June Surf Fishout – Beer Can Beach

by Sam

Jun 01  5:30 AM

Our June surf fish-out will be at Beer Can Beach in Aptos. Beer Can is accessed by stairs on Via Palo Alto street in Aptos, between house numbers 1074 and 1094.

We will meet at 05:35, sunrise is at 05:50 . This is a residential neighborhood, so just gear up, sign my log and head quietly to the beach rather than congregate and talk that time of morning. If you need a stripping basket or flies, please contact the fishmaster


SURF FISHOUTS 2024 Meeting    Time (AM) State Beach  Sunrise Low tide High tide Moon    Tide flow Fishmaster
MAY 4th Saturday 5:55 Rio Del Mar 6:10 LO 02:14  +1.1 HI 07:58 AM +4.0 New Jun  7 Hi Flood to High Slack Lance B
JUNE* 1st Saturday 5:35 Beercan* 5:50 LO 01:12 +1.3 HI 06:39 +3.4 New  Jun 6 High Slack to Ebb Sam
JULY 6th Saturday 5:40 Palm 5:56 LO 06:03 -1.1 HI 1:04 PM +3.7 New    Jul 5 Low slack to Flood Lance B
AUGUST 3rd Saturday 6:00 Rio Del Mar 6:15 LO 05:05 -0.7 HI 11:54 AM +3.8 New  Aug 4 Low slack to Flood Sam
SEPT 7th Saturday 6:25 Manresa 6:44 LO 07:04 +1.8 HI 1:26 PM +4.6 New  Sep 2 Low slack to low Flood Sam
OCT 5th Saturday 6:50 Palm 7:06 LO 05:50 + 2.1 HI Noon +5.0 New   Oct 2 Low Flood Sam

Meet up times are scheduled 15 – 20 minutes before official sunrise.

Locations/dates/times/Fishmasters might change, notifications on Google Groups.

June 1st* Mike Lovejoy’s for breakfast after fishing:  115 Driftwood Ct., Aptos


Sam Bishop sambishop@totlcom.com, 831-274-4024

Lance Boling <clboling@gmail.com>




           Rio Del Mar State Beach – Google Map location for “Platform Beach”
           Beercan Beach* – Enter  1191 Via Palo Alto, Aptos. Path & Stairs  between Houses (See Notes)
           Palm Beach – Pajaro Dunes, end of West Beach St.
           Manresa State Beach – Google it, but parking may be on Ocean View Dr, 500 yards down the road

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