Steve Schalla is the creator of the website, Filled with maps and fishing knowledge, the website has become a repository for everything he’s learned about fly fishing over the past 30 years. Steve’s goal has been to create regional maps covering all of the waters of the Sierra. These maps show fish species, fishless areas, access trails, fishing/permit regulations, and a hatch chart with a suggested fly selection.
Steve is a graduate of Forestry from Cal with an emphasis on Botany from UCSB. He has established reforestation nurseries in California, Oregon, and Washington and grew close to 45 million seedlings for replanting many of our forests. Additionally, Steve is active with Fly Fishers International and his local club, Sespe Fly Fishers.
Steve will be speaking to the club on the history of the Golden Trout Wilderness, from the uniqueness of the geology and natural fish introduction to cultural interests that impact Golden Trout today.
Spring has sprung which means that it is time to start thinking about trout fishing! We have some great raffle prizes and door prizes to be given away at our April meeting,
Don’t miss out, buy your lucky raffle tickets. The online ticket sales office will close at noon on 3/31/24.
Raffle tickets cost a dollar each, $20 bucks gets you 25. Click on the following link to purchase your lucky raffle tickets:
We are fortunate to call the Monterey Bay area our home, where the ocean’s health directly impacts our well-being. Recently, our club members became aware of petition 2023-33MPA, pushing for new no-fishing zones around Pleasure Point and off the coast of Natural Bridges State Beach. While protecting kelp forests is a commendable goal, the proposed fishing ban has raised concerns in our community about potential threats to our fishing rights. Personally, I joined the club because I wanted to learn how to fly fish the surf and I know a lot of club members that enjoy fishing from the beach as well as fishing the kelp beds from a kayak.
The heart of the debate revolves around assessing how fishing activities may affect kelp ecosystems in Santa Cruz. Advocates for the petition, primarily environmental groups from Southern California, argue that implementing no-fishing zones is crucial to safeguard these fragile habitats. However, opponents of the petition, including members of our club, question the necessity and effectiveness of such broad fishing bans. We argue that the conditions in Santa Cruz’s kelp forests may differ significantly from those in other regions, such as Southern California, where fishing restrictions might be more warranted. This article in Santa Cruz Local and its links give a good explanation of the issue.
During our recent Club Board meeting, we discussed the issue and decided to take a stance of patience and proactive engagement. The California Commission of Fish and Wildlife is currently handling numerous petitions, including 2023-33MPA. In solidarity with those opposing the petition, I have sent letters on behalf of SCFF to key opponents, including Supervisor Cummings, UCSC Professor Zavaleta (a member of the California Fish and Wildlife Commission), and the All Waters Protection and Access Coalition. These letters express our readiness to collaborate and provide assistance in finding sustainable solutions that balance environmental protection with community interests.
Although there is no specific deadline for the commission to decide on the petitions, we are committed to remaining informed and actively participating in the ongoing dialogue. We encourage members with experience or insights into navigating such petitions to share their expertise with the club.
Posted on March 27th, 2024
Date: April 10
Time: Doors open at 6:15 PM, class begins at 6:30 PM
This fly was created by Andy Puyans back in the 1960s. He was a well-known fly tyer and this pattern has been successfully used for decades in waters that hold mayflies. If you are planning to fish Los Padres Reservoir or Lake Almanor, be sure to have a few of these with you. It can be tied in sizes 10 to 18 and for our class we will be using a size 10 hook, an easy size to handle. Our fly tying classes are always free and materials provided. For beginners, who are always welcome, vices and tools are available. If you have black 6/0 thread please bring it. You can sign up for the class at the club meeting or call me, with at least 24 hours notice, at 831-234-6515.
The fly tying class this month is an AP nymph. It’s tied in the same manner, but using different materials. This pattern works well for flies sized 12 to 18. The AP nymph is better adapted to the larger hooks like 10 to 14. mayflies come in a variety of colors. More comonly tan, olive, brown and pale yellow. use same color for thread, mallard, feather, body and thorax.
HOOK: TMC 200 R, sizes 12 to 18. Crimp barb.
THREAD: color to match body Attached mid shank, and wrap to rear of shank.
TAIL: Died mallard flank feather. Stroke barbs so that tips are lined up. Cut approximately 6-10 barbs from stem. Position on top
of shank, tips to rear forming a short tail. (see sample). Attach to top of shank up to 1/3 back from eye. Cut excess.
RIB: Find gold wire. Attach strand under hook shank back to tail.
BODY: Super fine dubbing. Dub a tapered body up to 1/3 back from eye. Spiral wire forward, 5 wraps. Tie off cut excess.
WING CASE: Died mallard, flank feather. Prepare the feather in the same manner as above, but select twice the number of barbs.
Position on top of shank with tips to the rear, allowing length to be slightly longer than hook. Tie in place.
THORAX: Same dubbing as body. A generous, round body. Finishing one eye length behind eye. Bring wing case forward over
thorax and tie down.
LEGS: Divide mallard barbs in half. Tied down one half on far side with tips to the rear, and 1/2 on the near side.
HEAD: Tie a small thread head, and then whip finish. Cut thread.
A Sacramento County superior court judge recently handed down a ruling upholding an important decision by the California State Water Board that impacts flows in the San Joaquin River and its three primary tributaries—the Tuolumne, Merced and Stanislaus Rivers.
In 2018, the State Water Resources Control Board issued a water quality plan for the San Joaquin River and the aforementioned tributaries that are part of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta watershed. The plan called for increasing flows in the three tributaries to help increase severely decreasing populations of chinook salmon and steelhead trout. In order to increase flows, water diversions would need to be reduced. Diversions of over 80% of river flows are currently allowed. In 2022, a stretch of the Merced River was run dry. The 2018 plan was challenged with numerous lawsuits and claims by large agricultural water suppliers such as the Merced Irrigation District and Westlands Water District as well as municipal suppliers including the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and the city of Modesto.
The Decision:
A total of 12 lawsuits and 116 claims were rejected in this ruling. If and when the standards are implemented, diversions during certain times of the year will be limited to 50%-70% of total river flows. This will result in a double in water flow in the rivers at certain times of the year. Also rejected was a challenge to a limit to salinity levels. It is expected that lawsuits will challenge the court decision.
Another Idea:
Another approach governor Newsom has promoted are so-called “voluntary agreements”. This approach, where parties come together to work out a comprehensive, multi-year solution that brings together dozens of water agencies with the state and federal governments to pool resources and take concrete actions to provide targeted river flows and expand habitat in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and Bay Delta. These environmental improvements are supposedly guided by scientific monitoring and collaborative decision making. Many of the water agencies, including Westlands support the VA path. But, former Water Board chair Felicia Marcus says a voluntary agreement can be effective, regulatory requirements must be in place to enforce adequate water for the environment.
We will see how this saga plays out and if salmon and steelhead numbers bounce back sooner than later.
All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters. This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting. We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time. Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too.
Alex Ferber – (831) 419-0564
Learn or improve your ability to make successful surface presentations (Dry Fly) to rising fish on Spring Creeks. The true art of fly fishing. This class will focus on loop control, drag free drifts with long leaders using small dry flies. This 5 day class will include 3 days of lawn instruction, culminating in 2 guided day workshops on Hat Creek and Fall River; two iconic Spring Creeks in Northern California, where accurate, well presented flies are a must. Minimal skills: Ability to consistently overhead/false cast to a minimum of 45 feet
Note: Registration through Capitola Recreation Department. (Link will be put here when the catalog is published)
Jade St. Soccer Field/OFF-SITE FIELD TRIP
R $450| NR $467
Jade St Park:
Sat 9:00-11:00am 5/18, 6/1, 6/15
Hat River Field Trip:
6/27-6/30 (All Day)
Membership continues to grow with 5+ new members per month for a total of 228 members who have renewed their memberships to be included in the 2024 Roster which should be available by the end of April f0r the May meeting. We print 50 hardcopies and electronic copies are available upon request . Members can send an email to prior to the May meeting. Also if you are not receiving the monthly newsletter, or googlegroups, please send me an email and you can be added.
Members that have joined since January, 2024:
New Member
January: J. Reis D. Botman M. Kiely J. McKeon N. Dryden R. Morton C. Morast February: P. Shields M. Curtis J. Ainsworth J. Shulin B. Payne J. Raynes March: C. Chriswell C. Beale K. Taylor W Russel C. Koontz
Sant Cruz Santa Cruz Livermore Santa Cruz Santa Cruz La Selva Beach Santa Cruz
Soquel Watsonville Aptos Texas Santa Cruz Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Scotts Valley San Jose Pebble Beach Santa Cruz
With spring in the air and a new season upon us, I thought we should bring back an article from last year and ask its author (Randy Saar) for his thoughts on what this year is looking like. Below you will find Randy’s thoughts from our recent email exchange and his article from last year.
My thoughts on fishing in the Markleeville area this year (2024) are that it should be a fairly normal season — meaning the following:
Indian Creek Res. is good now and will be until it heats up in June.
Rivers will be cold but fishable soon but then they get to be chocolate milk and start to be fishable again mid, to late May. Still water should be good after getting to be accessible and continuing that way. Rivers start to get skinny late September. But September and October are when Heenan Lake opens for broodstock cutthroats. County and DFG usually stock some planters in the East Fork above Hangman’s Bridge (below there is wild w/ special regs.) around then too. DFG plants fish in the area all summer.
Randy Saar
Original Article from 2023
Have you ever fished the area around Hope Valley and Markleeville? If you have you know how many fishing opportunities there are and if not, you may want to consider venturing that way. It’s about a four-and-a-half hour drive from Santa Cruz through Stockton then Jackson, the foothills, finally to the Sierra and over ~8,700 Ft. Carson Pass on SR-88 a Scenic Byway.
There are many fly-fishing opportunities on still-water, rivers and streams. Larger lakes include Silver Lake, Caples Lake, Upper and Lower Blue Lakes and Indian Creek Reservoir. And then there’s Heenan Lake that is open from Sep. 1 through Nov. 30 where you can catch broodstock Lahonton Cutthroat. Numerous smaller lakes are also in the region, e.g. Woods Lake, Lake Kirkwood, Burnside Lake and others. 4, 5 or 6 weights are used on the lakes with wooly buggers, various nymphs with the Damsel Fly nymph often being the most productive. Hit risers with a Damsel Fly dry or parachute Callibaetis.
Much of the fishing attention is focused on the West Fork and to a greater degree East Fork of the Carson River.
The West Fork originates above Upper Blue Lake at Lost Lakes and runs through Charity Valley and Hope Valley. The meadows have good long runs with a few steeper, narrower, faster canyon areas that hold fish in the deeper pools. The river then flows down a rather steep boulder strewn path along Hwy 88 through the town of Woodfords. Call it pocket water. There are many places to pull off the road at fishable locations. Blue Lakes and the river are regularly visited by Fish and Wildlife trucks full of planters.
The East Fork originates high up between Ebbetts Pass (Hwy 4) and Nevada with fishable Silver Creek and Wolf Creek adding to it along the way. Most of the more accessible waters are planted. A few miles south past Markleeville the East Fork passes under Hangman’s Bridge, where from there to Nevada there are special regulations including artificial lures only. This area is not planted and flyfishers target rainbows and browns for miles down this stretch of the river. Runs, riffles and pools provide fairly straight forward dry and nymph fishing. The areas strewn with borders will make wading more challenging and requiring more technical casting and mending.
Fishing 4 to 5 wt. rods is ideal but 3 and 6 are just fine and to some degree the time of year or day and fly will influence your selection. If the County (Alpine Co.) plants Alper’s trout or you’re throwing streamers go heaver. If the flows are slow and a small fly delicately presented to smaller natives is the way of the day, go smaller. Depending on overnight temperatures morning Mayfly hatches get going like crazy and parachute Adams should do the trick. Stoneflies come out early too. When you hear the grasshoppers start buzzing, you may want to get on that band wagon. Dry dropper rigs with a nymph of the top fly work good, except in slow shallow water where the nymph could get snagged and/or the dry is small. Bigger Mayfly dry’s, Stimulator’s, Chubby’s and of course hoppers work for the dry or indicator. Imitative droppers (and for bare nymphing too such as hare’s ear, pheasant tail or stone fly) work well but loud Prince Nymphs or Copper Johns usually get more attention. In the evening, Caddis get their heads up and rising fish are targetable. Browns are more vulnerable a ways downstream from where Markleeville Creek (water not to be ignored) enters the East Fork. Go deep with streamers swung around submerged boulders. And Browns are even up in Wolf Creek meadow (think spring creek tactics, possibly with terrestrials) before it plunges down to the river. This gorge has rainbows in the pocket water. It’s bouldering territory where you dap a little dry, maybe get a couple feet of drift and, hopefully, see a little guy come up and grab your gift. Wolf Creek is about 5 mils (dead end) off Hwy 4 turning off at Centerville Flat Campground on a somewhat paved road (good fishing along there) then a dirt road to the Wolf Creek campground or a left turn before that to the meadow and then down to the river. If you keep going south on Hwy 4, fishable Silver Creek runs along the route, with good access at Centerville Flat Campground. Keep going and you’ll find Kinney Reservoir for easy access lake fishing.
So, there are lots and lots of fishing and camping opportunities in the area. Now back to kind of the center of it all — Markleeville. This is the county seat of the least populated county in California. The little town has a couple restaurants a motel and a small/limited general store. A few miles south of town is the Carson River Resort (“resort” – ya right) with a very little store and campsites across the street on the river. This stretch of the road is central for recreation in the area.
I’m writing to mention to the SCFF Club members that I think this is a great area (the beauty however has been moderated by recent wildfires) that is relatively close to enjoy and encourage you to check it out. Below are a couple of maps and photos to help orient you.
SAFETY FIRST when fishing the surf. If you’ve ever been hit by a wave or fall in the water and your stripping basket becomes involved, it can be a real issue. At that point your ability to maneuver in the water is greatly reduced as the water pulls you in the direction it wishes to go. Whichever type you use, make sure the belt and/or basket can be quickly removed. A couple of suggestions for how you achieve a quick release. 1. A basket that attaches to the belt with Velcro. 2.Purchase your own double sided Velcro, about 2 inches wide, to make your own attachment. 3. Scientific Anglers ECOastal basket comes equipped in this way. 4. The basket that Sam now has available for the club to purchase comes with a belt that has a plastic attachment that slips apart easily. Do note: belts with a button release is very difficult to do when you’re tossing in the surf helplessly. Whatever you decide to use, be sure to try it ahead of time, and probably while holding the rod in the other hand.
The Pyramid Lake trip is one of the best-attended fishouts the club has, and for a good reason. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout cruise parallel to the shore in easy casting distance from shore. Read More
Updated March 25th, fish out if full. Fishmaster: Scott Kitayama Location: Kelly Lake in Watsonville (Private lake limited to 6 people) Species: bass, crappie, bluegill Duration: 1 day Registration and Cost: No Cost, but you must contact Scott as the number of people fishing is limited. Contact at On this Fishout, priority will be… Read More
Surf fish-out Saturday June 1st, followed by breakfast at Mike Lovejoy's. Important location information and breakfast information
RSVP Required for breakfast Read More
Fishmaster: Alex Ferber Location: Lakes, rivers and streams of the Burney area Species: Trout Duration: 3 Days Cost: No Cost Meet Up: 8am - Friday 6/07 Hat Creek Park off Hy 299 (See the map below). The park is approximately 10 minutes from the highway 299/80 junction. The park is on the left hand side… Read More
June 14th-16th, is a weekend outing to Clark Fork with an option for Beardsley Afterbay. This can also be a one-day trip for those who can’t make the whole weekend. Trailer access available, and Stillwater opportunities for those with kayaks, drift boats, or float tubes. Casual trip to finish and have fun. Read More
Fishmaster: Tim Loomis - 831- 345-8411 / The Lake Almanor fishout is typically scheduled for the last weeks of June (22nd - 29th). This time period is, hopefully, the peak of the annual Hexagenia hatch that begins generally mid-June and runs through mid-July. The most productive fishing takes place early evenings on into past… Read More
Location: Palm Beach State Park Species: Surf Perch, Striped Bass Min./Max Participants: NO Limit Cali Surf Style Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the… Read More
Sign Up Now! Experience a new HIGH! Fish for Dorado, and many other salt-water fish, including Bonito, Roosters, Yellowtail and Sailfish on a fly! Join the group going to Loreto in Baja July 7th through the 11th This trip includes: Four nights at the beautiful Hotel La Mission, on the water-front next to the Loreto… Read More
Kennedy Meadows Resort & Pack Station / Baker & Deadman campground. If you want to stay in a cabin, you should try to get a reservation now. The cabins generally roll over annually with returning guests from the previous year. The Hogye's will be in Cabin 11. Rates range from $115 - 260 per… Read More
Location: Rio Del Mar State Beach Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the Fishmaster ahead of time. Also there… Read More
Target: Steelhead and trout. Contact Alex Ferber if you are interested in going on the trip, text Alex at (831) 419-0564 or Read More
Starting a new section of monthly advertisers which will be of nominal cost for club members . Will also have a section for advertisers on the website. If you would like to advertise or have your business listed on the club website, send an email to
David Gregory is the owner of Yosemite Outfitters, a fly fishing and Hiking guide service out of Yosemite.
David has a B.S. in Parks and Recreation Management and is a graduate of Clearwater Guide School. He is enthusiastically devoted to sharing his love of fly fishing and guides for Yosemite Outfitters. The past 19 years he has formed a deep connection to Yosemite and the cool crystal waters off the Merced and Tuolumne Rivers
From roaming the Patagonian Andes to the sheer magic of Yosemite, David Gregory will take us on an aquatic adventure through places that have captured his heart. Addressing the need for conservation and stewardship to preserve the future of our sport and planet.
March is here and it is time to get serious about going after some of the big guys at Pyramid Lake. Take a look at these great raffle prizes that will give you a leg up at the Lake of the Giants, or if you prefer a nice little rod/reel package for Sierra streams.
Don’t miss out, buy your lucky raffle tickets.
Raffle tickets cost a dollar each, $20 bucks gets you 25. Click on the following link to purchase your lucky raffle tickets:
The online ticket sales office will close at noon on Wednesday the day of the Fly Club meeting. The drawing will take place at the monthly meeting (3/6) held at the Aptos Grange. Club membership is not required to participate, need not be present to win.
Participation in the monthly raffle helps the Club’s conservation and scholarship programs, your support is greatly appreciated.
The Santa Cruz club is a member of the Fly Fishing International (FFI) which provides us with well priced insurance to run the club. I thought that was all it did, but after attending a lunch meeting at the Pleasanton Fly show, I am convinced that they have a program that will be a cornerstone of our club as well as many clubs around the world. This year our club will continue to roll out the Fly Casting Skills Development program and I can imagine a time when we will have 20+ people at our casting clinics. The “aha” for me is that the program is based around Skill Assessment, not a pass/fail test and not a classroom. And the Skills Development program is for everyone, below I have pulled information about the mission and skills involved at each level.
The mission of the Fly Casting Skills Development program is to give all fly anglers a guide to learning and improving casting skills that address increasingly advanced fishing situations. It starts at the Foundation level, for true beginners to the sport who might be picking up a fly rod for the first time. It progresses through 4 levels of Foundation, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. These provide a broad, relevant range of fishing casts covering skill categories of loop control, accuracy, roll cast, presentation, change in direction and distance. Better casting skills open more fishing opportunities with less frustration. All fly anglers can benefit and should be proud of their accomplishment. There is even an opportunity for recognition of casting accomplishments with an award document and a pin at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels.
The Bronze Level is focused on developing or reinforcing solid beginning fly casting skills. A fly fisher with this level of proficiency can successfully fish many common fishing situations. The Bronze Level challenges are as follows: B1. Pick-Up and Lay-Down cast (PULD): 40 ft. B2. Vertical to Horizontal Casting: 40 ft. B3. Roll Cast, Dominant Side: 40 ft. B4. Roll Cast, Non-Dominant Side: 40 ft. B5. Shooting Line: Starting at 40 ft. shooting to 45+ ft. with no false casts allowed. B6. Accuracy: Hit 0, 30, and then 40-foot targets B7. Distance: Starting at 40 ft. shooting to 50+ ft.
The Silver Level is focused on developing intermediate level fly casting skills. A fly fisher with these casting skills can successfully fish common situations and often achieve more challenging presentations.
The Silver Level challenges are as follows: S1. Vertical to Horizontal False Casts, Non-Dominant Side: 40 ft. S2. Reach Mend to Right: At 40 ft., the caster will perform a reach mend to the right. S3. Reach Mend to the Left: At 40 ft., the caster will perform a reach mend to the left. S4. Slack Line Presentation: At 40 ft., the caster will make a slack line presentation S5. Belgian style or Oval Cast: At 40 ft., the caster will perform a Belgian cast (open loop) S6. Accuracy, Non-Dominant Side: Hit 0, 30, and then 40-foot targets S7. Distance and Shooting Line: Starting t 45 ft., shooting to 60+ ft.
The Gold Level is focused on developing advanced fly casting skills. A fly fisher with these skills can successfully fish in a wide variety of fishing situations.
The Gold Level challenges are as follows: G1. Loop Control, Non-Dominant Side: At 45 ft., the caster will perform 4 or more false casts off the non-dominant shoulder (left shoulder for a right-handed person) ending with fly hitting a 4 ft. target. Hauling is allowed. G2. Curve Casts: At 40 ft., the caster will perform a curve cast to the side of their choice with the line/leader curving around an obstacle at approximately 25 ft. The fly should land at least 45 degrees from the line layout between the caster and the obstacle. G3. Roll Cast Pick-Up: Starting at 40 ft., the caster will perform a roll cast pick-up with extension of line to 55ft. G4. Change of Direction Casts: At 40 ft., the caster will perform two different change of direction casts of their choosing with fly line and leader landing relatively straight. G5. Accuracy: Hit 20, 30, 40, and then 50-foot targets G6. Casting While Seated or Kneeling: While sitting in a chair or kneeling with one knee on the ground, start at 30 ft. and shoot to 40 ft.
G7. Backcast Presentation to a Minimum of 55 ft.:
G8. Distance and Shooting Line: Starting at 45 ft., shooting to 70+ ft.
It’s time to get ready for the bass and bluegill season with some of these top water creations. This is a two day class that is a very artsy crafty and beginners should feel comfortable in attending. All the materials will be provided including the thread. Vises and tools will be available for beginners. There is limited space, so only sign up if you are committed to attend and do so no later than March 11. You can sign up at the club meeting or by calling me at 831-234-6515
Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to Fly Name to see more information.
This particular fly works well for trout, bass and bluegill. I believe that having the original instructions to follow will be easier for you than trying to describe the construction the normal way. The measurements will not be to scale, so be sure to use a ruler The diagrams should be very helpful. Hope this works for you. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call. 831-234-6515. Elaine
The Good News from Marin County
In Marin County creeks, Central California federally endangered coho salmon return numbers were non-existent last year. This year, however is a different story. On Olema Creek near Point Reyes, 70 redds were found. On one day last December, 150 adult coho were counted, which makes this year the best in over 15 years. Fishery biologists say one of the significant reasons is the work done to improve the habitat in the streams. The monitoring team also sighted coho this year in Pine Gulch Creek and Cheda Creek which until 2020 had no fish counted in over a decade. Redwood Creek in Muir Woods has also seen an increase in redd counts, after habitat enhancement and a release of 4,000 hatchery-reared fish. In the 1940s the California coho salmon population was estimated to to be from 200,000-500,000 fish. Today, about 1% remain (2,000-5,000). For more information, see the source of this article:
The Not So Good News From Yellowstone Park
In a really interesting and sobering article that came by way of Hatch Magazine titled “Have we taken our love for native trout too far?”, the author looks at the history of fishery management in Yellowstone Park as far back as 1888—before it became a National Park. At that time, native westslope cutthroat trout and Arctic grayling thrived from both the Gibbon and Firehole, down through the Madison and beyond. Apparently that wasn’t enough fish for the man in charge from the U.S. Army. He was quoted as saying “I hope to see all of these waters so stocked that the pleasure-seeker in the Park can enjoy fine fishing within a few rods of any hotel or camp.” By 1935, the grayling had completely disappeared from the park, due to the introduction on non-native brown trout and brook trout. Rainbow trout were also planted. These fish all out-compete the grayling and westslope cutthroat. The brookie has apparently been the most harmful. The article expands with other examples throughout the west of human intervention with harmful effects on native fish populations. There are some ongoing efforts to restore native fish and control the non-natives in small areas. But for the most part, that is all that can be realistically accomplished. The other problem is the changing climate resulting in more hot weather and droughts (resulting in stream temperatures too warm to support healthy trout), and flooding. The warmer water trend is causing largemouth and smallmouth bass to move further up into reaches that were once void of these fish. At this point, It appears that our expectations will be that in many of these streams we should try to manage the reliable flow of cool water to support any wild trout. To sum up, I find this quote from the author of this article spot on: “Truth be told, we couldn’t have fouled up Western trout fisheries more effectively had we actually sought to do it. Our ignorance and our arrogance 140 years ago, coupled with our disdain for the natural function of rivers led us to this point.”
All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters. This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting. We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time. Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too.
I have had the pleasure of serving this fine establishment in many ways over the last thirty years. Conservation, President, Programs, Casting, and now Master of Ceremonies at our annual dinner / fundraiser. I suppose the next best opportunity is hosting the Oscars.
As mentioned during our annual dinner, this was our 45th year, only ever interrupted by Covid in 2021 and 2022, the first annual dinner a small gathering of the original members in the Portuguese Hall for a spaghetti dinner. There are photos of some of these annual dinners in albums somewhere in the club members’ possession.
The annual dinner/fundraiser is the primary funding source for the club’s desire to provide for conservation, and other costs not directly associated with the membership dues. Since those early days back in 1977, the clubs funding goals have expanded into several areas of conservation focused on opportunities for fly-fishing, and our pursuit of bringing the youth of the world into fly-fishing and conservation with our high-school scholarship program which began in 2018 in memoriam of members who have passed away.
Santa Cruz Fly Fishing is one of some 50 clubs in California and Nevada. While other clubs suffered in 2020, or aged out of existence, you helped us continue growing and even better, sharing with other clubs, what we are doing to continue growing and thriving amidst so many challenges.
This first of our big dinner/fundraisers returning from Covid proved to be one of the most successful in many years.
Thank you to the 45 club member volunteers who helped organize the event. Much of this beginning September the previous year – yes, we do spend a lot of time planning.
Thanks to the great staff at the Pajaro Rod & Gun Club for a great venue and your warm welcome.
Special thank you to Sam Bishop and his band of Sous Chef’s for catching the salmon in Alaska, bringing it back and putting everything together. You’d be hard pressed to have had fresher salmon. To the folks at California Grill and Watsonville Staff of Life for the excellent side dishes and salad.
Enormous thank you to Elaine Cook, David South and everyone who helped with the set up and in the kitchen. If you don’t know this, Elaine has been orchestrating SCFF annual dinners for well over 35 years.
I only ask forgiveness for anyone I may have left out who also put their heart and soul into this event. Thank you.
Thanks to the those who donated many of the raffle prizes and silent auction items. I’m told the Silent Auction results of $3,075 were the highest we’ve ever seen.
In short, below is how you helped make this event a success.
$6,800 – we factored in a cap at 160 tickets but sold 170. ~150 attended.
$5,450 – Raffle tickets, an average $36.00 per person
$3,075 – Silent Auction returns
$ 266 – Donations
$15,591.00 – Total Revenue
$240 in new memberships paid at the dinner – it was exciting to see how many this was their first annual dinner/fundraiser.
($6,452) – Expenses – salmon, sides, serviettes, place settings, raffle prizes, hall rental
$8,873 – net to the club.
Our primary goal was to raise the Conservation Budget to $4,000 and scholarships to $3,200 and build a buffer to go into 2024 and planning for the 2025 fundraiser/dinner to see if we can go a bit bigger next year. Mission accomplished.
It took a village. YOU are that village. If you’re reading this, you are part of the success story. One we could not have without YOU. Yes, you.
Where other clubs have struggled to stay alive through Covid; some of which dissolved all together, your leadership team has been very enthusiastic about this club, its mission and future. Because of you the future of fly-fishing, the environment around fly-fishing and the terrific community / family we have come to be, is being shared with other “clubs” here in California, Nevada and clear across the country.
Scott has had a theme of “fellowship” as being our goal for 2023-24. And to that extent we are enthusiastic about our future and sharing it with others.
Thank you. And you thought this was just a club for fly-fishing.
The 5 Murdock BrothersEverything is under controlPrepping the BBQRod and Gun Club160 attendeesYum
As of mid February we have over 218 members and continue to grow new members. Our annual fundraiser exceeded our expectations/budget with total revenue over $15,000 with the help of over 50 volunteers. We continue to receive over $2,800 in additional contributions/donations that average $14/member which continues our conservation projects and scholarships. Thank you
Fishmaster: Alex Ferber Location: Upper Sacramento River with Potential McCloud River Side Trip Species: Trout Date / Duration: POSTPONED DUE TO HIGH WATER Tentatively March 15th - 17th, 3 Days … Read More
The Pyramid Lake trip is one of the best-attended fishouts the club has, and for a good reason. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout cruise parallel to the shore in easy casting distance from shore. Read More
Updated March 25th, fish out if full. Fishmaster: Scott Kitayama Location: Kelly Lake in Watsonville (Private lake limited to 6 people) Species: bass, crappie, bluegill Duration: 1 day Registration and Cost: No Cost, but you must contact Scott as the number of people fishing is limited. Contact at On this Fishout, priority will be… Read More
Surf fish-out Saturday June 1st, followed by breakfast at Mike Lovejoy's. Important location information and breakfast information
RSVP Required for breakfast Read More
Fishmaster: Alex Ferber Location: Lakes, rivers and streams of the Burney area Species: Trout Duration: 3 Days Cost: No Cost Meet Up: 8am - Friday 6/07 Hat Creek Park off Hy 299 (See the map below). The park is approximately 10 minutes from the highway 299/80 junction. The park is on the left hand side… Read More
June 14th-16th, is a weekend outing to Clark Fork with an option for Beardsley Afterbay. This can also be a one-day trip for those who can’t make the whole weekend. Trailer access available, and Stillwater opportunities for those with kayaks, drift boats, or float tubes. Casual trip to finish and have fun. Read More
Fishmaster: Tim Loomis - 831- 345-8411 / The Lake Almanor fishout is typically scheduled for the last weeks of June (22nd - 29th). This time period is, hopefully, the peak of the annual Hexagenia hatch that begins generally mid-June and runs through mid-July. The most productive fishing takes place early evenings on into past… Read More
Location: Palm Beach State Park Species: Surf Perch, Striped Bass Min./Max Participants: NO Limit Cali Surf Style Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the… Read More
Sign Up Now! Experience a new HIGH! Fish for Dorado, and many other salt-water fish, including Bonito, Roosters, Yellowtail and Sailfish on a fly! Join the group going to Loreto in Baja July 7th through the 11th This trip includes: Four nights at the beautiful Hotel La Mission, on the water-front next to the Loreto… Read More
Kennedy Meadows Resort & Pack Station / Baker & Deadman campground. If you want to stay in a cabin, you should try to get a reservation now. The cabins generally roll over annually with returning guests from the previous year. The Hogye's will be in Cabin 11. Rates range from $115 - 260 per… Read More
Location: Rio Del Mar State Beach Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the Fishmaster ahead of time. Also there… Read More
Target: Steelhead and trout. Contact Alex Ferber if you are interested in going on the trip, text Alex at (831) 419-0564 or Read More
Dinner Tickets: The dinner is sold out. Dinner ticket purchasers, please go to this link and make sure that we have you on the list. We will not be selling dinner tickets at the door.
Directions and Parking: Use the address 557 1/2 Lakeview Drive, Watsonville, CA on your GPS to find the building. Lakeview Drive is a country road with no street lights, so you want to get to the dinner before sunset. There will be a lit SCFF banner to show where to turn to get to the clubhouse.
Parking Pro Tip: Saturday is forecasted to be rainy, and some of the parking lot is packed gravel, so you don’t need to wear your dress shoes. The parking lot is very dark at night, so you will want to have a flashlight or use your phone’s light.
Dinner: There are enough tables for everyone to comfortably sit in the main room. We will arrange the tables to seat six. If you want to reserve seats when you arrive, please make it obvious the seats at the table that are reserved and the ones that are still open. We have a lot of single ticket buyers, so there will be a lot of groups sharing tables. There is a cash bar at the back of the clubhouse, so bring cash.
Dinner Pro Tip: The seats are metal folding chairs and you will be sitting for a long time. Bringing a seat cushion will make it more comfortable and also make it obvious that you are reserving that seat.
Raffle Tickets: Tickets can be purchased online and can also be purchased at the event. If you purchased online, your tickets will be waiting for you along with your entrance/lunch receipt when you check-in. Raffle boxes will be on the tables for you to decide what you want to win. Keep a portion of your ticket so that you can claim your winnings.
Raffle Tickets Pro Tip: Keep your ticket stubs as a connected strip. On the paper provided with your tickets, write down the first number and the last number. Then when the tickets are being called, you can quickly tell if your have the winning number. While others are enjoying appetizers, use the time to look over the items being raffled. Make a ranked list of your top 10 or 20 items that you want. Pay attention during the raffle to see what items are taken so you can quickly get the best prize left on your list.
Door Prizes: You will be getting a door prize ticket for each of the entry tickets that you purchased. There are two door prizes, each 50 raffle tickets! This should help increase your chance of winning.
Silent Auction: Silent Auction bidding will open at 5:00 pm with bidding increment of $5.00. Silent auction will end at the break between Table A and Table B raffle. Payment can be done with cash, check or credit card. Item must be taken home at the end of the evening.
Program Timing: 5:00 – 6:00 pm: Appetizers and prize perusal. Silent auction bidding will be open 6:00 – 7:20 pm : Dinner 7:20 – 7:35 pm : Awards and introduction of 2024 Board of Directors 7:35 – 9:00 pm: Raffle and Silent Auction 9:00 – 9:30 pm: cleanup crew to put away tables, chairs, get rid of garbage, etc.
For the second year in a row, I get to proclaim “The State of the Union Club is strong”.
Some indicators of our strength:
Our finances are strong: In November, our treasurer, Jim, reported that our bank account was about $42,000. Since then we have had additional membership renewals and an upcoming sold-out fundraising dinner which will strengthen our financial position.
Our philanthropy is strong: In 2024, we will contribution $4,000 to to Fishing and Conservancy organizations. Also, club members have been generous in volunteering work hours for local conservation programs. And in 2024, we will again provide $3,200 in total scholarships, to eight seniors from the eight Santa Cruz public high schools going on to study environmental science.
Our membership is growing: In 2021, we had 150 in the club directory, in 2023, we had 175 in the club directory and in 2024 we will have at least 210 members listed. That is a significant growth over three years!
In 2023, I tried to emphasize Fellowship as a way to improve the value that the club to each member. I hope that your interactions with the club and other members have been positive.
As we look forward, I can easily see the club getting to 250 members in the next year or two. I worry that our current structure of 16 members of the SCFF Board of Directors managing all the club activities will limit the club. We need a way to get more club members to participate in planning and running activities; we need to figure out how to scale the club.
A step in the right direction is what Bob Garbarino has done by creating Conservation Committee. Suddenly he has involved three more club members in providing insight and effort to tackle conservation issues for the club. I am hoping that we will be able to reach out and get more members involved in helping in the areas of fly fishing education, fish-outs, and technology. If you have suggestions to help grow the club, I would love to hear from you.
Now for a few notices:
There will be NO General Meeting in February. The next meeting will be March 6th.
The Fly Fishing Film Tour will be at the RIO Theater in Santa Cruz on February 10th. This is the ONLY showing of the film near the Bay Area. The next closest showing will be in Sacramento.
Please attend the Pleasanton Fly Show from February 23-25th. There are not a lot of places that you can touch products or try a fly rod in the United States. Without good attendance, the Bay Area may lose its last fly fishing show.
Thank you to those who are attending our Annual Fundraiser. The team has been working very hard at it and know that you will have a good time.
Oh yeah, Happy Valentines,
Scott Kitayama, President of the Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club
This fly originated in England, and became extremely popular until they outlawed because it was too successful. It is now becoming very popular in the states, and having the same results including at Pyramid Lake. We will be having a club fish out there in early April so be sure and bring a few of these flies with you. It’s tied in a variety of ways and we will be tying one that was particularly successful at Pyramid this last year. For those of you who are new to our club, the classes are always free with materials provided.For people who are new to fly tying, tools, vices, and thread are made available. For those who have thread bring white flat waxed nylon or similar. Our annual fundraiser of Salmon and big ralffle on the 3rd of February is taking the place of our club meeting so you will need to sign up by calling or emailing me. 831-234-6515,
MARCH FLY TYING CLASS: We will be doing our annual popper class and space is limited. It will be held the weekend of March 16 and 17th at my home. Two days are required, each about four hours, due to drying of paints and epoxies. No particular fly tying skill is needed for this class. If you wish to attend this class, you can sign up now to assure your place. Do call if you have questions.
Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to Fly Name to see more information.
It’s time to get ready for the bass and bluegill season with some of these top water creations. This is a two day class that is a very artsy crafty and beginners should feel comfortable in attending. All the materials will be provided including the thread. Vises and tools will be available for beginners. There is limited space, so only sign up if you are committed to attend and do so no later than March 11. You can sign up at the club meeting or by calling me at 831-234-6515