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December Fly Tying Class: BWO Thorax Style

by Barry Burt

Dec 11 6:30 PM @ Aptos Grange

This dry fly pattern is an adult mayfly. These insects hatch all over the United States, very readily in the spring and summer. The “BWO” stands for blue wing olive. If you are one of the people going to the green river in April, this fly is an absolute must. We will be tying the fly in a size 16, so bring your glasses, magnification if  you have it and a table light. The club has quite a few lights, but usually not enough to go around. As always, the class is free and all materials are provided. If you have black 6/0 thread do bring it. We love to have beginners and have equipment for you to use and plenty of instruction. Also, don’t forget to sign up at the club meeting or call with at least 24 hours notice. 831-688-1561 or 831-234-6515. Elaine

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to Fly Name to see more information.

Date Fly Excerpt
Feb 12 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmGino's Midge Emerger

