  Min./Max Participants: NO Limit Cali Surf Style Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the… Read More

Jul 07 : Loreto Fly Fishing Trip *UPDATED*

Loreto Fly Fishing Trip *UPDATED*
Sign Up Now! Experience a new HIGH! Fish for Dorado, and many other salt-water fish, including Bonito, Roosters, Yellowtail and Sailfish on a fly! Join the group going to Loreto in Baja July 7th through the 11th This trip includes: Four nights at the beautiful Hotel La Mission, on the water-front next to the Loreto… Read More

Jul 21 : Kennedy Meadows / Sonora Pass – Fish-Out 2024

Kennedy Meadows / Sonora Pass - Fish-Out 2024
Kennedy Meadows Resort & Pack Station / Baker & Deadman campground.   If you want to stay in a cabin, you should try to get a reservation now.  The cabins generally roll over annually with returning guests from the previous year.   The Hogye's will be in Cabin 11.   Rates range from $115 - 260 per… Read More

Aug 03 : Rio Del Mar State Beach Surf Fishout

Rio Del Mar State Beach Surf Fishout
Location: Rio Del Mar State Beach Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the Fishmaster ahead of time. Also there… Read More

Sep 07 : Manresa Beach

Location: Manresa State Beach Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the Fishmaster ahead of time. Also there are many… Read More

Sep 21 : Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5

Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5
UPDATED - 4/24/2024 -  Three spots open first week,  second week is full. Sign Ups: As a reminder, it is important to sign up early or this Fishout.  Half of the spots have been filled. Call John Cook letting him know which week, both or private room. Payment is required to secure our spot we… Read More

Oct 01 : O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout (Final Date TBD)

Event: O'Neill Forebay 'Stosh' Memorial Fishout Date: Date to be updated as we get closer to October (I will be looking for a weekend with a 'skinny' moon, less night feeding for the fish) Target Gamefish: Striped Bass Location: Medeiros Campground located on the Southern Shoreline of the O'Neill Forebay, access off of Santa Nella… Read More

Oct 05 : Last Surf Fishout of 2024!

Location: Palm Beach Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the Fishmaster ahead of time. Also there are many DIY… Read More