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Surf Fishing time again – Saturday May 9 – 5:50 am

by Sam Bishop, Surf "Fishmaster"

Let’s hope the beaches remain open so we can once again enjoy teasing the Surf Perch and Stripers (Strippers?) on Rio Del Mar Beach.
We will be fishing an ebb tide, with a 06:50 am low at -1.4’. Sunrise is just after 6 am.

Take Rio Del Mar Blvd all the way until it drops down onto the flats, take a left 180, circling left around the roundabout and drive down Beach Drive about half a mile to the State Park area and park outside. Do NOT stop near the round-a bout! You will see us.

I will have spare stripping baskets and flies. If you haven’t been out in a long time, please click here to review the article I wrote on surf fishing on this website.

We don’t serve coffee and I don’t bring doughnuts, we just fish. Sometimes we end up at the Pixie Deli for post-fishing breakfast burritos, but since everything is closed, that probably won’t happen this time.

Date:  April 17-19 and May 1-3, 2020

Place:  Near Henry Coe Park

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Roostercomb Ranch Fishouts

Fishmaster: Cecilia Stipes

This is our club’s 21th annual fishout to the Roostercomb Ranch, owned and operated by Scott Wilkinson. This private ranch is located adjacent to Henry Coe State Park, 22 miles off Hwy 152 from the entrance which is 5 miles from Casa de Fruta Restaurant in Hollister. It is a 3-day fun-filled weekend with fishing 9 bass ponds, hiking, birding and photography on nearly 6,000 acres. The ponds are primarily fished from float tubes or from the bank using woolly buggers and poppers. You can also bring conventional spin rods and gear. Accommodations are the 1928 ranch house and a cowboy bunk house, or if you prefer, your own tent or vehicle. Breakfasts and dinner meals/barbecues are organized by teams. Lunches, snacks and beverages are individuals’responsibilities. For more details, please feel free to call me.

The terrain is rough, rocky and sometimes steep; therefore all vehicles MUST be 4-WD or AWD with good clearance to drive in and around the ranch! If you do not have a 4-WD vehicle, I can make arrangements for you to carpool with other members or with Scott. Non-fishers are always welcome. Each fishout is limited to 15 fishers and 4 non-fishers. NOTE: You are only able to call in for yourself and your partner, and children.

COST: $250 /person (no charge for children 12 yrs and under). The earliest sign-up for either or both fishouts, is by phone call: Thursday, March 19, 7:00 pm. Your confirmation is not complete until I receive your check, please contact me for address to mail check.

Date:  TBA April through May

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Bourdet Ranch

Fishmaster: Cecilia Stipes

For anyone who would like to bass fish, I am offering day trips to the Bourdet Ranch in Hollister across from Casa de Fruta Restaurant on Hwy 152. Dates to be announced as we approach bass spawning season (April through May, sometimes into June). This is a really good opportunity for new fly fishers to learn skills quickly on ponds where blue gill and bass are eager to Bourdet RanchCecilia Stipes – 831-335-5727 – flyfishgal3@aol.comtake your flies. Each trip will be limited to six fishers, non-fishers are welcome. Cost $75/per son. 4-WD vehicle is required, you will fish from float tubes and need fins. (I have extra tubes to lend). I am creating a list with names from which to call once I pin down dates. If you are interested, please email or call me with your name and phone number.

Date:  May 31, 2020

Time:  Canceled

Place:  Quail Hollow Ranch

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Fly Fishing 101: Public Education Day – CANCELED

Unfortunately, this class has been canceled due to the COVID19 pandemic. This is an annual Fly Club tradition, so check back next sprint.

The event is hosted in conjunction with the Santa Cruz County Parks, Education and Conservation Program. Our club and the sport of fly fishing is recognized for taking care of our environment and passing on a conser-vation legacy. Quail Hollow Ranch is a beautiful mountain park acquired by the county in the mid 80s. It features a 300-acre preserve that was once the home to Ohlone Indians, Spanish ranchers, even the headquarters for Sunset Magazine. Now it is home to a few horses, a natural history center and a spring-fed “untouchable” bass and bluegill pond. Don’t forget the binocu-lars, as this is a major stop on the bird watchers circuit. The Ranch is located above Felton, about a mile up Zayante Rd., a left turn just past the old Trout Farm Inn.

The day is geared toward introducing and educating the public as to why the members of our club are so hooked on fly fishing. Fly Fishing 101 will be taught by a member expert in the morning, followed by casting lessons in the morning and in the afternoon. There will also be fly tying demonstrations

Kids and grandkids are especially welcome, so bring them along. They are the future of both fly fishing and conservation, so it’s important to expose them to the sport. This event is all going to happen rain or shine. Everything is provided for fly casting, rods and reels, and hookless yarn flies. There will be fly tying demonstrations as well. This will be a great club event, with a special invitation to all mem-bers to come out and represent what we’re all about. Members who attend should be sporting some club attire, like one of our baseball caps, a T-shirt, or a casting shirt with our logo on it, and your name tag, so guests can tell who we are. There’ll be a BBQ lunch for everyone. Tell a friend and bring a friend to Fly Fishing 101 at Quail Hol-low Ranch, Sunday, May 31st, 2020.

Date:  July 11-17 (Saturday through following Friday)

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The Green River, Utah – CANCELED

This fishout has been cancelled because of the COVID-19 restrictions, which may or may not still be in force in July 2020.  The principle attendees have all expressed their disinclination to travel out of state to Utah because of the residual risk of unfamiliar contact.  John and Pat Steele will not be leading the fishout, they are not going.  If other persons wish to go to the Green River, to Dutch John, which is the town where the lodging is located, at Trout Creek Flies, they should call and make their own reservations for both lodging and for river guides.  The number to call at Trout Creek is 435-885-3355.  There are other lodging options in the area, Flaming Gorge Lodge, at 435-889-3773, and Red Canyon Lodge, at 435-889-3773.

We will miss this fishout very much, it has been a trip that John has been taking every year for over 25 years.  Hopefully, this pandemic is over by this time next year.  Stay safe, shelter in place until otherwise notified, and please take care of yourselves and each other.  We will get through this!