Back to Rio Del Mar State Beach for the August Surf Fish-Out where we started this year. Meet up at 6 am at “the Platform” (I have no idea why it is called that), but it is at the end of Beach Drive. Parking is outside due to the early hour before the paid parking gate opens. We have an ebb tide with a +0.9 low at 08:08 am.
Take Rio Del Mar Blvd all the way to the flats, do the round-about to the left and go ½ mile down Beach drive.
This section has produced for me: Barred Perch, Walleye Perch, California Rays, Leopard Shark, Bat Ray, Sculpin, sand worms, mole crabs, almost legal Dungeness crabs, Stripers, Jack Smelt. And right next to me I have seen Guitar fish and Halibut taken on the fly rod.
Everyone is welcome, but I highly encourage you to learn to cast before you come to the beach. Check in with our Castmaster Mark Traugott, or his assistant (me) and work on the haul and the double haul. For surf equipment, clothing and general information, go to our website under EDUCATION and read the section on surf fishing.
I will have spare flies for anyone who would like and stripping baskets for free loan or purchase $20 to the Club. If you need a stripping basket, please be there early, before we hit the beach to fish. Best to have your rod strung up already and your waders on already doesn’t hurt!
See you and your friends at the Beach!
Posted on July 29th, 2020