The technique of spinning deer hair has been requested by club members a number of times. The Muddler Minnow will give you the opportunity to learn just that. Beginners in the past have done well tying this type of fly so don’t hesitate to give it a try. Two types of thread will be used this time, 6/0 black and any color monocord. Some will be available to borrow. As usual bring your vice tools and light. We welcome beginners and equipment will be provided for you. Sign ups are important in order to have the right amount of material prepared which is provided. You can sign up at the club meeting or call Elaine with at least 24 hours notice at 831-688-1561. I encourage wearing a mask for we are close to one another while tying. If not vaccinated and boosted please wear one for sure. Thank you.
Posted on November 22nd, 2022