Let’s hope the beaches remain open so we can once again enjoy teasing the Surf Perch and Stripers (Strippers?) on Rio Del Mar Beach.
We will be fishing mid-flood tide. Sunrise is just after 6 am.
Take Rio Del Mar Blvd all the way until it drops down onto the flats, take a left 180, circling left around the roundabout and drive down Beach Drive about half a mile to the State Park area and park outside. Do NOT stop near the round-a bout! You will see us.
I will have spare stripping baskets and flies. If you haven’t been out in a long time, please click here to review the article I wrote on surf fishing on this website.
We don’t serve coffee and I don’t bring doughnuts, we just fish. Sometimes we end up at the Pixie Deli for post-fishing breakfast burritos.
Posted on April 25th, 2021