The mosquito pattern has been around for decades and is a good old standby. Use for trout, apply floatant, and fish dead drift. The traditional mosquito uses the natural grizzly feather, which is black and white. Don’t hesitate to use grizzly that has been dyed brown, cream, or dun.
1. HOOK: TMC 100 size 12 to 18 Crimp barb.
2. THREAD: Black 6/0 for larger flies, 8/0 for smaller. Attach 1/3 back on shank.
3. WINGS: Grizzly neck Select two feathers from side that have rounded tips and width of feather just a little below the tip equals 2/3 width of the shank. Note location on stem that is the equal to hook length. Stroke all barbs from that point back on stem. Position feathers with tips forward, separation of barbs mid shank, bend of feathers going away from each other. Tie in place, cut excess. NOTE: WINGS SHOULD BE 1/3 BACK ON SHANK. Several wraps of thread in front of wings to hold them upright. One wrap of thread between wings too slightly separate. Cut any excess barbs, extending forward over eye of hook.
4. TAIL: Grizzly Hackle Neck. Feathers from the side of the neck have stiff barbs that are straight. Select one that has long barbs. Stroke barbs against the grain to line up the tips. Cut 10 to 12 from stem. Lay on hook shank with tips extending hook shank length beyond shank. Tie in place with touching wraps, up to wings. Cut excess.
5. BODY: Moose mane. Cut one dark and one light strand from stem. Lay strands on top of hook shank with tips just behind wings and butts to rear. Secure to top of shank with touching thread wraps up to wings. Wrap both strands forward at the same time forming a barber pole effect. Cut excess.
6. HACKLE: Grizzly. Select feather with barbs equal to 1/2 length of hook gap. Cut several barbs short on but end of stem. Tie in crew cut behind wings. Wrap thread forward to one eye length behind eye. Wrap hackle around hook shank, twice behind wings and twice in front of wings. Cut excess.
7. HEAD: Wrap thread head. Whip finish. Cut thread.
Posted on March 9th, 2025