Rooster Comb Ranch – UPDATED –

Apr 18 - Apr 20  12:00 AM

23rd Annual Bass Fishout at Roostercomb Ranch

3/04/2025 – SOLD OUT 

– If you are still interested, contact the Fish Master to be added to the wait list (contact information below)

This is our club’s 23rd annual bass Fishout to the Roostercomb Ranch since year 2000. This sprawling private ranch is located adjacent to Henry Coe State Park, off Hwy 152  entrance in Hollister near Casa de Fruta Restaurant.  It’s a 22-mile off-road trek through the backcountry from the park entrance. This requires a 3-day weekend commitment.  Accommodations are a 1928 ranch house and bunk house with options to tent camp or sleep in your vehicle. The ranch offers 9 bass ponds on its property plus 2 hike-ins on park property, float tube or shore fishing, hiking, birding, photography, and opportunities for riding your ATV on miles of ranch roads.

The terrain is rough, rocky and sometimes steep, therefore, all vehicles MUST be 4-WD with good clearance to drive in and around the ranch! If you do not have a 4-WD vehicle, arrangements can be made for you to carpool with someone who does.

Breakfasts and dinner meals/barbecues are organized by teams.  Lunches, snacks and beverages are each individual’s responsibility.


Group is limited to 10 fishers (non-fishers welcome). Four (4) fishing spaces remain available!  COST:  $300/person (no charge for children 12 yrs and under).  Please note that you are NOT on the list until I have your check  YOUR CHECK SAVES YOUR SPOT!

Check payable to:  Cecilia Stipes   Mail:  328 Capelli Drive, Felton CA 95018

Fishmaster:  Cecilia Stipes – – 831-566-7707


Map Unavailable