Oct 07 - Oct 10 12:00 AM
The annual O’Neill ForeBay Striped Bass FishOut has been scheduled for Oct 7-10 and Nov 4-7 (Thurs-Sunday). I made it during the dark phase of the moon this year.
We will camp at the same place again at Medeiros Campground site #23 I will try to get again, there are 4 sites there and more than one car per site is okay. New people should contact me personally for details. Bring everything to camp bare bones style, only a single vault style toilet which is not too bad compared to the other porta potties throughout the campground. Bring water, and food and cooking gear, there will be a camp stove or two to use or cook over the camp fire.
Gear to use: 7 or 8 wt rod, full sinking line like Rio Outbound Short or Tungsten T-11 shooting head with a good running line. 15 lb test fluorocarbon leader (6′ is long enough so the fly gets down deeper). Lee Haskins or Jim Hall has flies for sale. Both are listed in our club roster and you can make an order directly with them. Float tubes of course or small craft like flat bottom dingy’s and some kayaks work okay except when windy. (It can really BLOW you away there and we hope for good conditions but we have had big rainstorms in years past so prepare for the worst).
One thing we never have enough of is firewood for the evening rap sessions, the size of wood that comes in a box at the grocery store is perfect for our portable fire tubs.
The camp is only 70 miles from Santa Cruz and directions can be easily be found on your GPS system. Call or email me @ 831 462 4532 or ssrudzinski@gmail.com to be on the list so I have a good idea of how many will attend. We always have a good time at this event. See you there, Stosh
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Posted on October 7th, 2021