Rooster Comb Ranch

Apr 18 - Apr 20  12:00 AM

Roostercomb Ranch

Private ranch pond fishing, located adjacent to Henry Coe State Park, 22 miles off Hwy 152 from the entrance which is 5 miles from Casa de Fruta Restaurant in Hollister. It is a 3-day fun-filled weekend with fishing bass ponds

The ponds are primarily fished from float tubes or from the bank using woolly buggers and poppers. You can also bring conventional spin rods and gear.

Lodging and accommodation information will be updated (search Roostercomb in the top right search bar to learn about our past Fishouts here).

The terrain is rough, rocky and sometimes steep; therefore all vehicles MUST be 4-WD or AWD with good clearance to drive in and around the ranch! If you do not have a 4-WD vehicle, potential carpool  arrangements with other members can be organized.

The Fishout has a 10 fisher minimum.

COST: $300 per person. 3 days and 2 nights at the ranch with accommodations (no single days)

Fishmaster:  Cecilia Stipes –


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