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December 31st reminder dues deadline

by Bob

More than half of all current members have renewed 2021 membership online

The balance of renewals (45) have been mailed out to members to be paid by check or online.  To date, over $2,200 has been received for Scholarships/ Conservation.  This years renewal response has exceeded expectations and members continue to support our Club in this transitional time.

Thank You

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New SCCF Hoodie available for order

by SCFF Board Member: Michael McGannon

Just made available.   SCFF Trout Logo on cotton hoodie with a full zipper.   Small logo on front pocket only in sizes Small, Medium Large and Extra Large.  Price is $59 which includes shipping.    We are only going to inventory a few per size, so please buy and we will get it to you as soon as we can.



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2021 Renewal Update

by Membership chairman Bob Peterson

Almost half of all current members have renewed 2021 membership online

The balance of renewals have been mailed out to members to be paid by check or online.  To date, over $1,000 have been received for Scholarships/ Conservation.  This years renewal response has exceeded expectations and members continue to support our Club in this transitional time.

Thank You

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Veep’s Line – Voting for John Steele Award

by Kevin Murdock, Vice President SCFF

With all the hoopla going on surrounding early voting this fall, it would be advisable for each of us to create a voting plan. No, not for the presidential election… I’m referring to our own John Steel award for 2021.
Who will be honored as this years recipient? Who has helped you on your fly fishing journey this year? Who shared a favorite fishing spot or favorite fly with you? Who showed you how to make a tuck cast or tie a new fishing knot? Who lent you a piece of equipment or taught you how to tie a new fly pattern? Who gave you sound fishing advice or just went out of their way to make you feel welcome at a club event? That is who will be chosen for this award.
And, as our nations president says, go ahead and vote twice. Or three or four times. (Just once for each kind deed though).
You can cast your ballot by emailing me at or texting me at (831) 238-3037. We’ll announce the results in the January newsletter.
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Just how are we doing financially?

by SCFF Treasurer Jim Tolonen

Several folks have been asking about our financials since this “stay at home Pandemic” showed up.  So I thought the easiest way to communicate to all was a short article in the newsletter.

Basically we are in very good shape.  As a “Non-Profit” we generally do not set out to make money every year, but through decades of carefully managing our inflows and outflows we have built up a reserve of cash to tide us through lean periods.  Our cash currently stands at approximately $29,000.  We had just finished our fiscal year on February 1, just after our successful annual fund-raiser dinner and raffle; and had our push for renewal of memberships through March.  All that completed before this pandemic struck.  So we were at a high point in our finances for the year.

As a brief overview, we usually have three sources of funds; the annual dinner itself (which raises about $2,500 net of all costs) , the big raffle and silent auction (which raises about $5,000 net of costs), and memberships and donations, (which raise about $6,500).   This gives a total inflow of about $14-$15 thousand per year.  Our total expenses for the year typically run about $14-$15 as well, including $3,000 in Conservation donations and $1,000 in scholarships.  The other large items are Speakers, Hall rental, Printing (including our roster, fund raiser and thank you letters), postage, liability insurance, events, etc.

So, if we brought in zero new dollars, our current cash should last about two years.  But the reality is that membership has continued to flow in, and even if we cannot have our normal January fund-raiser, it is still likely we can have some type of fundraiser later in next year.  Also, some of our expenses have decreased.  Speakers are charging less for ZOOM meetings because they do not have to travel.  We have already paid our grange rental for the year, and that is being held, and we are thankfully not being charged for now, as we cannot use the facility; so we are building a credit for future use.  The bulk of the new web site consulting work has been completed.  Our 11 scholarship recipients have already been paid.

I hope that is helpful and comforting.

Having been frugal in the better times is allowing us to weather these lean times.  I read somewhere that is usually a good plan.  I believe Ben Franklin recommended that in Poor Richards Almanac.

Looking very forward when the fires abate, and Covid is behind us, and we can all meet at the Grange, or on the water, or …….

In the mean time, stay safe and fish on!

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New Board Member – Camille Padilla

I’m originally from Sitka, Alaska, and grew up in a commercial fishing family spending summers from year 10 to 21 commercially fishing for salmon. I was introduced to fly fishing by my father during a bone fishing trip to Belize in the 90s – talk about a blast!
For the past decade fishing has taken a back seat to school and career, but with my recent move to Santa Cruz I’m picking up the rod again and am excited to shake off the rust and get back into the sport!
I’m coming to the board after clicking a box on the new member form in March raising my hand to help. I believe deeply in giving back and being part of the SC fly fishing organization is a great way to give back, promote a great sport, and continue expand my SC community.

Fun fact:
– I took a sabbatical in 2019 and spent the year traveling the world, did a fair bit of fishing too!

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New newsletter board member: Scott Kitayama

by Newsletter Editor - Scott Kitayama

I grew up on a flower farm in Colorado and spent many days worm-fishing with my family.  The first time I saw someone fly fishing, I didn’t know what it was, I just knew it was magical.   Came to California to attend UC Berkeley in Computer Science and later Dartmouth for an MBA.  Spent a lot of years in Silicon Valley working in software marketing and then at my family’s flower business.  My wife, Eva, and I are now empty-nesters in Watsonville where I do a little consulting, but mainly try to figure out how to catch local fish.  I look forward to fishing with club members and helping the SCFF club where I can.

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10 New online members

by Bob

Even during this unusual time the membership has maintained at 150+including 10 new online members who we able to join on the new website  online direct payment with Visa/square to our account.
Nametags have been ordered for these new members and will be mailed. Should you need a name tag, please email me and I will mail one.

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Membership Update

by Membership/Bob

Even during this unusual time the membership has maintained at 150, including 4 new online members who we able to join on the new website  online direct payment with Visa/square to our account.
Nametags have been ordered for these new members and will be mailed. Should you need a name tag, please email me and I will mail one.

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150 active dues members for 2020

by Thank you

Over 150 members have submitted over $5,000 in dues and additional $1,300 in donations for scholarships and conservation. New 2020 rosters will go to the printers and be available at the April meeting. Please email/txt me and I will mail you a roster. Thank you Scott Kitayama for helping with Google Groups .

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Google Groups Help

Help with Google Groups before the March 4th meeting @ 6:40 pm

In less than two weeks, over half of the club membership has accepted the invitation to join santacruzflyfishermen Google Group and are getting email updates. To help get everyone on board, Scott Kitayama will be assisting and answering questions before the March meeting. Subjects to be covered:

  • What is Google Groups? What does it look like?
  • Did you get an email invitation from santacruzflyfisher-men around February 11th?
  • Are you receiving the emails from the group?
  • Do you have a Google Groups account?Come on by and let’s get everyone included in the group.

Come on by and let’s get everyone included in the group.

Publisher’s Note: This is important information to know, and will serve as a way for members to stay in touch, stay current, and pair up on last-minute local fishing trips in the interim between the old website going offline and the new one being launched. Please take advantage of Scott’s expertise!