Date:  April 30, 2022

Time:  2:00 PM

Place:  Jade Park, Capitola

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April Fly Casting Meetup – Jade Park

by Steve Rudzinski - Casting Chairman

Where: Jade Park, Capitola

When: April 30th, 2:00 – 3:30 pm  (beer thirty afterward?)

Bring your lawn chair, and fly rod to practice casting with other SCFF club members.  Casual atmosphere with plenty of room for social distancing!


4400 Jade St

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    Looking for one or two club members to be the Newsletter Editor and Content Publisher

    by Scott Kitayama - Newsletter Editor

    After nearly 5 years of serving as President, Tom Hogye, will be stepping down at the end of 2022.  I told the board that I would run for the President position in 2023 if we could find someone(s) to take over the newsletter.  Please take a look and see if you or someone you know in the club is willing to help.

    The Newsletter Editor is an SCFF Board Position that is responsible for acquiring, editing, and laying out the award-winning Santa Cruz Fly Fishing newsletter. The contents of the newsletter comes from other board members responsible for speakers, fly-tying, conservation, fish-outs, membership, as well as contribution from members at-large. The editing takes about 2-4 hours around around the 3rd weekend of the month. The Editor needs to be proficient with computers, email, and web-based word processors. Experience with WordPress is a plus.

    The Online Content Publisher can also be a Board Position working closely with the Newsletter Editor to ensure the timely distribution of the monthly newsletter. The Publisher updates SCFF’s WordPress website to ensure the the monthly newsletter is available online. The publisher will also create and distribute the notification email to the membership with pertinent information such as speaker, raffle prizes and fly tying. Publishing is done around the 4th Wednesday of the month after completion of editing and takes 2-3 hours. The Publisher needs to be proficient as the Admin for WordPress or other website-building systems.

    If you have any interest in helping, please contact Scott Kitayama at  BTW/ if you have a child or grandchild who is proficient with technologies, this might be a great activity to add to the resume.

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    Donations from the Doug Severin Estate

    by Elaine Cook

    If you enjoyed receiving items from Doug’s estate at the January club meeting, you will have the opportunity to do that again at both the March and April club meetings. His desire was that club members would have the opportunity to receive his fishing belongings .More fishing items and fly tying materials will be available at the March and April club meetings.Some will be in raffles but those at the club meeting in March and April will be free for the taking. Donations will be welcomed if you so choose. The pictures show a lot of the items that will be up for grabs . The doors will open at 6 PM at the Grange and the meeting will start at 6:30. Don’t miss out come early to choose what you would like. The meeting will also be via zoom, so if you wish to come for some donated items and then go home to do a zoom meeting, that will be fine.

    Posted on

    Remembrance: Matt Murphy

    Thoughts from Steve Rudzinski (Stosh)

    Matt and I met at Pyramid Lake trailer #7 ‘the Animal House’. He shared a room with his good buddy Dougald Scott, (the Snoring chamber) would shake as a wall separating the bathroom was pretty thin. The mornings Matt liked making cheese on toasted bread in the oven, and the coffee pot was set to go off early before first light.  Even at that time of day did not distract his natural smile and great humor.

    We would fish nearby at Blockhouse beach waiting for that plastic ball to go under. Matt landed some fine fish and we all helped net them, I think of that place like the ‘senior citizens hole’. Good banter and when the fishing was hot…well it never got that hot. 

    Matt brought me eggs from his hens at home and his elk stews and venison dishes in years when the elk eluded him was always our group meal the first night after fishing.  Wine and storytelling into the evening was fun and I enjoyed his sharp mind and humor and will miss him this year at the lake.   See you on the other side of the veil, – Stosh

    Thoughts from Dougald Scott

    Our club lost a colorful member and good friend in February. Matt Murphy had been an SCFF member since 2008. He was easily recognized by his massive white mustache and jovial presence. At our annual dinners, he was known for buying massive numbers of raffle tickets with high hopes of a new float tube or fly rod, and then accepting his final winnings of a calendar or hat with good humor. 
    At Pyramid Lake fishouts, Matt was a fixture in Trailer 7, aka the “Animal House.” Cabin mates always looked forward to his wild-game dinners, especially his elk stew. He thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie of all of the club members, especially at fishouts. 
    Matt had many stories to share from his rich life experiences. His early years were spent in Afghanistan, Hawaii, and Samoa. In Afghanistan, he expanded his love for the outdoors and spent most of his time hunting much needed wild game for the family’s table. For many years after high school in Davis, he was a white water guide on numerous rivers throughout the west. Later on he became a master craftsman and contractor building many fine houses.
    Matt will be sorely missed, especially at the Pyramid Lake Fishouts.

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    Remembrance: Jim Black

    by Michael Sherwood

    Club member Jim Black passed away recently. He was an adventurous fly fisherman, traveling the western US and the world . Jim had a strong affection for the club, assuming the presidency in 2017 due to the incumbent’s illness; however his tenure was short, as he faced his own medical problems. He was able to continue on the board as Programs Chair often coming up with great ideas and funding some himself. Unfortunately his illness interceded one again.

    One year, I was meeting Jim, Tom Welle, his son-in-law, and a bunch of Tom’s brothers to fish Henderson Springs, a series of lakes east of Redding. Tom and Jim stopped at The Fly Shop to pick up some flies. Low and behold, Jim realized his rods and gear bag had been left behind.

    Forgetting your fly rod; $500.
    Remembering your reel and waders were in the bag; $300
    Spending your son-in-laws 50th birthday with him and family; priceless.

    We’ll miss you Jim.

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    Remembrance: Pat Murray

    by Elaine Cook

    Pat Murray, a dear club member of ours, passed away recently. She was introduced to the club in 2006 by long-term club member Gill Santos. You could find her at many club functions and fishouts ,and help at the annual fundraiser was much appreciated. On one particular memorable horse pack trip into Humphreys Basin in the High Sierra, she kept us entertained with her skills at playing bridge , which helped us deal with the cold rain and then corn snow which fell upon our tarps all day. The O’Neil Forbay was one of her frequent haunts. She really enjoyed catching those mighty Stripers. Thanks Gil for introducing us to Pat who was such a fun friend. – by Elaine Cook

    Katalla River: Juno AK, September 2005. L-R: Gil Santos; Pat Murray; Ed Marcillac; Tom McMillan; Dougald Scott.
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    176 members for the 2022 Roster

    by Bob

    176 members have paid their 2022 dues as of the end of January. Although membership dues and donations are more than last year, they are less than the 2019 pre Covid level which included the annual fundraiser dinner. The Board will be reviewing the 2022 Budget on Feb 16th after all 2021 expenditures and revenues are finalized.  2022 Budget will be sent to members in March.

    If members are not receiving the monthly newsletter, it may be included in their spam file, or  members are using an alternate email to review the newsletter, or dues have not been paid for 2022.  Please email me if there is a problem with the newsletter or googlegroups.

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    Fly Tying Donation to Club

    by Elaine — fly tying —chairman

    We’ve received another donation to share with our club members. Ed Sacks is the person we thank for his thoughtfulness and generosity. He was a club member some years ago and remembers well shopping at Ernie’s. He no longer ties flies so offers us what he had. That includes a fly tying table with vise, light and magnifier. Watch for these on the free giveaway table at an upcoming, in person club meetings.

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    Updated 2022 Dues Membership

    by Bob


    We are on schedule to meet our membership dues budget and are hoping for additional donations in order to offset the loss from our annual fundraiser dinner. At the end of December 150 members have renewed their 2022 dues membership.  In addition donations of $2,000 have exceeded the prior year by 50% and continues to grow with members support.

    In February, we will have final 2021 revenue and expense figures and update our 2022 Budget.  We still have 25 members who have not renewed and we will accept renewals at the January BBQ and for the balance of January.  Email reminders will be sent in early January.

    For those that have already renewed and donated online, THANK YOU


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    Help Lead a Fishout in 2022

    by John cook — fishmaster chairman

    The club has had a great variety of Fishouts over the years. It’s planning time for 2022 and I’m encouraging you to think about planning one. It can be very simple or involved. And as fishmaster chairman, I’m here to help you with the decision to do one, choosing a plan, and guide you on how to organize the outing.
    If you are hesitant, I would encourage something very simple. For example: making an announcement in the newsletter that includes, place, date and time, your name and contact info as fishmaster, type of fishing and equipment needed. Make it so sign ups are not needed, everyone is on their own for food and any fees required.
    There is no need for you to be an expert in fishing that area and it is understood that you are not guaranteeing how good the fishing will be. It’s important to acquire basic information ahead of time, such as, how to get there, approximate driving time, any entrance fees, equipment inspections, PDF requirements, etc.

    Please consider stepping up this year and help provide the opportunity for us to get together, have fun, find out about a new place to fish and the fishery, and learn from others. I’m waiting for your phone call. Please do call.
    John Cook — fishmaster chairman.  (831)688-1561.                 (831)234-6515

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    Thank you for the 90 members who have paid dues online

    by Bob Peterson

    90 members have renewed 2021 dues for a total of $4,500 including $1,200 in donations averaging $50/member.

    100 membership renewal letters have been mailed out to those members who have not yet responded. Deadline to be included in the 2022 roster is Dec 31st. Member names who have not responded will be deleted from the roster and Googlegroups.

    We are on schedule to meet our membership dues budget and are hoping for additional donations in order to offset the $4,500 loss from our annual fundraiser dinner not being held for 2 years. With additional member contributions we could double our High School scholarships from $200 to $400/student, maintain our conservation project funding, and pay to restore the County Steelhead plaque on the San Lorenzo River damaged by vandalism with matching funds.

    For those that have already renewed and donated online, THANK YOU

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    Submit your photos for the Annual Member Photo Slide Show!

    by Tommy Polito

    In January, we’re going to be back at the Sherriff’s Posse Hall for another BBQ and our annual Club Members Photo Slide Show! Just a reminder for anyone that wants to include a photo(s) in the club’s annual slide show, please send the photos directly to me Thanks!

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    SCFF logo wear on sale for Christmas

    Just in time for Christmas, we are discounting some SCFF logo wear.  This offer is only good if you are willing to pick up the items in the Aptos area.   Take  a look int the Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Store..  After you purchase, you will coordinate a pick up place and time with Kevin Murdock.

    SCCF Logo Tumbler$28.00 $22.00
    Trout Logo T-Shirt$30.00 $25.00
    Trout Logo Embroidered Hats$33.00 $25.00

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    2022 Membership Renewal Oct/Nov/Online

    by Bob Peterson

    To date we have 170 members on the roster including 40 new online members since 2021 , which is almost 25% of the membership.  For Oct and November we would like to encourage members to renew online at which has proven to be more efficient, accurate, and cost effective offsetting postage and printing costs.  Members can still renew by check mailed to PO Box 2008, Santa Cruz, Calif 95023.  In December, a renewal packet will be sent to those members who have not renewed online…last year over 50% of members renewed online. For those new members after July 1, 2021, will not need to renew for 2022.

    Please contact me if you have questions or membership concerns…

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    A gift suggestion

    Its just about that time when my loved ones say, “I don’t know what to get him, he buys all the fishing stuff he wants when he wants.”

    Maybe a hint would be for to look at the items from the Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Store.  For your holiday shopping, we are going to set up pickup in Aptos for the items.  After you purchase, you will coordinate a pick up place and time with Kevin Murdock.

    Or maybe if you can’t wait until Christmas, just buy some stuff yourself.

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    by MIchael McGannon

    Here are my notes with some of the fishing photography tips that pro photographer Brian O’Keefe shared at our June 2, 2021 SCFF meeting

    He recommends the iPhone 11 or 12 to meet all of our fish pic needs. Specific notes regarding the use of those cameras are at the end of this piece.

    • For a “Magazine Cover” format, keep the LENS AT FISH EYE LEVEL by the water surface, with the FISH HEAD ANGLED SLIGHTLY TOWARD THE CAMERA .
    • With TOOTHY FISH, pics especially good with its head angled well toward the camera.
    • Nice to show the ROD/TACKLE HELD NATURALLY, NOT over your shoulder, in your mouth, etc.
    • Pics of FLIES are fun.
    • Try getting UP HIGH. Stop the car for a good shot! Pics from a LOW DOWN angle are also especially good.
    • Look for pics of CURVES IN THE RIVER, with the FOREGROUND IN FOCUS.
    • To take a pic of your buddy DON’T SAY “WAIT”, SAY “KEEP FISHING!”
    • BACKLIT SHOTS ARE GREAT, lighting up the net, the fish’s tail, etc.
    • Avoid the “BORING BULLSEYE” with your subject centered in the photo.
    • ”30 SECOND RULE”: Take a bit of time to move to the spot with the best composition, background, light, etc.
    • FISHERMAN LOOKING AT THE FISH (rather than at the camera) respects the fish.
    • Showing MOVING WATER AROUND THE FISH is good.
    • Showing JUST THE HEAD OF THE FISH is good.
    • With SUPER SHINY FISH, FIND SHADE to show the scale detail.
    • With SILVERY FISH try bending fish at different angles to decrease reflection.
    • Showing DRIPPING is good!
    • ”THE HONORABLE BLUR” shows a moving fish.
    • OK to hold BASS a bit out of the water, best just out at the surface, but KEEP YOUR ARM BEHIND.
    • BTW: SHOTS LOOKING DOWN AT THE FISH BY SHORE SHOW all the MUD aroused in the water.
    • On BRIGHT SUNNY DAY with the fisher’s face in shadow use FILL FLASH.
    • Tell people to LOOK HAPPY! SHOW THE MOMENT!
    • THROW IN SOME COLOR: shore foliage, etc.
    • Show what fish eat!
    • For SHALLOW DEPTH OF FIELD (flower shots, bugs, etc) use PORTRAIT MODE.
    • BIG COLOR is great to capture when present.


    • He recommends the iPhone 11 or 12.
    • Also good is Olympus T6-4 MP Olympus Tough, waterproof with 3” LCD, about $575. Both this and the above iPhones have excellent Macro ability.
    • Good distance shots however require a pro camera with telephoto lens.


    •  The VOLUME button can operate the SHUTTER.
    •  In PANO mode he seldom uses the whole range, often just 1/2 or 2/3 of the range.
    •  3 colored dots in the upper right corner indicate FILTERS. These can be used before or after a shot. Be sure to SAVE THE ORIGINAL before trying various filters.
    • PORTRAIT MODE blurs out all but the subject. He especially likes STAGE LIGHT MONO setting.
    Posted on

    Reminder: Palm Beach Oct. 2- where are the Palms?

    by Sam Bishop - Salty Fishmaster

    Saturday, October 2, Palm Beach – 0630 am

    The Forebay fish-out Stosh organized is the second weekend of October, so I have moved our surf fish-out to the first Saturday in October (2nd) so everyone can participate in both.

    Sunrise is at 07:04 and we will meet at 0640. High tide (+4.2’) is at 09:17, so we will fish a flood tide. Some people believe this is the best tide as the fish will be coming in to feed on critters untouched in the sand for several hours. I can’t personally say one way or the other, as I have caught fish in the surf at all stages of tide. It seems to be more a case of whether or not they see what I am offering and are they biting it?

    I will have flies (free), stripping baskets ($20 to the Club) and brand new wading belts ($10 to repay my cost) available.

    Getting there: Take West Beach out of Watsonville all the way towards the ocean until you are mired in the sand. You went just a bit too far, so back up your 4WD about 100 feet and park on the right under the Eucalyptus trees that drip and stain your vehicle when they are wet. (Hint: Wash it off right away when you get home.)

    BTW, I like the State Beaches, because when you are done, there is a shower nearby to wash the sand off your waders and salt off your gear before heading home.

    This is our last “organized” surf fish-out for 2021.  Last month most everyone caught fish or had hook-ups. Let’s do it again!

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    Reminder: FishOut for striped bass Oct 7-10 O’Neill ForeBay

    by Stosh

    Last reminder for our annual FishOut at Medeiros Campground, O’Neill ForeBay. (we camp just west of the power lines in a group site with  4 or 5 separate campsites near each other. Look for our club banner and lots of float tubes on the shore or out fishing.  Bring all float tube stuff,  #7 or #8 wt rods with fast sinking line. Tie a short 6′ leader of 14-17 lb. test fluorocarbon which sinks better than Monofilament lines and has no stretch which makes better hook sets.   We hope to have more flies for sale or bring your own clauser minnows with hook sizes #1, 1-0 and 2-0 and pinch the barbs for safety.

    This is a remote style camping spot, we have 1 vault style toilet that is kept clean and there is no water available.  Campers be sure to bring all the gear you need.  There is a store about a mile away to get ice, beer etc.  If this is your first time and need more info, call me at 831 462 4532 or email me at  Anyone wanting to order flies, do this ASAP so I can get an order in, they will be $5. each.

    Hope to see you there and lets hope for good weather and especially, good fishing.   


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    Invitation for new members to try Striper fishing

    by Scott Kitayama

    Last year was the first time I ever caught a Striper on a fly and the first time I ever fished the O’Neill Forebay.   I didn’t know many people in the club, tried fishing the Forebay on my own and wasn’t very successful.   One reason I joined the club’s board was to selfishly meet people who would teach me how to fish the Forebay and other places.  It worked.  Now I would like to help other club members who would like to Striper fish this fall.

    Over 30 new members have joined in the past year and if a new member (or old member) wants to try and fish the O’Neill Forebay during October 7-10 or November 4-7  fishout, send an email at     For those busy with family and work, a half-day will still be a good experience.  Send me a note even if you don’t have a float tube or heavy rod and I’ll try and help you find equipment and someone experienced to fish with you.

    Oh and by the way, you can always learn to fish by calling Tom to join the board, that works too.  😉

    Posted on

    2021 Rosters are available at the August 4 BBQ

    by Bob Peterson

    2021 Rosters will be available at the August 4th
    BBQ…..Should you not be able to attend, email me @ and I will mail one out to you.
    Annual dinner volunteer needed to help set up online silent auction thru square and zoom.  Can send me an email if you can provide technical assistance.