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Profile–California Sportfishing Protection Alliance

by Bob Garbarino

California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) is a collection of committed activists with extensive experience and expertise in the trenches of the administrative, and judicial processes affecting fisheries, water rights, and water quality. These are these arenas in which defenders of the public interest and the public trust win or lose the battles to protect the fisheries and water quality of our waterways.
California has many laws protecting fisheries and water quality but a poor track record of enforcing them. CSPA monitors the water rights and water quality processes, and where necessary, enforces laws enacted to protect the aquatic environment. They have developed working relationships with state and federal agencies and legislators, and they closely collaborate with other fishing and environmental organizations. CSPA’s work covers the following important areas affecting California’s fisheries.
Clean Water Law Enforcement—This includes stopping stormwater pollution, wastewater pollution and agricultural pollution.
Balance the Water Budget—Areas of focus are reforming water rights, stopping the Sites Reservoir project, enforcing state doctrines and planning for drought.
Save the Bay-Delta Estuary—Priorities are stopping the Delta Tunnel, restoring the rule of law and completing the Bay-Delta Plan.
Protect Rivers from Hydropower Dams—Key strategies are leveraging hydropower licensing, removing obsolete dams and protecting the Clean Water Act Section 401.
Improve Fisheries Management—CSPA states that 83% of California’s native fisheries are at risk of extinction. To combat the fisheries decline, CSPA is working to increase natural production, modernize hatcheries and promote equitable access.
Through the hard work and commitment of the staff at CSPA, we can know that they are acting on our behalf to help to restore healthy habitats for native fish—including Chinook salmon and steelhead.

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