Date:  Jan, 13 (Wed.)

Time:  6:30pm

Place:  Zoom class

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Hula Shrimp

by Larry Yien --- instrutor

I designed this fly for chasing after saltwater varieties in Hawaii, namely: bonefish, trevally , and barracuda. This fly also does well in Bahamas, Belize, and Christmas Island. It’s derived from the famous “Bunny Gotcha” and almost resembles a shrimp.

Upon recommendation from my friend Robert Eberle, I’ve discovered that this pattern also works well for surf perch on local beaches.

Please call to sign up, and let me know if you need thread (flat waxed nylon-white) and/or vise and tools. This fly will be a little more challenging for beginners but never let that stop you from learning tying techniques. Your material and directions will be at my door after you sign up.  Larry Yien – (831)325-4589

The Zoom link for the fly tying class is on the menu of the website, just below the link for the general meeting.

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Tie one on: The Royal Hawaiian Mai Tai

by Scott Kitayama

Let’s dream about warm Hawaii in chilly January by tying Hula Shrimp flies and drinking Mai Tais. As many of you know, the Mai Tai was created by Victor Bergeron (Trader Vic’s) in Oakland. A decade later, the Royal Hawaiian on Waikiki Beach was the first to serve the drink and it quickly became synonymous with Hawaii instead of Oakland.

The Royal Hawaiian Mai Tai*:
1 ounce dark rum
1 ounce light rum
1 ounce orange curacao
2 ounces orange juice
1/2 ounce lime juice
Dash orgeat
Dash simple syrup (bar syrup)

Combine all of the ingredients in the order listed in an old fashioned style glass over shaved ice. Stir with a swizzle stick. Garnish with a slice of pineapple and a cherry.

Note: There are many downsides to virtual fly tying, however staying at home provides a benefit that adult beverages can be consumed during the class.

* From July 31, 2017

Date:  Dec. 9th 2020

Time:  6:30 p.m.

Place:  Zoom Meeting

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Sheep Creek

by Elaine Cook - fly tying instructor

This month will feature an emerging aquatic insect for trout. Best used in stillwater with a floating line.  Once again, a simple fly to tie, which is working best via Zoom. Great fly for you beginners. We have tools and vise to loan to you. Sign up by calling, and allowing enough time to pick up materials and directions at my door. (831)688-1561.

Beginners need to allow a little more time for a face time session to learn how to use equipment. If you live far away, I can mail you what you need or if you wish to use your own materials, I can email you the directions. Feel free to just tune in to watch , if you wish. Its best to set up and review directions ahead of time. The thread will be olive 8/0.

Wed, December 9,   Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Date:  Nov. 11 , 2020. (Wednesday)

Time:  6:30 pm

Place:  Zoom meeting

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Glow Bugaboo – November Fly Tying

by Elaine Cook - fly tying instructor

Here’s a nice fly for small streams and lakes to catch brooks, rainbows and steelhead (smolts and up to half pounders ). The pattern can be varied in several ways. A couple will be featured in the class. This is a simple fly to tie and good for beginners. We thank Tim Loomis for suggesting the fly for a class.  He speaks from experience about its definite effectiveness. You will need red 6/0 or 8/0 thread. Let me know if you need to borrow some.  For beginners: call well ahead so we can set you up with vise and tools and receive some basic instruction via face time.

Everyone will need to call ahead to allow enough time for materials and directions to be assembled and for you to pick up at my home. ( about 2 days ) (831)688-1561

Wed, November 11,   Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Date:  10/14/2020

Time:  6:30pm

Place:  Zoom

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Tiger and Zebra midges

by Elaine Cook

Midges are the primary food source for trout. Especially in the winter. If you are going to be fishing a tail water or spring creek, it’s good to have a few in your box. This is a simple fly to tie despite it’s small size. I will be going over a lot of tips for tying small flies and how to handle beads. Don’t be afraid to tie this one, even if you have big hands. I will be tying this fly using much bigger hooks and beads so that you’ll be able to see it on you screen.  For you beginners, call me well ahead of time to work out how we can best assist you with vise, tools and information to get started.  Everyone will need to call ahead to allow enough time for materials and directions to be assembled and for you to pick up at my home. ( about 2 days ) (831)688-1561   In addition to your tools, vise, and computer or tablet, you will need a few special items for this class:   

  • prescription glasses if you wear them  
  •  magnification   
  • Scotch Tape   
  • tool with handle, such as a screw driver or kitchen table knife  
  • a very small bowl
Join Zoom Meeting:  
Wed, October 14,   Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Date:  Sept. 9th

Time:  6:30pm

Place:  Zoom meeting

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San Luis Smelt Online Tying Class

by Elaine Cook

To join the Zoom meeting, tap this link:

Here is another clouser pattern and as a matter of fact it has been THE fly in recent times to catch stripers in the O’Neill Forebay and San Luis Reservoir. Remember that we will be having a club fishout at the Forebay in October. This fly is a little challenging to tie but don’t let that deter you beginners ,who are always welcome. You will however have to have a vise and tools or borrow them for the club equipment will not be available. We will be using materials the are not often found in flies.

The class is free.

In addition to the usual tools and vise, place at your tying vise, toothbrush, ruler, and glue (such as Zap-A-Gap or Super Glue),and your computer or iPad.

Thread: strong white such as flat waxed nylon, AND red 6/0, flat wax nylon, or red Sharpie permanent marking pen. Some available to borrow.

Sign ups are mandatory , with at least 2 days notice, in order to receive materials. Call to sign up: (831)688-1561 Be sure to leave phone number and any need to borrow thread. Your packet of directions and material will be left at my door. I will also need to know if you are coming to the front or back. Call me for directions if you have never been here. It’s fine if all you want to do is join in and not tie.

Date:  No class for August

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No Class for August , But Some Fly Tying Tips

Covid strikes again. We had an instructor line up to do the Aug. class, but he unfortunately doesn’t have a computer to do a Zoom class and I will be out of state, fishing of course. A great Zoom class is planned for Sept. I will be instructing a San Luis Smelt. This has been THE fly for the past few years at the Forbay. Lee Haskins, a guru with this fly and fishing that area, has move away, but his fly lives on. Getting the materials is a bit of a challenge. The long fiber craft fur, Foxxfur, is no longer made. The Portland Fly Shop bought up all the remaining supply and sells it cheap. Not all the colors remain available. I’ll be showing, in the class, how to compensate for that. To acquire the Foxxfur yourself: web site: To place an order: (503)265-8060.

If you are new to fly tying and don’t want to invest a lot of money to get started, there are a lot of inexpensive substitutes for tools. I’ll list a few below but, having a vise that has a pedestal instead of a clamp , and a good pair of scissors made by Dr. Slick, are important. Twizzers for pick ups, Straight pin, sewing pin or hat pin for bodkin, straw or ball point pen for half hitch tool, are just a few substitutions.

There are a lot of fly shops and web sites for materials  and equipment. A couple suggestions: The Caddis Fly Shop in Eugene Oregon (good service, no tax and free shipping if over $25 I believe), The Fly Shop in Redding Ca. (Good service, cheaper excellent quality hooks under brand TFS and same numbers as TMC hooks, right off I-5), J. Stockard (877)359-8946 (inexpensive).

Books I recommend: “Fly Patterns of Umpqua Feather Merchants” by Randall Kaufmann for extensive list of fly patterns and materials to tie each. “The complete Book of Western Hatches” by Dave Hughes for detailed information about aquatic insects and flies to immatate them. “The Hook Book” by Dick Stewart for hooks drawn by actual size, description, equivalents in other brands.

Email or call to sign up for the September Fly tying class. Leave your number please.

Date:  July 8, 2020

Time:  6:30 PM

Place:  ZOOM meeting

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Green Flash Clouser

by Elaine Cook, Fly tying Instructor

This is our first Zoom fly tying class. We’ll hope for the best, for this technology is very foreign to me and I thank Tom Hoyge immensely  for his help. Tap on the link listed above.

Our fly tonight is a Striper fly which is large and fairly easy to tie. The Forbay is now open for day use and fishing has been good. So be sure to have a few of these in you box.

The usual method for teaching the class will be altered as follows:

1. You must have your own vise and tools or borrow them. The club equipment will not be available.

2. Sign ups are mandatory in order to get materials and tying directions. Call me to sign up or email If I’m not home, leave a message that includes your name, phone #, your need for thread (see below), and skill level. NOTE: I’ll be out of town from June 20th to July 3rd. Gone fishing!

3. You will find packets of materials and directions at my front door with your name on them starting Sunday July 5th. The club can loan you thread if needed. It must be returned promptly. The  thread needs to be very strong and white. Such as: flat waxed nylon, monocord, Danville 2/0, Gudbrod Gx2, or Ultra Thread 140 denier.

4. Read directions ahead of time so you will have all you need.  Also arrange your computer or iPad, vise, tools, glue and directions.

5. The 1st 1/2 hour will be for everyone to figure out Zoom, get situated so I can see your fly as you tie, and discussion about how and where to use this fly.

6. At 7:00 I will demonstrate how to tie the fly. Following that I will tie again but one step at a time, waiting for everyone to complete before moving to the next. If you are an experienced tier, you may not need the 2nd demo.

7. If you don’t know how to use Zoom, I am NOT the person who can help. Going through the steps ahead of time is highly recommended. The young, business people, or computer geeks are your best source. Or try club member, Scott Kitayama. (650) 279-5871

8. Directions:  Please check the email newsletter for directions or email me

Hope you will give this a try with me. Elaine

Date:  June 10th

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Soft Hackle

by Elaine Cook for Cecilia Stipes

Unfortunately due to Covid-19, Cecilia is canceling the class which was going to be ” Vinci’s Depth Charge”. She plans to do it sometime in the future when conditions are different. Perhaps we will be able to do fly tying classes via Zoom sometime in the future if I can figure out the logistics. Stay tuned.

Date:  May 13th

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May Fly Tying Class Cancelled

by Elaine Cook. Fly Tying Master

So sorry, covid 19 is causing us to cancel our monthly class again. It was to have been a Green Drake pattern. I have rescheduled it for next year. Don’t hesitate to try tying the Fly Of The Month however.  It’s a Bead Chain Bugger, easy to tie and good for beginners. Be sure to attach the bead chain eyes well and apply glue to hold them in place and not spin. Check next month’s newsletter for the status of the June class. Stay safe, 6ft. apart, and wear a mask.

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Popper Class -Cancelled

by Fly Tying Master. Elaine Cook

Unfortunately , due to Covid-19, our class is canceled. I’ll bet the bass are real happy!  As for other future fly tying classes, we will have to play it by ear, one month at a time. With your spare time, whip out a few of the “Fly of the Month” patterns. Good time to clean reels and lines. Add a new leader and tippet. And follow the dictate of Steve Rudzinski and sharpen those clouser hooks. Stay safe and well

Date:  Sat. and Sun., March 7th and 8th

Time:  10am - 3pm

Place:  Elaine Cook’s home

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Bass Poppers

Bass Popper

Instructor: Elaine Cook

Spring is right around the corner. Time to get an arsenal of flies into your box for bass and bluegill. The class requires two days for the epoxy drying, and will be held over the week-end, not the usual second Wednesday of the month.

Signups are MANDATORY! Either sign up at the club meeting or call Elaine ((831) 688-1561). There is limited space. Beginners need to know how to use a vise and bob-bin. There is no charge for members, and all materials will be provided. Directions and what to bring will be provided when you sign up. The class will also include an hour of bass fishing instruction.

* As we go to print the class is full. A cancellation list is being maintained