Date:  March 8th.(Wed.) AND March 11-12 (Sat. And Sun.)

Place:  Aptos Grange Hall – – Elaine Cook's home.

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Upcoming fly-tying get togethers for March.

by Elaine Cook – fly tying chairman

The club has 2 fly tying opportunities coming up in March. Both events are free as always.  The first will be social tying  drop-in at the Grange Hall Mar. 8th at 6:15 PM, for club members to tie anything they wish. No instruction but lots of great socializing, the opportunity to share fly patterns with one another, and of course to start filling your fly box for
the upcoming months. Bring your own tools, vices,  light and materials. And a mask of course to be safe.

The second will be our annual popper class. The flies are designed for largemouth bass and bluegill fishing. Sign ups are required due to limited space at Elaine‘s home. This not a difficult class and beginners should feel comfortable to participate. 2 days are required due to the drying of epoxy and paints. And a one hour class on how to fish with for bass will be included. The class will be held on Saturday, March 11 and Sun. March 12. Each starting at 10 AM and running about five hours each. If you are interested and can commit to attending, it’s best to sign up early for the class often fills up ahead of time. Thread and materials will be provided as well as vice and tools for beginners.  If you wish to attend, please sign up no later than March 4th. Call Elaine at 831-688-1561 or 831-234-6515

Date:  Jan. 11

Time:  Doors open at 6:15, class begins at 6:30

Place:  Aptos Grange Hall 2555 Mar Vista Dr., Aptos, CA

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Goddard Caddis

by Elaine Cook – fly tying chairman

This fly features spinning deer hair. It’s not a difficult fly to tie but the technique is unusual and needed for a variety of flies. Sign up at the club meeting or call Elaine at (831)688-1561. Allow at least 24 hours before the class. As usual all the materials will be provided and the class is free. If you have mono cord or similar in any color, but preferably a light color, bring that. Some will be available. For beginners, who are always welcome, vices and tools will be available. Masks will be required due to Covid, flu, and colds that are currently looking for a host.

Date:  None

Time:  None

Place:  None

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Thank you helpers at the fly tying classes

by Elaine Cook — Fly tying chairman

A big thank you goes out to those who taught classes this year and to those who assisted new tiers at our in person fly tying classes. Covid has made it difficult to keep this club function going but thanks to zoom we managed to make it happen. If it’s been a while since you attended classes feel free to come back again and please wear a mask to protect yourself and others. Tight thread lines to all of you in 2023.

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Club Activities

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Feb 18 2023 SCFF Annual Fundraiser, Awards, and Installation Day

After 3 long years, we are bringing back our annual fundraiser on February 18th from 12:30 pm to 6:00 pm at the Aptos Grange!   So many things have changed in the past three years and there was no way we could run the fundraiser “the way we used to”, so here we go.  New venue, new hours, new food, new ticket price, new faces and with your help, more comradery, laughter and fun.    We will be serving lunch, raffling wonderful prizes, spotlighting deserving members with annual awards, and introducing the 2023 Board of Directors.

Aptos Grange
Feb 24 Pleasanton Fly Fishing Show

There are lots of activities including casting demos/instruction, fly tying demos/instruction, seminars from well-know pros, vendors selling all-things fly fishy. It’s a great opportunity to learn and check out gear before you purchase. Many club members make it an annual event. If you are new to the sport, go and pick up a few tips. Visit the the website for details and how to get tickets.

Mar 08 Fly Tying Hang Out in March

Bring your vise, tools, materials and fish stories.  Great excuse to get out of the house and do some tying with others.

Aptos Grange

Date:  December 14

Time:  Doors open at 6:15 PM - class begins at 6:30 PM

Place:  Aptos Grange Hall 2555 Mar Vista Dr.

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Fly Tying Class – December 14, 6:15 pm

The technique of spinning deer hair has been requested by club members a number of times. The Muddler Minnow will give you the opportunity to learn just that. Beginners in the past have done well tying this type of fly so don’t hesitate to give it a try. Two types of thread will be used this time, 6/0 black and any color monocord. Some will be available to borrow. As usual bring your vice tools and light. We welcome beginners and equipment will be provided for you. Sign ups are important in order to have the right amount of material prepared which is provided. You can sign up at the club meeting or call Elaine with at least 24 hours notice at 831-688-1561. I encourage wearing a mask for we are close to one another while tying. If not vaccinated and boosted please wear one for sure. Thank you.

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Club Activities – December

No upcoming events scheduled - check back soon!

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly Speaker Date Excerpt
Feb 18 2023 SCFF Annual Fundraiser, Awards, and Installation Day

After 3 long years, we are bringing back our annual fundraiser on February 18th from 12:30 pm to 6:00 pm at the Aptos Grange!   So many things have changed in the past three years and there was no way we could run the fundraiser “the way we used to”, so here we go.  New venue, new hours, new food, new ticket price, new faces and with your help, more comradery, laughter and fun.    We will be serving lunch, raffling wonderful prizes, spotlighting deserving members with annual awards, and introducing the 2023 Board of Directors.

Feb 24 Pleasanton Fly Fishing Show

There are lots of activities including casting demos/instruction, fly tying demos/instruction, seminars from well-know pros, vendors selling all-things fly fishy. It’s a great opportunity to learn and check out gear before you purchase. Many club members make it an annual event. If you are new to the sport, go and pick up a few tips. Visit the the website for details and how to get tickets.

Fly Tying Hang Out in MarchMar 08 Fly Tying Hang Out in March

Bring your vise, tools, materials and fish stories.  Great excuse to get out of the house and do some tying with others.

Apr 29 Fly Casting Meetup

Bring your lawn chair, lunch, and fly rod to practice casting with other SCFF club members.

Swap Meet at Aptos GrangeMay 20 Swap Meet at Aptos Grange

Swap meet at the Aptos Grange parking lot. 9am to 1 pm. All things fishing/outdoors!

May 27 Fly Casting Meetup

Bring your lawn chair, lunch, and fly rod to practice casting with other SCFF club members.

Jun 24 Fly Casting Meetup

Bring your lawn chair, lunch, and fly rod to practice casting with other SCFF club members.

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Fly Tying Class – Blow Torch

Blow Torch - November Fly Tying Class

This fly is almost guaranteed to catch steelhead in our local waters during early season, which is right around the corner. As always the class is free and materials provided except for thread. The thread this month is black 8/0 and any fluorescent orange, but only bring it if you have it. There will be plenty available for everyone at the class. Beginners are always welcome and there will be devices and tools available as well as threads. Sign ups are important so that enough material is available for all. You can sign up at the club meeting or call me with at least 24 hours notice . 831-688-1561

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Fly Tying Class – October

Oct 12 6:15 PM : Cicada


If you plan to dry fly fish for trout anywhere in the world it’s a good idea to have a few of these flies in your box. A lot of club members fish the Green River in Utah and if you go there in the spring, this is a must have fly. To protect people from Covid during our class, if you are not vaccinated and boosted wear a mask. Otherwise wearing a mask is recommended for all. Please bring your vice tools and light. Also 6/0 black thread. Some tools, vices and thread will be available for beginners who are always welcome. The class is free and all other materials are provided.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Fly for Class Date Excerpt
Blow Torch - November Fly Tying ClassNov 09 Blow Torch - November Fly Tying Class

A must have steelhead fly.

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Fly Tying Class – September

Sep 14 6:15 PM : Foam Run Caddis

Foam Run Caddis

IMPORTANT: This class will be taught at the Aptos Grange Hall. Masks will be required for this session. No zoom access.
If you are looking for an easy dry fly trout pattern, here it is for you. And certainly great for beginners, who are always welcome. Caddis are one of the most important food sources for trout and should be included in anybody’s fly box. The upcoming Mammouth fishout will be one of those places that you can readily use this fly.The classes are always free and all materials are provided except for the thread if you have it available. This time we will be using olive 8/0 thread.The club has tools, vises  and thread to borrow if you need them.
Please call Elaine Cook at 831-688-15612 reserve your spot and ensure that there are enough materials for the class.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Fly for Class Date Excerpt
CicadaOct 12 Cicada

Fly for bass, trout and carp!

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Fly tying – August 2022

Aug 10 6:30 AM : Fluke Fly – Aug Fly tying

Fluke Fly - Aug Fly tying

IMPORTANT:  This class will be taught at the Aptos Grange.  Masks will be OPTIONAL if you are vaccinated.   NO ZOOM access.

The Fluke Fly is a smaller adaptation of a deceiver. It is tied with deceiver hackle and synthetic materials, on a light jig hook for snag resistance, a slow fall and easy castability. Fished on a floating line near shore or structure, it will sink near the bottom of a lake or pond (where the fish are?) and rise and fall as it is stripped back. The target is black bass and sunfish.

Contact Greg Foy to attend the class.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Date More Info Excerpt
Foam Run CaddisSep 14 Foam Run Caddis

A simple great drive fly pattern for this month.

CicadaOct 12 Cicada

Fly for bass, trout and carp!

Blow Torch - November Fly Tying ClassNov 09 Blow Torch - November Fly Tying Class

A must have steelhead fly.

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Fly tying – July 2022

Jul 13 6:30 PM : Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs – JULY Fly tying

Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs - JULY  Fly tying

IMPORTANT:  This class will be taught at the Aptos Grange.  Masks will be OPTIONAL.   NO ZOOM access.

The tungsten bead head Rubber Legs is a heavily weighted nymph pattern that makes a great point fly for a euro nymphing rig, and can also be used to sink an indicator rig deep into the water column.  This fly imitates medium to large species of stoneflies—particularly skwalas, and can be tied in a variety of colors to imitate other species of stoneflies.  Rubber Legs Patterns are generally used to target trout but can also be used to target black bass and other freshwater species.  This is a particularly useful pattern for fishing the Yuba and Truckee rivers. 

Contact Dar to attend the class.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Date More Info Excerpt
Fluke Fly - Aug Fly tyingAug 10 Fluke Fly - Aug Fly tying

Greg Foy, Instructor – Fluke Fly is a jig to target Black Bass and Sunfish

Foam Run CaddisSep 14 Foam Run Caddis

A simple great drive fly pattern for this month.

CicadaOct 12 Cicada

Fly for bass, trout and carp!

Blow Torch - November Fly Tying ClassNov 09 Blow Torch - November Fly Tying Class

A must have steelhead fly.

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Fly tying – June 2022

Jun 08 6:30 PM : Dali Lama

Dali Lama

IMPORTANT:  This class will be taught at the Aptos Grange.  Masks will be OPTIONAL for this session.   NO ZOOM access.

The Dali Lama is our go to fly on the Tsiu for silver salmon. It would work for steelhead or large trout.  We will be tying 2 sizes one for salmon and a size 2 fo streamer fishing for trout. The salmon one uses a cut off hook in front with a stinger hook in back.

Contact John Steele to let him know that you will be attending:

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly Speaker Date Excerpt
Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs - JULY  Fly tyingJul 13 Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs - JULY Fly tying

Dar Naghshineh, Instructor – Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs is primarily for trout, but also black bass.

Fluke Fly - Aug Fly tyingAug 10 Fluke Fly - Aug Fly tying

Greg Foy, Instructor – Fluke Fly is a jig to target Black Bass and Sunfish

Foam Run CaddisSep 14 Foam Run Caddis

A simple great drive fly pattern for this month.

CicadaOct 12 Cicada

Fly for bass, trout and carp!

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Fly tying – May 2022

May 11 6:30 PM : Cricket


IMPORTANT:  This class will be taught at the Aptos Grange.  Masks will be REQUIRED for this session.   NO ZOOM access.

Terrestrials become available to trout beginning in the spring and on into the fall. Trout tend to gobbled them up. This is a good pattern to imitate them. We will be using 6/0 black thread. The club has tools, vices and thread to borrow if you need them. There is no charge for the class and materials are all provided.

You must call Elaine Cook at  (831)688-1561 to reserve your spot and ensure that she has the materials for the class.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly Speaker Date Excerpt
Dali LamaJun 08 Dali Lama

John Steele, Instructore – The Dali Lama is our go to fly on the Tsiu for silver salmon.

Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs - JULY  Fly tyingJul 13 Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs - JULY Fly tying

Dar Naghshineh, Instructor – Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs is primarily for trout, but also black bass.

Fluke Fly - Aug Fly tyingAug 10 Fluke Fly - Aug Fly tying

Greg Foy, Instructor – Fluke Fly is a jig to target Black Bass and Sunfish

Foam Run CaddisSep 14 Foam Run Caddis

A simple great drive fly pattern for this month.

CicadaOct 12 Cicada

Fly for bass, trout and carp!

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April Fly tying – Green Drake

Apr 13 6:30 PM : Green Drake

Green Drake

Green drakes are a mayfly that hatches out in June and early July in the western United States. We will be tying the adult version. This is a large mayfly and should work well via zoom. And for you who are new to our fly tying classes, all materials except for thread are provided for the class which is free. 6/0 thread will be used in this class. If you need to borrow tools vise and or thread, that can be made available to you. Beginners are always welcome, but need a little instruction ahead of time via FaceTime.  Call to sign up and a packet of materials will be put at my front door for you. 831-688-1561

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly Speaker Date Excerpt
CricketMay 11 Cricket

– dry fly for trout – streams and rivers thought the West – black 6/0 thread

Dali LamaJun 08 Dali Lama

John Steele, Instructore – The Dali Lama is our go to fly on the Tsiu for silver salmon.

Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs - JULY  Fly tyingJul 13 Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs - JULY Fly tying

Dar Naghshineh, Instructor – Pat’s Tungston Bead Head Rubber Legs is primarily for trout, but also black bass.

Fluke Fly - Aug Fly tyingAug 10 Fluke Fly - Aug Fly tying

Greg Foy, Instructor – Fluke Fly is a jig to target Black Bass and Sunfish

Foam Run CaddisSep 14 Foam Run Caddis

A simple great drive fly pattern for this month.

CicadaOct 12 Cicada

Fly for bass, trout and carp!

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2 Day Popper class

Mar 12 12:00 PM & March 13 Class

& March 13 Class

We will be making poppers so that we can go for those big mouthed bass. In the past the class has spanned over 2 days and involved lots of paints, epoxies, glues, solutions, along with various other supplies. It is not reasonable to assume that everyone would have everything that would be needed to craft these beauties, and not practical via Zoom. In order to not miss out this year, a simplified method has been devised which will give everyone reasonable and useful poppers. The only thing you will need to complete your popper fly is clear nail polish and Supper Glue or equivalent. If you have 30 min epoxi, a variety of acrylic paints and rubbing alcohol, your finished fly will be more like the ones we usually craft. Some lead time for prepping and putting supplies together will be needed.  So please sign up soon but no later than Mar. 5th. It will still be a 2 day class, but fewer hours than usual. We’ll start at noon. Allow 2-3 hours each day. You beginners to fly tying should feel comfortable doing this class. As always, the class is free and materials provided. Very strong thread, any color, such as flat waxed nylon or monocord will be needed. If you need thread, or tools and vise if you are a beginner, the club can loan them to you. Materials , directions and tips for bass fishing will bagged for you to be picked up at my door. Call me to sign up @ (831)688-1561

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly Speaker Date Excerpt
Green DrakeApr 13 Green Drake
CricketMay 11 Cricket
Dali LamaJun 08 Dali Lama
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Surf Percher – Feb2022

Surf Percher

As the surf is just outside our back doors and Sam will be having club Fishouts in the surf before too long, we will be tying a fly to use for that endeavor. For you beginners this will be an easy fly. We will be using 6/0 red thread. The club has tools, vises and thread to borrow if you need them. There is no charge for the class and materials are provided. Give me a call to sign up and I’ll prepare a bag of materials and instructions for you, and put them at my front door. (831)688-1561

& March 13 Class

We will be making poppers so that we can go for those big mouthed bass. In the past the class has spanned over 2 days and involved lots of paints, epoxies, glues, solutions, along with various other supplies. It is not reasonable to assume that everyone would have everything that would be needed to craft these beauties, and not practical via Zoom. In order to not miss out this year, a simplified method has been devised which will give everyone reasonable and useful poppers. The only thing you will need to complete your popper fly is clear nail polish and Supper Glue or equivalent. If you have 30 min epoxi, a variety of acrylic paints and rubbing alcohol, your finished fly will be more like the ones we usually craft. Some lead time for prepping and putting supplies together will be needed.  So please sign up soon but no later than Mar. 5th. It will still be a 2 day class, but fewer hours than usual. We’ll start at noon. Allow 2-3 hours each day. You beginners to fly tying should feel comfortable doing this class. As always, the class is free and materials provided. Very strong thread, any color, such as flat waxed nylon or monocord will be needed. If you need thread, or tools and vise if you are a beginner, the club can loan them to you. Materials , directions and tips for bass fishing will bagged for you to be picked up at my door. Call me to sign up @ (831)688-1561

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Image Date Fly Name
& March 13 ClassMar 12 & March 13 Class
Green DrakeApr 13 Green Drake
CricketMay 11 Cricket
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Red bead conehead – Jan2022

Jan 12 6:30 PM : Red Bead Cone Head

Red Bead Cone Head

Here is a great one for you beginners. So get out that new vise and tools that you got at Christmas and join in. You can also borrow those as well as thread if needed. The thread this month is black 6/0. You may ask, after looking at the photo, “Where is the red bead?” When the fly gets wet it glows through the dubbing. You may have noticed a couple bass club Fishouts pop up on the fishout schedule for spring. Dan Eaton will be fishmastering them and he highly recommends this fly and the Fly Of The Month to target these fish subsurface. Give me a call to sign up and I’ll prepare a bag of materials for you and put it by my door. NO CHARGE FOR THE CLASS as usual. (831)688-1561

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Image Date Fly Name
Surf PercherFeb 09 Surf Percher
& March 13 ClassMar 12 & March 13 Class
Green DrakeApr 13 Green Drake
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Fly tying class – X-Caddis

Dec 08 6:30 PM

As caddis emerge from their nymphal stage, and just before they are ready to take flight, they are on the surface with wings up and ready, but are still attached to their nymphal shuck. Consequent they aren’t able to fly away yet and makes them very vulnerable to the trout. This fly mimics this stage. The “Fly of the Month” article this month will be directions for how to use a Matarelli tool. Knowing how to use it will help you tie off this fly. For our free Zoom class, call Elaine Cook at (831)688-1561 at least a couple days ahead to allow time for packets of material to be assembled and you to pick up at my door. Thread will be 8/0 tan or olive or both. Let me know if you need to borrow some. Beginners can also borrow vise and tools. If you have never tied before, call me soon. To join the class go to bar at top of newsletter and tap Zoom, then tap fly tying class.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly SpeakerDateExcerpt
Red Bead Cone HeadRed Bead Cone HeadJan 12 6:30 PM– large trout and bass – appropriate for Pyramid , Los Banos Creek Reservoir, Delta and like waters – black 6/0 thread
Surf PercherSurf PercherFeb 09 6:30 PM– surf fish species – local beaches – red 6/0 thread

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Bug Eye Nymph – Instructor: Dan Eaton

This fly is my number one choice for bass subsurface. I normally use an intermediate sink line and trail this fly 24”-48” behind a green or black Woolybugger. I’ve also caught trout and Stripers using the same system. Use a slow retrieve . Don’t be without this fly!

Please call Dan Eaton at (831) 336-2933 to sign up and I’ll get your packet of material together for you at my front door. There is no charge for the class and all materials are provided except olive 8/0 and 6/0 thread. Or at least 8/0. If you need to borrow club thread, let me know. Beginners are welcome but you will have to contact Elaine Cook at (831)688-1561 well ahead of time to borrow vice , and  tools.

If you would like to tune in to watch, that’s fine.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly SpeakerDateExcerpt
X-CaddisDec 08 6:30 PM– dry fly for trout – streams and lakes throughout the West – Olive 8/0 thread.
Red Bead Cone HeadRed Bead Cone HeadJan 12 6:30 PM– large trout and bass – appropriate for Pyramid , Los Banos Creek Reservoir, Delta and like waters – black 6/0 thread

Posted on October 28th, 2021

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Sierra Bright Dot

Sierra Bright Dot

This dry fly is an attractor pattern for trout. And attract it does. I will challenge you by tying a small fly , size 16, but on the other hand it is a very simple tie. So don’t hesitate to join in. Please set up a good light, manification and prescription glasses if you wear them. The class is always free, materials provided and we welcome beginners. If you have never tied before or haven’t tools or vise, you will need to call me ASAP to get you set up. To the rest of you, I will be out of town from Oct. 6th and return on the 10th. So call me soon if you want material before I leave. Otherwise leave me a message letting me know if you need to borrow black 8/0 thread and I’ll get the bag of materials at my door sometime on Monday the 11th. To sign up call: (831)688-1561 or (831)251-4741 or (831)234-6515. NO text messages please.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly FlyDateExcerpt
Bug Eye NymphNov 10 6:30 PM– bass and trout -Taught by Dan Eaton. Very effective last spring at Los Banos Creek Reservoir for bass.
X-CaddisDec 08 6:30 PM– dry fly for trout – streams and lakes throughout the West – Olive 8/0 thread.
Red Bead Cone HeadJan 12 6:30 PM– large trout and bass – appropriate for Pyramid , Los Banos Creek Reservoir, Delta and like waters – black 6/0 thread
Surf PercherFeb 09 6:30 PM– surf fish species – local beaches – red 6/0 thread
PoppersMar 12 9:00 AM– bass – top water lakes and ponds, primarily in spring – very strong thread, any color. NOTE: Let Elaine know early if you want to attend. Class is VERY popular.
Green DrakeApr 13 6:30 PM– dry fly for trout – spring in the Rocky Mountains and other Western streams and rivers – tan 6/0 thread
CricketMay 11 6:30 PM– dry fly for trout – streams and rivers thought the West – black 6/0 thread

Posted on September 21st, 2021Edit

Date:  Sept. 8th

Time:  6:30 p.m.

Place:  Zoom

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Yellow Clouser

by Elaine Cook -- fly tying chairman

It’s Striper time! This clouser pattern was supper productive at the O’Niel Forbay last fall. The club fishouts to the Forbay will start next month but don’t wait till then to give this one a try. This is a large fly so will be easy via Zoom as well as for beginners. Sign up by calling me at (831)688-1561 at least a couple days ahead to allow time for packets of materials to be assembled and you to pick up at my door. Thread will be flat wax nylon white, Monocord, or other very strong equivalent. You can borrow some. Beginners can also borrow vise and tools. To join in, go to the bar at the top of our newsletter and tap Zoom, then fly tying class.

Date:  8/11/21

Time:  6:30

Place:  Zoom

Posted on

Balanced Leech – August fly tying class edition

by Jerry McKeon

At first glance this fly looks like your typical wooly bugger but it’s not.  It’s tied in a way that allows it to hang in the water column in a horizontal plane or balanced.  Hung under an indicator in choppy water the fly pulses and swims  the way a baitfish or leech does.  Professional fly anglers like Phil Rowley and Brian Chan are big advocates for this pattern on still waters for trout and I’ll vouch for it as a great bass pond fly.

The body of this fly is created using a dubbing loop so some kind of dubbing whirl tool is needed.  Dubbing looped bodies are also very effective for nymphs and other streamers so this is a good technique to know.  If you need more info, check out this video with options for dubbing whirls:

Class is 8/11/21 @6:30PM on Zoom.

Please email by 7/29 and include your address so I can mail you the materials.  The days leading up to the class I will be out of town and unavailable to reach which is why I’m asking for the early RSVP.

Hope to see you there, Jerry




Date:  July 14, 2021

Time:  6:30 pm

Place:  Zoom

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Window Tint Chironomid

by Guest Instructor - Matt Twisselman

This fly utilizes automotive window tint film for the body.  It is easy to tie and an important fly to have when fishing stillwater.

Note:   The class is on July 14,  if you contact matt early, he can mail it to you or pick it up at Matt’s house in Scott’s Valley.  Matt’s cell phone is 831-419-7333 or send your address for mailing to



Date:  8/11/21

Time:  6:30

Place:  Zoom

Posted on

Balanced Leech – August fly tying class

by Jerry McKeon

At first glance this fly looks like your typical wooly bugger but it’s not.  It’s tied in a way that allows it to hang in the water column in a horizontal plane or balanced.  Hung under an indicator in choppy water the fly pulses and swims  the way a baitfish or leech does.  Professional fly anglers like Phil Rowley and Brian Chan are big advocates for this pattern on still waters for trout and I’ll vouch for it as a great bass pond fly.

The body of this fly is created using a dubbing loop so some kind of dubbing whirl tool is needed.  Dubbing looped bodies are also very effective for nymphs and other streamers so this is a good technique to know.  If you need more info, check out this video with options for dubbing whirls:

Class is 8/11/21 @6:30PM on Zoom.

Please email by 7/29 and include your address so I can mail you the materials.  The days leading up to the class I will be out of town and unavailable to reach which is why I’m asking for the early RSVP.

Hope to see you there, Jerry




Date:  June 9, 2021

Time:  6:30 pm

Place:  Zoom - Find in website menu

Posted on

MD Hammer Dragonfly Nymph

by Michael Sherwood - instructor

This is a great stillwater pattern, as dragonfly nymphs are found in most western lakes. There is no pupal stage, and they stay as nymphs for 3-5 years. So even when hatching there are still nymphs present. Dragonfly nymphs breath using gills in their abdomen. The difference is they do this through the anus. Yes, they breath through their butts. This is also how they swim, short 4-5 inch bursts along or near the bottom as they head toward shore to emerge. There they wait till nightfall to emerge to avoid predation by birds. Fish this fly on a weighted leader or sinking line, near the bottom and weed beds. Use short 4-6 inch retrieves using a slow hand twist technique. We will be using furry foam for this fly that has many other applications. This pattern can be easily adapted to become a damselfly nymph. We will be using 6-0 or 8-0 olive thread. If you give me enough time I can mail you a packet or you can pick one up at my house. Text me at (831) 234-2244.

Date:  May 12th

Time:  6:30 pm

Place:  Zoom

Posted on

Stillwater Nymph

by Elaine Cook

As the name implies, this fly is fished subsurface for trout. An easy fly to tie and if you are a beginner, you can borrow vice tools and thread from the club. You can use either black or olive 8/0 thread. Have available a dubbing hook or a bobby pin or something similar. Sign up by calling me at (831)688-1561. Allow enough time for a packet of materials to be assembled and put by front door for you to pick up. This summer, while I’m on vacation, there will be 3 great tyers conducting the classes. Please be sure to support them by attending the classes that they have spent a lot of time and effort putting them together.


Date:  April 14

Time:  6:30pm

Place:  Zoom

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Deschutes Caddis

by Elaine Cook---fly tying chairman

Caddus are one of the primary food sources for trout. They hatch widely and there is a significant hatch on the Deschutes River in Oregon during the summer which has been described as magical.  Learning how to handle deer hair is important for fly tying and is incorporated twice in this fly. For you beginners, call me well ahead of time to work out how we can best assist you with vise, tools and information to get started. Everyone will need to call ahead to allow enough time for materials and directions to be assembled and for you to pick up at my home. ( about 2 days (831)688-1561 ) in addition to your tools, vise, and computer or tablet, you will need tan or brown 6/0 thread.

Date:  March 13th (Sat.) AND. March 14th (Sun.)

Time:  Noon to 3pm both days

Place:  Zoom - To join in, tap Zoom in the bar at the top of the newsletter.

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March Poppers Class!

by Elaine Cook - instructor

March’s fly tying class is going to be a two day event on March 13 and 14th from noon until 3 pm each day.  In order to not miss out this year, a simplified method has been devised which will give everyone reasonable and useful poppers. The only thing you will need to complete your popper fly is clear nail polish and Supper Glue or equivalent. If you have 30 min epoxi, a variety of acrylic paints and rubbing alcohol, your finished fly will be more like the ones we usually craft. Some lead time for prepping and putting supplies together will be needed. So please sign up soon but no latter than Mar. 5th. It will still be a 2 day class, but fewer hours than usual. We’ll start at noon. Allow 2-3 hours each day. You beginners to fly tying should feel comfortable doing this class. As always, the class is free and materials provided. Very strong thread, any color, such as flat waxed nylon or monocord will be needed. If you need thread, or tools and vise if you are a beginner, the club can loan them to you. Materials , directions and tips for bass fishing will bagged for you to be picked up at my door. Call Elaine to sign up @ (831)688-1561

Date:  February 10, 2021

Time:  6:30pm

Place:  Zoom

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Booby Fly

by Elaine Cook--- fly tying instructor

This  fly is a pattern style rather than specific fly pattern. It has a funny name and also funny look, but don’t let that put you off. It was first created in England back in the 80’s and has been so successful that it has been ultimately outlawed there. It allows you to fish near the bottom of a body of water without hanging up on low lying weeds or rocks. This is achieved by using eyes made of foam. This is another great fly for beginners and anyone going to Pyramid Lake. If you need vise, tools or thread let me know when you sign up. The thread this month’s will be white flat waxed nylon. All other materials will be provided. Your  packet of materials will be left at my front door after you call. (831)688-1561

Date:  March 13th (Sat.) AND. March 14th (Sun.)

Time:  Noon to 3pm both days

Place:  Zoom - To join in, tap Zoom in the bar at the top of the newsletter.

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Sign up for Poppers Class!

by Elaine Cook - instructor

In March we will be making poppers so that we can go for those big mouthed bass. In the past the class has spanned over 2 days and involved lots of paints, epoxies, glues, solutions, along with various other supplies. It is not reasonable to assume that everyone would have everything that would be needed to craft these beauties, and not practical via Zoom. In order to not miss out this year, a simplified method has been devised which will give everyone reasonable and useful poppers. The only thing you will need to complete your popper fly is clear nail polish and Supper Glue or equivalent. If you have 30 min epoxi, a variety of acrylic paints and rubbing alcohol, your finished fly will be more like the ones we usually craft. Some lead time for prepping and putting supplies together will be needed. So please sign up soon but no latter than Mar. 5th. It will still be a 2 day class, but fewer hours than usual. We’ll start at noon. Allow 2-3 hours each day. You beginners to fly tying should feel comfortable doing this class. As always, the class is free and materials provided. Very strong thread, any color, such as flat waxed nylon or monocord will be needed. If you need thread, or tools and vise if you are a beginner, the club can loan them to you. Materials , directions and tips for bass fishing will bagged for you to be picked up at my door. Call me to sign up @ (831)688-1561