Raise your hand if you like photos of your fish, either to share with friends or to provide your own fond memories. Raise your hand if you are hesitant to use your cell phone for such photo out of fear of damaging or losing said cell phone. My hand is raised on both counts along with just replacing my third cell phone due to loss or water damage. Believe me when I say that a root canal is almost (note “almost”) preferred to replacing a cell phone.
How about a really nice waterproof digital camera from FujiFilm?I Perfect for the float tube, Pyramid Lake ladder, or just stuck away in a pocket in your vest. This XP140 is shockproof, dust proof, and waterproof to 82 feet. Attach it to a float, no worries. It features Bluetooth/WiFi to transfer both videos and stills without the need for cables.
There is an old adage that states “the best camera is the one you have in your hand” , this camera will be that one.
To buy your raffle tickets click on https://www.santacruzflyfishing.org/raffle
The tickets are a dollar each, 25 for 20 bucks. The raffle drawing will be held at the January 6th. Zoom meeting. No need to be present to win.
Posted on December 19th, 2020