Date:  May 6, 2020

Time:  7PM

Place:  Online via Zoom!

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May Monthly Speaker Presentation

by Jim Black, Programs Director

Our May 6 presentation will be from Jim Cox of Western Rivers Conservancy. Jim has more than 25 years experience working professionally in the nonprofit sector. Jim is a past steering committee co-chair of the Nonprofit Association of Oregon, and is an active member of the Northwest Planned Giving Roundtable. In his free time, you can find him fly fishing and hiking along the outstanding rivers of the West. Western River’s commitment to protecting our great western streams is guided by a lifelong passion for rivers and the great outdoors. They have purchased and protected more than 100,000 acres along dozens of rivers throughout the West, including among others, the Klamath, John Day, Gunnison, Madison, Skagit and Salmon.

Watch the video for more info about the Western Rivers Conservancy.:

Date:  April 1, 2020

Time:  Any time you want

Place:  YouTube!

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“Van Life” – Epic Montana Fly Fishing Adventure “Journey On”

by Aimee and Chase Bartee

Hello my fellow big stick fly line, fly tying, fly flippin enthusiasts.  For what is probably the first time in the 43 year history of the SCFF, we have had to cancel our April meeting due to the Coronavirus pandemic forcing us to shelter-in place and wait out the storm.

I found this beautiful adventure of two people heading across the country to spend a summer fly-fishing in Montana.  The photos and video are spectacular and include fish, fur and feather.   No this is not the typical adventure that John and Elaine Cook do every summer, but it could very well be, or be you – or me – next!!  I invite you to turn on your TV, grab some popcorn and a refreshment – say “youtube” and settle into your most comfortable place and enjoy this nearly 1 hour escape.

You can also visit

Wishing all of you good health and looking forward to gathering again soon.

Date:  Wednesday, March 4

Time:  Open - 6:45 pm; Meeting 7:00pm

Place:  Aptos Grange, 2555 Mar Vista Dr., Aptos

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Five Best Reasons to Fly Fish Montana
with Guest Speaker Ed Lawrence

by Jim Black, Programs Director

Our speaker this month will be Montana outfitter, Ed Lawrence. If you have ever thought you would like to plan a fishing trip into Montana, Ed Lawrence, should be your go-to planner. He will help you with your choice of rivers if you wish.

A number of SCFF members have planned fishing trips with Ed. I and a long-time friend of mine traveled to Montana last year with a goal of fishing four or five rivers in five or six days. We wanted to fish the Yellowstone, The Madison, the Jefferson and the Missouri before discussing our choices with Ed. Our final plan with Ed’s suggestions, was to fish the Missouri twice in different places, including a third day fishing The Land of Giants, and along with the Madison and the Yellowstone.

It was a great organized, efficient trip. We met our guides in the morning, fished all day, drove to the next river that night, had dinners on our own after fishing, then spent our nights in Holiday Express Hotels, all arranged by Ed. We then met our guides the next morning at our front lobby door and went fish-ing. So, after that, we flew into Bozeman on Sunday, started fishing Monday on the Madison and were able to fish five days in a row. We returned back to Bozeman in the evening of the last day and flew home the next day, actually seven days all together, making it a very enjoyable trip, which I plan to do this year and next and next and next.

I would be happy to discuss our Montana with anyone who is interested, and Ed’s program will entice you even more to find out what the five best reasons are to fly fish Montana!