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Orange Stick

by Elaine Cook – fly tying chairman

Here’s a fly that is super easy to tie. It’s also super effective in the surf.
1. HOOK: TMC 5263  size 6.  Crimp barb.
2. THREAD: Red 6/0.  Attach behind eye. Touching wraps to 1/3 back on shank. Then forward to two eye lengths behind eye.
3. EYES: Silver bead chain, small or medium size, Loctite glue or similar. Cut bead chain into 2 ball sections. Attach to top of shank with multiple crisscross wraps, then circular wraps around underside of balls, pull tight, then repeat several times. Apply glue. Position thread above hook point.
4. TAIL: Orange spooled Antron.  Using a 3 inch piece, cut in half and stack on top of one another. Tie in center of bundle with two thread wraps. Fold forward strands to rear. Tie in place back to rear of shank. Cut tail length equal to 1/2 hook shank.
5. BODY: Orange medium sized chenille.  Remove fibers from 1/4 inch of center of threads. Tie threads to top of shank. Reposition thread to in front of bead chain eyes. Wrap chenille forward with close touching wraps up to bead chain eyes.
USING SNUG WRAPS: Wrap chenille forward between top of eyes, then down on far side of shank, then under shank to near side, then back over top between eyes, then down on far side of shank, then forward under shank between eyes. Tie off behind hook eye. Cut thread. Apply glue to tie off threads.

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