Mark your Calendars!! October, November, December!!! Don’t miss these meetings via Zoom, and hopefully in person – maybe by December if the world starts spinning again.
And some other fun fly-fishing related things we’re doing – outside – for the most part.
Hey – seriously October is going to be that presentation you’d want to hear if you are at all interested in fishing from a float tube. Michael Malekos has been writing for California Fly Fisher magazine the last 25 years. He is a super guy who will have some informative, entertaining stories and tips on Float tubing from the bare basics to that and more. If you don’t subscribe to California Fly Fisher magazine – drop this and sign up for this subscription now!! It’s the very best California (and a bit of the rest of the west) fly fishing rag you’ll ever read.
On TUESDAY November 2nd – yes – Tuesday –via Zoom – since it’s November, it’s what I typically identify as the start of the winter steelhead season AND, this one is going to be a presentation by April Vokey from Anchored Outdoors. April is a world-renowned Steelhead spey fly angler, fly-tier, v-logger, … April has also offered some of her educational memberships as part of our door prize/raffle too. Anchored Outdoors has an extensive library of resources and most especially around some pretty spectacular fly-fishing opportunities. I’m super excited to have her as our November speaker.
December’s meeting is going to feature Gordon Tharrett who runs some fantastic fly-fishing opportunities in Utah and Idaho – most notably the Green River. Get your calendars out for planning your 2022 season and come hear what Gordon will bring to your future fly-fishing options in the West with big rainbow and big browns.
With the year coming to a close, many of you know that for the last forty plus years, we have had an annual dinner and fundraiser event that is the highlight of our year. It is the best time spending a whole day together preparing food, getting the raffle tables ready, hors de overs, setting tables, spending the evening eating, meeting new people, silent auction, installing new board members, some funny awards and some nice awards – like the John Steele/Dame Juliana Award, and the raffle.
While the Annual Dinner/Fundraiser will happen again in our future, we are opting for some smaller and perhaps even more engaging events for the membership as this latest setback from Covid has caused us some pause and is still creating uncertainty around a big 200 person gathering.
Our annual dinner/fundraiser nets the club on average $7,500 every year. Some years more, some less. While our budget is approximately $30,000 a year, these funds all go directly to running the club – facility rent, Conservation budget, High-School Scholarship fund, our speaker programs, raffle prizes for monthly meeting, fly-tying materials and classes, Fish-out needs and more. With so many opportunities to do so many different fundraising activities and with so many fun ideas coming from you and our board, we should be able to continue meeting our goals and creating new opportunities surrounding fly-fishing.
I’m also super excited about so many of you who are coming out of the woodwork with ideas for the club and requests to be more of an active member offering to help. To that I’m excited to say that Tommy Polito is going to be helping us with Programs for 2022. Tommy and his new young family live in Aptos. We met at the BBQ and boom, just like that, I was excited to hear his ideas about programs and the offer to accept this position on the Board. You’ll be hearing more from Tommy and company soon.
And, if that wasn’t surprise enough – Bob Garbarino, who I’ve had the pleasure of fishing with a few times, casting classes and hanging out together came to the board meeting. I thought he was there as a guest which was really nice, but then Steve Rudzinski surprised us by saying that Bob was offering to take on the position of Conservation Chair for 2022, which is going to leave Steve more time to orchestrate Casting clinics, casting practices, outings and even some camping/fishing fun.
I’m really happy with everyone coming forward and please know we need a few more to help us this coming year and into the future. IF you are remotely interested, just come visit a board meeting and you might like it! I do.
Stay tuned. If you haven’t been to a Zoom meeting yet and need help navigating this – PLEASE reach out to me or Scott Kitayama. We’ll set you up – easy!!
Watch your newsletter for some really fun outdoor get togethers over these next several months.
It has been fun meeting all our new members – I’d like to highlight and welcome you so if you come to the meeting, we’d love to hear from you.
See you soon and again on Zoom – we’re going to have fun!!
Posted on September 22nd, 2021