Help with Google Groups before the March 4th meeting @ 6:40 pm
In less than two weeks, over half of the club membership has accepted the invitation to join santacruzflyfishermen Google Group and are getting email updates. To help get everyone on board, Scott Kitayama will be assisting and answering questions before the March meeting. Subjects to be covered:
- What is Google Groups? What does it look like?
- Did you get an email invitation from santacruzflyfisher-men around February 11th?
- Are you receiving the emails from the group?
- Do you have a Google Groups account?Come on by and let’s get everyone included in the group.
Come on by and let’s get everyone included in the group.
Publisher’s Note: This is important information to know, and will serve as a way for members to stay in touch, stay current, and pair up on last-minute local fishing trips in the interim between the old website going offline and the new one being launched. Please take advantage of Scott’s expertise!
Posted on March 22nd, 2020