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New Way to Fish Pyramid

Greetings fellow Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club Members,
I have been leading the Pyramid Lake fishing trip for the past ten years. It has always been a remarkable fish out, and one of the best attended too. However the past three years have been very challenging and we have not caught very many fish and people have come away disappointed with the outcome.
I have fished the lake for twenty five years and the recent lack of success over the past few years have made me really think about whether or not it is worth the effort to fish Pyramid. Years past I would make multiple trips to the lake at all different times of the year. It is winter fishery opening October 1st and closing June 30th. I have always had success and the hunt for a big Lahontan trout always motivated me to get out there and fish. So, fast forward to today and I have had to rethink my whole approach to fishing Pyramid.
That leads me to a new discovery about how to fish Pyramid Lake. Jeff Goyertte, a club member and our raffle coordinator took a recent trip to the lake and fished with Rob Anderson, a long time guide on Pyramid. He went on the trip in early to mid June of this year. They fished from float tubes, and with fly gear that was not the typical set up that we are accustomed to using to catch these big trout . Well he did extremely well and when he told me about his experience, it peaked my curiosity.
Jeff was kind enough to put me in touch with Rob Anderson. I had a good conversation with him and I think it is worth exploring a fish out with Rob in June of 2025. He can take out as many as 15 people on float tubes. It is $350 for two and a half days. The first day people arrive at a beach along the lake where Rob sets up a camp. This first day is really a prep day where the guides provide training on how to fish from your float tube for these big trout. You would be responsible for your own lodging whether you camp on the beach or go back to a hotel or stay at Pyramid Lodge. Rob provides breakfast and lunch for your $350 fee. We would more than likely go in early June.
I have attached a couple of videos that are very helpful in explaining Rob’s whole approach to fishing Pyramid Lake. They are done quite well and worth watching.
So this is a whole new deal. The old fish out would be replaced by this one. And it would be a different experience. If you have any interest please contact me at 831 706-5556 or email at