Jim Cox – Western Rivers Conservancy

Mar 05  6:45 PM

Jim joined Western Rivers Conservancy as Director of Donor Relations in 2011. He is a past steering committee co-chair of the Nonprofit Association of Oregon and is an active member of the Northwest Planned Giving Roundtable. He is a member of numerous conservation organizations including Trout Unlimited, Flyfishers Club of Oregon, FFI, and the Native Fish Society. Jim holds a Bachelor of Theatre Degree from Willamette University and lives in Portland, Oregon. In his free time, you can find him fly fishing for trout and steelhead on is favorite western streams and occasionally sitting in as guest trumpet soloist with the Latin jazz band The Steelhead Stalkers.

Western Rivers Conservancy has been working for more than 35 years to conserve and protect lands on more than 280 rivers and streams in nine western states, purchasing properties across the West to protect and conserve vital river ecosystems and to provide compatible public use and enjoyment.  Jim will be discussing the organization’s recent projects across the west including Dillon Beach in California, McDermitt Creek in Oregon, Terryall Creek Colorado, Racetrack Creek in Montana, the Yakima River in Washington and the Selway River in Idaho among others.

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