Aug 25 10:00 AM
We had a very successful first class on July 28. Four club members, all experienced casters, attended, and we
spent the full two hours working on perfecting the mechanics of the roll cast. The riverside site can comfortably
accommodate up to six casters. In order to prevent any chance of overcrowding, I will maintain a sign-up list
for future classes. If you would like to participate, send me an email at traugott@ucsc.edu, or call and leave a
message at (831) 338-6056. I will send an email message providing all necessary details to those who sign up.
The August casting class will focus on the Pick-up and Lay-down (PULD) cast. This is the foundation for all
overhead fly casting. This lesson will be geared primarily to beginner and novice fly casters, so no prior casting
experience is assumed (though the ability to do a basic roll cast would be helpful.) The class will take place in
Boulder Creek at 10 AM on Wednesday, August 25. This month’s general lesson plan is to conduct a very brief
review of the roll cast (for those who attended the July class) followed by a systematic examination of the steps
involved in a simple PULD cast. Time permitting, we will also cover the off-side PULD and false casting.
Participants should plan to bring the rod of their choice, a matching reel, and a floating line (or contact me to
see if I can arrange for loaner equipment.)
Add to your calendar: iCal Google Calendar
Posted on August 25th, 2021