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2022 Membership Renewal Oct/Nov/Online

by Bob Peterson

To date we have 170 members on the roster including 40 new online members since 2021 , which is almost 25% of the membership.  For Oct and November we would like to encourage members to renew online at which has proven to be more efficient, accurate, and cost effective offsetting postage and printing costs.  Members can still renew by check mailed to PO Box 2008, Santa Cruz, Calif 95023.  In December, a renewal packet will be sent to those members who have not renewed online…last year over 50% of members renewed online. For those new members after July 1, 2021, will not need to renew for 2022.

Please contact me if you have questions or membership concerns…

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A gift suggestion

Its just about that time when my loved ones say, “I don’t know what to get him, he buys all the fishing stuff he wants when he wants.”

Maybe a hint would be for to look at the items from the Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Store.  For your holiday shopping, we are going to set up pickup in Aptos for the items.  After you purchase, you will coordinate a pick up place and time with Kevin Murdock.

Or maybe if you can’t wait until Christmas, just buy some stuff yourself.

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SCFF Fishouts

mobile scrollable table 

O’Neill Forebay – Nov 4 – 7 2021November 04, 2021 – November 07, 2021Striped BassKevin Murdock (831) 238 -3037
Pyramid Lake Fish-out April 3rd-9th 2022April 03, 2022 – April 09, 2022Lahontan Cutthroat TroutMike White – (831) 706-5556
Mammoth Fishout – 2022September 24, 2022 – October 08, 2022TroutJohn Cook fishmaster– (831)688-1561 or (831)234-6515

Nov 04 12:00 AM : O’Neill Forebay – Nov 4 – 7 2021

Islands Oneill Forebay (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Kevin Murdock (831) 238 -3037

We will camp at the same place again at Medeiros Campground site #23 I will try to get again, there are 4 sites there and more than one car per site is okay. New people should contact me personally for details. Bring everything to camp bare bones style, only a single vault style toilet which is not too bad compared to the other porta potties throughout the campground.  Bring water, and food and cooking gear, there will be a camp stove or two to use or cook over the camp fire.

Gear to use: 7 or 8 wt rod, full sinking line like Rio Outbound Short or Tungsten T-11 shooting head with a good running line. 15 lb test fluorocarbon leader (6′ is long enough so the fly gets down deeper).  Lee Haskins or Jim Hall has flies for sale. Both are listed in our club roster and you can make an order directly with them. Float tubes of course or small craft like flat bottom dingy’s and some kayaks work okay except when windy. (It can really BLOW you away there and we hope for good conditions but we have had big rainstorms in years past so prepare for the worst).

One thing we never have enough of is firewood for the evening rap sessions, the size of wood that comes in a box at the grocery store is perfect for our portable fire tubs.

The camp is only 70 miles from Santa Cruz and directions can be easily be found on your GPS system.  Call or email me @ (831) 238 -3037 or to be on the list so I have a good idea of how many will attend.  We always have a good time at this event.  See you there, Kevin

Apr 03 12:00 AM : Pyramid Lake Fish-out April 3rd-9th 2022

Pyramid Lake (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Mike White – (831) 706-5556

The Pyramid Lake trip is one of the best-attended fishouts the club has, and for a good reason. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout cruise parallel to the shore in easy casting distance from shore. Cost for the week including meals and lodging and is around $300+ per person depending on the number in attendance. You need not fish all six days as there may be openings (usually later in the week.) Contact Mike for more details (831) 706-5556, to check on openings, or be put on a waiting list. First come first served.

You can also make your own arrangements either by bringing your own RV (Pyramid Lake Lodge has hook-ups and sells permits to park on the any of the beaches along the lake) or staying in Reno. Reno is 45 minutes away. Call Pyramid Lake Lodge to inquire about last minute cancellations in their cabins as well (775) 476-0400 and check out their website to see what the cabins look like at The General Store in Sutcliff offers meals on selected nights only to those who call in before 2:00 PM. Check at the General Store for details.

Equipment: 6-9 weight rods with hi-speed, hi-D shooting heads or fast sink integrated lines to fish the bottom in 6 to 9 feet of water, and a floating line for indicator fishing. You should bring a stripping basket and a ladder that will accommodate it. A ladder helps to get you up out of the cold water and enable you to cast out to where the fish are. You can still catch fish without one but not with near as much consistency.

Flies: Woolly buggers in black, white, purple, olive, midge, caddis and mayfly nymphs to name a few. If as in years past the Confab in February is offering the opportunity to see how some of the best Pyramid patterns are made plan to attend and bring a vise and tie some yourself. Flies may also available from club member Jim Hall who ties some very good flies specific to Pyramid cutthroat as well as other species at reasonable cost. His number is (831) 713-6835. There is a general store with provisions as well as tackle and an assortment of flies.

How to get there: Take US 80 to Reno-Sparks, take the Pyramid Blvd. off ramp and go north about 35 miles. Crosby Lodge is at Sutcliff, near the Ranger Station.

 If you have any questions about equipment or how to get there, check the “Gearing up” columns in the March 2007-2009 archives on our great club website, or call Mike White at (831) 706-5556. 

If you are considering going to Pyramid again this year with the club and you have not already done so, please contact the person who is booking the trailer you stayed in last year. Trailer-masters, if your trailer has gaps or cancellations, you can call Mike so he can pass the names of members who don’t have lodging to fill the empty spots. 

Fishing, Camping, and New Ladder Regulation:

Fishing and camping permits can be purchased online prior to the fish-out. We would highly recommend doing this. Go to to obtain your licenses. There is also an RV Park available at (775) 476-1155.

As with any great fishery there are always a long list of rules and regulations. We would recommend you review them on the website above. Suffice to say those of us who have been going to Pyramid Lake for many years are a good source of information as well. We will help inform and guide all newcomers.  15.6 USE OF LADDERS, ETC. Any ladders, milk crates, boxes or other objects used in the water as a fishing aid must be occupied or closely attended (i.e. remain in the area) by fishermen at all times. Any person who leaves such objects unoccupied in the water for more than one hour will be deemed guilty of littering. 15.6.1 Fishing aids described above must have a permanent tag affixed that has the name, address, and phone number of the owner of the fishing aid. If the permitted angler using the fishing aid is not the owner, the owner will be the responsible party for any infractions by the permitted angler. 

This year we have five trailers reserved. (6,7,8,9, and 10) As of September 1st 2021 we have 5 openings available. These openings will fill up quickly, so contact Mike immediately at (831) 706-5556. Last year was an incredible experience with many fish over 15 lbs brought to the net. If you cannot commit early and make it into one of our reserved trailers you can always make your own arrangements by contacting the Pyramid Lake Lodge at (775) 476-0400.

Mike White (831) 706-5556,

NOTE: Due to insurance regulations, all attendees must be paid up members of Santa Cruz Fly fishermen, so get your membership paid up if you haven’t done so yet.

Sep 24 12:00 AM : Mammoth Fishout – 2022

Mammoth Fishout - 2022

Mammoth Lakes (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: John Cook fishmaster– (831)688-1561 or (831)234-6515

Dates:  This fishout will take place over two consecutive one-week periods. You may sign up for one or both weeks. Week 1: Sept  24 – Oct 1.       Week 2: Oct 1 – Oct 8.

Location: The town of Mammoth Lakes is located on the eastern side of the Sierra, 6 or 7 hours drive from Santa Cruz. There are many lakes and streams in the area to fish.

General: We will be staying in condominiums in the town of Mammoth Lakes. Condo has a lovely hot tub, so bring your suit. Two people per bedroom. Most people bring a sleeping bag to share king size bed or a pad and sleeping bag to sleep on floor. A private room option is possible at an increased fee.

Cost:  TBD

Food Preparation: Breakfast and lunch items will be purchased by the fishmaster ahead of time. Each person will be assigned a Kitchen Day. On that day, tasks will include setting out breakfast and lunch items, store unused food, and preparing the evening meal and clean up afterwards.

SignUps: Call John Cook letting him know which week or both or private room up to May 1st. We will be leaving town mid May, so need to put things together and confirm reservation by then. Receiving your $ will reserve your spot. I will maintain a waiting list and, if space becomes available you will be notified by phone, even while we are on summer vacation.

Covid Issues: TBD

Posted on October 28th, 2021

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ForeBay FishOut results

Good old campsite #29 was available again, the palapa posts 10′ apart and the new wind screen tarp cut to 8′ X 10′ was a bear to put up in strong winds and thankfully, our VP Kevin Murdock was already there with a site and his boat and tent trailer and helped lash together enough wind break that everything does not blow off the picnic table and you are chasing it across the field.

Two days of white caps and and flapping plastic day and night, our vehicles rocking through the night was like sleeping in the sailboat. I have to thank the 3 brave fishermen/campers who came on Thursday and sat it out, always ready for the wind to stop howling. Kevin arrived first and Jim Hall and Michael DiCiano in his Airstream land yacht. Jim’s dome tent bent in the wind like those blown air wind sock stick men you see to attract customers. Kevin had an extra bed and his dog ‘Cooper’ had someone new to flop on that night.

Huge thanks to all Lucky 13 of us and especially if you brought some firewood as my portable fire tub kept us all warm as we circled the fire and told stories and laughed through the night.  Steven Rawson came to camp only and he brought his Dutch oven and from scratch made a cherry pie cooking with charcoal and timing it perfectly with ice cream to top off his fish taco’s as the main course our last night there.

Fishing was spotty at best Saturday and Sunday’s report just in has Michael landing 8 and Sam 1 fish. Other fishermen (no women this year for the first time).  Jeff ‘Yog’ Goyert, Jim Hall, Jeff Zischke.  John ‘Davis’, (Cuban cigar guy), Scott Kitayama, Jerry, Phillip, and Mike White who came up Friday night in his motorhome and when he opened the door the smell of good food was strong. He graciously roasted a monster amount of lamb perfectly and with baked potatoes and corn the 7 of us feasted at that windy campsite. Libation and conversations galore.  Thank you all for bringing your game to one of the ‘ugliest’ campsites I ever stayed for so long. Too bad the fishing/catching wasn’t on fire in our part of the lake.

Remember that we do this again the first Thursday next month. Let me know your intentions before then.  Peace, Stosh

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Smith River now has a Fishery Monitoring Program

by Dr. Mark Rockwell, D.C. - President Northern Cal Fly Fishing Council

It is with great pride I report to you that after 4 years of effort we have achieved what once seemed to be impossible – a continuously run fishery monitoring plan for the Smith River, with a focus on sonar counting both Chinook salmon & Steelhead. As most know, the Smith is the last remaining anadromous fish river in California that is free flowing from source to sea. It is also the crown jewel of steelhead, with the California State record for size. It measured 42” X 23”, which calculates to somewhere between 29 & 32 pounds. At record weighting it topped the scale at more than 27 pounds.

Here’s a shortened version of the story. Ben Taylor, Chuck Bucaria, Lowell Ashbaugh and I began working on the Smith more than 10 years ago. We achieved a change in leader length to stop the “flossing-type” snagging of Chinook, and we worked with the Fish & Game Commission to stop the take of wild Steelhead. Both of these changes were necessary to preserve both species. Then, more than 6 years ago we began a dialogue with CDFW on how they monitor the runs of anadromous fish. As it turned out, they had no credible data other than to say “we know the Smith has healthy runs of Chinook & Steelhead”. Well, we thought that simply was unacceptable.

After a year talking with the CDFW Fisheries Branch Chief, we secured a meeting with Chuck Bonham, CDFW Director, shortly after his appointment under Governor Brown. We made a plea to he and the Fishery Chief that we’d write a Fisheries Management Plan for the Smith as a draft and work with their fishery biologist on the North Coast to make it an acceptable document to implement on the river. We offered to write the draft plan, pay costs to get it into a reviewable draft ($35,000), and get it into implementation. That started a nearly 3 year process but finished in 2019 with an approved Fisheries Monitoring Plan, which is where we are today.

Following that effort we worked with CDFW to obtain 3 DIDSON sonar monitoring devices, which CDFW said they had, but weren’t sure if they could authorize them for the Smith. As it turned out, more than 18 months went by without CDFW making the devices available. They said the equipment was not available and they had no funding for personnel to manage the program. They had no idea when it could be started.

We then decided to work with NOAA fisheries and the Tolowa Dee ni’ (TDN) Tribe which lives on the estuary of the river, and runs a small hatchery there. TDN applied for and received a grant from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) for staffing the project for 2 years, but was promised by CDFW that it would provide the DIDSON equipment. After nearly a year CDFW was not able to come up with the sonar equipment. TDN then applied to BIA again, this time for 2 sonar units, at a cost of $170,000. I also communicated to Director Bonham that CDFW was losing face and reputation with us and the Tribe. To his credit he pushed the state and regional Tribal Liaisons to work with the Tribe and the regional director to get the equipment to the Tribe. They then worked out a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to loan 2 DIDSON units to the Tribe.

Today, October 2021 we’ll have 2 DIDSON sonar counting units in the water for the migration seasons of both Chinook and Steelhead. The Tribe also has 2 additional units as spares in case of a failure. This program will be run totally by Tolowa Dee ni’ for both installation & maintenance of the sonar as well as staffing to do the monitoring and reporting to CDFW. This program will be run annually into the future. We need 2 life cycles of Chinook to have scientifically credible information that will be used to manage that fishery. This is a huge win for the fish and for those of us who love Chinook & Steelhead, and the Smith.

For those of you who have not fished the Smith, a most historic river in fly fishing lore, you should consider it. I’ve fished it only once, in February, and was able to land 2 bright Smith River Steelhead in the 12-15 pound range. I saw several others rolling that were larger. They are magnificent fish, and the Smith is one of our most beautiful rivers. Zack Larson, who I fished with, does guide, and Zack helped us write some of the fishery plan. Give him a call: 707-954-1085. BTW, the Smith receives significant rain in the winter, and flows can be very high. The day before I fished it was running at 16,000 cfs, but clarity as fishable. The next day the flows were down to 7,000 cfs, and the day I landed the 2 fish it was at 5,000 cfs. Hence, though it gets lots of water, it drops and clears quickly. If you love Steelhead or Chinook, this is California’s best place.

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October 2021 Table of Contents

General Meeting……………………
 Michael Malekos – Float tubing
 October Door Prize
President’s Line…………………….
 Hang In There – We’re Almost There!
Fly Tying……………………
 Sierra Bright Dot
  Tips For Fly Tying
Conservation Concerns……………
  Welcome Robert ‘Bob’ Garbarino
  CalTrout News – California Budget, Water and Fish
Membership Notes…………………
  Reminder: Palm Beach Oct. 2- where are the Palms?
  Reminder: FishOut for striped bass Oct 7-10 O’Neill Forebay
Fishout Schedule…………………
Gone Fishing……………………….…
  Sons (and Daughters) of the beaches
Reel News……………………….…
  CSPA September 21st Report to NCCFFI

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Michael Malekos – Float tubing

Michael Malekos - Float tubing

For October’s meeting we welcome Mike Malekos. Mike is the Founder and Administrator of The Casting A Rise Foundation. Casting A Rise raises money for charitable, educational, and nonprofit organizations through fly fishing. Please take a look at and consider supporting this impactful 501(C)(3) organization.

Mike is also a contributing Columnist at California Fly Fisher magazine. His “Snapshot” articles are short, informative pieces discussing how to fly fish various fisheries within our state. Through his commentary Mike shares how to get there, how to fish there, and most importantly, why he fishes each body of water the way he does. The written synopsis of his fly fishing experience is intended to shorten an angler’s learning curve and to serve as a starting point for someone who has never visited the profiled fishery.  Among other things, Mike touches on the area, equipment selection, and how he found fish to behave. During his presentation, Mike will share his views regarding float tube safety, selection, essential gear, and profile several still water trout fishing destinations Santa Cruz Fly Fishing members should consider visiting.

Future Speakers. Dates and speakers may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly SpeakerDateExcerpt
April Vokey - Spey Casting for SteelheadApril Vokey – Spey Casting for SteelheadNov 02 6:30 PMDame Juliana of Steelhead spey Casting- April Vokey
Gordon Tharrett -  fishing the Green river in UtahGordon Tharrett – fishing the Green river in UtahDec 01 6:30 PMGordon Tharrett will be sharing with us the remarkable fly-fishing around Utah and the Green River, where what some of the members call “The 20/20 club” – a size 20″ trout on a size 20 fly”
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Great Door Prize for October meeting

by Jeff Goyert

Just in time for the Forebay Fishout we have got a couple of door prize boxes of Striper flies tied  by the master of the Forebay; Lee Haskin. These works of art donated by Lee are the gold standard of Forebay striper flies. Each box has two San Luis Smelt patterns and two topwaters gurglers.
“How do I win?” you ask, just show up at the October zoom meeting. Everybody attending the zoom meeting will get a free door prize ticket. Winners must be in attendance at the meeting.
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Fall Is On the Calendar!

Mark your Calendars!!    October, November, December!!!     Don’t miss these meetings via Zoom, and hopefully in person – maybe by December if the world starts spinning again.

And some other fun fly-fishing related things we’re doing – outside – for the most part.

Hey – seriously October is going to be that presentation you’d want to hear if you are at all interested in fishing from a float tube.  Michael Malekos has been writing for California Fly Fisher magazine the last 25 years.   He is a super guy who will have some informative, entertaining stories and tips on Float tubing from the bare basics to that and more.  If you don’t subscribe to California Fly Fisher magazine – drop this and sign up for this subscription now!!    It’s the very best California (and a bit of the rest of the west) fly fishing rag you’ll ever read.

On TUESDAY November 2nd – yes – Tuesday –via Zoom – since it’s November, it’s what I typically identify as the start of the winter steelhead season AND, this one is going to be a presentation by April Vokey from Anchored Outdoors.    April is a world-renowned Steelhead spey fly angler, fly-tier, v-logger, …  April has also offered some of her educational memberships as part of our door prize/raffle too.   Anchored Outdoors has an extensive library of resources and most especially around some pretty spectacular fly-fishing opportunities.   I’m super excited to have her as our November speaker.

December’s meeting is going to feature Gordon Tharrett who runs some fantastic fly-fishing opportunities in Utah and Idaho – most notably the Green River.   Get your calendars out for planning your 2022 season and come hear what Gordon will bring to your future fly-fishing options in the West with big rainbow and big browns.

With the year coming to a close, many of you know that for the last forty plus years, we have had an annual dinner and fundraiser event that is the highlight of our year.    It is the best time spending a whole day together preparing food, getting the raffle tables ready, hors de overs, setting tables, spending the evening eating, meeting new people, silent auction, installing new board members, some funny awards and some nice awards – like the John Steele/Dame Juliana Award, and the raffle.

While the Annual Dinner/Fundraiser will happen again in our future, we are opting for some smaller and perhaps even more engaging events for the membership as this latest setback from Covid has caused us some pause and is still creating uncertainty around a big 200 person gathering.

Our annual dinner/fundraiser nets the club on average $7,500 every year.   Some years more, some less.   While our budget is approximately $30,000 a year, these funds all go directly to running the club – facility rent, Conservation budget, High-School Scholarship fund, our speaker programs, raffle prizes for monthly meeting, fly-tying materials and classes, Fish-out needs and more.   With so many opportunities to do so many different fundraising activities and with so many fun ideas coming from you and our board, we should be able to continue meeting our goals and creating new opportunities surrounding fly-fishing.

I’m also super excited about so many of you who are coming out of the woodwork with ideas for the club and requests to be more of an active member offering to help.    To that I’m excited to say that Tommy Polito is going to be helping us with Programs for 2022.    Tommy and his new young family live in Aptos.   We met at the BBQ and boom, just like that, I was excited to hear his ideas about programs and the offer to accept this position on the Board.   You’ll be hearing more from Tommy and company soon.

And, if that wasn’t surprise enough – Bob Garbarino, who I’ve had the pleasure of fishing with a few times, casting classes and hanging out together came to the board meeting.   I thought he was there as a guest which was really nice, but then Steve Rudzinski surprised us by saying that Bob was offering to take on the position of Conservation Chair for 2022, which is going to leave Steve more time to orchestrate Casting clinics, casting practices, outings and even some camping/fishing fun.

I’m really happy with everyone coming forward and please know we need a few more to help us this coming year and into the future.   IF you are remotely interested, just come visit a board meeting and you might like it!  I do.

Stay tuned.  If you haven’t been to a Zoom meeting yet and need help navigating this – PLEASE reach out to me or Scott Kitayama.   We’ll set you up – easy!!

Watch your newsletter for some really fun outdoor get togethers over these next several months.

It has been fun meeting all our new members – I’d like to highlight and welcome you so if you come to the meeting, we’d love to hear from you.

See you soon and again on Zoom – we’re going to have fun!!

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Sierra Bright Dot

Sierra Bright Dot

This dry fly is an attractor pattern for trout. And attract it does. I will challenge you by tying a small fly , size 16, but on the other hand it is a very simple tie. So don’t hesitate to join in. Please set up a good light, manification and prescription glasses if you wear them. The class is always free, materials provided and we welcome beginners. If you have never tied before or haven’t tools or vise, you will need to call me ASAP to get you set up. To the rest of you, I will be out of town from Oct. 6th and return on the 10th. So call me soon if you want material before I leave. Otherwise leave me a message letting me know if you need to borrow black 8/0 thread and I’ll get the bag of materials at my door sometime on Monday the 11th. To sign up call: (831)688-1561 or (831)251-4741 or (831)234-6515. NO text messages please.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly FlyDateExcerpt
Bug Eye NymphNov 10 6:30 PM– bass and trout -Taught by Dan Eaton. Very effective last spring at Los Banos Creek Reservoir for bass.
X-CaddisDec 08 6:30 PM– dry fly for trout – streams and lakes throughout the West – Olive 8/0 thread.
Red Bead Cone HeadJan 12 6:30 PM– large trout and bass – appropriate for Pyramid , Los Banos Creek Reservoir, Delta and like waters – black 6/0 thread
Surf PercherFeb 09 6:30 PM– surf fish species – local beaches – red 6/0 thread
PoppersMar 12 9:00 AM– bass – top water lakes and ponds, primarily in spring – very strong thread, any color. NOTE: Let Elaine know early if you want to attend. Class is VERY popular.
Green DrakeApr 13 6:30 PM– dry fly for trout – spring in the Rocky Mountains and other Western streams and rivers – tan 6/0 thread
CricketMay 11 6:30 PM– dry fly for trout – streams and rivers thought the West – black 6/0 thread

Posted on September 21st, 2021Edit

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Tips For Fly Tying

by Elaine- Fly tying chairman

Instead of a specific fly to tie this month I’m sharing some tips that ought to help you tie more flies in the future.

1. There are various methods to thread a bodkin. My favorite is using a ” floss threaded” which is a dental item that is sold in most pharmacies. I advise never using the wire tool that is designed for that purpose. It will score the inside and in turn cause thread to fray and break.

2. While trying to tie a particular fly, it helps to prevent materials from being lost in the clutter or blow away in the wind you using a clip or cloths pin.  For your hooks, glue a magnet to the base of your vise.

3.  Bodkins usually get freshly applied glue out of the hook eye but a feather is really effective.

4. Frustrated with the hole in your glue bottle being glued shut? Try this, after each use quickly wipe with a cloth, re-establish  hole with a safety pin or bodkin, then cap right away. If that doesn’t work try a flame  heated pin. Also cutting off the tip will often get below the hardened glue.

5. Hardened glue on bodkin or safety pin can easily be scraped off with a razor blade.

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Conservation Shift, Welcome Robert ‘Bob’ Garbarino

by Conservation Slim

Board members sometimes get bored with the same job year after year and realize it’s time to change course which is what happened at our board meeting Wednesday night Sept. 15, as is tradition every Sept we look for someone to replace us which does not happen very often but when it does, a new energy brings freshness to the group.

First of all, our official CastMaster Mark Traugott is stepping down as the active club instructor while instead working with 3 or 4 fishermen at a time on the river and not part of any crowd. I will be stepping down as the Conservation Chair and into Marks waders where I feel more comfortable and enjoy offering a regular monthly or bi monthly casting clinic at Jade St Park for the time being.  Sam Bishop who has been the leader of the ‘before meetings’ casting clinic (Now Covid Closed). Between Sam and I, we can help a larger group and with such an experienced membership, we have specialists who can do presentations on spey or switch rods and advanced techniques I have yet to learn.

I want to welcome Bob Garbarino as our new Conservation Chairman, who I first met on a volunteer mission to save fingerling steelhead trout from a rapidly drying up local stream (over 100 fish that day). I asked Bob to help me out sometimes and submit articles for the newsletter which he did and now after a few fishing trips together, I asked him if he could help us/me out.  Hooray!  This is my last post as California Slim.  My last duty I performed was to slash our annual contributions to charitable organizations we all agreed could survive without our $100-$300 donation. (Savings $1900.) Local organizations were funded as usual or cut in half.    Thank you all and watch your GoogleGroup email for the next casting clinic and reminders for the fish outs at the ForeBay. Oct 7-9 and Nov 4-7 2021.

Peace, Stosh

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CalTrout News – California Budget, Water and Fish

by Conservation Contributor Bob Garbarino

CalTrout—one of the organizations that our club supports—reported that the California Legislature has released the final budget language. CalTrout has been actively engaged in the budget process to advocate for the many factors that influence healthy wild fish. In the budget is funding for addressing conservation issues such as:

$105 million to support fish passage and wildlife corridor projects.
$33 million for fisheries and wildlife support.
$323 million to fund water and drought programs.
And notably, $12.5 million for the removal of dams to preserve the federally endangered southern steelhead trout.

Thank you club members for your support that is used to fund groups like CalTrout. For more details, click on the web link.

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by MIchael McGannon

Here are my notes with some of the fishing photography tips that pro photographer Brian O’Keefe shared at our June 2, 2021 SCFF meeting

He recommends the iPhone 11 or 12 to meet all of our fish pic needs. Specific notes regarding the use of those cameras are at the end of this piece.

  • For a “Magazine Cover” format, keep the LENS AT FISH EYE LEVEL by the water surface, with the FISH HEAD ANGLED SLIGHTLY TOWARD THE CAMERA .
  • With TOOTHY FISH, pics especially good with its head angled well toward the camera.
  • Nice to show the ROD/TACKLE HELD NATURALLY, NOT over your shoulder, in your mouth, etc.
  • Pics of FLIES are fun.
  • Try getting UP HIGH. Stop the car for a good shot! Pics from a LOW DOWN angle are also especially good.
  • Look for pics of CURVES IN THE RIVER, with the FOREGROUND IN FOCUS.
  • To take a pic of your buddy DON’T SAY “WAIT”, SAY “KEEP FISHING!”
  • BACKLIT SHOTS ARE GREAT, lighting up the net, the fish’s tail, etc.
  • Avoid the “BORING BULLSEYE” with your subject centered in the photo.
  • ”30 SECOND RULE”: Take a bit of time to move to the spot with the best composition, background, light, etc.
  • FISHERMAN LOOKING AT THE FISH (rather than at the camera) respects the fish.
  • Showing JUST THE HEAD OF THE FISH is good.
  • With SUPER SHINY FISH, FIND SHADE to show the scale detail.
  • With SILVERY FISH try bending fish at different angles to decrease reflection.
  • Showing DRIPPING is good!
  • ”THE HONORABLE BLUR” shows a moving fish.
  • OK to hold BASS a bit out of the water, best just out at the surface, but KEEP YOUR ARM BEHIND.
  • BTW: SHOTS LOOKING DOWN AT THE FISH BY SHORE SHOW all the MUD aroused in the water.
  • On BRIGHT SUNNY DAY with the fisher’s face in shadow use FILL FLASH.
  • Tell people to LOOK HAPPY! SHOW THE MOMENT!
  • THROW IN SOME COLOR: shore foliage, etc.
  • Show what fish eat!
  • For SHALLOW DEPTH OF FIELD (flower shots, bugs, etc) use PORTRAIT MODE.
  • BIG COLOR is great to capture when present.


  • He recommends the iPhone 11 or 12.
  • Also good is Olympus T6-4 MP Olympus Tough, waterproof with 3” LCD, about $575. Both this and the above iPhones have excellent Macro ability.
  • Good distance shots however require a pro camera with telephoto lens.


  •  The VOLUME button can operate the SHUTTER.
  •  In PANO mode he seldom uses the whole range, often just 1/2 or 2/3 of the range.
  •  3 colored dots in the upper right corner indicate FILTERS. These can be used before or after a shot. Be sure to SAVE THE ORIGINAL before trying various filters.
  • PORTRAIT MODE blurs out all but the subject. He especially likes STAGE LIGHT MONO setting.
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Reminder: Palm Beach Oct. 2- where are the Palms?

by Sam Bishop - Salty Fishmaster

Saturday, October 2, Palm Beach – 0630 am

The Forebay fish-out Stosh organized is the second weekend of October, so I have moved our surf fish-out to the first Saturday in October (2nd) so everyone can participate in both.

Sunrise is at 07:04 and we will meet at 0640. High tide (+4.2’) is at 09:17, so we will fish a flood tide. Some people believe this is the best tide as the fish will be coming in to feed on critters untouched in the sand for several hours. I can’t personally say one way or the other, as I have caught fish in the surf at all stages of tide. It seems to be more a case of whether or not they see what I am offering and are they biting it?

I will have flies (free), stripping baskets ($20 to the Club) and brand new wading belts ($10 to repay my cost) available.

Getting there: Take West Beach out of Watsonville all the way towards the ocean until you are mired in the sand. You went just a bit too far, so back up your 4WD about 100 feet and park on the right under the Eucalyptus trees that drip and stain your vehicle when they are wet. (Hint: Wash it off right away when you get home.)

BTW, I like the State Beaches, because when you are done, there is a shower nearby to wash the sand off your waders and salt off your gear before heading home.

This is our last “organized” surf fish-out for 2021.  Last month most everyone caught fish or had hook-ups. Let’s do it again!

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Reminder: FishOut for striped bass Oct 7-10 O’Neill ForeBay

by Stosh

Last reminder for our annual FishOut at Medeiros Campground, O’Neill ForeBay. (we camp just west of the power lines in a group site with  4 or 5 separate campsites near each other. Look for our club banner and lots of float tubes on the shore or out fishing.  Bring all float tube stuff,  #7 or #8 wt rods with fast sinking line. Tie a short 6′ leader of 14-17 lb. test fluorocarbon which sinks better than Monofilament lines and has no stretch which makes better hook sets.   We hope to have more flies for sale or bring your own clauser minnows with hook sizes #1, 1-0 and 2-0 and pinch the barbs for safety.

This is a remote style camping spot, we have 1 vault style toilet that is kept clean and there is no water available.  Campers be sure to bring all the gear you need.  There is a store about a mile away to get ice, beer etc.  If this is your first time and need more info, call me at 831 462 4532 or email me at  Anyone wanting to order flies, do this ASAP so I can get an order in, they will be $5. each.

Hope to see you there and lets hope for good weather and especially, good fishing.   


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Fishout Schedule – October

mobile scrollable table 

Palm BeachOctober 02, 2021Surf Perch and other speciesSam Bishop (831) 476-6451
O’Neill Forebay – Oct 7 – 10 2021October 07, 2021 – October 10, 2021Striped BassSteve Rudzinski
O’Neill Forebay – Nov 4 – 7 2021November 04, 2021 – November 07, 2021Striped BassSteve Rudzinski
Pyramid Lake Fish-out April 3rd-9th 2022April 03, 2022 – April 09, 2022Lahontan Cutthroat TroutMike White – (831) 706-5556

Oct 02 6:40 AM : Palm Beach

Palm State Beach (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Sam Bishop (831) 476-6451

The Forebay fish-out Stosh organized is the second weekend of October, so I have moved our surf fish-out to the first Saturday in October (2nd) so everyone can participate in both.

Sunrise is at 07:04, and we will meet at 0640. High tide (+4.2’) is at 09:17, so we will fish a flood tide. Some people believe this is the best tide to fish as the fish will be coming in to feed on critters untouched in the sand for several hours. I can’t personally say one way or the other, as I have caught fish in the surf at all stages of tide. It seems to be more a case of whether or not they see what I am offering and are they biting it?

I will have flies (free), stripping baskets ($20 to the Club) and brand new wading belts ($10 to repay my cost) available.

Getting there: Take West Beach out of Watsonville all the way towards the ocean until you are mired in the sand. You went just a bit too far, so back up your 4WD about 100 feet and park on the right under the Eucalyptus trees that drip and stain your vehicle when they are wet. (Hint: Wash it off right away when you get home.)

BTW, I like the State Beaches, because when you are done, there is a shower nearby to wash the sand off your waders and salt off your gear before heading home.

This is our last “organized” surf fish-out for 2021.  Last month most everyone caught fish or had hook-ups. Let’s do it again!

Oct 07 12:00 AM : O’Neill Forebay – Oct 7 – 10 2021

O'Neill Forebay - Oct 7 - 10 2021

Islands Oneill Forebay (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Steve Rudzinski

The annual O’Neill ForeBay Striped Bass FishOut has been scheduled for Oct 7-10 and Nov 4-7 (Thurs-Sunday). I made it during the dark phase of the moon this year.

We will camp at the same place again at Medeiros Campground site #23 I will try to get again, there are 4 sites there and more than one car per site is okay. New people should contact me personally for details. Bring everything to camp bare bones style, only a single vault style toilet which is not too bad compared to the other porta potties throughout the campground.  Bring water, and food and cooking gear, there will be a camp stove or two to use or cook over the camp fire.

Gear to use: 7 or 8 wt rod, full sinking line like Rio Outbound Short or Tungsten T-11 shooting head with a good running line. 15 lb test fluorocarbon leader (6′ is long enough so the fly gets down deeper).  Lee Haskins or Jim Hall has flies for sale. Both are listed in our club roster and you can make an order directly with them. Float tubes of course or small craft like flat bottom dingy’s and some kayaks work okay except when windy. (It can really BLOW you away there and we hope for good conditions but we have had big rainstorms in years past so prepare for the worst).

One thing we never have enough of is firewood for the evening rap sessions, the size of wood that comes in a box at the grocery store is perfect for our portable fire tubs.

The camp is only 70 miles from Santa Cruz and directions can be easily be found on your GPS system.  Call or email me @ 831 462 4532 or to be on the list so I have a good idea of how many will attend.  We always have a good time at this event.  See you there, Stosh

Nov 04 12:00 AM : O’Neill Forebay – Nov 4 – 7 2021

Islands Oneill Forebay (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Steve Rudzinski

Target Species:

Apr 03 12:00 AM : Pyramid Lake Fish-out April 3rd-9th 2022

Pyramid Lake (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Mike White – (831) 706-5556

The Pyramid Lake trip is one of the best-attended fishouts the club has, and for a good reason. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout cruise parallel to the shore in easy casting distance from shore. Cost for the week including meals and lodging and is around $300+ per person depending on the number in attendance. You need not fish all six days as there may be openings (usually later in the week.) Contact Mike for more details (831) 706-5556, to check on openings, or be put on a waiting list. First come first served.

You can also make your own arrangements either by bringing your own RV (Pyramid Lake Lodge has hook-ups and sells permits to park on the any of the beaches along the lake) or staying in Reno. Reno is 45 minutes away. Call Pyramid Lake Lodge to inquire about last minute cancellations in their cabins as well (775) 476-0400 and check out their website to see what the cabins look like at The General Store in Sutcliff offers meals on selected nights only to those who call in before 2:00 PM. Check at the General Store for details.

Equipment: 6-9 weight rods with hi-speed, hi-D shooting heads or fast sink integrated lines to fish the bottom in 6 to 9 feet of water, and a floating line for indicator fishing. You should bring a stripping basket and a ladder that will accommodate it. A ladder helps to get you up out of the cold water and enable you to cast out to where the fish are. You can still catch fish without one but not with near as much consistency.

Flies: Woolly buggers in black, white, purple, olive, midge, caddis and mayfly nymphs to name a few. If as in years past the Confab in February is offering the opportunity to see how some of the best Pyramid patterns are made plan to attend and bring a vise and tie some yourself. Flies may also available from club member Jim Hall who ties some very good flies specific to Pyramid cutthroat as well as other species at reasonable cost. His number is (831) 713-6835. There is a general store with provisions as well as tackle and an assortment of flies.

How to get there: Take US 80 to Reno-Sparks, take the Pyramid Blvd. off ramp and go north about 35 miles. Crosby Lodge is at Sutcliff, near the Ranger Station.

 If you have any questions about equipment or how to get there, check the “Gearing up” columns in the March 2007-2009 archives on our great club website, or call Mike White at (831) 706-5556. 

If you are considering going to Pyramid again this year with the club and you have not already done so, please contact the person who is booking the trailer you stayed in last year. Trailer-masters, if your trailer has gaps or cancellations, you can call Mike so he can pass the names of members who don’t have lodging to fill the empty spots. 

Fishing, Camping, and New Ladder Regulation:

Fishing and camping permits can be purchased online prior to the fish-out. We would highly recommend doing this. Go to to obtain your licenses. There is also an RV Park available at (775) 476-1155.

As with any great fishery there are always a long list of rules and regulations. We would recommend you review them on the website above. Suffice to say those of us who have been going to Pyramid Lake for many years are a good source of information as well. We will help inform and guide all newcomers.  15.6 USE OF LADDERS, ETC. Any ladders, milk crates, boxes or other objects used in the water as a fishing aid must be occupied or closely attended (i.e. remain in the area) by fishermen at all times. Any person who leaves such objects unoccupied in the water for more than one hour will be deemed guilty of littering. 15.6.1 Fishing aids described above must have a permanent tag affixed that has the name, address, and phone number of the owner of the fishing aid. If the permitted angler using the fishing aid is not the owner, the owner will be the responsible party for any infractions by the permitted angler. 

This year we have five trailers reserved. (6,7,8,9, and 10) As of September 1st 2021 we have 5 openings available. These openings will fill up quickly, so contact Mike immediately at (831) 706-5556. Last year was an incredible experience with many fish over 15 lbs brought to the net. If you cannot commit early and make it into one of our reserved trailers you can always make your own arrangements by contacting the Pyramid Lake Lodge at (775) 476-0400.

Mike White (831) 706-5556,

NOTE: Due to insurance regulations, all attendees must be paid up members of Santa Cruz Fly fishermen, so get your membership paid up if you haven’t done so yet.

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Sons (and Daughters) of the beaches

by Surf organizer Sam

Dateline 4 September 2021 (Labor Day Weekend)


Well before the hordes of surfers, dog walkers, runners and “sit on the beachers” arrived, there were 14 members and guests of Santa Cruz Fly Fishers hitting the beach with their fly rods. Turns out the fish were simply not ready to resist this massive, unexpected attack. They gave up quickly to Elaine Cook, with four catches right away, then there was Amy Terra with her band of sisters and brothers from Lodi. She is President of the Delta Fly Fishers and immediately had at least three perch and more later. I think everyone had hook-ups and fish in hand, but with that many folks fishing, they were spread out half a mile, so I couldn’t check everyone.

Here are those who signed in (Note the various towns) : Tommy Polito, Adam Altoff (Castro Valley), Elaine Cook, Jeff Zischke, Amy Terra (plus 3 from Lodi), Randy Saar (Pacific Grove), Dena Mason, Justin Ice, Matt Jockers, Cecilia Stipes,  Scott Kitayama, Gene Boylin, Dominic Martinez (Los Banos), and Sam Bishop. For the names that are missing, it is your fault for not signing the attendance sheet:.

I hope we see even more of you next month. See “Gearing Up” for details.

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CSPA September 21st Report to NCCFFI

by Cindy Charles, Golden West Fly Fishers

The California Sportfishing Protection Alliance (CSPA) has been in the trenches fighting for fisheries and water quality on multiple fronts during this historic 2021 drought. Here is a link to our website for the most current news

 Recent activities include:

  • Sacramento RiverOn August 26th, the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, AquAlliance and the California Water Impact Network filed a lawsuit in federal District Court against the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation over the plans of a group of Sacramento River Settlement Contractors to pump extra groundwater in 2021.  Reclamation’s Plan would enable further groundwater pumping from an already depleted groundwater basin during the current drought.  It is noteworthy that these water users have enough river water now to sell to south-of-Delta interests.  The Court denied an injunction against the additional groundwater extraction, and CSPA and allies are appealing the denial.  Meanwhile, the case is pending until later this year and the groundwater extra pumping continues.
  • Yuba River: CSPA gave a presentation on September 17 on lower Yuba River flows in an important public technical workshop at the State Water Board.  The subject of the workshop was the Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the FERC relicensing of the Yuba River Development Project.  The purpose of the workshop was to review the technical issues raised in petitions for reconsideration of the Certification.  Project owner Yuba Water Agency, CDFW, and a coalition of NGO’s, including CSPA, each filed petitions.  NGO Petitioners objected to the certification because key conditions related to flows and habitat restoration were vague and kicked the can down the road on controversial issues, including flow.  CSPA expects the CA Water Board to make a final decision on the petitions in an upcoming meeting.
  • California Drought Plan:  CSPA has been providing timely and extensive feedback on drought planning responses to the Bureau of Reclamation and the Department of Water Resources, who “manage” the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project.  Most recently, CSPA appeared before the State Water Board on September 21 to advocate for an immediate halt to water transfers from Sacramento River Settlement Contractors to farmers south of the Delta.  Cessation of these transfers would increase end-of-November storage in Shasta Reservoir by over 100,000 acre-feet.  CSPA told the Board : 

[S]tart now to keep the present condition from getting worse. Specifically, the Board should act now to end the ongoing water transfers that BOR is making on behalf of Sacramento River Settlement Contractors from water sourced in Shasta Reservoir. The Board should not allow it to get worse by allowing BOR to complete these transfers in the balance of September and in October.  The August Addendum currently anticipates Shasta storage to be 728 thousand acre-feet.  That storage level is reckless.

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September 2021 Table of Contents

General Meeting……………………
 Women-focused Flyfishing, Travel and Finatical Flyfishing
 September Door Prize
 Photo Raffle – drawing 9/1 at Sept SCFF Meeting
President’s Line…………………….
 Hang In There – We’re Almost There!
Fly Tying……………………
 Yellow Clouser
  Red and White Bead Chain Whistler
Conservation Concerns……………
  Klamath River story
Membership Notes…………………
  Invitation for new members to try Striper fishing
  2021 Membership Rosters available by email request
Fishout Schedule…………………
Gone Fishing……………………….…
  Fishing in Montana
  August fly fishing the surf
  Traveling the West
Reel News……………………….…
  Redding Flyshop 43 yr Labor Day luncheon Fri 10am Sept 3
  September NCCFFI update

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Women-focused Flyfishing, Travel and Finatical Flyfishing

Finatical Flyfishing was created for women by women who have traveled and fished in Chile, Alaska, the Bahamas, Mexico, Cuba, the Seychelles, Belize, Christmas Island, Hawaii and throughout the continental United States. Our trips are built around knowledgeable, skilled, high quality guide operations and amazing locations; giving you the best trip for your precious days on the water

Most of us would probably agree that flyfishing adds a great deal to our lives. Travel and the communities flyfishing brings to us, strengthen our flyfishing skills and often other parts of our lives as well. Join us as we talk about the Henry’s Fork,  international destinations and the trips offered by Finatical Flyfishing.


Stephanie Albano spent the bulk of her career at CARQUEST Auto Parts  She held positions in national marketing, as Director of Distribution Center Operations and as a Financial Analyst. A mentor in Denver encouraged her to start Hatched Concepts which offers consulting and small business services. She launched Finatical Flyfishing in May of 2021.

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September Door Prize

by Jeff Goyert

Just when we thought things would be back to normal, the Covid crud creeps back into our lives. Kind of like when you spend an inordinate time painstakingly tying up the perfect indicator drift rig with multiple flies, split shot, and tippit only to have the whole mess tangled hopelessly fifteen feet off the ground on your first cast in the only tree within a quarter of you.

Anyway, we have the good news that we will have some great door prizes at the September Zoom meeting, everybody attending will get a free ticket!

We are in the process of revamping our regular monthly raffle to make it bigger and better when we start up our in person meetings. Stay tuned.

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Photo Raffle – drawing 9/1 at Sept SCFF Meeting

by Jerry McKeon

Instagram is going well and many thanks to those who have provided photos/videos. It’s been fun connecting in new ways and we have helped sign up 30 new members so far this year. Many of our new members listed “social media” as the way they found us. As you know, healthy membership sign ups bodes well for the club’s success so on behalf of SCFF, THANK YOU!

If you’re new to the club, welcome! You can find us on Instagram at SantaCruzFlyFishing or you can view that same content on our website

With another season coming to an end, I’m asking for your help by sending me some of your favorite fishing photos/videos. For our next meeting on September 1st I’m going to raffle off a waterproof fly-box with a dozen trout flies.

How to get a raffle ticket:

  • Each fishing photo you e-mail or text me earns you a raffle ticket
  • Must be sent by 3pm Sept 1st
  • 10 photos or videos maximum
  • Email to or text me at (831)-588-4759 
  • Please include a brief description
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Hang In There – We’re Almost There!

Mona and I have been going to Kennedy Meadow’s fishing the Middle Fork of the Stanislaus for 30 years now.    How I remember the old days!  The Stan is where I saw my very first fly fishermen.   Yep a couple of ole timers who were fishing the pocket water (I didn’t’ know it was called that back then) with some really tiny PT and Zug Bug nymphs.    Mona and I were just kids, 27 and 25!   We marveled at the peace these two fly anglers carried, casual, fulfilled.    We wanted that.

As Mona and I started our annual trips there, it wasn’t just for the fishing.   We met family there.   We slowed down, and stopped all together.   There was no such thing as a cell phone and we didn’t know words like – Wi-Fi, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or what an App was.

This last trip was our best fly-fishing experience in those thirty years.    I suppose it’s because our 23- and 25-year-old children, who were practically born at Kennedy Meadows, are healthy, and because for the first time, Tommy hooked and landed at least 15 fish on dry flies and another 15 or more on nymph’s.   And we were practically the only people on the water.   Laughing.   Taking it all in.  Slowing down, stopping.   Enjoying.

It isn’t and wasn’t always that way.

I remember the fires that nearly choked us out of our five days stay and the fire we missed altogether – thank God.   I remember the thunderstorm that rolled in, flooded our tent and campsite in a matter of minutes, all while we ducked for cover from lighting that had shattered trees next to us.   Or the seemingly perfect week, except for an ice dam break and filled the river with chalky white silt for that entire week.  No fishing, no fish, not a one.

While we distinctly remember these days, we lose site of the many years where the fishing was good, or okay, but the trip itself with family and friends, the hiking and the beauty of the Sierra, left us with something far more beautiful to remember.

I’m remembering these days because I need to realize that even the worst days fishing, aren’t really that bad when we put things into perspective.   When Covid disrupts our plans for a year, or maybe another 6 months, again, compared to thirty, ten or even five, it’s not that bad.

I was so looking forward to kicking off our September return to meeting together – like we’ve done for the last 43 plus years, without any consideration, except perhaps when the ’89 earth quake occurred.   But Covid has dealt us another setback; so we won’t be meeting in person in September.    At this point, I’m not even sure of October, but we will keep moving that direction and keep you informed.

We are going to have a super Zoom presentation, and I have some awesome speakers lined up for October, November and December– Spey Casting for Steelhead and a review of the Green River – for those of you planning 2022 outings.    September is “fanatical fly-fishing” who is an adventure outdoors team specializing in some pretty fun fly-fishing destinations, techniques, tackle, and flies.

Thank you for all your help this year.   Thank you for persevering with us throughout so much.   Our mission and goals have remained – To Promote, Educate and Enjoy the Sport of Fly Fishing.   And, as hard as it is to believe at this juncture, I’m optimistic about a good wet year ahead, the disappearance of Covid and a lot of fun to be had together, as we work hard return to normal!

See you soon. Promise.    Tom

Date:  Sept. 8th

Time:  6:30 p.m.

Place:  Zoom

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Yellow Clouser

by Elaine Cook -- fly tying chairman

It’s Striper time! This clouser pattern was supper productive at the O’Niel Forbay last fall. The club fishouts to the Forbay will start next month but don’t wait till then to give this one a try. This is a large fly so will be easy via Zoom as well as for beginners. Sign up by calling me at (831)688-1561 at least a couple days ahead to allow time for packets of materials to be assembled and you to pick up at my door. Thread will be flat wax nylon white, Monocord, or other very strong equivalent. You can borrow some. Beginners can also borrow vise and tools. To join in, go to the bar at the top of our newsletter and tap Zoom, then fly tying class.

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Red and White Bead Chain Whistler

by Elaine Cook --- fly tying chairman

This pattern can be used for stripers, pike, salmon, steelhead or ocean fish depending on size. These directions are approite for stripers. Use a fast sinking line and rapid long strips. The overall length of this fly should be about 3 1/2 “. This fly will turn upside down when fished.

Hook: Mustad 34007 size 1    1.Crimp Barb.

Thread: White very strong, ie: flat waxed nylon or monocord    1.Attach behind eye.  2.Touching wraps to mid shank then forward to one and half eye lengths behind eye.

Eyes: Lg. bead chain, cut in sets of 2     1.Attach to top of shank with many figure eight and circular wraps.  2.Apply Zap-A-Gap or similar glue.  3.Thread wraps to mid shank.

Upper Body: Red Bucktail    1.Cut clump from hide about size of wooden matchstick.   2.Pull out long fibers from tips and line up with others.   3. Cut butt ends at an angle 3 1/8 ” from tips.   4.Attach to top of shank behind barbells wrapping back to mid shank.   5.Repeat with a second clump.  6.Apply glue.

Mid Body: Mega Baitfish Emulator-pearl    1.Cut about 1/8″ of binding.  2.Attach strands behind barbells to top of shank tips at rear of fly.

Lateral Line: Neck grizzly hackle    1.Select 2 feathers, barbs equal to hook gap.   2.Cut stem 3″ from tip.  3.Cut about 10 barbs short on each side of butt end of stem forming a “crew cut”.   Tie one “crew cut” in on each side of shank behind barbells.

Lower Body: white Bucktail     1.Repeat like upper body but only use 1 clump.

Thorax: red chenille-lg.     1.Strip fuzz off exposing threads.   2.Tie in threads.   3.Advance thread to barbells.   4.Wrap chenille forward.    5.Tie off, cut excess.

Hackle: Very webby Grizzly hackle with very playable barbs.     1.Select feather, barbs equal to 1 1/2 hook gap.   2.Cut off fuzzy end and prepare “crew cut”.   3.With dark side up, tip to rear, tie in “crew cut between barbells on top of chenille.    4.Stroke barbs to rear while wrapping hackle 3 times behind barbells.   5.Tie off, cut excess.   6.Moisten fingers, hold barbs back, make a couple thread wraps to hold them toward rear.

Head: Tying Thread     1.Make a number figure 8 wraps around barbells.   2. Form a small tapered nose infront of eyes.   3. Whip finish, cut thread.    4.Apply glue to nose and thread between barbells.




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Klamath River story

by 'Stosh'

This link is the best one I have read to date and brings me up to date on this ancient and historic ‘fish channel’. The present dilemma is the timing of dam removal and the amount of mud and sediment that will fill and choke the lower river where the tribal fishermen can take an X number of pounds yearly, what they got this year  is 1/3 and the fish are trapped in low warming water. The water behind Iron Gate dam is shallow and warm and the surface is covered in green algae, all to be flushed downstream. A careful dismantling and timing with the winter rains to flush out the sediment as quickly as possible and then wait for the river to heal itself again.  We carefully un-do what was a bad idea in the first place.

Dam work is due to start next year….it has been postponed before, it’s a very complicated operation politically and logistically and humanely.


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Invitation for new members to try Striper fishing

by Scott Kitayama

Last year was the first time I ever caught a Striper on a fly and the first time I ever fished the O’Neill Forebay.   I didn’t know many people in the club, tried fishing the Forebay on my own and wasn’t very successful.   One reason I joined the club’s board was to selfishly meet people who would teach me how to fish the Forebay and other places.  It worked.  Now I would like to help other club members who would like to Striper fish this fall.

Over 30 new members have joined in the past year and if a new member (or old member) wants to try and fish the O’Neill Forebay during October 7-10 or November 4-7  fishout, send an email at     For those busy with family and work, a half-day will still be a good experience.  Send me a note even if you don’t have a float tube or heavy rod and I’ll try and help you find equipment and someone experienced to fish with you.

Oh and by the way, you can always learn to fish by calling Tom to join the board, that works too.  😉