GOOD NEWS: Big club fishout at Pyramid Lake the first week in April. ?
BAD NEWS: There will be no online raffle Prior to the April meeting.?
HOWEVER: There will be a raffle, and door prizes, at the April 6 meeting held at the Aptos Grange starting at 6:30 pm.?
Take a look at these great raffle prizes.
Let’s start with 200 plus pages of beautiful trout artwork by world renounded artist James Prosek. His famous work “Trout of the World” deserves a special spot on any fly fisher’s book shelf.
Next take a look at this custom wood laminated release net. Perfect size for serious trout and Black bass as well as school sized stripers. Low visibility soft vinyl netting is gentle on the catch. Included is a magnetic release and a carbineer clipped tether cord.
Classic is a word that comes to mind when describing this St.Croix “Triumph” rod. It is a 4 weght eight foot medium/fast action 4 piece rod perfect for small stream trout. It is match with a Sougayilang CNC machined aluminum alloy reel for light weight and balance.
Great prizes to win, come to the meeting and buy some tickets; ones dollar each, twenty bucks gets you 25.
Posted on March 25th, 2022