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Club Activities – Mar thru May

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Mar 01 9:00 am - 5:30 pmPleasanton Fly Fishing Show - SCFF booth

The Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will have booth B6 at the Pleasanton Fly Show.   Club members will be staffing the booth and will have our new club signage at the show.

Alameda County Fairgrounds
Mar 02 9:00 am - 4:30 pmPleasanton Fly Fishing Show - SCFF booth

The Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will have booth B6 at the Pleasanton Fly Show.   Club members will be staffing the booth and will have our new club signage at the show.

Alameda County Fairgrounds
Mar 05 5:45 pm - 6:30 pmIntroductory Skills: Basic Fishing Knots

From the New Member Orientation meeting we had in February, it was obvious that we need to provide some introductory skills and knowledge to members who are just starting out in fly fishing.  Instead of building some complicated training program, we are going to start by providing short skills development before the fly casting clinic and the general meetings.   The first one, will be about basic fishing knots.

Aptos Grange
Mar 15 1:30 pm - 3:30 pmFly Casting Meetup

We will be working on FFI skills development course from the Bronze and Silver levels. If you’re not familiar with these exercises, it would be a great time to come out and see what it’s all about. The skills are directed at improving your casting skills, and will improve your overall fly fishing success. This will be a perfect time for those folks who are just getting started, to learn some basic core casting techniques.  I will have practice rods if needed.  Hope to see you there.

Jade Street Park baseball field
Apr 02 6:00 pm - 6:45 pmIntroductory Skills: Setting up, Moving, and Breaking down the fly rod

This will cover the basics of setting up, breaking down the fly rod.  Practice and a few simple tricks will make you proficient.  Another topic covered will be how to secure your rod and flies when moving from one area to another.

Note:  From the New Member Orientation meeting we had in February, it was obvious that we need to provide some introductory skills and knowledge to members who are just starting out in fly fishing.  Instead of building some complicated training program, we are going to start by providing short skills development before the fly casting clinic and the general meetings.

Aptos Grange
Apr 19 1:30 pm - 3:30 pmFly Casting Meetup

We will be working on FFI skills development course from the Bronze and Silver levels. If you’re not familiar with these exercises, it would be a great time to come out and see what it’s all about. The skills are directed at improving your casting skills, and will improve your overall fly fishing success. This will be a perfect time for those folks who are just getting started, to learn some basic core casting techniques.  I will have practice rods if needed.  Hope to see you there.

Jade Street Park baseball field
Apr 23 6:00 pm - 9:30 pmFly Fishing Film Tour 2025

The 19th annual FLY FISHING FILM TOUR (F3T) 2025 is at the Woodhouse Brewery with a top notch selection of short films that are sure to get you fired up for the season ahead!

Woodhouse Brewery
May 10 1:30 pm - 3:30 pmFly Casting Meetup

We will be working on FFI skills development course from the Bronze and Silver levels. If you’re not familiar with these exercises, it would be a great time to come out and see what it’s all about. The skills are directed at improving your casting skills, and will improve your overall fly fishing success. This will be a perfect time for those folks who are just getting started, to learn some basic core casting techniques.  I will have practice rods if needed.  Hope to see you there.

Jade Street Park baseball field
May 17 9:00 am - 1:00 pmSwap Meet at Aptos Grange - 2025

Swap meet at the Aptos Grange parking lot. 9am to 1 pm. All things fishing/outdoors!

Aptos Grange