Douglas Severin
November 8, 1927– October 26,2021
Doug joined our club clear back in 1998. He had been a real outdoor person, but all his companions were no longer able to participate with him. So his wife Diane encouraged him to check out the SCFF club. As he put it , after doing just that, “ I’ve found a new home”. He jumped right in joining the fly tying classes and was soon helping beginners , as he was extremely skilled at tying. His specialty was small dry flies which over the years served him well at the Mammoth and Green River fishouts as well as throughout Montana and Wyoming. He was not a fan of flying so trips to the Green River were on Amtrak and to other Rocky Mountain destinations he would accomplish by driving almost non-stop to his destination. He loved the back country in the Sierra and a couple of his favorites were McGee and Convict Canyons. His participation and help with club functions were remarkable. In his quiet gentlemanly manner, you’d find him demonstrating fly tying to the public, donating and preparing, along with Diane, salads for the Club Fund Raiser, and then showing up at functions ahead of time to help set up then stay to pick up at the end. So now we say goodbye to our dear friend Doug. His company will be missed but the fond memories will live on.
Posted on November 17th, 2021