Apr 26 - May 03 12:00 AM
Green River – Utah
Currently this trip is at maximum capacity.
For wait list options or updates, please contact the Fishmaster
Rick chace
General Information –
It is necessary for us to pay upfront to reserve the accommodations. The club’s standard approach to this is for each angler to pay his individual portion of the rental fee for sleeping accommodations.
Each angler will be responsible for the weekly rate of $300. This is a nonrefundable fee.
If an angler decides not to attend, they are responsible to sell their portion to another angler or forfeit their portion of the rental. I’m counting on everyone on the list to send their payment and secure their place on the trip. If not all 14 people commit by payment, there will be a increased adjustment in the weekly fee for each angler since the rental cost is based on the number of people.
Matt Twissleman will be handling the food end of our trip. We discussed briefly a scenario of having three of the seven nights dinner meals be cooked and served as a group meal , and the other 4 nights you’ll be responsible for your own meals. So one of us or several of us will stop in Salt Lake City and stock up on provisions for these meals along with lunch makings. Breakfast will be up to the individual, whether they want to cook it or eat out. We will provide bagels and cream cheese as part of the group food. Matt’s email is included in the email list above. Please if you have any dietary restrictions advise him of specialty item possibly needed for your meals. The fee for food will be a separate fee calculated after our arrival at the fish out. If you intend to cook your own food, you’re welcome to use the kitchen, but keep in mind there are no grocery stores within 50 miles. So remember to stock up before you leave civilization! There are three different restaurants in the area.
There are many guide services available for the Green River float, along with raft rental. Over the next few weeks, we will provide a list of potential recommendations so you might want to book your float trips? There is plenty of access along this river for wading a 7 mile trail system along the A section of the river.
Elaine Cook has offered to hold a fly tying class especially for the Green and will provide patterns that will accommodate that time of year. There is a great fly shop Trout Creek Flyer https://troutcreekflies.com/
We will start an ongoing thread of emails to this group. I will start to suggest that you think about if you’re going to fly or drive. If you fly, you fly into Salt Lake City and you can rent a car and split the cost with another member or 2.. The drive time from Salt Lake is about 4 1/2 hours. Drive time from Santa Cruz is probably 14 1/2 or 15 hours.
A BUCKT LIST Fly Fishing Trip | Green River-Part 1
Fly Fishing for BIG BROWN Trout on a LEGENDARY Trout Stream | Green River-Part 2
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Posted on April 26th, 2025