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November 2024 Table of Contents

November Monthly Meeting: Geoff Malloway of Central Coast Fly Fishing………………
November Raffle……………………
President’s Line……………………
Fly Tying……………………
 November Class: Colorado King Caddis
 Fly of the Month: Wits Foam Emerger–Pearl
Conservation Concerns……………
 Profile: restore the Delta
Membership Notes…………………
  Club Activities – November
  Celebrating Gil Santos
  Time to Renew
  Ernie’s 90th Birthday!
Fishing Partners…………………
  SCFF Partners with Monterey PHWFF
Gone Fishing ……………………
  Report from Check 13
Gearing Up ……………………
  Can you help with a Fishout in 2025?
Cartoon ……………………

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Geoff Malloway of Central Coast Fly Fishing

Nov 06 6:45 PM at the Aptos Grange
Geoff  Malloway ~ Owner of Central Coast Fly Fishing

Zoom Meeting:

Born in Carmel and raised in Monterey, Geoff Malloway grew up in the fields and streams of California’s Central Coast.  His time studying Natural Resources Management at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, further developed his love and respect for the outdoors and his desire to share and teach the conservation ethic.  In April 1996, Geoff settled on opening Central Coast Fly Fishing since he wanted to be self-employed yet still have an avenue to work with natural resource agencies and the public.

The members of Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club are long time fans and supporters of Central Coast Fly Fishing as the only shop in Monterey(now even closer!).   Geoff visiting Novembers meeting to discuss the new shop locations, fishing classes and programs offered, and a review of the rules regulations of our local waters.

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November Raffle


November is here, our Indian Summer is over, and we all may be a bit overdue to spend some time on the water.  The lakes have turned over, the rivers are starting to flow, and some of the small creeks are prime for fall fishing. This month’s raffle can help you with all of the above.
  •   We again are having the ever popular winners choice rod/reel package, your choice of 5 wt thru 8wt 9 foot 4 piece rod in a hard tube cordura covered case with a matching reel. Something new maybe for the surf or a backup when you are fishing off the beaten path.
  •   Take a look at this Klamath wet/dry bag from Adamsbuilt, perfect to stash everything for a few days on the water.
Plenty of room for waders, boots, wading staff, and much more.  It boasts 5 internal pockets, a large velcro rod tube holder, and a rugged molded waterproof bottom. It might even fit in the overhead as carry on (no guarantee!).
  •   If you are planning to catch a nice fish, you should have yourself a nice net.  This Trademark  Burlwood  net features  ‘Fish-Safe’ clear rubber netting, a 15 inch measuring stick handle and a 20 inch net for an overall length 35 inches. Perfect for the surf, float tubes, or boats.
Raffle tickets will be available at the monthly meeting November 6th, at the Aptos Grange. They are a dollar each, $20 bucks gets you 25.
Buy a ticket, be a winner!
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Fundraiser, Cleanups, Partnerships oh my!

by Scott Kitayama, President, SCFF

2025 Annual Fundraiser is on Saturday, Feb 1, 2025: I know, I know, it seems so far away, but it is really just round the corner! Tickets are now on sale on our website and we will be sold out before the end of January. Also, you may get a phone call from one of our board members recruiting volunteers for the event. Please be nice to them, they have lots of roles to fill and please try and find a role where you can help.

Review a quick tutorial on SCFF Event Calendar: A few months ago, we improved the Events Calendar on the website and made it easier to quickly see what events are happening, ways to sign up for future events and how to add future club events to your personal calendar. It is only 4 minutes long and will help you get more out of the club website.

Sign up to volunteer for the San Lorenzo Cleanup on November 16th!: If this sounds interesting to you and wonder how to sing up, then scroll back up and watch the tutorial. Ha! Jesse Collins will be leading the cleanup and it gives us a chance to help our local waters before the rains come.

Also our neighbors, Salinas Valley Fly Fishers will be doing their annual Salinas River cleanup on Sunday, November 24th.

Partnership with Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing: Please take a look at the article regarding our new relationship with the Monterey chapter of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing. I think this is going to be a good union for both PHWFF and SCFF and I have seen the enthusiasm from our volunteers such as Jesse Collins, Alex Ferber, and Wilson Taguinod. If you are interested in volunteering with their monthly activities or are a an injured veteran who would like participate in the program, I strongly encourage you to send an introductory email to Brian Steckler at Brian is the head of the organization and is looking to significantly expand it in 2025.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Wits Foam Emerger – Pearl

by Elaine Cook - Fly Tying Chairman

The primary food source for trout in the winter time are midges. This pattern is an emerger that will float in the surface film due to the foam post. The body will hang down into the water. The directions are written for a size 16 hook. Adjust materials, accordingly.

HOOK: Daiichi 1130, TMC 100 or similar lightweight wire scud hook. Crimp barb.
THREAD: White 6/0.  Attach 2 eye lengths behind eye. Wrap to halfway around bend of hook with touching wraps. Then back to tie in. Repeat once or twice depending on size of hook. (see photo)
BODY: Pearl Krystal Flash.   Tie to top of shank with touching thread wraps  back to two thread wraps from end of prior thread wraps. Then thread wraps back to tie. Cut excess. Wrap flash forward with touching or slightly overlapping wraps. Tie off, cut excess. Apply glue to entire body. Allowed to dry. Then cut white thread.
THREAD: Black 6/0. Attach 2 eye lengths  behind eye.
POST: 2mm White Foam.   Cut very narrow strip. Then point at one end. Attach pointed end behind eye with remainder of strip forward. Fold  back and tie down leaving loop (see photo). Cut excess. Tie down butt end. Apply small amount of glue. Allow to dry.
THORAX: Peacock Herl.  Attach behind post. Make dubbing loop. Twist to form chenille. Wrap generous thorax. Tie off, cut access. Half hitch under post behind eye to tie off. Cut thread. Small amount of glue to tie off.
NOTE: Moisten body before fishing to aid its sinking into water.

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November Fly Tying Class: Colorado King Caddis

by Elaine Cook - Fly Tying Chairman

Nov 13 6:30 PM @ Aptos Grange

This dry fly pattern for trout can be tied in sizes 8 to 18, so will work in a great variety of places. I particularly like one of the larger sizes for using in the Rocky Mountains. We will use a larger hook for the class.  This is not a difficult fly to tie so you beginners should feel comfortable participating. The fly includes peccary, which is seldom used for tying flies. You more experienced tyers should find the technique using this material interesting. As always all the materials are provided and if you have 6/0 black thread, please bring it. We welcome you beginners and have equipment for you to use. Please sign up at the club meeting or call me at 831-234-6515.

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to Fly Name to see more information.

Date Fly Excerpt
BWO Thorax StyleDec 11 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmBWO Thorax Style

This dry fly pattern is an adult mayfly. These insects hatch all over the United States, very readily in the spring and summer. The “BWO” stands for blue wing olive. If you are one of the people going to the green river in April, this fly is an absolute must. We will be tying the fly in a size 16, so bring your glasses, magnification if  you have it and a table light. The club has quite a few lights, but usually not enough to go around. As always, the class is free and all materials are provided. If you have black 6/0 thread do bring it. We love to have beginners and have equipment for you to use and plenty of instruction. Also, don’t forget to sign up at the club meeting or call with at least 24 hours notice. 831-688-1561 or 831-234-6515. Elaine


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Profile–Restore the Delta

by Bob Garbarino

A year ago, I got an email from one of our members, Bob Ransdell, suggesting that our club consider supporting Restore the Delta. After taking a brief look at their website I decided to add this organization to our list of candidates for this year’s SCFF contributions. After learning about their mission, areas of focus and how they align with our club priorities, the SCFF conservation committee decided to support Restore the Delta with a cash contribution. The mission of Restore the Delta is “to ensure the health of the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary and Delta communities”. Since 2006 they have worked in  areas of public education, program and policy development, and outreach to advance their vision to restore the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay Delta. To achieve their goals, they interface with local, state and federal agencies. They also connect communities with the estuary and foster participation in government planning, community science and waterway monitoring. Their ongoing work includes:
Delta Tunnel—The current iteration of this plan—the Delta Conveyance Project—would divert up to 6,000 cfs of water from the north delta to large farming operations and water wholesalers south of the delta. Restore the Delta, along with their allies including the Bay Institute, California Indian Environmental Alliance, Golden State Salmon Association, San Francisco Baykeeper and the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians have been engaged in legal action against the California Department of Water Resources to stop the DCP. In a recent press release by Delta Tribal Environmental Coalition (DTEC), Scott Artis, executive director for the Golden State Salmon Association stated “Extending water permits for 55 years isn’t a ‘minor change’—it’s a major blow to California’s already struggling salmon populations. The Delta Conveyance Project will devastate the fishing industry and Bay-Delta watershed that communities and tens of thousands of people and businesses rely on, all while bending the rules for big water interests.”
Policy and Advocacy—Restore the Delta has a Delta Policy Analyst that monitors and engages with the State Water Resources Control Board. She advocates for water quality standards that are protective of tribes, environmental justice communities, and Delta fisheries and ecosystems.
Water Quality—A priority is to understand the science behind and monitor harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs pose a serious threat in the form of toxins released from blooms that can cause problems from skin rashes to liver problems. They can kill pets and deplete dissolved oxygen which can kill fish, impacting sustenance fishing and sport fishing.
There are other programs that this organization is involved with to protect and restore the delta. Together, these all contribute to further our club’s mission to conserve, protect and restore local, state and national fisheries. This is why the conservation committee supports Restore the Delta.

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Club Activities – November

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Nov 16 10:00 am - 2:00 pmSan Lorenzo River Cleanup

Cleaning up our Local Waters!

SanLo – Ocean Extension
Nov 16 1:30 pm - 3:00 pmFly Casting Meetup

All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters.  This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting.  We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time.  Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too.

Jade Street Park baseball field
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Celebrating Gil Santos

by Tim Loomis

There will be a Celebration of Life for Gil Santos on November 2nd at 2:00 pm at the Santa Cruz Elks Lodge and all of Gil’s friends are encouraged to attend. 

A remembrance by Tim Loomis

On October 3, 2024, we lost Gil Santos, who passed away peacefully at home from natural causes. Gil was 90 years young, and instead of mourning his passing, I’d like to celebrate a life well-lived. Gil truly did it all. If you ever saw him at a club meeting or in public, you’d notice he was always impeccably dressed, as though pressed and ironed just before leaving home. He was, as they say, “flat-out debonair” – the Cary Grant of fly fishing. Along with his polished appearance, Gil was a true gentleman and a fabulous fly fisherman.

According to Ernie Kinzli, our club’s first president, Gil joined in the 1993-1994 season. Ernie and Norm Bedell, our former club treasurer, were classmates in their younger years, so we’re lucky to still have a few founding members with us. Gil, born in 1934, had a life full of adventures, hunting, and fly fishing – a journey we can only imagine.

My first memory fishing with Gil was at Pyramid Lake around 2004 or 2005. I’d just arrived and happened to place my ladder next to his. On one of my first casts, I hooked and landed a fish. Gil had been in the water for almost five hours without a bite, yet instead of being frustrated, he cheered me on, celebrating my catch. Later, when I ventured over to his trailer, which he shared with Ed Marcel and a guy from the East Coast named Alan, Gil gave me some good-natured ribbing for “invading his territory,” followed by, “So, what fly were you using?” From that moment on, I was privileged, as many of you were, to fish with Gil across the country.

Gil loved sharing his knowledge and wisdom about fly fishing with anyone who asked. He also had a special feel for the history of our community. One of my favorite things about fishing with Gil was listening to his stories of growing up in and around Santa Cruz. He was truly a treasure. 

And finally as a testament to his love of Santa Cruz and fishing, Gil’s family has generously donated $1,000 to the scholarships that our club gives to local seniors pursuing careers in conservation.  

Rest in peace, Gil Santos. You will be missed.


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November time to renew 2024 Membership Dues and buy Annual Fundraiser dinner tickets

by Membership Chair Bob Peterson

Easiest way to renew membership is online @ by checking renewal, no changes, check waiver, and make payment/donation by creditcard.  Deadline is Dec 31st to be included in the Roster. New members since July  do not have to renew for 2025.  85% of our members renewed online.

To renew by check, make check payable to SCFF Club and mail to PO Box 2008, Santa Cruz, Calif, 95063.  Dues are $40/single,$60 family, $20jr. Dinner tickets for Sat Feb 1st are $40.   You can also email me @ and I can invoice you for renewal and/or  annual dinner tickets.  Please note, last year  160 annual dinner tickets sold out in Jan.  And lastly, annual raffle tickets are not available online, but will be sold @ the Rod and Gun Club dinner in Watsonville.

Thank you, Bob Peterson, Membership Chair, 831-251-8655  CP or Txt



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Ernie’s 90th Birthday!

by Jeff Kinzli

Hello, my dad is Ernie Kinzli of Ernie’s Casting Pond. He was one of the founders of the SCFF way back in the day. We will be celebrating his 90th birthday soon and would like to invite friends to come celebrate with him. It will be on December 14th from 1-3PM in East Santa Cruz. Please RSVP to me (Jeff Kinzli) via or text 831-235-0454 and I’ll send you an invitation. Thank you!

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SCFF Partners with Monterey PHWFF

At the September SCFF board meeting, we unanimously voted to collaborate with the Monterey chapter of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing (PHWFF) program.   The Monterey chapter began earlier this year and there already has been great cooperation between the two organizations.  SCFF’s members have become key instructors for clinics and fish outs that PHWFF have conducted this summer and  SCFF have six new members that have come through the relationship with PHWFF.

For 2025, SCFF will try and identify Veterans and Active Military members who could be well served by participating in PHWFF’s monthly programs.   We will also let our club members know about volunteer opportunities to help Veterans during the year.    The Monterey chapter of PHWFF will strongly encourage their participants to join the Santa Cruz club to take advantage of our clinics, speakers, and fish outs.

Background: Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, a leading national nonprofit in the area of therapeutic outdoor recreation, using the sport of flyfishing as an intervention. The restorative healing powers of nature and the outdoors are well-documented:  for our Veteran and military participants, the Camaraderie, Connectedness, and community found in our programs, alongside the symbiotic relationship between veteran and volunteer, directly correlates to
increased sense of belonging, resilience, and post traumatic growth.

In 2025, Monterey chapter’s program will benefit 25-35 disabled veterans and active duty personnel who are in need of
healing from injuries and ailments sustained while serving our country. As of 2023, Monterey County has an estimated veteran population of approximately 7,700 individuals aged 18-64. Among these, a significant portion are disabled veterans. Specifically, around 6,800 disabled individuals aged 18-64 are active in the labor force, which includes veterans with service-connected disabilities.  Some are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), hearing and sight degradation, and other service-caused injuries and ailments. Our veterans are at risk from the dramatic recent uptick in suicides in Monterey County and the country. Our program addresses this. Some of our disabled veterans have service animals to help them cope with life. Almost all of our disabled veterans are served by the local Veterans Affairs Clinic in Marina.  PHWFF has a great working relationship with at least 5 recreational therapists on the VA Marina Clinic staff. These recreational therapists regularly point their disabled veterans to our organization due to the therapeutic and healing nature of our program. Some of these recreational therapists attend our classes with their disabled veteran patients. We have utilized the VA Clinic for meetings and classes in 2024.

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Report from Check 13

by Kevin Murdock

This year’s annual fishout at the O-Neil Forebay started on an ominous note. The weather report predicted high winds, and boy did we get em.
     Scott Kitayama had generously volunteered to tow the old pokemon over the hill whilst I hauled the camper. This huge gift prevented me from having to make two trips on day one. Scott’s reward was to arrive to a closed launch facility. The lake closes to boating when winds exceed 20 mph, and this morning, Mariah was gusting to 30 at times.
     Unable to launch & fish, we set about making camp. We arrived at our Madeira campsite to find Jim Hall, who had arrived early and staked out site 7 as our land base. Perfect site. Convenient to Check 13 (near the old boat launch), Shade from trees, a gravel beach to launch float tubes, near the water supply and a clean vault
restroom. What more could you ask?
     Once again, the sites nearest the islands were closed to vehicles. Nobody can give us an answer as to the why of it. My theory is that this allows them to
economize on maintenance & staffing during the slower months.
     We had hoped for a pause in the wind to allow for an evening float, but were sorely disappointed. We sought solace by taking a short drive to Los Banos to enjoy a meal at the Portuguese style restaurant, Woolgrowers. Long a local institution, they had changed hands recently. I was worried that the multi course, generous portions, & legendary excellent service would be gone. Silly me. Soup and beans, followed by a green salad and a potato salad, then lamb stew, and finally our entrees (fried chicken for me, tri-tip for Scott). A half liter of red wine came with the meal. My desert was smoked gouda cheese & fruit, while Scott opted for ice cream. Our waitress brought ice cream for me too, assuming that I’d want it. She must know me. Total tab with a 20% tip: $90. Yeah.
     Back at camp, the wind had finally let up sufficiently to allow Jim to start a campfire. That was a blunder. Mariah returned with a vengeance & we doused the fire & retreated to our trailer & tent respectively.
     The morning found Jim with his tent flattened by the wind, and me with a flat tire on my truck. (? no idea). The wind was still howling. There would be no launching of boats nor tubes this morning. Scott drove me with my flat tire to Les Schwabs in Los Banos, as Jim relocated his tent near a tree so he’d have something to tie the tent to. We later nursed our disappointment with a batch of bloody Mary’s and a hearty camp breakfast. Tommy Polito & Randy Saar arrived separately. Scott & Tommy drove to the North Shore of the Forebay to try their hand fishing from shore near Check 12. Randy hung in camp, hoping like the rest of us for a respite from the incessant wind. I mounted my spare tire & drove back to Los Banos to retrieve the repaired one.
     Finally, near suppertime, a pause in the wind!  We all shared a meal of Brats, potato salad & pasta salad, along with stories and memories of Stosh, Gil, (whom we had just lost), Gary, John Steele and all the other club members who have passed, through the years.
     After supper, Scott reluctantly bid farewell. He had hauled my boat over Pacheco Pass and for two days was unable to enjoy it. The few small bass that he’d caught from shore seemed  a petty compensation. Tommy slid right into Scot’s wing of the trailer, and his slot in the boat if we could launch in the morning.
     Saturday morning broke calmy, the water flat as a mirror. Yog had arrived before sunrise, and he, Jim, and Randy paddled out towards check 13. Tommy & I drove to the boat launch & motored to the channel near the first island. While Tommy & I were initially stymied, the Check 13 gang encountered boiling fish in the flats and had a field day. I decided to troll around a bit & see if we could turn up something on my fish-finder. While thus engaged, Tommy spied an unusual number of snowy egrets lined up on the west shore. We motored over to inspect & found ourselves in the midst of a group of feeding bass. After his fourth fish, Tommy insisted on giving me a fly like he had been using. White, black, and purple. FISH ON. I finally landed a pretty nice fish, proving the old adage that even a blind squirrel occasionally finds an acorn. We radioed our counterparts that we were on to a hot spot, but none of them dared leave the carnage they were inflicting on the stripers in their vicinity. Sage advice. never leave fish to find fish.
     When the fishing finally tapered off, Tommy had landed 10 or so and I had added one more caught & one lost after a brief fight. Yeah, that’s more like me. We motored over to check 13 to find that, for the most part, the bite was off there too. For everybody not named Randy. He continued to catch fish til lunch time. Jim  had landed 11 fish, Yog was also successful, and I never did get a final count from Randy. I know it was bunches!
     After lunch, Tommy had to make his goodbyes. Randy agreed to join me for the afternoon. We boated back to the island area where we encountered Tim Loomis, Cecelia, & Jaime  paddling about just west of the islands, in 15ft of water. They’d had some success. I believe Randy caught another while I was missing grab after grab. My timing seemed off. We decided to call it a day and loaded up the boat. We just squeaked in under the wire (6:00pm) to get my boat tagged for the next morning. Theoretically that prevents waiting in line the next morning for a boat inspection.
    Back at camp, Tim Loomis joined us around the campfire as we traded lies and swapped stories. He had come bearing gifts, and his own stories of how there was a feeding frenzy that started just after we left them. Story of my life. I was ok with that. After all, I had blue dreams that night of the beauty I had landed that morning with Tommy. We shared a meal of  left overs from the previous evening, plus steak, chicken, & a burger. As we sat around the fire praising our good fortune, Tim, Tom, & Yog had to leave. There was a smattering of well wishes
and promises to return in the near future.
     The next morning, Jim & Randy had to depart. I had dilly-dallied about, knowing that the Pokemon was already tagged. My aim was to launch as day broke (7-ish with the clocks still not set back), so as to not need flashlights as I set up. Imagine my dismay when I arrived at the ranger Kiosk to a long line of trucks with boats waiting to be inspected. There was only one ranger on duty and he was inspecting trucks in the entry line one at a time as he let them in. No easy entry for already inspected boats. Me driving around and paying from the electronic pay-station was beyond the poor boy’s comprehension.
     It was 8:30 by the time I got through that line and the next line at the boat launch, and finally had my line in the water.  I was still cursing the ranger minutes later when I hooked my first fish. I caught another & lost two more by 11:00. Time to head home; after all, I had two trips to make…
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Can you help with a Fishout in 2025?

Greetings club members,

As the year of 2024 comes to a close I wanted to say thank you to all of the generous members who have taken time to host and or help organize the Fishouts of 2024.

We in the club are very fortunate to have such a great group of people who are willing to share their experiences and help introduce others to some of their favorite places. With the ever shrinking world due to instant messaging and social media, it seems the trend is to hide or secret what’s left of our wild spaces. So again it is so refreshing to have a place where generosity and information flows freely.

So enough of that, what’s the plan for 2025?  Right now we have a hand full of trips to be published and we are looking for more!  If you have hosted in the past or are looking to share a special place, please let me know.

Becoming a Fishmaster
Fishmaster is a title we all stride to achieve, even if it’s in our own mind’s eye. A lofty goal to say the
least! But becoming a Fishmaster in the eyes of the Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club is easier than you may
As a Fishmaster with the Santa Cruz Fly Fishers, you are not expected to deliver the weather, fish or
lessons. We only hope that you share your joy for this great sport, general information you know
firsthand (or research in preparation), time, date, type of water and quarry. The Fishout can be as simple
or extravagant as you wish (see Fishmasters Log for details).
If you are interested in becoming a Fishmaster or have a suggestion for a future Fishout, contact Justin
Ice ( for more information. Once all the details are in order, your Fishout will
be promptly posted in the next issue of the club’s monthly newsletter.

Please consider becoming a Fishmaster or recommending a future Fishout location.

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October 2024 Table of Contents

October Monthly Meeting: Local Surf Fly Fishing………………
October Raffle……………………
President’s Line……………………
Fly Tying……………………
 October Class: Adachi Clouser
 Fly of the Month: Black Smut Midge
Conservation Concerns……………
 Profile: Eastern Sierra Land Trust
Gearing Up…………………
  Upcoming Fishouts
Outside Club Events…………………
  Yubafest 2024
  NCCFI Hall of Fame Dinner
Cartoon ……………………
SCFF Advertisers ……………………

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Local Surf Fly Fishing

Oct 02 6:45 AM at the Aptos Grange
Zoom link:

The ocean is the closest fishery that we have in Santa Cruz.  Luckily for us in the area, our beaches provide ample access for those to take advantage of this fishery year-round.

Club members Jerry McKeon, Tommy Polito, and Lance Boiling will discuss fly fishing on our local beaches.  We will chat about everything from tides and conditions to gear and tips.  Whether you’re new to fishing the surf, or an experienced feather chucker; come share stories and learn why our closest fishery is one of our favorites.

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October Raffle

The second best thing about Fall is that Summer is over, mornings are crisper, and there is sometimes a chance of rain. The first best thing about this time of year is that it is the start of the Fall fishing season! The streams, lakes,and even the surf are different, for many of us it is our favorite time of the year to fish.
It is also a good time of the year to buy some lucky raffle tickets. Take a look at some of these great prizes.
We have a really nice V-Access rod/reel package, 4 piece 9 foot, in 5wt, 6wt, 7wt, or 8wt. Take your pick, it is winners choice.
Take a look at the greatest float tube pump ever built! This the famous K-Pump made in the USA. No hoses, simple adapters, and can be used on the water. Quick and simple.
“Striper flies from Lee Haskin” What more do we need to say? Here we have a handful of Lee’s classic Forebay Striper flies, both Gurglers and Smelt. Great flies tied by the master himself.
Raffle tickets will be available for sale at the meeting, Wednesday 10/2, a dollar each, $20 bucks gets you 25. Don’t miss out, buy a ticket and be a winner.

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Embracing the Challenge of Fly Fishing

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of fishing the Fall River with club members Alex Ferber and Wilson Taguinod. Having previously fished this big, slow-moving spring creek, we thought it would be a good opportunity to try our hand at dry flies. With Alex guiding on the river, Wilson and I felt confident in our technique. However, when it comes to achieving the perfect downstream drift with a size 20 fly on an 18-foot leader, things can get tricky!

While we managed to catch a few fish by stripping some bugs, we couldn’t land a single one on a dry fly. Later, as we discussed the day, it became clear: if we wanted to improve our chances of success, we needed to practice and refine our techniques.

Upon returning to Santa Cruz, I attended a fly casting clinic to work on my presentation skills. Here’s the truth I’m learning: regardless of your skill level, fly fishing can be a challenge if you want it to be. It involves solving many little puzzles—finding the right location, determining what the fish are eating, and figuring out how to present the fly. It’s crucial to gauge how much challenge you want without letting frustration lead you to give up.

Looking ahead to 2025, the Santa Cruz club is excited to offer more educational and fishing opportunities. We have some new volunteers on board who will help us broaden our offerings, catering to novices and providing challenges for experts alike.

Over the past five months, Alex Ferber has been instrumental in our casting clinic, and I’m pleased to announce that he has been voted onto the SCFF Board as our casting instructor. Alex’s passion for teaching is evident—whether casting on the grass, practicing with yarn on the San Lorenzo, or fishing rivers up north, he is dedicated to helping you improve. In 2025, Alex will design casting classes that culminate in fishing trips. For instance, his current spey casting clinic will conclude with a steelhead outing on the Trinity River.

Another valuable addition to our team is Jesse Collins. Jesse previously gave a presentation about his experiences as a professional guide in Alaska. In late August, he, Bob Garbarino, and Kevin Murdock ventured to Alaska to fish. Jesse will join the board in 2025 and is already planning advanced fly tying sessions, adventure trips to Alaska, and greater outreach to the fishing community in Santa Cruz.

Do you remember this quote from JFK?

“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard…”

I choose to fly fish and explore different techniques, species, and situations because it is a challenge—and because it’s hard. I’m grateful for the club and its members who help me navigate these challenges. I hope you find similar benefits through our community.

Fish hard, my friends,

Scott Kitayama, President

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October Fly Tying Class: Adachi Clouser

by Elaine Cook - Fly Tying Chairman

Oct 09 6:30 PM @ Aptos Grange

October Fly Tying Class: Adachi clouser

Our club member, Tommy Polito, is having much success in both the surf and forebay catching stripers using this fly.. He is also finding other fish species are attracted to the fly as well.  There have been many requests for our club members to have a class for tying clousers, so I’m glad to make that happen.  Please, as always, sign up at the next club meeting or call 831-234-6515.  The class is always free and materials are provided. If you have flat wax nylon white, do bring it and some will be available to borrow   We welcome you beginners and have equipment for you  to use.    ~Elaine

Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to Fly Name to see more information.

Date Fly Excerpt
Colorado King CaddisNov 13 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmColorado King Caddis

This dry fly pattern for trout can be tied in sizes 8 to 18, so will work in a great variety of places. I particularly like one of the larger sizes for using in the Rocky Mountains. We will use a larger hook for the class.  This is not a difficult fly to tie so you beginners should feel comfortable participating. The fly includes peccary, which is seldom used for tying flies. You more experienced tyers should find the technique using this material interesting. As always all the materials are provided and if you have 6/0 black thread, please bring it. We welcome you beginners and have equipment for you to use. Please sign up at the club meeting or call me at 831-234-6515.

BWO Thorax StyleDec 11 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmBWO Thorax Style

This dry fly pattern is an adult mayfly. These insects hatch all over the United States, very readily in the spring and summer. The “BWO” stands for blue wing olive. If you are one of the people going to the green river in April, this fly is an absolute must. We will be tying the fly in a size 16, so bring your glasses, magnification if  you have it and a table light. The club has quite a few lights, but usually not enough to go around. As always, the class is free and all materials are provided. If you have black 6/0 thread do bring it. We love to have beginners and have equipment for you to use and plenty of instruction. Also, don’t forget to sign up at the club meeting or call with at least 24 hours notice. 831-688-1561 or 831-234-6515. Elaine


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Black Smut Midge

by Fly tying chairman – Elaine Cook.

Midges are the main source of food for trout throughout the winter and even though they are very small, they are usually abundant. If you’re going to a spring creek or tailwater, you will want to have some in either this pattern or others. This is an adult midge, not easy to see on the water, so best to trail it off of a fly that you can see. You will be needing to use thin tippet such as 6X.
HOOK: TMC 101 size 20. This is a straight eye hook. Crimp barb.
THREAD: 12/0 or 14/0 black    Attached behind eye. Touching wraps to rear of shank.
BODY: beaver, black. Wrap a non-tapered body forward to one eye length behind eye.  Make one thread wrap backward onto body and let thread hang.
WINGS: 2 dark dun hackle tips from size 16 neck feathers. Position one on the far side of body with dark side outward and tips hook shank length. Tie in place. Repeat with other hackle tip on near side.
HACKLE: Grizzly saddle, hackle size 20.  Prepare butt end with “crew cut”. Tie in “crew cut” with light side facing you.  Several wraps of hackle in place.  Tie off cut access.
HEAD: Whip finish forming head. Cut thread.

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Profile–Eastern Sierra Land Trust

by Bob Garbarino

This month, we continue our profile series on one of the conservation organizations our club supports:  Eastern Sierra Land Trust

This organization is relevant in that the area affected by Eastern Sierra Land Trust’s efforts helps protect the fishery where one of our club fishouts takes place in the Mammoth Lakes and surrounding area. In fact several members of Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club will be there when this article is released.
Eastern Sierra Land Trust works with willing landowners to protect vital lands in the Eastern Sierra region for their scenic, agricultural, natural, recreational, historical, and watershed values. Rich in natural beauty, home to abundant wildlife, and steeped with history, the Eastern Sierra is a magnificent and complex region.  Wildlife habitat is plentiful and diverse, supporting fisheries, migrating deer herds, and important bird flyways. Historic working farms and ranches are scenic, productive, and an integral part of our local economy.
By partnering with forward-thinking landowners and conservation supporters like you, ESLT is able to permanently protect the land, water, and wildlife that make the Eastern Sierra so special. Since their founding in 2001, they have successfully conserved over 23,000 acres on 26 unique properties that provide important resources to wildlife and the local community.

What does a land trust do?
Land trusts work with private landowners and the public to conserve working farms and ranches, natural areas, and cultural and biological resources for the benefit of their communities. They may acquire lands through donation or purchase; set up voluntary land protection agreements (conservation easements) with willing landowners; or mediate land trades between landowners and public agencies.
Land trusts have existed for over 100 years; today, more than 1,300 are operating in the United States. Funded primarily by charitable donations and private or government grants, land trusts across the nation have cumulatively conserved more than 56 million acres – including scenic areas, hiking trails, critical wildlife habitats, farms and ranches, and historic landmarks. Most land trusts operate locally, providing crucial land-use tools for property owners and citizens concerned with conservation on private lands.

Working Farms & Ranches
The Working Farms and Ranches Program helps local families set up voluntary land conservation agreements that permanently protect their working lands from the threat of subdivision. The Eastern Sierra’s working farms and ranches are scenic, historic, and a vital part of the regional economy. They also offer important habitat to wildlife: many iconic or rare species use the Eastern Sierra’s irrigated meadows and open pastures as a place to roam, forage, and raise their young. Yet many families following the ranching traditions of their parents and grandparents are struggling. Rising pressures to subdivide are putting these productive lands at risk. They don’t want to see their land developed, but many are running out of options. Fortunately, conservation provides a solution – and a growing number of ranchers and farmers in the area are choosing to partner with Eastern Sierra Land Trust to conserve their land for the future. This is usually accomplished by using one of their primary conservation tools: the conservation easement. Under a conservation easement, landowners retain title and management of their property, while designating how their land may be used now and in the future. For example, landowners may want to protect their land’s current agricultural use in perpetuity by prohibiting any subdivision or land use that would compromise those protected qualities, while retaining all other property rights. Landowners also may benefit from significant tax advantages currently and for future generations.

Critical Habitats
Eastern Sierra Land Trust’s Critical Habitats Program helps protect and restore lands that wildlife need to survive – providing them with safe, healthy homes forever. As our population grows, poorly-planned development puts wildlife at risk. Subdivision of open lands chops up migration corridors, wetlands, and breeding grounds, leaving wild creatures with nowhere to go. The Critical Habitats Program helps ensure that the Eastern Sierra’s wild inhabitants will always have a place to thrive. They accomplish this through public education; habitat restoration and land stewardship; and legally-binding agreements, such as the conservation easement, that protect important habitat from the threat of future development. Concerned property owners in the Eastern Sierra are working with ESLT to conserve and restore wildlife habitat on their land. For example, in the community of Swall Meadows, several landowners have partnered with ESLT to protect a critical migration corridor for the Round Valley mule deer herd.

Community Connections
Eastern Sierra Land Trust’s Community Connections Program works to build bonds between families and the land. By getting people of all ages outdoors and educating them about the natural world, they cultivate a deep appreciation for our region and all that it offers.
At Eastern Sierra Land Trust, they know that preserving the Eastern Sierra goes beyond protecting land with legal tools. By introducing people of all ages to the value of conservation and by helping them develop deep bonds with this land, you’re ensuring that the work we do today will last long into the future. Outings such as the annual field trip to our local Mule Deer Migration Corridor, wildflower walks, birdwatching opportunities, and hands-on volunteer days get families out in nature, where they get to know the places and wildlife species that make the Eastern Sierra unique.

One recent activity was The Great Sierra River Cleanup—part of California Coastal Cleanup day. ESLT, Friends of the Inyo, and volunteers will remove trash along the Owens River on LADWP land near the Artesian Springs.

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Fishout Schedule – Oct

The newsletter provides brief fishout info.  For full detail, go to the website menu and select EVENTS -> Fishout Schedule

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Sep 21 - Oct 05 12:00 amMammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5

Fall trout fishing in streams and lakes. Trip is for seven days and the participants share a condo in Mammoth Lakes.

Mammoth Lakes
Oct 05 6:50 am - 8:50 amLast Surf Fishout of 2024!

Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers

Palm State Beach
Oct 17 - Oct 20 O'Neill Forebay 'Stosh' Memorial Fishout October 17-20th

Camping and striped bass fishing at the O’Neil Forebay.

Medeiros Primitive Campground – Oneill Forebay
Nov 01 - Nov 04 12:00 amTrinity River Fishout

Target: Steelhead and trout.  Contact Alex Ferber if you are interested in going on the trip, text Alex at (831) 419-0564  or 

Sep 21 : Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5

Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5
UPDATED - 9/16/2024 -  first week is full,  second week is full. Sign Ups: As a reminder, it is important to sign up early or this Fishout. Call John Cook letting him know which week, both or private room. Payment is required to secure our spot we need people to sign up as soon as possible. Should you need to cancel, you can find someone to take your place and get your money back. Contact Ph # (831) 234-6515 Fishmasters: John & Elaine Cook Dates:  This Fishout will take place over two consecutive one-week periods. You may sign up for one or both weeks. Week 1: Sept  21 - Sept 28 .       Week 2: Sept 28 - Oct 5. Location: The town of Mammoth Lakes is located on the eastern side of the Sierra, 6 or 7 hours drive from Santa Cruz. There are many lakes and streams in the area to fish. General: We will be staying in condominiums in the town of Mammoth Lakes. Condo has a lovely hot tub, so bring your suit. Two people per bedroom. Most people bring a sleeping bag to share queen size bed or a pad and sleeping bag to sleep on floor. A private room option is possible at an increased fee. Cost:  Shared single:  $450/wk, $900/2 wks,   Private room:  $800/wk,  $1,600/2 wks.   Dinner guests:  $20/meal Food Preparation: Breakfast and lunch items will be purchased by the Fishmaster ahead of time. Each person will be assigned a Kitchen Day. On that day, tasks will include setting out breakfast and lunch items, store unused food, and preparing the evening meal and clean up afterwards.   Each person will be assigned a dinner that you will need to purchase and prepare.   You will then be reimbursed for the cost for the dinner.   Read More

Oct 05 : Last Surf Fishout of 2024!

Location: Palm Beach Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the Fishmaster ahead of time. Also there are many DIY Stripping Basket making tutorials online) Single, double & triple fly rigs Clousers to sand crabs Directions: Take W. Beach St. in Watsonville towards Pajaro Dunes.   Park at the end of W. Beach St. on the right side of the road outside of the entrance to Pajaro Dunes.
SURF FISHOUTS 2024 Meeting    Time (AM) State Beach  Sunrise Low tide High tide Moon    Tide flow Fishmaster
MAY 4th Saturday 5:55 Rio Del Mar 6:10 LO 02:14  +1.1 HI 07:58 AM +4.0 New Jun  7 Hi Flood to High Slack Lance B
JUNE* 1st Saturday 5:35 Beercan* 5:50 LO 01:12 +1.3 HI 06:39 +3.4 New  Jun 6 High Slack to Ebb Sam
JULY 6th Saturday 5:40 Palm 5:56 LO 06:03 -1.1 HI 1:04 PM +3.7 New    Jul 5 Low slack to Flood Lance B
AUGUST 3rd Saturday 6:00 Rio Del Mar 6:15 LO 05:05 -0.7 HI 11:54 AM +3.8 New  Aug 4 Low slack to Flood Sam
SEPT 7th Saturday 6:25 Manresa 6:44 LO 07:04 +1.8 HI 1:26 PM +4.6 New  Sep 2 Low slack to low Flood Sam
OCT 5th Saturday 6:50 Palm 7:06 LO 05:50 + 2.1 HI Noon +5.0 New   Oct 2 Low Flood Sam
Notes: Meet up times are scheduled 15 - 20 minutes before official sunrise. Locations/dates/times/Fishmasters might change, notifications on Google Groups. June 1st* Mike Lovejoy's for breakfast after fishing:  115 Driftwood Ct., Aptos Contacts: Sam Bishop, 831-274-4024 Lance Boling <>
          Locations            Rio Del Mar State Beach - Google Map location for "Platform Beach"
           Beercan Beach* - Enter  1191 Via Palo Alto, Aptos. Path & Stairs  between Houses (See Notes)
           Palm Beach - Pajaro Dunes, end of West Beach St.
           Manresa State Beach - Google it, but parking may be on Ocean View Dr, 500 yards down the road
Tides Zen Read More

Oct 17 : O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout October 17-20th

O'Neill Forebay 'Stosh' Memorial Fishout October 17-20th
Event: O'Neill Forebay 'Stosh' Memorial Fishout Date: October 17th - 20th (I will be looking for a weekend with a 'skinny' moon, less night feeding for the fish) Target Gamefish: Striped Bass Location: Medeiros Campground located on the Southern Shoreline of the O'Neill Forebay, access off of Santa Nella Blvd. (Highway 33) Hosts: Kevin Murdock   These are primitive campsites so bring your own water. There are tables, sun pavilions, and chemical toilets, or outhouses and fire rings. No open fires are allowed outside of the rings. Typically we will be camping as close to site 29 as we can get. This is a first come, first serve campground, so no reservations are accepted. Float tubes can be launched near the campsites, but boats must be first inspected, then launched from the San Luis Creek Boat launch. Boats may not be left on the lake overnight. Boaters would be wise to exit prior to the closing of the entry kiosk. The ranger can place a seal on your trailer, allowing you to bypass the inspection process the next morning. The rangers at the kiosk by the Medeiros entrance may insist that your float tubes need inspection. make sure they're clean & dry. Equipment: 8wt rods with fast sinking lines. Some anglers will occasionally use a floating line with a 'gurgler' type fly Flies: Lee Haskins San Luis smelt, 'Deceiver' type patterns in red, white, chartreuse, the aforementioned gurglers and poppers. Float tubes (may require inspection for quagga mussels) Fins, sunscreen, polarized glasses, life vest Links: A fly-fishing addict who fishes San Luis Reservoir and the Forebay. Long time local fishing guide.

Forebay Water level: There will be a signup sheet at our September meeting. We'll also create a list for those hoping to participate in a pot luck in honor of Steve 'Stosh' Rudzinski. Weather conditions can vary dramatically, so it would behoove members to check prior to departure. You could email me or just get conditions on-line. High winds can cause the lake to be closed to all vessels. This is one of our nearest Fishouts, with the possible payoff of a double digit fish! Don't miss out! Read More

Nov 01 : Trinity River Fishout

Trinity River Fishout
NOTE:   Contact Alex Ferber if you are interested in going on the trip.  After knowing how many people are interested, it will be easier to plan logistics (camping? motel?).    You can text Alex at (831) 419-0564  or  If you want to go on this trip, it is highly recommended to attend the Spey Classes.
The fishery:
Basically,  this is a Steelhead Trip. There are some resident trout, including some really nice brown trout. I  walk wade or float my raft,  depending on the river conditions. I personally use a Spey rod to swing flies.   Many people use indicators.  There are a lot of walk in spots to explore. The river can be floated with rafts or driftboats. There is a shuttle service available.
Single hand rods, 7-8 wt rods, using floating lines with indicator set up. Typical flies used are Egg patterns, Copper John's, Stonefly imitations like Rubberlegs,  Dark Perdigons. Sizes ranging from Size 8-14.
Spey or Switch rods, usually 5-6 wt in the Fall, I use a 7 wt in the winter. Skagit or Scandi heads, with floating to heavy sink tips, depending on the river conditions and season. Flies that work well include leeches, intruders, HoBo Spey, Traditionals, as well as dry fly patterns ( Skaters) in the early Fall.
The River:
The Trinity River is located aprox 1 hr west of Redding on  Hwy 299. Its a beautiful tailwater fishery, with flows controlled from the Lewiston Dam. This is where the hatchery can be found. It has many different faces, including some big water as it runs west. It meets up with the Klamath River on its journey to the ocean. It has an excellent run of both wild and hatchery fish, ranging from 5-7 #, with some larger fish in the  +10-12 # range. There are fish in the system year round, but typically a push of fish starts in late September and peaks in late November, with a second run usually in late December- March. The fishing remained really good thru the end of March last season. It is very flow dependant and can run quite low in the Fall, with occasional bumps in flows when there is precipitation. It can blow out on occasion, but clears pretty fast.
Weaverville is the closest town, where there are good restaurants, motels and a really nice Holiday Market. It's kinda the hub. There is an RV park in Weaverville,  but no campsites.
Camping is available in Douglas City  area as well as Junction City and further west on 299. The town of Douglas city doesn't have much, other than a small mini mart. Indian Creek Lodge is a few miles east of Douglas City. The town of Lewiston is just below the Lewiston dam. It offers some camping and motels. There is a really nice motel west of Junction City (I believe it is called Steelhead Lodge?). It's an excellent place to stay if one wishes to fish below Junction City.
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Outside Club Events – Oct

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Oct 05 9:00 am - 5:00 pmNCCFFI'S YUBAFEST 2024

Yuba Fest 2024, a one-day event, will take place on Saturday, October 5th, celebrating the Lower Yuba River watershed. NorCal Fly Clubs, including members and participants in fly
fishing, conservation, education, and community-building, are encouraged to attend. 

Sycamore Ranch Park
Oct 08 12:00 pm - 4:00 pmMBSTP Hatchery Volunteer Day

Come up to the Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project hatchery and volunteer for a few hours.  You will likely get a chance to check out the hatchery operation that rears Coho salmon.

Where:  MBSTP Hatchery  825 Big Creek Rd, Davenport, CA 95017

When: October 8th @ 12:00 PM

Contact:  Bob Garbarino 831-247-2045

If you plan on going, contact Bob so we can coordinate access into the hatchery.


Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project Hatchery
Nov 09 5:00 pm - 8:30 pmNCCFFI Hall of Fame dinner - EVENT

The Winner of the 2024 Hall of Fame Award is: Mike Mercer!   Working with the NCCFFI board and with the help of September speaker, Mark Rockwell,  the price of a seat for the HOF at the SCFF table is $115 which is a $45 saving compared to the ticket price on the NCCFFI website. 

Veterans Memorial Bldg – Lafayette
Nov 24 8:00 am - 11:00 amVolunteer for Salinas River Cleanup, Sunday November 24

Join the Salinas Valley Fly Fishers for the annual clean up of the Salinas River fishing access. The event will be on Sunday November 24 starting at 9:00 am.  Jay Jefferson  is the Salinas Valley Fly Fishers representative for this event.  Wear clothing for the weather of that day and if you can, bring gloves and a three prong hoe, as it’s the best tool.


  • Go South on Highway 1 towards Monterey
  • Follow CA-1 S to Molera Rd. Take exit 414 from CA-1 S and take Nashua Rd over the highway
  • Take the first right on Monte Road 1.6 miles to your destination.   This is a dirt parking lot on the left side of the road before the twin bridges.


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SCFF Advertisers – Oct24

Starting a new section of monthly advertisers which will be of nominal cost for club members . Will also have a section for advertisers on the website. If you would like to advertise or have your business listed on the club website, send an email to


Offering fellow SCFF club members a 10% discount on a guided trip(s) on the Trinity, either float or walk wadding so you can practice what we have learned. My guide fee is typically $500 for up to 2 anglers. This includes all equipment, including terminal tackle, flies, lunch and beverages. The Trinity River is an excellent Steelhead river with great swing water to perfect your 2 handed casting and a chance to hook a beautiful aggressive Steelhead. The majority of the fish, in the last few years have been wild. So far the returns to the Trinity have been excellent, so we are hopefully going to have a great season.
If you have any questions, please give me a call or send me an email at or 831-419-0564

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September 2024 Table of Contents

September Virtual Speaker: Restoring the Klamath River………………
September Raffle & Door Prizes……………………
President’s Line……………………
Fly Tying……………………
 September Class: Punk Perch
 Fly of the Month: Hornberg
Conservation Concerns……………
 Profile: Saved By Nature
Membership Notes…………………
 Club Activities – September
 Spey Casting Series
 Central Coast Fly Fishing Moves
Gearing Up…………………
  Upcoming Fishouts
Outside Club Events…………………
  NCCFFI Hall of Fame Dinner
Cartoon ……………………
SCFF Advertisers ……………………

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Restoring the Klamath River – Virtual Speaker

Sep 04 6:45 PM at the Aptos Grange
Zoom link:

Dr. Mark Rockwell has been working on environmental issues since 2001, when he retired from his Chiropractic Practice in Redwood City, CA. He’s been married 54 years and has 3 children.  In 2001 he became the V.P. of Conservation for the Northern California Council, Fly Fishers International (NCCFFI). In 2005, after returning from a lobby trip to D.C. on Snake River dam removal, he was invited to be the California Organizer of the Endangered Species Coalition (ESC), working to stop the Congressional effort to rewrite the Endangered Species Act (ESA).  He worked for 12 years for the ESC as the California Organizer, and then the Pacific Field Organizer in charge of California, Oregon and Washington field operations.  He has been in leadership for Fly Fishers International (FFI) since joining the Board of the Northern California Council, FFI in 2003, serving as V.P. of Conservation, and then President from 2018 to 2023. He continues today as the V.P. of Conservation, and has received the coveted FFI Conservation Leadership Award twice – 2007 & 2023.

He began working on Klamath river dam removal in 2003, signing the original Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) & Klamath Hydropower Settlement Agreement (KHSA) agreements in 2010, and the current revised KHSA in 2015. It’s been a 20+ year collaborative
effort to provide the opportunity for the Klamath River to return to its historic greatness. In 2023 the license to operate the Klamath project was transferred and surrendered to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation, the entity formed to manage removal of the 4 dams and oversee restoration of the footprint lands of the project. As of early 2024, the Klamath is running free for the first time since 1918, and all dams will be off the river by the end of October 2024.

Mark continues to be focused on fishery & watershed conservation as his post-chiropractic life mission. “I spent my professional life treating spine and nervous system interference problems for my community in the San Francisco region for 25 years, and my post Chiropractic life working to improve our planet. Both of these efforts are done with a sense of love and caring. Conserving our great watersheds & fish is now my purpose. We owe it to our children & grandkids to pass along to them the same greatness & beauty we inherited.” ~ Dr. Mark Rockwell

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September Raffle and Door Prizes

Bad news first: Now that the Pandemic is over, we are no longer able to conduct our monthly raffle online.

The good news: We have a huge pile of raffle prizes and door prizes that we will be up for grabs at the regular monthly meeting to be held on Wednesday September 4th. Aptos Grange, 6 pm.
  • We will have a winners choice of a 5wt or 6wt or 7wt or 8wt rod and matching reel!
  • We also have a great Cadis float tube and a subscription to the re-born “California Fly Fisher”.
  • In addition to the raffle prizes there will be a bunch of great door prizes (everybody gets a free ticket) including a 6 pack of Bell’s “Two Hearted IPA”!
Don’t miss out, this will be a great start to our Fall fly fishing season.
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Don’t let Fall pass you by.

When you go out in the morning, can you feel it?  I can, it’s not a smell and it certainly isn’t the  temperature because it is the hottest time of the year, but  it just feels like fall.   It reminds me of being a kid and waiting for a school bus.   And it makes me feel like a kid because it reminds me to go fishing.

Labor Day to Thanksgiving is only about thirteen weeks long.  Thirteen weeks of the best fishing of the year.   So I urge you to take a few hours and plan your fall  fishing.   In this newsletter, there are a lot of opportunities for fall fishing.

If you are new,  make sure to put the casting clinic on your schedule for a Saturday afternoon.  Also, the October General Meeting will be based around members helping others learn fundamentals to improve your fishing technique and enjoyment.

For everyone, the club is offering fishouts that should meet everyone’s interest.    If you are too busy for a multi-day fishing trip, stay local and fish the surf or the Forebay.  For those that have the time, there are still openings for the last week of September on the Mammoth Lakes trip and a new trip has been set for the Trinity river in early November.   I believe that if you don’t shoehorn the fishing trips into your calendar, the weeks will slip away and another season will be gone.

Please  welcome seven new members since the beginning of July.   This now brings our membership up to 251!

Join DateNameCity
July 4M HornSan Carlos
July 15S. LiessSanta Cruz
July 25M. BonannoSoquel
July 27E. VollsetAptos
Aug 6T. SuzukiAptos
Aug 18B. StecklerCarmel
Aug 23O. KahlWatsonville
New member since July are covered til Dec 31st 2025
Also if members are not receiving the monthly newsletter or googlegroups, please contact me