We want to be sure to have raffle and silent auction prizes that appeal to everyone and many attendees don’t fly fish. We would like you go to your favorite businesses and ask for donations for the fundraiser, below is a list of companies that HAVE ALREADY donated to our 2025 fundraiser. Click here for a PDF link to a “Request for Donation” letter and a “fill in the blank” gift certificate. I hope that by filling in the name of the business, signing your name, and writing a short note on the letter, it will help make it easier to ask. Remember, we are asking for help to fund donations to local environmental organizations and student scholarships.
We are blessed to be getting gift certificates for the fundraiser and are looking to get more. Here are some who have already donated:
Bayside Marine Bookshop Santa Cruz Cafe Cruz The Farm Bakery Cafe Cruz Riverside Lighting | Stagnaro Charters H&H Fish Johnny’s Harborside Pajaro Valley Golf Course AdamsBuilt MasterCleaners | Pacific Golf Center Trout Spot Fly Shop Central Coast Fly Shop TFO CA Sportfishing Protection |
If you do frequent any of these companies, please thank them for their generosity. And finally, you can help by attending the event! Remember, you can’t win the great prizes unless you are present.
Posted on December 27th, 2024