A couple of Wednesday’s ago, I caught more steelhead than ever in my life. Instead of a fly rod, an electroshock rod was put in the water and we scooped up 2 inch “Young of the Year” to move them from a “soon-to-be-dried-up-tributary” to the main section of the Carmel River. On that day, the Carmel River Steelhead Association and volunteers gave over 300 fish a chance to survive. They are doing a few rescues over the next few weeks if you want to volunteer.

We live in the best place. On Sunday morning, my wife put on a down coat and I put on a sweater so that we could walk the beach. By noon, blue sky was starting to appear and the high temperature at my house was 68 degrees. Perfect. Earlier in the week, I was in Tahoe and was shocked that the low temperature was 68 degrees and then it got hot! Tried fishing some streams flowing into Lake Tahoe, but stopped by 10:00 am because the water was getting too warm.
I was able to attend July’s fly tying class where Jesse Collins taught a beaded nymph pattern and it was nice to see new members there. Also saw new members taking advantage of the Fly Casting clinic which was run by Alex Ferber with assistance from Sam Bishop. Relatively new to the club, both Jesse and Alex have really helped the club in teaching classes and hosting fishouts.
On August 7th, we will have the annual summer BBQ at the Aptos Grange starting at 6:00 pm. Hope to see you there!
Posted on July 29th, 2024