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Red bead conehead – Jan2022

Jan 12 6:30 PM : Red Bead Cone Head

Red Bead Cone Head

Here is a great one for you beginners. So get out that new vise and tools that you got at Christmas and join in. You can also borrow those as well as thread if needed. The thread this month is black 6/0. You may ask, after looking at the photo, “Where is the red bead?” When the fly gets wet it glows through the dubbing. You may have noticed a couple bass club Fishouts pop up on the fishout schedule for spring. Dan Eaton will be fishmastering them and he highly recommends this fly and the Fly Of The Month to target these fish subsurface. Give me a call to sign up and I’ll prepare a bag of materials for you and put it by my door. NO CHARGE FOR THE CLASS as usual. (831)688-1561

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Image Date Fly Name
Surf PercherFeb 09 Surf Percher
& March 13 ClassMar 12 & March 13 Class
Green DrakeApr 13 Green Drake
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Peacock Conehead

by Elaine Cook, fly tying instruction

Both the Fly of the Month and Fly Tying Class this month will feature bass flies the Dan Eaton highly recommends for his upcoming Fishouts in the spring.

HOOK: Saber 7246. Or. TMC 5262
BEAD: brass conehead Size 1/4 “ (large) fits size 2-4 hooks
THREAD: black 6/0
TAIL: black marabou with long barbs and Black Krystal Flash
HACKLE: black saddle hackle, barbs equal to about hook gap
BODY: small peacock crystal chenille and small grey or silver chenille

  1. Crimp barb.
  2. Feed cone onto hook, small hole first.
  3. Attach thread behind cone.
  4. Select generous clump of marabou barbs. Position on top if shank, butts behind
    cone, tips extending shank length beyond rear of shank. Tie snugly in place up to
    cone then back nearly to rear of shank.
  5. Using one strand of Krystal Flash, cut in half then in half again.
    Attach center of strands with 2 wraps. Position rear strands to side near you, tie in place. Pull forward strands back and to far side. Tie in place.
  6. Attach tip of hackle to rear of shank, extending to rear.
  7. Attach crystal chenille to rear of shank, extending to rear.
  8. Remove some fuzz from end of chenille exposing strings. Tie in strings.
  9. Advance thread to cone.
  10. Snugly wrap chenille forward to cone with slight spaces between the first few then
    touching. Make 3-4 more wraps that will help to fill and secure cone. Snugly
    tie off, cut excess.
  11. Palmer crystal chenille forward in about 8 wraps. It’s OK to see a little grey. Tie off,
    cut excess.
  12. Palmer hackle forward in about 6 wraps then one extra behind cone. Tie off, cut
  13. Whip finish. Cut thread. Carefully apply glue to thread wraps
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Klamath River Salmon Release

by Conservation Director Bob Garbarino

As of last month, the California Department of Fish and Game has released 1.1 million juvenile fall run Chinook salmon into the Klamath River. The goal is to release 2 million fish. These fish were hatched at the Iron Gate Hatchery on the Klamath River and were originally scheduled to be released last spring. However, due to drought conditions and a disease outbreak, the fish were relocated to three other locations over the summer. This is good news for a river that has seen its once-storied Chinook salmon runs decimated for a variety of reasons—including low flows and dams. The other positive news is the planned removal of four dams on the Klamath that will allow fish more access to spawning waters.

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Updated 2022 Dues Membership

by Bob


We are on schedule to meet our membership dues budget and are hoping for additional donations in order to offset the loss from our annual fundraiser dinner. At the end of December 150 members have renewed their 2022 dues membership.  In addition donations of $2,000 have exceeded the prior year by 50% and continues to grow with members support.

In February, we will have final 2021 revenue and expense figures and update our 2022 Budget.  We still have 25 members who have not renewed and we will accept renewals at the January BBQ and for the balance of January.  Email reminders will be sent in early January.

For those that have already renewed and donated online, THANK YOU


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Help Lead a Fishout in 2022

by John cook — fishmaster chairman

The club has had a great variety of Fishouts over the years. It’s planning time for 2022 and I’m encouraging you to think about planning one. It can be very simple or involved. And as fishmaster chairman, I’m here to help you with the decision to do one, choosing a plan, and guide you on how to organize the outing.
If you are hesitant, I would encourage something very simple. For example: making an announcement in the newsletter that includes, place, date and time, your name and contact info as fishmaster, type of fishing and equipment needed. Make it so sign ups are not needed, everyone is on their own for food and any fees required.
There is no need for you to be an expert in fishing that area and it is understood that you are not guaranteeing how good the fishing will be. It’s important to acquire basic information ahead of time, such as, how to get there, approximate driving time, any entrance fees, equipment inspections, PDF requirements, etc.

Please consider stepping up this year and help provide the opportunity for us to get together, have fun, find out about a new place to fish and the fishery, and learn from others. I’m waiting for your phone call. Please do call.
John Cook — fishmaster chairman.  (831)688-1561.                 (831)234-6515

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Fishout Schedule

mobile scrollable table 

Kelly Lake – Watsonville (bass, crappie)Apr 12
Rooster Comb Ranch – UPDATED –Apr 18 - Apr 20
Green River – UtahApr 26 - May 03
Upper Sacramento River / McCloud Fishout – UPDATED –May 16 - May 19
Pyramid Lake FishoutJun 02 - Jun 04
Burney and Around – UPDATED –Jun 20 - Jun 22
Lake Almanor/Hex Hatch – Jun 22th – 28th 2025Jun 22 - Jun 28Trout, Bass Jeff (Yog) Goyert - Fishmaster (831)234-0033
Loreto Fly Fishing TripJul 07
Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 20-Oct. 4thSep 20 - Oct 04Trout John Cook fishmaster-- (831)688-1561 or (831)234-6515
O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout October 17-20thOct 16 - Oct 19

Apr 12 : Kelly Lake – Watsonville (bass, crappie)

Kelly Lake - Watsonville (bass, crappie)
Pajaro Valley Rod and Gun Club (Click for address and map)

Stand by as dates and details to be updated as the days get longer and warmer!

Fishmaster: Scott Kitayama
Location: Kelly Lake in Watsonville (Private lake limited to 6 people)
Species: bass,  crappie, bluegill
Duration: 1 day
Registration and Cost: No Cost, but you must contact Scott as the number of people fishing is limited.  Contact at

Addtional Details & Confirmation of dates to be updated – Stay tuned

Meeting time and place: Scott will directly be in contact with those that are coming on the Fishout.
Equipment: Need to have float tube or kayak to fish the lake.    PFD required and walkie talkie encouraged.
6 wt with intermediate line for stripping leaches or bait patterns.

6 or 7 wt floating line for poppers or float-n-fly

Flies: Topwater:  frog pattern, sliders,  gurglers, poppers

Stripping:  bunny leach, midnight cowboy, micro-clouser

Indicator:  balanced leach, crappie jigs,  hares ear (sz 10 and larger)

What To Expect: This is a private warm water lake in Watsonville. Surrounded by private residences and the Pajaro Rod & Gun Club. The club has gained access to the water thru the Rod and Gun Club. Bass and Crappie are the predominant species here.
Food: Bring lunch
Fishmaster Contact info: Scott Kitayama

650 279 5871


Apr 18 : Rooster Comb Ranch – UPDATED –

(Click for address and map)

23rd Annual Bass Fishout at Roostercomb Ranch

3/04/2025 – SOLD OUT 

– If you are still interested, contact the Fish Master to be added to the wait list (contact information below)

This is our club’s 23rd annual bass Fishout to the Roostercomb Ranch since year 2000. This sprawling private ranch is located adjacent to Henry Coe State Park, off Hwy 152  entrance in Hollister near Casa de Fruta Restaurant.  It’s a 22-mile off-road trek through the backcountry from the park entrance. This requires a 3-day weekend commitment.  Accommodations are a 1928 ranch house and bunk house with options to tent camp or sleep in your vehicle. The ranch offers 9 bass ponds on its property plus 2 hike-ins on park property, float tube or shore fishing, hiking, birding, photography, and opportunities for riding your ATV on miles of ranch roads.

The terrain is rough, rocky and sometimes steep, therefore, all vehicles MUST be 4-WD with good clearance to drive in and around the ranch! If you do not have a 4-WD vehicle, arrangements can be made for you to carpool with someone who does.

Breakfasts and dinner meals/barbecues are organized by teams.  Lunches, snacks and beverages are each individual’s responsibility.


Group is limited to 10 fishers (non-fishers welcome). Four (4) fishing spaces remain available!  COST:  $300/person (no charge for children 12 yrs and under).  Please note that you are NOT on the list until I have your check  YOUR CHECK SAVES YOUR SPOT!

Check payable to:  Cecilia Stipes   Mail:  328 Capelli Drive, Felton CA 95018

Fishmaster:  Cecilia Stipes – – 831-566-7707


Apr 26 : Green River – Utah

Green River - Utah
(Click for address and map)

Green River – Utah

Currently this trip is at maximum capacity.

For wait list options or updates, please contact the Fishmaster 

Rick chace

General Information –

It is necessary for us to pay upfront to reserve the accommodations. The club’s standard approach to this is for each angler to pay his individual portion of the rental fee for sleeping accommodations.
Each angler will be responsible for the weekly rate of $300. This is a nonrefundable fee.

If an angler decides not to attend, they are responsible to sell their portion to another angler or forfeit their portion of the rental. I’m counting on everyone on the list to send their payment and secure their place on the trip. If not all 14 people commit by payment, there will be a increased adjustment in the weekly fee for each angler since the rental cost is based on the number of people.

Matt Twissleman will be handling the food end of our trip. We discussed briefly a scenario of having three of the seven nights dinner meals be cooked and served as a group meal , and the other 4 nights you’ll be responsible for your own meals. So one of us or several of us will stop in Salt Lake City and stock up on provisions for these meals along with lunch makings. Breakfast will be up to the individual, whether they want to cook it or eat out. We will provide bagels and cream cheese as part of the group food. Matt’s email is included in the email list above. Please if you have any dietary restrictions advise him of specialty item possibly needed for your meals. The fee for food will be a separate fee calculated after our arrival at the fish out. If you intend to cook your own food, you’re welcome to use the kitchen, but keep in mind there are no grocery stores within 50 miles. So remember to stock up before you leave civilization! There are three different restaurants in the area.

There are many guide services available for the Green River float, along with raft rental. Over the next few weeks, we will provide a list of potential recommendations so you might want to book your float trips? There is plenty of access along this river for wading a 7 mile trail system along the A section of the river.

Elaine Cook has offered to hold a fly tying class especially for the Green and will provide patterns that will accommodate that time of year. There is a great fly shop Trout Creek Flyer

We will start an ongoing thread of emails to this group. I will start to suggest that you think about if you’re going to fly or drive. If you fly, you fly into Salt Lake City and you can rent a car and split the cost with another member or 2.. The drive time from Salt Lake is about 4 1/2 hours. Drive time from Santa Cruz is probably 14 1/2 or 15  hours.

A BUCKT LIST Fly Fishing Trip | Green River-Part 1

Fly Fishing for BIG BROWN Trout on a LEGENDARY Trout Stream | Green River-Part 2






May 16 : Upper Sacramento River / McCloud Fishout – UPDATED –

Dunsmuir Park (Click for address and map)

Date and description subject to change due to seasonal runoff conditions Please Stay Tuned

Alex Ferber
Alex’s guide site:

Location: Upper Sacramento River with Potential McCloud River Side Trip
Species: Trout
Date / Duration: Tentatively March 14th – 16th, 3 Days
(Please contact the Fishmaster for further details as the Fishout is dependent on flows/conditions)

Cost: No Cost

Typical Trout Set Up 9′, 4-6wt Rods w/ Floating Lines Ideal

Euro Nymphing, and Trout Spey conditions availableNymphs: Pheasant Tail, Hairs Ear, Prince Nymph, Wooly Buggers, Perdigon, Copper Johns, Zebra Midge, Micro May, Golden Stones

Drys: Caddis Patterns 12-16, Upright wing vs. Emerges, Missing Link, Stone Flys, Parachute Adams, Comparaduns (various sizes 16-12)

Misc.: Soft Hackles, Streamers, Leaches

What To Expect:
This Fishout’s final date is still TBD and subject to river flows as we get closer to spring.

The upper Sac. has excellent access via. Hwy 5 and by walking the railway tracks. Euro/High Stick/Indicator Nymphing is the go to. Come prepared with plenty of water to drink and expect to walk a fair amount. The river is made up of riffles, runs, pocket water, small holes, huge pools and undercuts.

Special Considerations:
In addition to this being a traditional Fishout, I propose that if there are any members of the club who are familiar with the Upper Sac. to volunteer as a mentor during the Fishout to those in the club with little to no experience. Groups of 2-3 novice anglers per mentor. This will help to add to the experience and allow others to get to know the river.

Food: DIY, with potential of potluck as details emerge

Sims Flat – 26987 Sims Lookout Rd, Castella, CA 96017

Castle Crags State Park – Located 6 miles south of Dunsmuir on I-5

Dunsmuir Lodge – 6604 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA 96025

Cave Springs Resort – 4727 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA 96025


Jun 02 : Pyramid Lake Fishout

Pyramid Lake Fishout
Pyramid Lake (Click for address and map)

Fishmaster: Mike White

Greetings fellow Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club Members

I have been leading the Pyramid Lake fishing trip for the past ten years. It has always been a remarkable fish out, and one of the best attended too. However the past three years have been very challenging and we have not caught very many fish and people have come away disappointed with the outcome.

That leads me to a new discovery about how to fish Pyramid Lake. Jeff Goyertte, a club member and our raffle coordinator took a trip to the lake and fished with Rob Anderson, a long time guide on Pyramid. He went on the trip in early to mid June of 2024. They fished from float tubes, and with fly gear that was not the typical set up that we are accustomed to using to catch these big trout . Well he did extremely well and when he told me about his experience, it peaked my curiosity.

Jeff was kind enough to put me in touch with Rob Anderson. I had a good conversation with him and I think it is worth exploring a fish out with Rob in June of 2025. He can take out a max of 12 people on float tubes. It is $350 for two and a half days ($175.00 Deposit). The first day people arrive at a beach along the lake where Rob sets up a camp. This first day is really a prep day where the guides provide training on how to fish from your float tube for these big trout. You would be responsible for your own lodging whether you camp on the beach or go back to a hotel or stay at Pyramid Lodge. Rob provides breakfast and lunch for your $350 fee. We are currently planning on June 2, 3 and 4th. Also, each club member would be responsible for making their own reservation by contacting Rob and paying a deposit to him directly.

Contact Rob Anderson at 775 7421754 to make reservation.

Note: this fishout requires float tubes/kick boats. NOT provided by Rob Anderson. They, along with fins, waders, and PFDs,  are the responsibility of each individual participant.

We are currently looking to book Rob to do a virtual presentation at either our January or February monthly meeting.

So this is a whole new deal. The old fish out would be replaced by this one. And it would be a different experience.

If you have any interest please contact me Mike White at 831 706-5556 or email at

Ps. Jeff Goyertte and a few other club members went on Rob Anderson’s float tube trip to Pyramid in early October. They did not have good success on that trip. The conditions were not ideal with water temperatures higher than usual. That probably contributed to the lack of catching fish that weekend.

General Lake / Shore Fishing Information: 

Equipment: 6-9 weight rods with hi-speed, hi-D shooting heads or fast sink integrated lines to fish the bottom in 6 to 9 feet of water, and a floating line for indicator fishing. You should bring a stripping basket and a ladder that will accommodate it. A ladder helps to get you up out of the cold water and enables you to cast out to where the fish are. You can still catch fish without one but not with nearly as much consistency.

Flies: Woolly buggers in black, white, purple, olive, midge, caddis and mayfly nymphs to name a few. Flies may also available from club member Jim Hall who ties some very good flies specific to Pyramid cutthroat as well as other species at reason-able cost. His number is (831) 713-6835. There is a general store with provisions as well as tackle and an assortment of flies.

How to get there: Take US 80 to Reno-Sparks, take the Pyramid Blvd. off ramp and go north about 35 miles. Crosby Lodge is at Sutcliff, near the Ranger Station.If you have any questions about equipment or how to get there, check the “Gearing up” columns in the March 2007-2009 archives on our great club website, or call Mike White at (831) 706-5556.If you are considering going to Pyramid again this year with the club and you have not already done so, please contact the person who is booking the trailer you stayed in last year. Trailer-masters, if your trailer has gaps or cancellations, you can call Mike so he can pass the names of members who don’t have lodging to fill the empty spots.

Fishing, Camping, and New Ladder Regulation: Fishing and camping permits can be purchased online prior to the fish-out. We would highly recommend doing this. Go to to obtain your licenses. There is also an RV Park available at (775) 476-1155.Pyramid Lake Fishout, March 15th-21st, 2020

As with any great fishery there are always a long list of rules and regulations. We would recommend you review them on the website above. Suffice to say those of us who have been go-ing to Pyramid Lake for many years are a good source of infor-mation as well. We will help inform and guide all newcomers.

15.6 USE OF LADDERS, ETC.Any ladders, milk crates, boxes or other objects used in the water as a fishing aid must be occupied or closely attended (i.e. remain in the area) by fishermen at all times. Any person who leaves such objects unoccupied in the water for more than one hour will be deemed guilty of littering. 15.6.1 Fishing aids described above must have a permanent tag affixed that has the name, address, and phone number of the owner of the fishing aid. If the permitted angler using the fishing aid is not the owner, the owner will be the responsible party for any infractions by the permitted angler.

Last year I observed people parked closer than 100 feet to the lake. I asked several of them about it, and the response was the Rangers weren’t enforcing it. This prompted me to contact the lead Ranger by phone. He said, “We are most definitely going to enforce the 100-foot ordinance!” So, when parking your vehicle, you must be a minimum of 100 feet from the lake’s water line. Also, you need a permanent tag affixed to your ladder with your name, address, and phone number on it. Most of us who use fiberglass ladders use a heavy black magic marker to write the necessary information directly on the ladder. There are also tags which can be purchased from local fly shops, for a fee.

Pyramid Lake Lodge at (775) 476-0400

NOTE: Due to insurance regulations, all attendees must be paid up members of Santa Cruz Fly fishermen, so get your member-ship paid up if you haven’t done so yet.

Jun 20 : Burney and Around – UPDATED –

(Click for address and map)

Date and description subject to change due to seasonal conditions Please Stay Tuned

Fishmaster: Alex Ferber
Location: Lakes, rivers and streams of the Burney area
Species: Trout
Duration: 3 Days
Cost: No Cost
Meet Up: Date of Fishout TBD and subject to change due seasonal conditions

Hat Creek Park off Hy 299 (See the map below). The park is approximately 10 minutes from the highway 299/80 junction. The park is on the left hand side going east on 299. If you google Hat Creek Park, it should show up.

This meet up will be a general discussion with your Fishmaster Alex Ferber. Here he will be discussing the local fishery, access points, general information and answering any questions you might have about making this a successful outing.

Meeting time to be updated as we get closer

Equipment: Typical Trout Set Up 9′, 4-6wt Rods w/ Floating Lines Ideal
Euro Nymphing, and Trout Spey conditions available
Nymphs: Pheasant Tail, Hairs Ear, Prince Nymph, Wooly Buggers, Perdigon, Copper Johns, Zebra Midge, Micro May, Golden Stones
Drys: Caddis Patterns 12-16, Upright wing vs. Emerges, Missing Link, Stone Flys, Parachute Adams, Comparaduns (various sizes 16-12)
Misc.: Soft Hackles, Streamers, Leaches
What To Expect: This Fishout is DIY Fishout with your Fishmaster acting as a resource person helping with any questions regarding where to fish, access, use of personal watercraft, fishery history, etc. Depending on interest there is potential of a pre Fishout presentation (TBD) and or tour of any one of the local areas with the most interest.

More information to be updated as interest develops. Please contact the Fishmaster if you are interested in attending.

Local Waters: Hat Creek: Spring creek with plenty of easy access, walk and wading. There are 3 distict sections from the Power House Riffle, to The Lower Freestone Section. There are an abundence of hatches year round and daily from mayflies, caddis, and stone flies with the potential of a trico or green drake hatch.

Burney Creek: Spring creek with access around the McArthur Burney Falls State Park. The waterfall is a must see. This is great water for a dry/dropper set up as well as traditional dry and nymph fishing. Above the falls the creek is stocked and below the fish are wild.

Pit River: Classic tailwater freestone fishery. This river is known for its hard fighting wild rainbows. There is great walk and wade access but the terrain is difficult with large snot covered bowling balls covering the river bed. Those with strong wading skills and a stout wading stick only need apply.  The river is broken up by multiple power houses each with their own characters. Primary a nymphing river either by indicator or tight line. Rubber legs and dark lords and lots of weight (bring lots of both).

Baum Lake: Stocked and great for a small float tube or kayak. Excellent dry fly and streamer fishing.

Lake Britton: Primarily a motorized boat lake. Warm water fishery with small mouth bass, and potential for bull trout.

Ahjumawi / Big Lake Lava Springs State Park: Launch at “Rat Farm”

Fall River: Iconic spring creek with an abundance of large wild rainbows. No shore access. Non motorized boats can be launched at the Cal Trout public access or a kayak/motor boat at the “Rat Farm” (Big Lake/Ahjjumawi launch). Awesome dry fly, streamer and indicator fishing.

Lodging: Camping  – Too many to list, this is an outdoors paridise with options from unimproved to glamping. Plenty of places for RV hookups and KOA camping
Hotels & Motels: Various options available in the Burney area
Food: DIY, with potential of potluck as details emerge
Fishmaster Contact info: Alex Ferber
Burney Sporting Goods – 37427 CA-299, Burney, CA 96013


Jun 22 : Lake Almanor/Hex Hatch – Jun 22th – 28th 2025

Lake Almanor/Hex Hatch - Jun 22th - 28th 2025
(Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Jeff (Yog) Goyert - Fishmaster (831)234-0033

The Lake Almanor Fishout is scheduled for the last week of June, 6/22 thru 28th, 2025. This time period is, hopefully, the peak of the annual Hexagenia hatch that begins generally mid-June and runs through mid-July. The most productive fishing takes place early evenings on into past dark between Lake Almanor West to Canyon Dam on the Southwest side of the lake. Most of the fishing is done from float tubes as well as small boats or even from shore.

In addition to the evening “Hex” hatch, a multitude of opportunities exist for fishing throughout the day to include Little Crater Lake, Manzanita Lake, Baum Lake, Eagle Lake, Butt Valley Reservoir, Deer Creek, Clear Creek, Feather River, Yellow Creek, plus many more.

Lodging will be the responsibility of individual attendees. A popular campground operated by PG&E is the Rocky Point Campground, for reservation information call 916-386-5164. Many USFS campgrounds are in the area. Reservations are available through or by calling 877-444-6777. Make use of internet resources to acquire the actual campground names. There are also many resorts and rental cabins available in the area. A few examples are Wilson’s Camp/530-259-2267 and Plumas Pines Resort/530-259-4343. Other options are available via online research. Be advised that due to the popularity of fishing at this time of year reservations fill up early.

Sierra Fly and Tackle, stores in Chester and Hamilton Branch, is a great resource for current conditions and reports along with a large inventory flies and equipment. A must stop for all visiting fly fishers if only to get one of their cool tee-shirts. Both first time and veteran “Hex” Anglers could well benefit from the expertise provided by a knowledgeable and experienced guide. Lance Gray (530-517-2204) or Tim Loomis (831-345-8411) both offer instructional packages to help achieve success during the “Hex”.

Fish Master – Tim Loomis
Tim Loomis <>
May 7th
Club monthly meeting will have Lance Gray providing a talk about fishing Lake Almanor in preparation for the June Fishout

Jul 07 : Loreto Fly Fishing Trip

Loreto Fly Fishing Trip
(Click for address and map)

Loreto Mexico

Details to be finalized and date to be confirmed 

The fishing day starts around 6:00 a.m. and we usually get back to the harbor between 1:30 and 2:00 p.m. Spend the rest of the afternoon fishing from the beach, having a cool drink in the pool, exploring Loreto, or just sitting around telling some tall fish stories. And, you will have many exciting moments on the Sea of Cortez to talk about.

The approximate cost for everything but meals and airfare is: *$995.00 per person, double occupancy; around $460.00 for a non-fishing guest. – 

It does not include meals because there are some nice restaurants (A lot of fresh seafood!) in town or if you prefer, eat at the hotel, where they will also cook your catch to your preference. Interested?

Please contact Rich Hughett, 831-757-5709, for all the details. You will need to book airline flights* as soon as possible.

*No money will be collected in advance. Southwest Airlines and Alaska Airlines from San Jose to  Los Angeles and Alaska Airlines to Loreto. Rich will help with your airline reservations.

Gear: The minimum size rod for Dorado is a 10 weight, with a corresponding size reel with plenty of backing.  I suggest everyone take floating, intermediate and full sink lines, such as T-14.  Most fish down there are not leader shy, so I use about a 5 foot leader with a 20 pound tippet.  For Dorado, the main fly is a Sarmulmac.  Clousers also work.  In fact a variety of flies work for salt water fish, as long as they represent a smaller baitfish.

Notes: Further discussion of dates, gear and preparations to be had as interest develops

Sep 20 : Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 20-Oct. 4th

Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 20-Oct. 4th
Mammoth Lakes (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: John Cook fishmaster-- (831)688-1561 or (831)234-6515

Sign Ups: As a reminder, it is important to sign up early as sign ups have started and spaces are filling up fast for this Fishout.

Call John Cook letting him know which week, both or private room. Payment is required to secure our spot we need people to sign up as soon as possible. Should you need to cancel, you can find someone to take your place and get your money back.

Contact Ph # (831) 234-6515

Fishmasters: John & Elaine Cook

Dates:  This Fishout will take place over two consecutive one-week periods. You may sign up for one or both weeks. Week 1: Sept  20 – Sept 27 .       Week 2: Sept 27 – Oct 4.

Location: The town of Mammoth Lakes is located on the eastern side of the Sierra, 6 or 7 hours drive from Santa Cruz. There are many lakes and streams in the area to fish.

General: We will be staying in condominiums in the town of Mammoth Lakes. Condo has a lovely hot tub, so bring your suit. Two people per bedroom. Most people bring a sleeping bag to share queen size bed or a pad and sleeping bag to sleep on floor. A private room option is possible at an increased fee.

Cost:  Shared single:  $500/wk, $1000/2 wks. (Pricing Subject To Change)

Food Preparation: Breakfast and lunch items will be purchased by the Fishmaster ahead of time. Each person will be assigned a Kitchen Day. On that day, tasks will include setting out breakfast and lunch items, store unused food, and preparing the evening meal and clean up afterwards.   Each person will be assigned a dinner that you will need to purchase and prepare.   You will then be reimbursed for the cost for the dinner.

Oct 16 : O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout October 17-20th

Medeiros Primitive Campground - Oneill Forebay (Click for address and map)

Event: O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout

Date: October 17th – 20th (Subject To Change)

(I will be looking for a weekend with a ‘skinny’ moon, less night feeding for the fish)

Target Gamefish: Striped Bass

Location: Medeiros Campground located on the Southern Shoreline of the O’Neill Forebay, access off of Santa Nella Blvd. (Highway 33)

Hosts: Kevin Murdock

These are primitive campsites so bring your own water. There are tables, sun pavilions, and chemical toilets, or outhouses and fire rings. No open fires are allowed outside of the rings.

Typically we will be camping as close to site 29 as we can get. This is a first come, first serve campground, so no reservations are accepted. Float tubes can be launched near the campsites, but boats must be first inspected, then launched from the

San Luis Creek Boat launch. Boats may not be left on the lake overnight. Boaters would be wise to exit prior to the closing of the entry kiosk. The ranger can place a seal on your trailer, allowing you to bypass the inspection process the next morning.

The rangers at the kiosk by the Medeiros entrance may insist that your float tubes need inspection. make sure they’re clean & dry.

Equipment: 8wt rods with fast sinking lines. Some anglers will occasionally use a floating line with a ‘gurgler’ type fly

Flies: Lee Haskins San Luis smelt, ‘Deceiver’ type patterns in red, white, chartreuse, the aforementioned gurglers and poppers.

Float tubes (may require inspection for quagga mussels)

Fins, sunscreen, polarized glasses, life vest

Links: A fly-fishing addict who fishes San Luis Reservoir and the Forebay. Long time local fishing guide.

Forebay Water level:

There will be a signup sheet at our September meeting. We’ll also create a list for those hoping to participate in a pot luck in honor of Steve ‘Stosh’ Rudzinski.

Weather conditions can vary dramatically, so it would behoove members to check prior to departure. You could email me or just get conditions on-line. High winds can cause the lake to be closed to all vessels.

This is one of our nearest Fishouts, with the possible payoff of a double digit fish! Don’t miss out!

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by Author of riddle will be reviled next month .


  1. There are 5 houses in five different colors.
  2. In each house lives a person with a different nationality.
  3. These five owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a curtain brand of cigar and keep a certain pet.
  4. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar or drink the same beverage.

The question is:



  1.   the Brit lives in the red house
  2.   the Swede keeps dogs as pets
  3.   the Dane drinks tea
  4.   the green house is on the left of the white house
  5.   the green house’s owner drinks coffee
  6.   the person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds
  7.   the owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill
  8.   the man living in the center house drinks milk
  9.   the Norwegian lives in the first house
  10.  the man who smokes blends lives next to the one who keeps cats
  11.  the man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill
  12.  the owner who smokes BlueMaster drinks beer
  13.  the German smokes Prince
  14.  the Norwegian lives next to the blue house
  15.  the man who smokes blend has a neighbor who drinks water

If you can solve this riddle,
The solution and author will appear in next month’s newsletter.

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December 2021 Table of Contents

General Meeting……………………
  Gordon Tharrett – fishing the Green river in Utah
  Door Prizes in December!
President’s Line…………………….
  Wabbit Season. Duck Season. Steelhead Season! Bang!
Fly Tying……………………
  Fly tying class – X-Caddis
  Whip Finish
Conservation Concerns……………
  Zayante Creek Habitat Improvement Project
  Salinas River cleanup 2021
Membership Notes…………………
  Thank you for the 90 members who have paid dues online
  Submit your photos for the Annual Member Photo Slide Show!
  SCFF logo wear on sale for Christmas
  IN MEMORIAM: Douglas Severin
Fishout Schedule…………………
Gone Fishing……………………….…
  Notes from site 29

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Gordon Tharrett – fishing the Green river in Utah

Dec 01 6:30 PM :

Gordon Tharrett -  fishing the Green river in Utah

Gordon Tharrett started fly fishing at 8 years old at his childhood home in the Adirondacks. At age 18 he started guiding, and over the years his resume includes guiding fishing, hunting, and climbing. Fishing has taken Gordon all over the world including New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, Canada, and Alaska.

In 1993 after a long season of guiding in Alaska and fishing his way down the west coast, Gordon ended up in Utah fishing the Green River. In his words,

“That one float down the Green was all it took to make me not go anywhere else.  I thought to myself this is the best Dry Fly River I have ever seen!”

and he’s been there ever since. Gordon spent 15 years guiding with Trout Creek Flies acquiring the fly shop in 2012. In 2015 Gordon went back to guiding starting On The Fly Utah, and the fish keep coming to the net.

Gordon Tharrett
On The Fly
http// for licensing

Future Speakers. Dates and speakers may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly SpeakerDateExcerpt
Annual SlideshowJan 05 7:00 PMIn January, we’re going to be back at the Sherriff’s Posse Hall for another BBQ and our annual Club Members Photo Slide Show.    Submit your photos today to Tommy Polito then come join us the first week of January – in person!!!
Fisheries of the Central Coast & Iceland with Dagur GuðmundssonMar 02 6:30 PMDagur will be presenting on the Central Coast fisheries as well as touching on fishing in Iceland as he guides both.

Posted on November 21st, 2021

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Door Prizes in December!

by Jeff Goyert

Everyone who attends the December Fly Club zoom meeting get a free ticket to the monthly door prize drawing.
We have some neat stuff, keep it yourself or use it for fly buddy stocking stuffers.

  1. The FirstAid kit is not intended for major surgery but will come in handy for cuts, bruises, and other minor medical mishaps that might be encountered during a fly fishing adventure.
  2. The four function Coghlan’s has a compass, magnifier, thermometer, and whistle. Great on the the back trails or on your float tube on the water.
  3. How about a National Geographic trail topographic map for the Merced and the Tuolumne river? Great for planning and executing a fly fishing back pack trip.

These prizes are all from the new REI store that has opened up in Santa Cruz across from Dominican Hospital. Great place, check it out .  Gift receipts are included if you would like to swap out the prize for some other treat.

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Wabbit Season. Duck Season. Steelhead Season! Bang!

Happy Holidays everyone.   I hope you are all doing well looking forward to time with family and friends this year.

For those of you who made it to April Vokey’s presentation and tutorial on two-handed rods and gear for big rivers, you might be asking Santa for a Skagit head, some Rio MOW tips, and a variety of Hobo-Spey flies in yer stockings!

As April mentioned in her presentation, “spey” casting techniques are not only effective for two-handed rods, but also very effective for single hand fly rods.   Most of you know the “roll cast”.   Spey casting is associated with the roll-cast, or is in fact a roll-cast (I dare say), but with certain movements with the rod, that put your line and leader in different places on the water in front of you or to the side of you.

I encourage all of you to explore “spey” casting techniques by searching the inter-web, YouTube…   You’ll come across some new casting names and begin to understand what they are; single-spey, double-spey, snap-T, Circle-C, and more.   All very effective when there is no room to cast behind you, or just another set of great casting techniques to add to your repertoire.

A couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to travel home to Ohio to see my mom and family.   I’m always timing these trips as a means to kick off the holiday season, and have a chance to fish for Lake run Steelhead on the Chagrin River, where I grew up fishing as a child.    This year I took my 13’ 6”, 8 weight two-handed rod, a box of steelhead flies and my waders.   Not much else you need.

When I arrived in Ohio it was a beautiful 70 degrees, but the water was low.  But weather changes quickly in these parts of the country and it’s common to get rain that will move the river from 150cfs to 400 or more, overnight.   Thursday was that day.    It has rained just enough to bring the river up.  Puffy clouds brought cover and contrast to the stunning fall colors still hanging on the maple, pin oak, buckeye and more.

It’s not always possible to time trips perfectly, but each time is an opportunity to get on the water with my brother Pat.   The river was beautiful and the flows made this place look about as close to a big British Columbia watershed as I could imagine.   We were on the water at 7:30 and immediately rolled two fish across the river, getting our hopes up quickly.    We fished hard till 10:00 then headed off to the Chagrin River dinner for a couple egg sandwiches and a hot cup of coffee before traveling about 30 seconds to the next place on the river.    Almost like it was here on the San Lorenzo in the old days.   If you don’t know this already, the San Lorenzo River was once noted as “The Most Famous” steelhead river on the Central Coast.   Mostly because guys brought their friends, and wives spent the weekend, went shopping, found easy access along the 11+ miles of fishable water, and found they could pull off the river and grab coffee, food, beer and whiskey in just minutes, no matter where they were on the river.   It was fun to do just that with my brother on the Chagrin, still in our waders and no one looking at us as differently.

The flow of the river enabled me to get a very good grasp on my spey casting techniques, delivery and swing.   It was soooooooo much fun.    When you can throw 80 feet of line almost effortlessly clear across the water and feel the line tug on your reel because it still wants to go farther – you’ll know what I mean.   As the wind picked up in the afternoon, I got to try a few other of the methods necessary- like the Perry Poke (coined after a fella named Carl Perry kept “blowing his anchor” – wait, what?…! – recovering his cast effectively.  Something that’s been done for 100 years, but never really called anything until spey casting anglers began naming it after Carl – at least that’s what I researched thus far), and casting with my right hand.    Yes – spey casting also teaches you to be ambidextrous.

Part of my timing in the coming years will be that time when the steelhead are in but the leaves have either not fallen off the trees yet, or are already completely fallen off.  As the day wore on, the wind gusts befuddled our success choking the water with leaves, and despite nice off-color water, I imagined hundreds of leaves bouncing off the noses of fish, causing them to hunker down no matter how colorful my flies tried to compete with the leaves.

Despite not landing any fish, it was the best day on the water with my brother on a river I never really appreciated as much as a kid.  Except, perhaps, on those warm summer days when Mike and I would quit fishing and go swimming!

The Great Lakes rivers are abundant with fish these days.   Not just lake run steelhead, but also Chinook, Trout, Smallmouth Bass, Walleye (mostly in the lake), Perch, Catfish, Carp, Pike, and some Brown Trout.    None of the fish are small.   The Grand, Chagrin, Rocky and even the Cuyahoga, that river that once caught fire in the 60’s when it was so polluted with industrial waste, are all now healthy fisheries year-round.    There is a Facebook page for the area called Ohio Steelhead.   Look it up.

Well – a lot of fun in store for us in the coming months.   December is Gordon Tharrett who is going to present to us on the Green River in Utah – and fly-fishing Utah/Idaho areas.  He’s been a guide for a few of our members for years.   Don’t miss this one.

January 5th will be a time for us to extend the holidays with a BBQ, Big Raffle, installation of Board and Directors AND our annual Club slide show which will be a collection of all the member photos from all the fishing you did this past year.     We will be meeting at the Sherriff’s Posse Hall on Ocean Street Extension.   Mark your calendars.

It’s been a great year and its fun seeing all the new members participate in fishing, fly-tying, and jumping on the Board to be a driving force for the future of the club.    Super happy to see how this is coming together.   If you’re interested, let us know.    We still have a couple of positions we would love help with.

Happy Holidays.  Jump in – we’ll land a few together.    Tom Hogye – 831-214-7578

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Fly tying class – X-Caddis

Dec 08 6:30 PM

As caddis emerge from their nymphal stage, and just before they are ready to take flight, they are on the surface with wings up and ready, but are still attached to their nymphal shuck. Consequent they aren’t able to fly away yet and makes them very vulnerable to the trout. This fly mimics this stage. The “Fly of the Month” article this month will be directions for how to use a Matarelli tool. Knowing how to use it will help you tie off this fly. For our free Zoom class, call Elaine Cook at (831)688-1561 at least a couple days ahead to allow time for packets of material to be assembled and you to pick up at my door. Thread will be 8/0 tan or olive or both. Let me know if you need to borrow some. Beginners can also borrow vise and tools. If you have never tied before, call me soon. To join the class go to bar at top of newsletter and tap Zoom, then tap fly tying class.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly SpeakerDateExcerpt
Red Bead Cone HeadRed Bead Cone HeadJan 12 6:30 PM– large trout and bass – appropriate for Pyramid , Los Banos Creek Reservoir, Delta and like waters – black 6/0 thread
Surf PercherSurf PercherFeb 09 6:30 PM– surf fish species – local beaches – red 6/0 thread

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Whip Finish

by Elaine Cook — fly tying chairman

Instead of featuring a specific fly this month, using the “whip finish” method to tie your favorite fly will be discussed.  Having the skill of tying the knot to complete your fly using a “whip finish” is very important for certain flies. Some folks use the method more often, for they just find it easier when they get the hang of it. There are 3 methods to accomplish this:

  1.  Whip finish tool that’s referred to as a Matarelli (there are other similar brands but this is the most commonly used)
  2. Standard whipper (a very old style tool and trickier to use)
  3. Hand method (the only method available before there were tools and uses 2 fingers)

Specific flies that require this method are any that must be tied off behind the material on the hook, ie: beaded flies, poppers. You can use this method on the fly being tied at the fly tying class this month but won’t be required. This is a great time to learn how, refresh your skill, or learn a new technique. There are numerous demonstrations on YouTube for all 3 methods. Just ask for  “whip finish demonstration for tying flies”.

I found the one done by Copper Landing Fly Fishing was well done for a Matarelli. Check them out and do some practicing on a bare hook.

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Zayante Creek Habitat Improvement Project

by Conservation Bob Garbarino

The Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County, the City of Santa Cruz, the San Lorenzo Valley Water District and the County of Santa Cruz have partnered to complete an instream improvement project on Zayante Creek. The work took place on a one mile stretch of the upper creek. Large trees were anchored in the creek to improve the natural habitat for steelhead and coho salmon. Historically, some of the higher juvenile steelhead population densities in the San Lorenzo River watershed been found in Zayante Creek. Check out the web link below:

Make sure you view this brief Youtube video that describes the project.

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Salinas River cleanup 2021

by Geoff Malloway - Central Coast Flyfishing

About 24 volunteers showed up at the Salinas River National Wildlife Refuge this morning to clean up garbage and illegal camps. The Salinas Valley Fly Fishers, Santa Cruz Fly Fishermen, Trout Unlimited and the Carmel River Steelhead Association were represented. This year, about half of a 30-yard dumpster was collected…down from the full 30-yard dumpsters of previous years. Thanks to all who showed up and, to those who fish the refuge but couldn’t help this time, see you next November.
A special thanks to Benny and Jay Jefferson, of Jefferson Ag Management, for their continued stewardship of the refuge and use of their heavy equipment! Also, thanks are due to the Monterey Regional Waste Management District for the use of their 30-yard dumpster!

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Thank you for the 90 members who have paid dues online

by Bob Peterson

90 members have renewed 2021 dues for a total of $4,500 including $1,200 in donations averaging $50/member.

100 membership renewal letters have been mailed out to those members who have not yet responded. Deadline to be included in the 2022 roster is Dec 31st. Member names who have not responded will be deleted from the roster and Googlegroups.

We are on schedule to meet our membership dues budget and are hoping for additional donations in order to offset the $4,500 loss from our annual fundraiser dinner not being held for 2 years. With additional member contributions we could double our High School scholarships from $200 to $400/student, maintain our conservation project funding, and pay to restore the County Steelhead plaque on the San Lorenzo River damaged by vandalism with matching funds.

For those that have already renewed and donated online, THANK YOU

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Submit your photos for the Annual Member Photo Slide Show!

by Tommy Polito

In January, we’re going to be back at the Sherriff’s Posse Hall for another BBQ and our annual Club Members Photo Slide Show! Just a reminder for anyone that wants to include a photo(s) in the club’s annual slide show, please send the photos directly to me Thanks!

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SCFF logo wear on sale for Christmas

Just in time for Christmas, we are discounting some SCFF logo wear.  This offer is only good if you are willing to pick up the items in the Aptos area.   Take  a look int the Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Store..  After you purchase, you will coordinate a pick up place and time with Kevin Murdock.

SCCF Logo Tumbler$28.00 $22.00
Trout Logo T-Shirt$30.00 $25.00
Trout Logo Embroidered Hats$33.00 $25.00

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IN MEMORIAM: Douglas Severin

by Elaine Cook

Douglas Severin
November 8, 1927– October 26,2021
Doug joined our club clear back in 1998. He had been a real outdoor person, but all his companions were no longer able to participate with him. So his wife Diane encouraged him to check out the SCFF club. As he put it , after doing just that, “ I’ve found a new home”. He jumped right in joining the fly tying classes and was soon helping beginners , as he was extremely skilled at tying. His specialty was small dry flies which over the years served him well at the Mammoth and Green River fishouts as well as throughout Montana and Wyoming. He was not a fan of flying so trips to the Green River were on Amtrak and to other Rocky Mountain destinations he would accomplish by driving almost non-stop to his destination. He loved the back country in the Sierra and a couple of his favorites were McGee and Convict Canyons. His participation and help with club functions were remarkable. In his quiet gentlemanly manner, you’d find him demonstrating fly tying to the public, donating and preparing, along with Diane, salads for the Club Fund Raiser, and then showing up at functions ahead of time to help set up then stay to pick up at the end. So now we say goodbye to our dear friend Doug. His company will be missed but the fond memories will live on.

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Fishout Schedule

mobile scrollable table 

Pyramid Lake Fish-out April 3rd-9th 2022April 03, 2022 – April 09, 2022Lahontan Cutthroat TroutMike White – (831) 706-5556
Mammoth Fishout – 2022September 24, 2022 – October 08, 2022TroutJohn Cook fishmaster– (831)688-1561 or (831)234-6515

Apr 03 12:00 AM : Pyramid Lake Fish-out April 3rd-9th 2022

Pyramid Lake (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Mike White – (831) 706-5556

The Pyramid Lake trip is one of the best-attended fishouts the club has, and for a good reason. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout cruise parallel to the shore in easy casting distance from shore. Cost for the week including meals and lodging and is around $300+ per person depending on the number in attendance. You need not fish all six days as there may be openings (usually later in the week.) Contact Mike for more details (831) 706-5556, to check on openings, or be put on a waiting list. First come first served.

You can also make your own arrangements either by bringing your own RV (Pyramid Lake Lodge has hook-ups and sells permits to park on the any of the beaches along the lake) or staying in Reno. Reno is 45 minutes away. Call Pyramid Lake Lodge to inquire about last minute cancellations in their cabins as well (775) 476-0400 and check out their website to see what the cabins look like at The General Store in Sutcliff offers meals on selected nights only to those who call in before 2:00 PM. Check at the General Store for details.

Equipment: 6-9 weight rods with hi-speed, hi-D shooting heads or fast sink integrated lines to fish the bottom in 6 to 9 feet of water, and a floating line for indicator fishing. You should bring a stripping basket and a ladder that will accommodate it. A ladder helps to get you up out of the cold water and enable you to cast out to where the fish are. You can still catch fish without one but not with near as much consistency.

Flies: Woolly buggers in black, white, purple, olive, midge, caddis and mayfly nymphs to name a few. If as in years past the Confab in February is offering the opportunity to see how some of the best Pyramid patterns are made plan to attend and bring a vise and tie some yourself. Flies may also available from club member Jim Hall who ties some very good flies specific to Pyramid cutthroat as well as other species at reasonable cost. His number is (831) 713-6835. There is a general store with provisions as well as tackle and an assortment of flies.

How to get there: Take US 80 to Reno-Sparks, take the Pyramid Blvd. off ramp and go north about 35 miles. Crosby Lodge is at Sutcliff, near the Ranger Station.

 If you have any questions about equipment or how to get there, check the “Gearing up” columns in the March 2007-2009 archives on our great club website, or call Mike White at (831) 706-5556. 

If you are considering going to Pyramid again this year with the club and you have not already done so, please contact the person who is booking the trailer you stayed in last year. Trailer-masters, if your trailer has gaps or cancellations, you can call Mike so he can pass the names of members who don’t have lodging to fill the empty spots. 

Fishing, Camping, and New Ladder Regulation:

Fishing and camping permits can be purchased online prior to the fish-out. We would highly recommend doing this. Go to to obtain your licenses. There is also an RV Park available at (775) 476-1155.

As with any great fishery there are always a long list of rules and regulations. We would recommend you review them on the website above. Suffice to say those of us who have been going to Pyramid Lake for many years are a good source of information as well. We will help inform and guide all newcomers.  15.6 USE OF LADDERS, ETC. Any ladders, milk crates, boxes or other objects used in the water as a fishing aid must be occupied or closely attended (i.e. remain in the area) by fishermen at all times. Any person who leaves such objects unoccupied in the water for more than one hour will be deemed guilty of littering. 15.6.1 Fishing aids described above must have a permanent tag affixed that has the name, address, and phone number of the owner of the fishing aid. If the permitted angler using the fishing aid is not the owner, the owner will be the responsible party for any infractions by the permitted angler. 

This year we have five trailers reserved. (6,7,8,9, and 10) As of September 1st 2021 we have 5 openings available. These openings will fill up quickly, so contact Mike immediately at (831) 706-5556. Last year was an incredible experience with many fish over 15 lbs brought to the net. If you cannot commit early and make it into one of our reserved trailers you can always make your own arrangements by contacting the Pyramid Lake Lodge at (775) 476-0400.

Mike White (831) 706-5556,

NOTE: Due to insurance regulations, all attendees must be paid up members of Santa Cruz Fly fishermen, so get your membership paid up if you haven’t done so yet.

Sep 24 12:00 AM : Mammoth Fishout – 2022

Mammoth Fishout - 2022
Mammoth Lakes (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: John Cook fishmaster– (831)688-1561 or (831)234-6515

Dates:  This fishout will take place over two consecutive one-week periods. You may sign up for one or both weeks. Week 1: Sept  24 – Oct 1.       Week 2: Oct 1 – Oct 8.

Location: The town of Mammoth Lakes is located on the eastern side of the Sierra, 6 or 7 hours drive from Santa Cruz. There are many lakes and streams in the area to fish.

General: We will be staying in condominiums in the town of Mammoth Lakes. Condo has a lovely hot tub, so bring your suit. Two people per bedroom. Most people bring a sleeping bag to share king size bed or a pad and sleeping bag to sleep on floor. A private room option is possible at an increased fee.

Cost:  TBD

Food Preparation: Breakfast and lunch items will be purchased by the fishmaster ahead of time. Each person will be assigned a Kitchen Day. On that day, tasks will include setting out breakfast and lunch items, store unused food, and preparing the evening meal and clean up afterwards.

SignUps: Call John Cook letting him know which week or both or private room up to May 1st. We will be leaving town mid May, so need to put things together and confirm reservation by then. Receiving your $ will reserve your spot. I will maintain a waiting list and, if space becomes available you will be notified by phone, even while we are on summer vacation.

Covid Issues: TBD

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Notes from site 29:

by K. Murdock, V/P

Notes of Fish Master, Kevin Murdock (Dock), from mysterious site #29 (O’Neill Forebay):

Fish Master Log Date Nov 3: Our beloved Stosh, bowing to the frailties of mortal life, was unable to host our November fish out to San Lois Reservoir. I agreed to stand in for him, as long as no organizing was to be involved.

When I arrived Wednesday afternoon, Elaine & John Cook had already been camping since Tuesday. They’d had some success amongst the weed patches around the islands. They also had thoughtfully placed a tablecloth and wood box at site 29, assuring it would be available for my arrival. I sat up camp (1) and returned to Aptos to pick up the mighty pokey-mon. (My 12ft. tin boat). (2)

FM Log Date Nov 4: Early Thursday morning Cooper and I launched the boat. Thank goodness I’d had the boat tagged the last time I’d fished on the lake. It had rained Wednesday evening, and my boat was full of water. No way would they have allowed me to launch.

We fished for naught for a couple of hours. That’s when I determined to find Elaine, for she is quite frequently in the close company of fish. I was right. I found her between the first and second Islands, firmly stuck to a Striper. With her in my sight, I quickly hooked and landed a couple of schoolies. I would offer this to all of our newbies on fish outs: keep Elaine in sight and you’ll probably find fish. It’s worked for John for ages. Indeed, he’d caught a couple that morning.

I moored the Pokey-man near our camp and had lunch with Pete, a new returning club member. He towed a gorgeous Air Stream in (3) and asked where to park so as not to impinge on any view-shed. I opined that the air-stream enhanced any view I might have.

After lunch, I motored to the north-west side of the fore bay where I found a dozen tubers and Kayakers from a neighboring fishing club. The name escapes me for the moment. (Don’t be alarmed, that happens on a regular basis). They were scratching out a fish here and there when Cooper decided he could catch a pelican. (4) That was the first of his three jumps into the drink.

The laughter of the other club’s members were still ringing in my ears when I decided to explore the great wall area. Near the south east corner, I finally located some fish on my 30 year old garage sale hummingbird. They were in 25’ water depth, holding at nearly 20’. There was a current pushing my boat from east to west, so I posted up current, about 40’from the wall and cast directly towards the wall. I counted down quite a while as I drifted over the fish, & then began a slow strip. I got a strong grab and had the fish on long enough to try to get it on the reel, with devastating consequences. Over the next hour I repeated this process several times. Eventually, after omitting the part where I tried to put the fish on the reel. I landed two smaller fish. (5)

Thursday evening the wind died enough to have a lovely campfire, and the four of us enjoyed a lively conversation as we took turns fussing over Cooper. Elaine shared her vast San Lois Intel with us. (Greatly appreciated!)

FM Log Date Nov 5: Friday Morning I woke early to find Yogi launching his u-boat. Still dark-thirty. A couple of cups of coffee later I launched and hustled to meet Jerry at the Rock Wall (6) by the old boat launch.  I arrived in the vicinity just as the sun rose, and promptly caught a small striper. I found Jerry shortly after he had released one of his own. Jerry caught a couple more over the next hour. Ospreys and bald eagles were my entertainment.

I returned to camp for brunch and was helped to shore by another new club member, Jeff. Pete treated us to a spread of bacon & eggs, whilst I whipped up a batch of Bloody Mary’s. Tim Loomis and a friend I haven’t met yet launched at about that time. Good Luck to ya!

Yogi returned after having caught a few. Probably just getting warmed up for his upcoming tuna trip.

Thought I’d take a quick nap. Two hours later, Elaine & John pulled out of the water. Elaine had landed 8 or 10 fish that morning, & John a few more, including one he described as a nice 20 plus inches, with a huge head. I envisioned Bruce Bocce’s head on a striped bass.

Tim Loomis returned with tales of the biggest striper he had ever landed in this body of water. He estimated 6+ lbs., or about twice the size of the biggest fish I had caught that day. Tim caught his on the Delta smelt pattern. In fact, that’s the only fly I used on the trip, and others echoed that sentiment.

Jeff and Pete had also each caught fish that day.

FM Log Date Nov 6: Saturday found Pete and myself on our own. We fished separately, scratching up a fish here and there. The wind chased me off the water early. Too windy for a fire, Pete and I retired to our respective campers to stay warm. A book for me, a movie for Pete. Early to sleep.

That pretty well sums it up. Fair fishing for many, great for a few. A pretty good fish out.

Enjoy the resource while you can, future dam construction will make this place much more difficult to get to, for quite some time.

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November 2021 Table of Contents

General Meeting……………………
  April Vokey – Spey Casting for Steelhead
  November Door Prize
President’s Line…………………….
  Rain! Steelhead! April on November 2nd. December and January BBQ Slide Show
Fly Tying……………………
  Bug Eye Nymph – Instructor: Dan Eaton
  Kilowatt Fly
Conservation Concerns……………
  Fish Handling–Best Practices
  November River Cleanup Days
Membership Notes…………………
  2022 Membership Renewal Oct/Nov/Online
  A gift suggestion
Fishout Schedule…………………
Gone Fishing……………………….…
  ForeBay FishOut results
Reel News……………………….…
  Smith River now has a fisher Monitoring Program

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April Vokey – Spey Casting for Steelhead

April Vokey - Spey Casting for Steelhead

April Vokey will be talking about the British Columbia  waters where she grew up chasing the salmon and steelhead migration that frequented BC’s coastal waters.    She began her guiding career on the Fraser and Harrison rivers for sturgeon and salmon, but left after several season to found her own guiding operation, Fly Gal Ventures, in 2007 at age 24. The company was built on the basis of the promotion of education and encouragement to those who looked to chase their dreams. She has since established herself as a respected authority in the sport and has traveled the globe in pursuit of gamefish on a fly rod.

Her writing has appeared in numerous industry leading publications including Fly Fisherman, Fly Rod & Reel, and Fly Fusion magazines. In July 2012, April became the first fly angler to be featured in Outside magazine for their “XX-Factor” segment. She is in the process of authoring her first book.

Also a popular TV personality, April has been featured on the Outdoor Channel’s Buccaneers and Bones series, 60 Minutes Sports, The Steve Harvey show, Discovery Channel’s Refined, Discovery’s/OLN’s Close Up Kings, and WFN’s Fly Nation TV.

Most recently, Vokey proudly wrote and hosted her own exclusive series, ShoreLines with April Vokey, as shown on the World Fishing Network. The series focuses on fly-fishing’s rich history and the people it consists of. Feeling limited by airtime, she has since branched out with her podcast, Anchored with April Vokey, an uncensored series dedicated to archiving the stories and personalities from some of fly-fishing’s most influential people. The show is one of the only fishing podcasts solely recorded in a face to face environment where April ensures to ask questions apart from the norm. It evolved into Anchored Outdoors in January, 2020.

In 2013, April chose to pursue her passion for saltwater species (and a blue-eyed Aussie bloke), and therefore surrendered her Canadian winters for Australia’s & New Zealand’s summers. She now resides in Canada for six months of the year, and in Australia for the other six. Her dog, Colby, travels with her between countries, keeping her safe from grizzlies and kangaroos alike.

She is a FFF certified casting instructor, a fly-tying instructor, traveling speaker and an eternal student of life, love, and conservation. Please contact to enquire about bookings.

Future Speakers. Dates and speakers may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly SpeakerDateExcerpt
Gordon Tharrett – fishing the Green river in UtahDec 01 6:30 PMGordon Tharrett will be sharing with us the remarkable fly-fishing around Utah and the Green River, where what some of the members call “The 20/20 club” – a size 20″ trout on a size 20 fly”
Annual SlideshowJan 05 7:00 PMIn January, we’re going to be back at the Sherriff’s Posse Hall for another BBQ and our annual Club Members Photo Slide Show.    Submit your photos today to Tommy Polito then come join us the first week of January – in person!!!

Posted on October 28th, 2021

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Meeting Raffle Prizes

We have some great door prizes for lucky meeting attendees. Take a look! A really cool Trout Unlimited sling pack to carry all your goodies, An Adamsbuilt wader safety belt, great for you or for your fishing partner if they forget theirs, and a pair of lucky fishing socks, who doesn’t need a little extra luck.

No tickets to buy, just show up at the Zoom meeting.

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Rain! Steelhead! April on November 2nd. December and January BBQ Slide Show

Ahhhh – October.  Wait – it’s almost November!

Admittedly, I was very skeptical and downright depressed when the middle of October came and went with no rain.   For me, rain signifies so much.   For a kid who grew up loving the change of seasons in Ohio, all of them, even especially when it snowed, I was desperate for a change from the same old boring sunshine and warm weather.   Seriously.   Long before I was a steelhead fisherman, I longed for fall and winter, and moving to California, rain was that chance to slow down, get inside, rest, tie some flies, watch some fly-fishing shows.

So, you can imagine my delight when it started to rain, and it kept raining.   It was almost like the first snow.   And I loved it.    The rain came gently, then strong, but never too strong.  We got 10” at home and the San Lorenzo came up from 10CFS to 500 at 6 p.m. cresting at 1,500 at 10 p.m.    All staying that nice tea brown color, never that dreadful chocolate milk that is a bi-product of scouring.   The river mouth opened by itself and rushed out to welcome steelhead and coho  – those genetic strains that have known for millennia that the San Lorenzo is home.

Let’s hope the rains continue throughout the winter in the same manner, that flows never get below 40 or 50 CFS at lowest and that the fish will thrive.  When they thrive – we thrive.

November Club meeting – Tuesday, November 2ndWhile I have your attention – please make note that November’s Meeting is Tuesday November 2nd – and will be via Zoom because April Vokey is going to be joining us to ring in the steelhead season with British Columbia Steelhead with Spey and Single-hand fly-rods.

Submit an Article Also, we want to hear from more of you.   Did you know you can submit an article for the newsletter simply by going to the Newsletter-Submit tab on the website, copy and paste something you wrote and submit it to our newsletter editor for publishing?   We want to hear from you!   And, if it’s not you, have one of your children write an article and submit it on their behalf.    You never know – you could have a writer on your hands and this could be there first published piece.   Submit a photo too – easy!!

Hey – if you haven’t been around, I want you to know that we miss you.   What an incredible year and a half this has been.

You know – it’s no coincidence that in April 2020, we launched our new-website and in May 2020 had our very first Zoom meeting.   Before that Zoom was part of a Mazda commercial and our web-site and Facebook page were just, sort of there, doing what it had been doing for the past 29 years.

Do you know even despite our not being able to meet in person, our membership has grown from an average of 150 to now more than 177 members.   We’ve had an average of 25 of you on every Zoom meeting and 50 of you attended the August BBQ at the Sherriff’s Posse when we thought the war was over.     For the first time in 44 years, we’re renewing most of our memberships “on-line”, and many of you are already renewing your dues that way.   Super.

We even have had six new board members who jumped on board during that time, remarkably some of them I’d not had a chance to meet until the August BBQ.

January Club Member Slide Show -Send in Your Photos.  In January, we’re going to be back at the Sherriff’s Posse Hall for another BBQ and our annual Club Members Photo Slide Show.    Submit your photos today to Tommy Polito then come join us the first week of January – in person!!!

While we will be missing our Annual Dinner/Fundraiser which is our primary funding source for our budget, we are working to do a number of other activities to help us with our finances to keep up with our goals in preserving and restoring trout, Steelhead and Coho habits, our high-school scholarships, youth programs/events, facilities rent, and more.    Some of that can also come by way of the “Donation” tab on the membership renewal form which many of you have used.   I would like to thank each and every one of you for doing this as it has made a significant difference in the importance and growth of our scholarship program for one.  So, thank you to all of you who have done this.   It is huge.

Well – again, don’t miss the November – Tuesday meeting via Zoom.  April is going to be awesome.   And I look forward to seeing you soon.

Fish on my friends.    Tom

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Bug Eye Nymph – Instructor: Dan Eaton

This fly is my number one choice for bass subsurface. I normally use an intermediate sink line and trail this fly 24”-48” behind a green or black Woolybugger. I’ve also caught trout and Stripers using the same system. Use a slow retrieve . Don’t be without this fly!

Please call Dan Eaton at (831) 336-2933 to sign up and I’ll get your packet of material together for you at my front door. There is no charge for the class and all materials are provided except olive 8/0 and 6/0 thread. Or at least 8/0. If you need to borrow club thread, let me know. Beginners are welcome but you will have to contact Elaine Cook at (831)688-1561 well ahead of time to borrow vice , and  tools.

If you would like to tune in to watch, that’s fine.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly SpeakerDateExcerpt
X-CaddisDec 08 6:30 PM– dry fly for trout – streams and lakes throughout the West – Olive 8/0 thread.
Red Bead Cone HeadRed Bead Cone HeadJan 12 6:30 PM– large trout and bass – appropriate for Pyramid , Los Banos Creek Reservoir, Delta and like waters – black 6/0 thread

Posted on October 28th, 2021

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Kilowatt Fly

by Elaine Cook- fly tying chairman

If you desire or must have a steelhead fly for the San Lorenzo, here’s one that comes highly recommended. Of course it will probably work for the mighty fish elsewhere. This is a variation of Cliff Watt’s Kilowatt Fly. The color combinations are limitless but the 2 that seem to work best are: maroon marabou and hackle  OR maroon marabou tail with both both blue and black hackles.


  • Hook: Gamagatsu 60 degree jig hook size 2
  • Thread: black 140 denier or 3/0
  • Eyes: “Lead Eyes” 1/30 oz. ( barbells)
  • Glue: UV resin, Zap-A-Gap, or Super Glue
  • Tail:
    • 1. Orvis –  New Age Holo Flash- Kaleidoscope color   (Can substitute Flashabou or Mega Baitfish Emulator)
    • 2. Spirit River UV2 maroon marabou. (Can substitute maroon marabou)
  • Rear Body: FNF UV Jelly-biscuit color. (Can substitute UV Polar Chenille-hot pink color)
  • Forward Body: both UV ice dub- purple color AND Salar Synthetic Mikkeli-blue color
  • Wing: same Holo Flash
  • Hackle: maroon marabou


  1.  Crimp barb.
  2.  Attach thread behind hook eye. Wrap thread base to rear of shank then forward to blend in hook.
  3.  Paint eyes with 2 layers red nail polish then one of Sally Hanson’s-Hard As Nails nail polish. Attach at bend of hook with many figure 8 and circular tight wraps. Apply glue. Wrap thread to rear of shank.
  4.  Tie in small clump of Holo Flash. Cut to length of hook.
  5.  Tie in clump of marabou. Same length as Holo Flash.
  6.  Tie in UV Jelly. Make 2-3 touching wraps forward, forcing thread as you turn. Tie off, cut excess.
  7.  Blend both forward body materials. Place in dubbing loop. Advance thread to 1/4 back on shank. Twist dubbing loop making  a thick chenille. Wrap forward a thick body. Tie off, cut excess. Pick out body with a bodkin.
  8.  Turn hook upside down. Tie in small clump Holo Flash on top of shank. Cut to hook length.
  9.  Select lg. marabou feather. Strip barbs off one side of feather. Tie in tip. Wrap, preening back barbs as you go. Tie off, cut excess. Whip finish, cut thread, apply glue.

This is not an early season fly. It can be swung on a Skaget line in the estuary when big fish are in, or dead drifted on a tight line through a riffle or under a bobber. It also can be jigged like a spoon through a pool or frog water. You may have noticed that there isn’t a lot of room for a back cast on the upper reaches of the San Lorenzo. That’s why most seasoned Steelheaders fish exclusively with mono line much like euronymphers. Strip casting is the common method of presenting a fly on the S.L. It is a similar technique to flipping for bass and allows the angler to pitch a fly into tight pockets in very tight quarters. Not to say that you can’t use a traditional fly line but many times anglers spook fish with a role cast over a run or pool, especially in low clear water.

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Fish Handling–Best Practices

by Conservation Director Bob Garbarino

Before I delve into the subject of this article, I want to thank Steve (Stosh) Rudzinski for encouraging me to get involved in a more active role in SCFF as Conservation Director and to Tom Hogye and the board for welcoming me and their support.   If any of you reading this have any input, questions about conservation as it pertains to the club or want to get involved, please contact me.

On the subject of fish handling to help them survive after release, I came across an organization devoted to that endeavor.  I never heard of them but some of you members may have. The outfit is called Keep Fish Wet. I found out about them while visiting the FFI website. Reading some of the science-based tips on the website has me realizing I can do much better in the process of landing (or netting), photographing (if desired) and releasing fish under various conditions.

Here is a summary of the Tips found under Best Practices on the Keep Fish Wet website

Follow Local Regulations
Examples are some areas prohibit removing specific species of fish from the water and requirements to use barbless hooks.

Think Twice Before Going After Spawning Fish
One of the reasons given is that targeting and catching fish while spawning can disrupt and impact their lifecycle. This depends on the species of fish and spawning habits.

Be Wary of Warm Water
As water warms, the dissolved oxygen in it decreases. This causes the fish to get stressed quicker and take longer for them to recover. Some species are less resilient than others.

Use Barbless Hooks
Barbless hooks cause less damage to the fish’s mouth and are easier to remove. They are also much easier to remove from your body and clothing.

Use Artificial Baits
We fly fishers by nature adhere to this suggestion. This is the number one cause of fish mortality as they are more likely to swallow bait.

Use Rubber Nets
Rubber nets cause less damager to fish slime, scales, fins and gills. Hooks are less likely to get stuck in the net.

Limit Use of Lip Grippers
Lip grippers should only be used if there are no alternatives to controlling and handling fish (tiger fish, is an example). If it is used, never hold a fish vertically.

Carry Hook Removal Devices
Ideally this tool will help reduce the time it takes to release the fish with less damage. If the fish swallows the fly, cut the line instead of trying to remove the fly.

Limit Fight Time
Try to bring the fish to hand quickly without overplaying it. This will reduce stress on the fish.

Hold Fish In or Over Water
If held over land or a boat and if it slips out of your hand, that is obviously not good for the fish.

Grip Fish Carefully
Try to hold the fish gently without squeezing. Avoid placing you hand over the fish’s mouth and gills. Hold larger fish at the base of the tail and support the body close to the pelvic fins. Consider keeping very large fish in the water.

Photograph Wet Fish
This shows fish in their element which can make cool photos. Try to keep air exposure to ten seconds or less.

Only Revive Fish That Cannot Swim
If a fish can swim away on its own, let it do so. It will recover better. If the fish appears to have lost its equilibrium, submerge it and face it into the current. If you are in still water, move the gently to simulate swimming. See the website for other techniques specific to other fish like tuna.

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November River Cleanup Days

by Bob Garbarino

Hi SCFF club members,

There are three river cleanup days scheduled in November. This is a great way to provide community service in a hands-on fashion. Volunteering for these events could be an opportunity for those members with children needing community service credits for school.

Soquel Creek

Soquel Creek Cleanup

San Lorenzo River

San Lorenzo River Cleanup

Salinas River

Volunteer for Salinas River Cleanup, Sunday November 21st.