Let’s go fly-fishing!! Happy Summer everyone! I hope at this writing you’re all making plans to get out and do some fly-fishing in the coming days or you’re already gone doing just that. Send us some photos we can share with the world – info@santacruzflyfishing.com .
While California is a bit short on water this year, that means flows are very manageable and fish are hungry. Mona and I had an epic adventure over the Memorial Day weekend and are planning another trip around the Sierra Mountain streams in late July. Best way to spend our 30th Anniversary together. It was really surprising and fun to find miles and miles of dirt roads and off-road trails we were able to explore in our truck. Many of you have likely been to Crowley Lake, fly-fishing, but did you know there are incredible “columns” on the backside of the lake that make it look like you’re in Greece? But access is literally a good mile and a half hike on trails. Fly Fishing Hot Creek is great, but have you also seen the geothermal hot springs? Have you ever seen the 3 mile long lava flow of some of the largest obsidian deposits just south of Mammoth? Chidago Canyon Gold Mines? Have you heard of Cerro Gordo – once the largest silver mine in California? The Alabama Hills and Movie Road? Haystack Mountain? (UH spoiler alert – there is no hay!) Climb Mt. Whitney? Come on people! Get out there!!
Kennedy Meadows/ HWY 108
If you’re relatively new to fly-fishing, and love camping where it’s not too remote, Mona and I have been enjoying the Middle Fork of the Stanislaus along Highway 108 for 30 years. Dry-fly and nymph fishing to both planted and wild fish is generally quite good. Most of the fish are in the 10” range, but some surprising large fish are there. The campgrounds along the river are easy to access and nice. Kennedy Meadows Pack station/resort is at the base of Sonora Pass and if you love exploring the mountains away from Yosemite, this is the place to do it. You can pack horses, do day trips, or hourly trail rides. Cabins, a store, restaurant and saloon are all favorites of many for decades. The pass rises from 6,300 feet to over 10,000 feet in 9 miles. If anyone is interested in hanging out with us at Kennedy Meadows in late July – let me know. Fly-fishing the meadow all day is second to nothing.
No July Meeting
Historically there is no general meeting in July as it falls right around the 4th and many are in fact fishing. But there will be a fly-tying class and our Board Meeting – if you’re interested in becoming part of the team.
August BBQ and Swap Meet – Sherriff’s Posse Hall – Ocean Street Extension
August will be our first physical gathering since March of 2020. It is our August BBQ and Swap Meeting. It will be held at the Santa Cruz Sherriff’s Posse Hall on Ocean Street extension. It’s an awesome outdoor country venue. Hot dogs, burgers, Beans, Potato Salad and who knows what else! Remember, if you bring something to the swap meet, please be prepared to take it home if someone doesn’t want it. I’m particularly excited because we have been blessed with so many new members who have never experienced a physical club meeting yet. While this won’t be like our general meeting, it is surely something to look forward to as we start getting together again. September meeting we’re hoping to have at the Grange Hall. More details in your newsletter to come.
Thank you.
Special shout out to David South and Bob Peterson for the excellent work handing out scholarships at the high-schools this year. There is interest in making these scholarships larger in dollar amounts. If you’d like to participate for next year, let us know. We’d love to do more for the students, the future of our sport and this planet.
Thank you to Jerry McKeon, Scott Kitayama, and Carly Blanchard for the terrific work on the website, Instagram, Facebook page, and the Club Roster, it has helped us stay so connected and active in the very best way. It was so nice to hear guest speakers say how awesome our club is, how funny we are, engaged, and how many people have been making the Zoom meetings – 38 last month for Brian O’Keefe’s presentation on photographing fish, wild-life, … Really amazing. He will be back next year for sure.
Thank you, Elaine and all your guest Fly-Tiers, helping us get through quite a year navigating Zoom and getting fly-tying materials to everyone.
Jeff Goyert and Micheal McGannon for putting together the most awesome and engaging raffle items and SCFF merch to buy – and more to come!
Steve Rudzinski, thank you for going out of your way with the Jade Street Park casting fun and Sam Bishop, for helping with that and so many fish-outs close to home.
Thanks to everyone of you on the board, members, guests and those who support the membership, our goals, objectives, who helped us thrive during these most interesting times. I would not have been able to do this without each and every one of you.
I look forward to finally seeing all of you again, in person. But if I miss you this time – it’s because we’re fishing!! ?
Posted on June 26th, 2021