Happy Summer – I hope you are getting out to do some fishing, hiking, exploring, resting, and taking good care of yourself wherever you are these days.
I just returned from a brief respite in the Eastern Sierra and while it was a plan to fish as much as I could, I was just happy to be away from the hustle and bustle of life’s daily activities, in remote wilderness with my best friend, and adventurer wife, Mona. While Mona is a pretty good fly-angler and loves the water, she’s also really engaged in finding minerals, crystals, and semiprecious stones when we’re out and about. I’m always just looking for gold. And no – haven’t found any yet. But it sure does take us to some of the most beautiful places in California.
I want all of you to know that this Newsletter is for you. Part of what makes this club so fun and such a terrific resource is all of YOU!
If you look on the website, you’ll see the Newsletter “button” and under that button, you’ll see a place where YOU – yes – YOU – can Submit an article, a photo, a short snippet of something about you, about fly-fishing, maybe even searching for gold! AND, you can add really cool things like pictures, just like I get to do every month. You can too!! It’s easy and we want to hear from you. Who knows, you might just be the next Norman MaClean, Steinbeck, David James Duncan, … or you might just be the member another member would love to hear from.
It’s easy. Go to the Newsletter Button -> Article Submission -> Submit Page. Don’t be scared – It won’t bite!
There really aren’t that many rules, just your name, email address, month you might want this published. It’s not necessary to write a note to the Newsletter editor, but if you want to – go ahead! You cannot make a mistake.
You do have to pick an Article Category. But don’t worry, if you make a mistake, we’ll fix it – easy.
Article Title – Be Creative! Or just be simple!
Author Byline – It’s really just your name. Or if you go by another name as a writer, then feel free to express yourself. I sometimes go by Brad Pitt! Or Pauly!
Article Text – Now this is maybe a bit tricky. I always type my note in a Word Document. I save it then “Select All” – copy and paste in to the “Article Text” area. Now you don’t have to do that, but it bears mentioning that if you are writing some really good stuff and think you might win a Pulitzer Prize or think it will then get published in Gray’s Journal or Fly-Fishing Magazine – you should save it as a Word document. If you don’t and your just typing free text in the Article Text field, and PG&E decides it’s time for a PSBS (Power Safety Bull…) and the power goes out. Well, there goes yer Pulitzer Prize. Or it’s like havin a Rogue River Steelhead on your line for about 15 seconds, long enough to get excited thinkin the God’s have just answered yer prayers, only to see the thing jump in the air and send yer Hobo Spey into the Stratosphere. Trust me. Save your stuff in Word, copy, and paste into the body of the Article Text. Oh, and don’t worry about all the Bold, Italics, Font, bullet stuff at the top. I never use that. Just copy and paste or if yer gutsy, free text in that space and go for it!
Saving in Word will also help you with your editing especially if you have a newer Word version that alerts you to all the spelling errors yer makin – like these I leave here intentionamentally.
Article Summary – you don’t really need one of these, but it’s okay to put something there – in the event you’re creating the next best seller and need a “Foreward” maybe stated as said by someone the likes of Brad Pitt. But not necessary.
Source – It’s pretty self explanatory. I never use it. Mostly because I’m not plagiarizing anyone – at least not that I know of!
Featured Photo – Now this is where I get excited! Every month I get to post another picture of myself, loving where I am, who I am with, and just plain love looking at pictures of me with other people I like in places I like to be. Okay – you guessed it – I just like lookin at pictures of me!
Okay – seriously. The photos should be saved somewhere on your computer, and it should be simple. Click on the “Choose File” button. Go to the folder where that beautiful photo is and “Select” it. You can add a simple caption. Easy – but not necessary.
Additional Photos – You can also “drag and drop” up to 6 more photos, that our illustrious editor will carefully place within the article.
Then “Submit” – and be patient – wait for your computer to catch up and that’s it! You are now officially a published author and potentially the next Pulitzer Prize winner!
It is much simpler than I’ve written – a short – hey we went fishing here, I had a great time, love the club and think Tom Hogye is the best …., put a couple photos in there and presto you’re in.
So next month I’m hoping I see a wonderful selection of work from all of you. Because without YOU, we would not be!
Grateful for all of you. Hogye
P.S. You can’t submit a President’s Line – until yer President!! 🙂 But it sure is fun when you can!
Posted on June 27th, 2022