Topic: Santa Cruz Fly Fishermen Club Meeting – June 3
Time: Jun 3, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Posted on May 28th, 2020
Date: June 3, 2020
Time: 6:30
Place: Zoom Presentation (Link to Invite in the Newsletter email)
Posted onTopic: Santa Cruz Fly Fishermen Club Meeting – June 3
Time: Jun 3, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Posted on May 28th, 2020
Go Fishing!
Really – I mean, respecting all concerns, requirements, regulations. But there are lots of opportunities for all of us to get out and go fishing. Immediately, the surf is in our back yard and is abundant with Surf Perch, Striper, Halibut and other species- like Great White Shark!! Wouldn’t that be a hoot! Yes, it’s best to have a sinking line, running line and stripping basket, but you’ll get the hang of it fast and you can often get in 3 hours of fun before the rest of the world gets up in the morning. A lot in your newsletter – thank you Sam Bishop and the rest for bringing us along.
You can get out to a number of bass lakes within a few hours and some trout fishing not too much farther. Many, if not most, of our local California guides are working and are very reasonable for a day or two of wade fishing our northern CA waters, or the Eastern side of the Sierra locations. I’m immediately thinking of a number of our guest speakers- Jon Baiocchi, Joe Contaldi, Chris King and many others who would happily help you navigate a successful, safe and fun trip. Look them up. Go fishing.
If you missed the May meeting via Zoom – it was a HUGE SUCCESS. We had 38 people attend and stay the entire meeting. Jeff Goyert pulled of an excellent door prize raffle as it was easy to capture everyone’s names via Zoom. AND – I didn’t have to ask anyone to be quiet – ever. I just put you on Mute!! ? It was so fun to see everyone’s faces and everyone had some input or another. It really was fun. Jim Cox, from Western Rivers Conservancy, was incredible. A beautiful presentation and a commanding expertise in his field, kept everyone interested. This month, June 3rd, we are doing to do it again! This time we’ll have George Revel from Lost Coast Outfitters. Join the meeting by 6:30! Don’t miss this fun way to meet. You’ll love it.
Elaine is even thinking of doing a Zoom Fly-tying class where you can sign up, pickup the fly-tying materials at a predetermined location and then do the class via Zoom!! How ‘bout that!? Stay tuned.
This year, the SCFF members contributed directly to enable us to give twelve, one hundred dollar scholarships to students finishing high-school, heading into college studies that involve Science and/or Environmental Sciences/studies. Each of the twelve students will also receive a on year membership to the club. Thank you all for your generous donations to SCFF, enabling us to continue our mission “To Promote, Educate, and Enjoy, the Sport of Fly Fishing” and to call upon the youth of the world.
I understand these days have been challenging for many, and downright disastrous in other ways. But there have also been many blessings. The wildlife and the planet are benefitting in ways we’d never have been successful at even with all the “world leaders” we have. Tragically, it took a deadly virus to clean up the air, water and noise pollution in one month, now two. For how much longer? And will we try to keep it that way?
We’ve come together in ways we’d never do normally. We’ve given, or stayed put, reached out in encouragement, volunteered, donated and changed to meet a need and do our best to enjoy what we can -even if it’s just being together or taking the dog for a walk every day.
There is traditionally no July Club meeting. So I will wish you a truly homespun good ole-fashioned 4th of July with those you can be close to or with. Of course, you can still – Go Fishing!!
We are going ahead with our plans to meet at the Grange in Aptos, for our August meeting. It will be outdoors, mostly, and is our annual club Barbeque and Swap Meet. Yes -we will be taking every required precaution, and some maybe a bit more personal, to be as responsible as we should be. IF, something was to happen where we couldn’t have the BBQ, we’ll have a plan B. But I am hoping those of you who will be excited and able to come together, in August. We’ll have an All-American BBQ and swap meet.
Thanks to your board, all those who have reached out to help in so many ways. And thanks to some new members, Scott, Camille, Michael, who have offered and helped in a number of ways. That is what we are about.
Set Zoom up on your iPad, computer, and prepare for the June meeting. I look forward to seeing you. Until then? – Go -what? Go Fishing!
Posted on May 27th, 2020
Date: June 10th
Posted onUnfortunately due to Covid-19, Cecilia is canceling the class which was going to be ” Vinci’s Depth Charge”. She plans to do it sometime in the future when conditions are different. Perhaps we will be able to do fly tying classes via Zoom sometime in the future if I can figure out the logistics. Stay tuned.
Posted on May 18th, 2020
Even during this unusual time the membership has maintained at 150, including 4 new online members who we able to join on the new website online direct payment with Visa/square to our account.
Nametags have been ordered for these new members and will be mailed. Should you need a name tag, please email me @robert6367@aol.com and I will mail one.
Posted on May 27th, 2020
Local news: Fish and Wildlife tanker truck was in town on May 13 and under the cover of darkness, dropped its load of 160,000 Chinook salmon smolts off the Santa Cruz wharf and a drop of about 30 feet did not bother these fish at all, in fact the mortalities were low, the gulls and cormorants already roosting for the night, the same with the sea lions and harbor seals said the crew who were there to watch. Because the stocking was so easy, there was no need for volunteers like in the past where we would transport large heavy sea pens to the harbor and assemble in place, the yearly event lasted 2 weeks, fish were fed in the sea pens and released after about 5 days on the outgoing tide. Problems arose when the fish returned to the harbor and caused an influx of sea lions and fishermen along the banks trying for a 30 lb. fish, some of the kids landed the fish of a lifetime while the boat owners worried about damage to boats and lines wrapped around props and docks.
The fish were delivered to Santa Cruz first and on May 20th the same amount was released in Monterey, the mission is to enhance the fishery more than to expect these fish will spawn locally and the biologists tell us that Santa Cruz is too far south in the range for successful spawning of this species, Coho salmon are this far south but success for their returning in numbers again seems doubtful as the weather and river water gets warmer and the flows diminish in drought years.
Opening salmon season I noticed the boats returning to G-3 Dock had an equal number of wild and hatchery fish missing that little Adopal fin clipped at the hatchery. Some fish may have a tiny wire in the head that can be scanned and reveal data for the biologists. Volunteers at the launch ramp would ask to remove heads from hatchery fish. (not the wardens).
The changes to the salmon release has removed the need for volunteers from the Fly club to meet with Salmon and Trout volunteers. This was a good way to combine energies for the greater good and health of the bay and salmon fishing in particular. also we had fun and lots of laughter. The public came to the sea pens and we would let the kids toss fish pellets to the school inside the pen. The education factor is lost but the savings of running that operation was a lot and now 2 people can put a pipe over a railing and turn the fish loose.
I included photos from previous years salmon delivery to the harbor pen and the dark drop off the wharf photo is thanks to Sam Bishop, former Club president and now treasurer for MBSTP (salmon and trout project).
Slim says: If you don’t like the news, go out and make some of your own. (smiley face) I sure hope the world opens up soon and we can resume our lives to some normalcy. Be good to yourselves and the earth. Slim
Posted on May 27th, 2020
Some information regarding our fishouts that are being impacted by covid-19. Be sure to also refer to the Fishout schedule and article about each individual Fishout.
1. The Green River has been canceled.
2. For surf fishouts it is easy to maintain social distancing and wear a mask. ALSO: details about surf fishing can be found by going to the navy blue bar at the top, tap EDUCATION, then tap SURF FISHING INFORMATION.
3. The Loreto trip is still scheduled but, Rich will be making a decision around June 1st about the ability to continue with plans or cancel. Check with Rich Hewett (831)757-5709.
4. For Mammoth fishouts sign ups can still be made until accommodations are filled up until Sept. 1st. If it’s necessary to cancle, money will be refunded.
5. The Forbay fishouts should be another outing where social distancing and masks could be adhered to.
Be careful, stay safe.
Posted on May 27th, 2020
For more information about the various fishouts, see specific Gearing Up articles below or call the fishmaster for that outing. If you are interested in organizing a Fishout, call John Cook @ 831-688-1561 for information, guidance, and suggestions. Outings can be structured in many ways( simple to involved ).
Posted on May 27th, 2020
June 6 we will have an early start, because the sun rises so early. Let’s be ready to hit the beach at 0535, ready to fish. So put your waders on at home and have your rod ready. You can rig it up completely then just break it down into two pieces for transportation. Manresa parking is right outside the beach entrance and sometimes fills quickly with surfers and other anglers, so if there is no place to park, keep driving another ¼ mile and turn right on Ocean View, then another right into a larger parking area. There are stairs down to the beach. We will fish to the NORTH side of the stairs, all the way up to the railroad bridge.
There is a minus 1.5 low tide at 0550, so we will be fishing a very low slack to flood tide. This is a great opportunity to observe the structures of the beach with the water so low. Only caution is to be careful not to get way out and realize ½ an hour later that the tide came in so far it will be tricky getting back in. This beach has a tendency to have a much more active surf and is popular for Striper fishing. Jim Hall got a great one here before the tardy club fishermen even got to the beach.
As always, I will have spare fishing baskets and extra flies, so if you don’t know what to bring, take (and keep) mine. Questions? sambishop@totlcom.com, or 831-274-4024 or 831-476-6451 (home).
Take San Andreas Road all the way to just past the railroad trestle. If the parking area is full, continue to Oceanview Drive and follow it to the wide parking area, gate to the stairs is on the right side. Walk up the beach 100 yards and find us. Red circles = parking.
Posted on May 27th, 2020
I still haven’t figured out how to do an actual zoom meeting raffle collecting money and selling tickets, I can barely boot up my computer much less write binary quantum digital stuff. Having said that, during last month’s zoom meeting we were able to pull off a pretty good door prize give away. So we will do it again!
What we have this month is a really handy gizmo called a Stanley Fat Max jump starter and compressor. Most of us in lock down have not been using our vehicles very often resulting in dead batteries and low tire pressure. To the rescue comes this jumper for you battery and an electric pump for your tires. This also includes USB ports to charge your phone and attached trouble light. Perfect for the garage or stashed away in the truck on your next fishing adventure.
Remember, every body gets a free ticket. Winner must be present at the June Fly club zoom meeting.
Posted on May 23rd, 2020
Pat Steele wonders, “How do the fish adhere to the “sheltering in place” and the mask-wearing requirements?”
Posted on May 27th, 2020