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February Fly Tying Class: Booby Fly

Feb 14 6:30 PM @

The Booby Fly - feb 24

This fly originated in England, and became extremely popular until they outlawed because it was too successful. It is now becoming very popular in the states, and having the same results including at Pyramid Lake. We will be having a club fish out there in early April so be sure and bring a few of these flies with you. It’s tied in a variety of ways and we will be tying one that was particularly successful at Pyramid this last year. For those of you who are new to our club, the classes are always free with materials provided.For people who are new to fly tying, tools, vices, and thread are made available. For those who have thread bring white flat waxed nylon or similar. Our annual fundraiser of Salmon and big ralffle on the 3rd of February is taking the place of our club meeting so you will need to sign up by calling or emailing me. 831-234-6515,

MARCH FLY TYING CLASS: We will be doing our annual popper class and space is limited. It will be held the weekend of March 16 and 17th at my home. Two days are required, each about four hours, due to drying of paints and epoxies.  No particular fly tying skill is needed for this class.  If you wish to attend this class, you can sign up now to assure your place. Do call if you have questions.



Future tying classes. Dates and subject may change, please go to Fly Name to see more information.

Date Fly Excerpt
March Poppers Class! -2024Mar 16 - Mar 17 10:00 am - 3:00 pmMarch Poppers Class! -2024

It’s time to get ready for the bass and bluegill season with some of these top water creations. This is a two day class that is a very artsy crafty and beginners should feel comfortable in attending. All the materials will be provided including the thread. Vises and tools will be available for beginners. There is limited space, so only sign up if you are committed to attend and do so no later than March 11. You can sign up at the club meeting or by calling me at 831-234-6515

AP nymphApr 10 6:30 pm - 8:30 pmAP nymph

Looking ahead we will be tying a nymph that has been around for a long long time. It’s a great fly for beginners.

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Midnight Cowboy

by Elaine Cook - fly tying instructor

Hook: TMC 5263 or TMC 200R   Sizes 6 (at Pyramid ) -12.   Adjust materials for the smaller flies.

Thread: black 6/0

Tail: Black marabou with fluffy tips ( straight tips can be broken off )

Tail Flash: both red and blue Flashabou

Hackle: Black strung hackle, AKA India hen back.

Body: Speckled midnight fire chenille ( black chenille with short projections of both red and blue flash )

1. Crimp barb.

2. Attach thread behind eye. Wrap to above hook barb, then forward to mid shank.

3. Note: moisten marabou for easy handling.  Cut moderately large clump from stem. If barbs are not at least 2 shank lengths long, tie in at rear of shank. Lay on top of shank, butt ends 2 eye lengths behind eye. Tie in place to top of entire shank. Advance thread 1/4 inch. Shorten length of tail, by pinching  not cutting, to length of hook (some prefer a tail half that length).

4. Holding one strand of both red and blue Flashabou together, moisten for easy handling, cut in half. Tie center of all strands to top of shank with a couple wraps. Holding half on far side of tail and half on near side, tie in place back to rear of shank. Cut to length of tail.

5. Holding tip of hackle, stroke all other barbs against the grain. Tie tip to rear of shank with shiny side facing you. Advance thread to 1-2 eye lengths behind eye.

6. Strip 1/4 ” chenille from center threads. Tie threads to shank. With touching wraps, wrap to rear of shank then forward to tie in. Tie of, cut excess.

7. Spiral (palmar) hackle forward in about 8 wraps, stroking barbs backward with each wrap. Tie off, cut excess.

8. Holding barbs back, wrap thread head. Whip finish. Cut thread. Apply Zap-A-Gap glue or similar.

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The Resilient Steelhead and the Zayante Watershed

by Bob Garbarino

Since steelhead are for many of us on our “to-do fishing list” this time of year, I thought I’d include some interesting information about this fish that, despite the environmental challenges it faces, continues to instinctively fight back to survive as a species. What I find really interesting is that steelhead are the same species as rainbow trout. Their lifestyles differ in that steelhead are anadromous (they spend part of their life-cycle in the ocean) and rainbow trout spend their lives in freshwater. An interesting blog appeared this month from FISHBIO about the steelhead’s amazing ability to adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions. Dams are problematic in that they limit spawning and rearing habitat. They also disrupt natural stream flow and temperature patterns. Stream diversions, agriculture and urban development also have an negative impact. And because they move from river to ocean and back they face threats that are difficult to measure. The article expands on the methods and new ideas FISHBIO and other biologist employ to collect data that provide information to help develop plans to improve wild steelhead populations. For more details go to:

In other news, our local Sempervirens Fund received a conservation easement donation to permanently restrict development of 67 acres of property in the Upper Zayante Watershed. The property has second-growth redwood trees and habitat for rare animal species and mountain lions. Isabel Upani creek, where coho and steelhead inhabit, passes through the property on its way to the San Lorenzo River. Although the property still belongs to the landowners, the agreement ensures that the protections are permanent. To read more, go to:

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Club Activities – February

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Feb 03 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm2024 SCFF Annual Fundraiser, Awards, and Installation Day

We are bringing back the Annual Fundraising dinner. Wild Alaska Salmon will highlight the dinner and we will have many prizes available for the raffle. We are keeping the dinner affordable at $40/person and expect it to sell out early.

Pajaro Valley Rod and Gun Club
Feb 10 5:00 pm - 8:00 pmFly Fishing Film Tour 2024

The 18th annual FLY FISHING FILM TOUR (F3T) is at the RIO theater February 10th 2024 with a top notch selection of short films that are sure to get you fired up for the season ahead!

Rio Theater
Feb 23 - Feb 25 12:00 amFly Casting-No Class at Jade St. in February

There will be NO casting class at Jade St. in February.  The Pleasanton Fly Fishing Show is taking place in February and instructor Tom Hogye will be there helping with casting lessons.  Look for a message to the club from Tom with more information about the casting classes at the Pleasanton Show.

Feb 23 - Feb 25 12:00 amPleasanton Fly Fishing Show

There are lots of activities including casting demos/instruction, fly tying demos/instruction, seminars from well-known pros, vendors selling all-things fly fishy. It’s a great opportunity to learn and check out gear before you purchase. Many club members make it an annual event. If you are new to the sport, go and pick up a few tips. Visit the the website for details and how to get tickets.

Alameda County Fairgrounds
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Fishout Schedule – February

The newsletter provides brief fishout info.  For full detail, go to the website menu and select EVENTS -> Fishout Schedule

Mar 15 : Upper Sacramento River Fishout (Dunsmuir) Date Postponed High Water

(Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Alex Ferber Location: Upper Sacramento River with Potential McCloud River Side Trip Species: Trout Date / Duration: POSTPONED DUE TO HIGH WATER Tentatively March 15th - 17th, 3 Days                                                   … Read More

Apr 01 : Pyramid Lake Fish-out April 1 – April 7, 2024 – New Info

Pyramid Lake (Click for address and map)
The Pyramid Lake trip is one of the best-attended fishouts the club has, and for a good reason. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout cruise parallel to the shore in easy casting distance from shore. Read More

Apr 20 : Kelly Lake – Watsonville (bass, crappie)

Kelly Lake - Watsonville (bass, crappie)
(Click for address and map)
Updated March 25th,  fish out if full. Fishmaster: Scott Kitayama Location: Kelly Lake in Watsonville (Private lake limited to 6 people) Species: bass,  crappie, bluegill Duration: 1 day Registration and Cost: No Cost, but you must contact Scott as the number of people fishing is limited.  Contact at On this Fishout, priority will be… Read More

May 04 : Rio Del Mar State Beach Surf Fishout

Rio Del Mar State Beach Surf Fishout
(Click for address and map)
First Surf Fishout of 2024! Saturday May 4th 2024 5:55AM Location: Rio Del Mar State Beach Read More

Jun 01 : June Surf Fishout – Beer Can Beach

June Surf Fishout - Beer Can Beach
Beer Can Beach (Click for address and map)
Surf fish-out Saturday June 1st, followed by breakfast at Mike Lovejoy's. Important location information and breakfast information RSVP Required for breakfast Read More

Jun 07 : Burney and Around – UPDATED-

(Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Alex Ferber Location: Lakes, rivers and streams of the Burney area Species: Trout Duration: 3 Days Cost: No Cost Meet Up: 8am - Friday 6/07 Hat Creek Park off Hy 299 (See the map below). The park is approximately 10 minutes from the highway 299/80 junction. The park is on the left hand side… Read More

Jun 14 : Clarks Fork Stanislaus River – Fishout (Stanislaus Fly Fishing Club) – UPDATED 6/11 –

Clarks Fork Stanislaus River - Fishout (Stanislaus Fly Fishing Club) - UPDATED 6/11 -
(Click for address and map)
June 14th-16th, is a weekend outing to Clark Fork with an option for Beardsley Afterbay. This can also be a one-day trip for those who can’t make the whole weekend.  Trailer access available, and Stillwater opportunities for those with kayaks, drift boats, or float tubes.  Casual trip to finish and have fun. Read More

Jun 22 : Lake Almanor/Hex Hatch -June 22nd thru 29th- 2024 -UPDATED-

Lake Almanor/Hex Hatch -June 22nd thru 29th- 2024 -UPDATED-
(Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Tim Loomis - 831- 345-8411 / The Lake Almanor fishout is typically scheduled for the last weeks of June (22nd - 29th). This time period is, hopefully, the peak of the annual Hexagenia hatch that begins generally mid-June and runs through mid-July. The most productive fishing takes place early evenings on into past… Read More

Jul 06 : Palm Beach Surf Fishout – Updated 6/11

(Click for address and map)
Location: Palm Beach State Park  Species: Surf Perch, Striped Bass  Min./Max Participants: NO Limit Cali Surf Style Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the… Read More

Jul 07 : Loreto Fly Fishing Trip *UPDATED*

Loreto Fly Fishing Trip *UPDATED*
(Click for address and map)
Sign Up Now! Experience a new HIGH! Fish for Dorado, and many other salt-water fish, including Bonito, Roosters, Yellowtail and Sailfish on a fly! Join the group going to Loreto in Baja July 7th through the 11th This trip includes: Four nights at the beautiful Hotel La Mission, on the water-front next to the Loreto… Read More

Jul 21 : Kennedy Meadows / Sonora Pass – Fish-Out 2024

Kennedy Meadows / Sonora Pass - Fish-Out 2024
(Click for address and map)
Kennedy Meadows Resort & Pack Station / Baker & Deadman campground.   If you want to stay in a cabin, you should try to get a reservation now.  The cabins generally roll over annually with returning guests from the previous year.   The Hogye's will be in Cabin 11.   Rates range from $115 - 260 per… Read More

Aug 03 : Rio Del Mar State Beach Surf Fishout

Rio Del Mar State Beach Surf Fishout
(Click for address and map)
Location: Rio Del Mar State Beach Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Gear: 6-8wt. Rods with full sinking lines or shooting heads to match the rod. Polarized glasses (safety), Mandatory Accessories: Wader Belt & Stripping Basket (If a basket is needed, some maybe available to borrow or purchase. Please contact the Fishmaster ahead of time. Also there… Read More

Sep 07 : Manresa Beach

Manresa State Beach (Click for address and map)
Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Read More

Sep 21 : Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5

Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 21-Oct.5
Mammoth Lakes (Click for address and map)
Fall trout fishing in streams and lakes. Trip is for seven days and the participants share a condo in Mammoth Lakes. Read More

Oct 05 : Last Surf Fishout of 2024!

Palm State Beach (Click for address and map)
Target Species: Surf Perch and Stripers Read More

Oct 17 : O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout October 17-20th

O'Neill Forebay 'Stosh' Memorial Fishout October 17-20th
Medeiros Primitive Campground - Oneill Forebay (Click for address and map)
Camping and striped bass fishing at the O'Neil Forebay. Read More

Nov 01 : Trinity River Fishout

Trinity River Fishout
(Click for address and map)
Target: Steelhead and trout.  Contact Alex Ferber if you are interested in going on the trip, text Alex at (831) 419-0564  or  Read More

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Winter Perch

by Lance Boling

The pacific is scarcely visible as we make our way down the steep, sand abraded stairway towards the shoreline. Audibly, you can sense the breakers might be challenging but the desire to be early in the water and the potential of landing a mini-slab urges you toward the dark water. Whether the tide is ebb or flow might matter but is there really a bad time to fish?  Yes, there might be a time that would be dangerous, wave height is excessive or when the wind and blowing sand abrades your face. But other than risking life or rod, is there any bad time to get onto the beach and fling a fly?

There are a bunch of us that venture to one beach or another, in small groups, individually or in larger groups as time constraints allow. Either mode brings interesting conversation, good learning and sometimes personal challenges. Me personally, my beach days are typically Wednesday and Sundays but will ditch work for most other mornings if my meetings allow and someone is interested. There have been several mornings when I am taking calls while driving on Soquel San Jose road. BTW there are two good places to get coffee on the little winding highway back to San Jose.

The target species in the winter is typically barred perch. Our group typically fishes between Pajero Dunes and New Brighton, rambling into every slice of sand in-between. I can’t speak for any of the other groupers but I enjoy the familiar beaches as well as I enjoy exploring. The fish are where you find them. The enjoyment is walking the beach and probing rips, troughs or any ripples around bars that might be holding fish. In the winter, the surf seems to be a bit higher and the beaches change as weather pushes the sand. Finding structure increases the odds of catching fish and it seems like once the stripers head into the rivers you do catch bigger perch. Barred surfperch or an infrequent calico might appear. Both are really fun to fight on a seven-weight rod.

I didn’t want to get deep into gear because everyone has a little different spin on the preferred. For me, my perch rod is an 11-foot, 330g, two handed rod which is advertised as being equivalent to a 7/8-wt single handed rod. I don’t have an expensive reel, just a line holder made by Compo69 which is almost all plastic but impervious to salt. This summer I landed a bat ray with at least an 18-inch wingspan. Only time I wish I had a friction drag because my palm was burning from the ray’s heft. Good thing there was a bunch of sand to run up and down. My line which might be the most important gear component is a full sinking RIO cut to length T-14 which is a tungsten line that is integrated into an intermediate running line. I like the integrated line because the loops don’t bump going through my guides. I cut the line to match the grain of the rod. Again, this is how I do it but everyone has their own methods.

When blind casting into deeper structure two things are important; getting to depth and staying in touch with your flies. I learned the essentials from the club veterans and the clubs perch outings which are outstanding events. Winter perch might also like larger flies. Only a theory because my personal best this year was caught on a size 8 perch pattern the club teaches during one of the fly-tying classes. I however like Imagineering fly patterns and trying new materials, bigger and smaller. One of my flies, two fished consistently, is typically something unique and a tried and true fish slayer.

If you have not ventured out this winter you are missing a fabulous opportunity. The beach resource during the summer gets pounded by bait dunkers and jig masters however the winter you see fewer anglers. If you are minimally adventurous and are not disagreeable to a nippier air, get out there and fish. Perch are waiting to be tantalized by your undulating marabou and glittery profiles.

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January 2024 Table of Contents

2024 Annual Dinner & Fundraiser………………
General Meeting……………………
 Fish stories from our members
January Raffle……………………
President’s Line……………………
Fly Tying……………………
 January Class: Trout Nugget
 Thank you to instructors
 Fly of the Month: Loop Wing Leach
Conservation Concerns……………
 The Tidewater Goby
Membership Notes…………………
 Club Activities – January
Gearing Up…………………
  Fishout Schedule – January
  2024 Mammoth Fishout
Cartoon ……………………

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2024 Annual Dinner and Fundraiser



 with  HORS D’OEUVRES  to spur your appetite


5:00 – 9:00 pm

followed by




ANNUAL. FUND  RAISER  COORDINATOR:  DAVID  SOUTH    (831)713-5866   (831)234-0196

DINNER TICKETS:   Are $40 and have already sold out..

VOLUNTEERS: Many long-term club members say that the best part of our event is the time volunteering, and working with others to put the whole event together. Contact Elaine Cook at (831)231-6515 or (831)-251-4741, or (no text please) to find out how you can best help.

DONATIONS: Our club would be grateful for donations to be used as raffle prizes at our annual fundraiser. Examples: flies you have tied, other handcrafted items, business services, personal services such as fly-tying lessons, casting lessons, etc. If you have such a contribution, please contact our annual raffle coordinator Rick Chace, at (831)234-9200.

RAFFLE TICKETS: Can be purchased online when buying your dinner ticket (which will be issued at the door),or at our event. Two door prizes of 50 raffle tickets will be awarded, which should increase your chances of winning.  There will be silent auction items as well.

ABOUT THE ROD AND GUN CLUB: it’s located in a rural setting overlooking Kelley lake. The parking lot is gravel so not a problem if it’s raining. Their insurance doesn’t permit us to bring alcohol. However, there is a cash bar where drinks and sodas can be purchased.


Ticket purchasers :    (as of Jan 25, 1:00 pm)

  • R. Arola (2)
  • G. Badger (2)
  • Y. Bernabe (1)
  • S. Bishop (2) *
  • J. Bohn (1)
  • R. Bruce (1)
  • B. Burt (1)
  • T. Carson (1)
  • R. Chace (2)
  • B. Ciapponi (1)
  • M. Converse (2)
  • E. Cook (1)
  • J. Cook (2)
  • S . Coplan (2)
  • G. Cumming (1) *
  • M. de Guzman (1)
  • M. Diciano (4)
  • J. Doe (2) *
  • M. Duckworth (2)
  • D. Eaton (2) *
  • J. Eichhorn (1)
  • K. Escobar (2)
  • R. Ethington (2) *
  • F. Farias (2)
  • G. Foy (2)
  • A. Frankl (1)
  • R. Garbarino (1)
  • J. Goyert (1)
  • L. Hardesty (2)
  • M. Hermansky (1) *
  • Cody Hill (3)
  • Mason Hill (1)
  • T. Hogye (2)
  • R. Holombo (2)
  • W. Hopkins (2)
  • J. Hopkins (2)
  • R. Hughett (2)
  • J. Ice (1)
  • M. Imlay (8)
  • D. Kamradt (2)
  • B. Kemp (1) *
  • M. Kemp (1)
  • S. Kitayama (2)
  • G. Lee (1)
  • T. Loomis (1)
  • M. Lovejoy (2)
  • D. Marks (1)
  • K. McClish (2)
  • M. Mcgibben (1)
  • Jerry Mckeon (1)
  • C. McVeight (1)
  • J. Mello III (2)
  • K. Morrison (2) *
  • G. Muir (5)
  • K. Murdock (5) *
  • W. Murphy (1) *
  • A. Muzzio (3)
  • A. Pavot (2)
  • T. Pelikan (2)
  • B. Peterson (1)
  • H. Petrakis (4)
  • M. Phinn (2)
  • P. Purtscher (1)
  • K. Powers (3)
  • A. Presser (2)
  • R. Ransdall (1) *
  • R. Reed (2)
  • J. Register (2)
  • P. Reis (2)
  • J. Rosendale (1)
  • B. Scott (1)
  • B. Seaman (1)
  • C. Severs (2)
  • M. Sherwood (2)
  • P Shields (2)
  • D. South (2)
  • C. Stipes (1)
  • P. Swarzenski (1)
  • W. Taguinod (3)
  • R. Thompson (5)
  • M. Twisselman (2)
  • J. Tolonen (1)
  • M. Traugott (1)
  • T. Umstead (1)
  • M. White (1)
  • D. Witmer (2)
  • L Yien (1)


Asterisk means that the person paid by cash or check.  Did not purchase through website.

Loading Map....

Pajaro Valley Rod & Gun club is located 14 miles south of the Aptos Grange.

Pajaro Valley Rod and Gun Club

Date:  January 3, 2024

Time:  6:45 pm

Place:  Aptos Grange and Zoom

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Fish Stories from our members

Zoom link:

Let’s start the year by hearing some fish stories from fellow club members. Stories will be about a 50 year fish hunt, chasing native fish in the west, blitzes in the bay and more. Hope to see you there!

For those of you who want to see what people did in 2023, please spend time looking at the pictures and captions on the club’s website: . Viewing is best done on a full screen computer and when you click on the picture, you get a larger image and the full description. Images are sorted chronologically and hitting the ‘Load More’ button at the bottom of the page will show pictures from earlier in the year. Also, please share your pictures with others by sending them to Jerry at

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January 2024 Raffle

Happy New Year! What better way to start the new year than winning a great raffle prize at our first Fly Club meeting of 2024? Take a look at these great prizes we have, buy a bunch of lucky raffle tickets and be a winner!

Those of us planning to catch our personal best fish this year should be reminded of the sage advice, “Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight”. Take a look at this great 8 Wt V-Access 9 ft 4 piece rod. This rod featuring hard chrome guides, AA cork handle with a  fighting butt, and a K Carbon tube aluminum reel seat coupled with a matching Anatono large arbor CNC  machined reel puts you in charge of the game be it San Luis stripers, Pyramid Lathontans, or our local surf.

Winter weather got you stuck at home? Why not spend some time tying flies for when the sun does come out? Two things you need to do: first, attend one your clubs monthly fly tying sessions and second, win this White River fly tying kit. It includes a sweet little vice and an assortment of all the high quality brass tools needed to create your own flies. Also makes a great gift!

How about a slick way safely stash your rods and reels on your next out of area fishing adventure? This semi-rigid padded case will hold two to four rod tubes, that many or more reels, a drop kit and a small bottle of single malt. What more do you need? 

Don’t miss out on these great raffle prizes. Tickets are a dollar each, $20 bucks gets you 25. Click on the following link to purchase your lucky raffle tickets:

The online ticket sales office will close at noon on Wednesday the day of the Fly club meeting. The drawing will take place at the monthly meeting (1/3/24) held at the Aptos Grange.  Club membership is not required to participate, need not be present to win

Participation in the monthly raffle helps support your Fly Club and is greatly appreciated.

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January: Back to Basics

The week before Christmas, I attended Alex Ferber’s Spey casting class.  Quite a few members attended including, Mike DiCiano, Barry Burt, Mike White, Scott Anderson, Bob Garbarino, Fred Farias, Greg Finney, Ricardo Cortes,  and others.   What I learned at the class was that the basics are more important than learning a new fangled cast.  Spey casts are used on larger rivers where the fly line is directly below you in the river and you want to roll cast about 60 degrees upstream without smacking yourself in the head.   Therefore the “basics’ is to be able to roll cast and with some instruction and practice, I was able to extend my roll cast with little effort in the cast.   Still working on  the Spey cast, but the basic roll cast is where I am spending my time. 

Post-class, I went to lunch with Alex, Bob, Fred and Tom Hogye and the discussion shifted to the plans for the upcoming 2024 casting classes.  Surprisingly, despite the influx of new members, the monthly single-hand casting clinics wasn’t highly attended .  Reflecting on my own sporadic participation in 2023, I recognized the missed opportunities for improving my skills.  As fishing scenarios from the past year replayed in my mind, the potential for greater enjoyment became obvious:

  • Stream dry fly fishing would improve by tightening my loop and improved mending to make a drag free presentation.
  • In the surf or sitting in a float tube, a well-executed double haul ensures a faster sink, maximizing the time spent in the strike zone.
  • And casting the euro/mono rig? Ugh, a situation where all my bad habits get magnified and motivates me to do more than simply lob the rig into the water.   

Fortunately, we have  monthly clinics with fellow club members offering support and guidance for anglers at all levels.  I am going to make an effort to attend them and hope to see others out there.  

Another basic for 2024:

This one is hard to admit.  Another goal in 2024 is to eliminate lost rigs due to pigtails.  Retrieving rigs and seeing the telltale curls is really frustrating.  So I am practicing my clinch knots and loop knots using a forcep.  There are lots of videos on Youtube that show how to tie knots faster with a forcep and I like using the handle to cinch down on the knot to make sure it is secure.   

I hope you take a few minutes and think about your fishing goals for 2024 and what you can do during the winter to help achieve them.  

See you in the new year,

Scott Kitayama

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January Fly Tying Class: Trout Nugget

Jan 10 6:30 PM @ Aptos Grange

Trout Nugget - January Fly Tying Class
Trout Nugget was supposed to be in the December class, but the material did not arrive in time.  So it will now be part of the January class.

We welcome beginners and provide them with tools, thread and advice. It’s always helpful to bring magnification and a table lamp. Some lamps are always provided, but not enough to go around usually. Elaine Cook will be teaching. Sign ups are important and can be done at the September club meeting or calling  Elaine at 831-234-6515. Please allow at least 24 hours notice ahead.

Date:  NA

Time:  NA

Place:  NA

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Thank you to instructors

by Elaine Cook - Fly time chairman

To all of you who have attended the fly tying classes in 2023, so glad you attended and enjoyed the camaraderie and fun of tying flies. A special thank you goes to those who instructed classes for me: Tom Eckert, who tied a damselfly nymph, Greg Foy who tied a red copper, Jerry McKeon, who did a chubby Chernobyl and Kathy Powers who offered a wiggle tail. I look forward to providing fly tying classes for all of you who are interested in want to attend in 2024. Lots of great fly patterns are being planned.

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Loop Wing Leach (Dan’s Favorite leach pattern )

by Elaine, Cook – fly tying chairman

A simple fly to tie for trout in primarily still water. I wouldn’t hesitate to use it for largemouth bass or bluegill. Fishing the fly is most successful using a sinking line, a loop knot in your tippet and pulling with a short slow retrieve.

HOOK: TMC 5263 or other 3X long hook.
Crimp barb.
THREAD: 6/0 wine, maroon, rusty brown (or similar). Use black if tying a black leach.
Attached behind eye.
Touching wraps to rear of shank (Covering the shank is very important).
TAIL: marabou (Type without long pointed tips. Usually found at the side of the stem.) Burgundy or wine color. Black for black leech.
Cut a small bundle from the side of the stem.
Tie in butt ends in at rear of shank.
Cut excess short and tie down.
Pinch tips off so tail measures the length of the hook.
BODY: Semi-Seal dubbing. Arizona, Semi-Seal blood leach color  OR Troutman Enterprise, Semi-Seal bloody leach color.
While holding a small ball of fibers, hand stack them and  put aside.
Make a dubbing loop and lock thread together at top of loop.
Advanced thread to one eye length behind eye.
Insert sparse  amounts of  dubbing into loop, close loop, twist forming a chenille.
Wrap chenille forward using touching wraps, stroking fibers backward with each wrap, up to one eye length behind the eye.
Tie off, cut access.
Brush some of the fibers straight up, and some straight down.
Pinch the fly with your thumb and fore finger, then stroke all the fibers to the rear forming a narrow body.

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The Tidewater Goby—Another State Fish

by Bob Garbarino

The California golden trout holds the well-deserved status of being California’s state fish. It’s arguably one of most beautiful fish…and it’s a trout, which we fly anglers hold in high esteem. There is another lesser known fish that is only found in and around coastal lagoons along California’s coast. Some of us fisher-types that know a little about our local streams have probably heard of the tidewater goby. Tidewater gobies only grow to about 2 inches in length. They are adapted to surviving in large variations of water salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen level. While their reproduction cycle can occur all year long, peak success takes place during the summer when the estuary sand bar is intact. In spite of the their resilient nature, a number of environmental changes have led to the tidewater goby to be listed as endangered. Coastal development that alters the natural formation of estuaries is one primary example. Over a span of about 60 years beginning in the early 1950s, the goby was not found. The reason is thought to be the discharge of poorly treated sewage, extensive levee construction and channelization. In 2013 and 2014 FISHBIO did surveys at the Salinas lagoon and found that the goby was the second largest number of fish counted. Fish surveys have been taking place annually with encouraging results. Although I was not able to find what specific recovery measures were enacted for the Salinas River Lagoon, I expect some action was taken following the release in of the “Recovery Plan for the Tidewater Goby” published by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2005 to mitigate the above-mentioned stressors. Hopefully the improved conditions in the Salinas River lagoon will help other species populations grow as well!  For more details and information go to:
And an interesting video on the survey on the Salinas river:

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Club Activities – January

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Dec 30 1:30 pm - 3:00 pmFly Casting Meetup

All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters.  This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting.  We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time.  Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too.

Jade Street Park baseball field
Jan 20 1:30 pm - 3:00 pmFly Casting Meetup

All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters.  This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting.  We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time.  Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too.

Jade Street Park baseball field
Jan 23 12:00 amSpey Casting Class (Time and Location TBD)
A Spey casting class will be held on Tuesday, January 23rd .  Alex Ferber would like this class to be open to those that have either taken one of his classes or for those that have some experience with Spey Casting with Skagit or Scandi.  This class will not be geared for complete novices to Spey casting.  Keep an eye out for updates from Alex on Google Groups messages the time and location.  For those interested, email Alex ( so he can get a rough estimate of those that will be attending.  The Jade St. map is provided in case the class takes place there.
Jade Street Park baseball field
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2024 Mammoth Fishout

by Fishmasters John and Elain Cook

Dates:  This Fishout will take place over two consecutive one-week periods. You may sign up for one or both weeks. Week 1: Sept  21 – Sept 28 .       Week 2: Sept 28 – Oct 5

Location: The town of Mammoth Lakes is located on the eastern side of the Sierra, 6 or 7 hours drive from Santa Cruz. There are many lakes and streams in the area to fish.

General: We will be staying in condominiums in the town of Mammoth Lakes. Condo has a lovely hot tub, so bring your suit. Two people per bedroom. Most people bring a sleeping bag to share queen size bed or a pad and sleeping bag to sleep on floor. A private room option is possible at an increased fee.

More information and updates are available in the Fishouts section of the newsletter

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Fishout Schedule – January

The newsletter provides brief fishout info.  For full detail, go to the website menu and select EVENTS -> Fishout Schedule

No upcoming events scheduled - check back soon!


Mar 15 : Upper Sacramento River Fishout (Dunsmuir) Date Postponed High Water

(Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Alex Ferber Location: Upper Sacramento River with Potential McCloud River Side Trip Species: Trout Date / Duration: POSTPONED DUE TO HIGH WATER Tentatively March 15th - 17th, 3 Days                                                   … Read More

Apr 01 : Pyramid Lake Fish-out April 1 – April 7, 2024 – New Info

Pyramid Lake (Click for address and map)
The Pyramid Lake trip is one of the best-attended fishouts the club has, and for a good reason. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout cruise parallel to the shore in easy casting distance from shore. Read More

Apr 20 : Kelly Lake – Watsonville (bass, crappie)

Kelly Lake - Watsonville (bass, crappie)
(Click for address and map)
Updated March 25th,  fish out if full. Fishmaster: Scott Kitayama Location: Kelly Lake in Watsonville (Private lake limited to 6 people) Species: bass,  crappie, bluegill Duration: 1 day Registration and Cost: No Cost, but you must contact Scott as the number of people fishing is limited.  Contact at On this Fishout, priority will be… Read More

May 04 : Rio Del Mar State Beach Surf Fishout

Rio Del Mar State Beach Surf Fishout
(Click for address and map)
First Surf Fishout of 2024! Saturday May 4th 2024 5:55AM Location: Rio Del Mar State Beach Read More

Jun 01 : June Surf Fishout – Beer Can Beach

June Surf Fishout - Beer Can Beach
Beer Can Beach (Click for address and map)
Surf fish-out Saturday June 1st, followed by breakfast at Mike Lovejoy's. Important location information and breakfast information RSVP Required for breakfast Read More

Jun 07 : Burney and Around – UPDATED-

(Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Alex Ferber Location: Lakes, rivers and streams of the Burney area Species: Trout Duration: 3 Days Cost: No Cost Meet Up: 8am - Friday 6/07 Hat Creek Park off Hy 299 (See the map below). The park is approximately 10 minutes from the highway 299/80 junction. The park is on the left hand side… Read More

Jun 14 : Clarks Fork Stanislaus River – Fishout (Stanislaus Fly Fishing Club) – UPDATED 6/11 –

Clarks Fork Stanislaus River - Fishout (Stanislaus Fly Fishing Club) - UPDATED 6/11 -
(Click for address and map)
June 14th-16th, is a weekend outing to Clark Fork with an option for Beardsley Afterbay. This can also be a one-day trip for those who can’t make the whole weekend.  Trailer access available, and Stillwater opportunities for those with kayaks, drift boats, or float tubes.  Casual trip to finish and have fun. Read More

Jun 22 : Lake Almanor/Hex Hatch -June 22nd thru 29th- 2024 -UPDATED-

Lake Almanor/Hex Hatch -June 22nd thru 29th- 2024 -UPDATED-
(Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Tim Loomis - 831- 345-8411 / The Lake Almanor fishout is typically scheduled for the last weeks of June (22nd - 29th). This time period is, hopefully, the peak of the annual Hexagenia hatch that begins generally mid-June and runs through mid-July. The most productive fishing takes place early evenings on into past… Read More

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December 2023 Table of Contents

2024 Annual Dinner & Fundraiser………………
General Meeting……………………
   Lance Gray
December Raffle……………………
President’s Line……………………
Fly Tying……………………
 December Class: Trout Nugget
 Fly of the Month: Tying Tips
Conservation Concerns……………
 SCFF Volunteers on Little Arthur Creek
Membership Notes…………………
 Club Activities – December
 2024 membership renewals
Fishout Schedule…………………
Cartoon ……………………

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2024 Annual Dinner and Fundraiser



 with  HORS D’OEUVRES  to spur your appetite


5:00 – 9:00 pm

followed by




ANNUAL. FUND  RAISER  COORDINATOR:  DAVID  SOUTH    (831)713-5866   (831)234-0196

DINNER TICKETS:   Are $40 and have already sold out..

VOLUNTEERS: Many long-term club members say that the best part of our event is the time volunteering, and working with others to put the whole event together. Contact Elaine Cook at (831)231-6515 or (831)-251-4741, or (no text please) to find out how you can best help.

DONATIONS: Our club would be grateful for donations to be used as raffle prizes at our annual fundraiser. Examples: flies you have tied, other handcrafted items, business services, personal services such as fly-tying lessons, casting lessons, etc. If you have such a contribution, please contact our annual raffle coordinator Rick Chace, at (831)234-9200.

RAFFLE TICKETS: Can be purchased online when buying your dinner ticket (which will be issued at the door),or at our event. Two door prizes of 50 raffle tickets will be awarded, which should increase your chances of winning.  There will be silent auction items as well.

ABOUT THE ROD AND GUN CLUB: it’s located in a rural setting overlooking Kelley lake. The parking lot is gravel so not a problem if it’s raining. Their insurance doesn’t permit us to bring alcohol. However, there is a cash bar where drinks and sodas can be purchased.


Ticket purchasers :    (as of Jan 25, 1:00 pm)

  • R. Arola (2)
  • G. Badger (2)
  • Y. Bernabe (1)
  • S. Bishop (2) *
  • J. Bohn (1)
  • R. Bruce (1)
  • B. Burt (1)
  • T. Carson (1)
  • R. Chace (2)
  • B. Ciapponi (1)
  • M. Converse (2)
  • E. Cook (1)
  • J. Cook (2)
  • S . Coplan (2)
  • G. Cumming (1) *
  • M. de Guzman (1)
  • M. Diciano (4)
  • J. Doe (2) *
  • M. Duckworth (2)
  • D. Eaton (2) *
  • J. Eichhorn (1)
  • K. Escobar (2)
  • R. Ethington (2) *
  • F. Farias (2)
  • G. Foy (2)
  • A. Frankl (1)
  • R. Garbarino (1)
  • J. Goyert (1)
  • L. Hardesty (2)
  • M. Hermansky (1) *
  • Cody Hill (3)
  • Mason Hill (1)
  • T. Hogye (2)
  • R. Holombo (2)
  • W. Hopkins (2)
  • J. Hopkins (2)
  • R. Hughett (2)
  • J. Ice (1)
  • M. Imlay (8)
  • D. Kamradt (2)
  • B. Kemp (1) *
  • M. Kemp (1)
  • S. Kitayama (2)
  • G. Lee (1)
  • T. Loomis (1)
  • M. Lovejoy (2)
  • D. Marks (1)
  • K. McClish (2)
  • M. Mcgibben (1)
  • Jerry Mckeon (1)
  • C. McVeight (1)
  • J. Mello III (2)
  • K. Morrison (2) *
  • G. Muir (5)
  • K. Murdock (5) *
  • W. Murphy (1) *
  • A. Muzzio (3)
  • A. Pavot (2)
  • T. Pelikan (2)
  • B. Peterson (1)
  • H. Petrakis (4)
  • M. Phinn (2)
  • P. Purtscher (1)
  • K. Powers (3)
  • A. Presser (2)
  • R. Ransdall (1) *
  • R. Reed (2)
  • J. Register (2)
  • P. Reis (2)
  • J. Rosendale (1)
  • B. Scott (1)
  • B. Seaman (1)
  • C. Severs (2)
  • M. Sherwood (2)
  • P Shields (2)
  • D. South (2)
  • C. Stipes (1)
  • P. Swarzenski (1)
  • W. Taguinod (3)
  • R. Thompson (5)
  • M. Twisselman (2)
  • J. Tolonen (1)
  • M. Traugott (1)
  • T. Umstead (1)
  • M. White (1)
  • D. Witmer (2)
  • L Yien (1)


Asterisk means that the person paid by cash or check.  Did not purchase through website.

Loading Map....

Pajaro Valley Rod & Gun club is located 14 miles south of the Aptos Grange.

Pajaro Valley Rod and Gun Club

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Lance Gray – December

Dec 06 6:45 PM at the Aptos Grange

Zoom link:

Lance Gray - Guide

During 2003, Lance and Kirsten Gray launched Lance Gray & Co., a full-service outfitter offering guided trips, fly-fishing schools, workshops and a travel agency. His guide service covers Lake Almanor, Manzanita Lake, and the Yuba, Lower Sac and Feather rivers. Lance is a signature tier for Aqua Flies, pro staff member for Sage and Rio and is a featured writer, with articles published in Angling Trade Magazine, California Fly Fisher, Fly Fishermen, Sierra Fisherman and Northwest Fly Fishing.

Lance and Kirsten together have more than a combined 50 years of experience in fly fishing. Lance started fly fishing with his father and brother Lincoln at age 7. In his teens, he began tying flies commercially for shops all around Northern California. During 1993, Lance and Kirsten started Saltwater Innovations, a manufacturer and distributor products for saltwater fly fishing. Lance’s Crystal Popper, Gray’s Billfish Fly, the KO Charlie line and the Raghead Crabs are all Saltwater Innovations products. Kirsten worked behind the scenes, handling day-to-day operations and running the manufacturing floor.

Monthly Speaker Date Excerpt
Jan 03 Club Meeting

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December Raffle

December 2023 raffle prizes

What is the best way to win your own Christmas present? Buy a bunch of raffle tickets for the  drawing at the  meeting on Wednesday, December 6th!

Naughty or nice, Santa doesn’t care. Buy a raffle ticket and be a winner!

We just got in a bunch of really nice V-Access rods; 9 ft. 4 piece with hard chrome guides, AA cork handles, and K-carbon tube aluminum reel seats. They each include a hard protective zippered  tube case. Each rod is paired with either an AG or Anatono matching reel.

TWO! rod/reel packages will be given away by winners choice. Pick between a 5 wt, 6wt,7wt, or 8wt. rod. There will be 4 different rods to choose from, a total of 2 two rod/reels will be awarded. 

Wintertime fishing means Steelhead fishing which also means river wading. 

When river wading for Steelhead or other creek and stream inhabitants it is always a good idea to make use of a quality wading staff. From Orvis we have an American-made collapsing wading staff which includes a heavy duty Orvis zinger tether and neoprene belt sheath. A great aid in keeping safe and stable on the water. 

Speaking of wintertime fishing or even on a ladder in April at Pyramid, take a look at this quilted Primaloft insulated Gortex Veil Camo hat from Simms. Warm and waterproof with secure earflaps, this headgear will keep you on the fish during the worst weather out there. As is said,”Don’t change your plans, change your clothes “.

Don’t miss out on these great raffle prizes. Tickets are a dollar each, $20 bucks gets you 25. Click on the following link to purchase your lucky raffle tickets:

The online ticket sales office will close at noon on Wednesday the day of the Fly Club meeting. The drawing will take place at the monthly meeting (12/6/23) held at the Aptos Grange. Club membership is not required to participate, need not be present to win. 

Participation in the monthly raffle helps support your Fly Club and is greatly appreciated.

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Behind the Scenes

I have been told that the Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club has been doing an Annual Dinner and Fundraiser since way back in 1992. Last year’s lunch event was fun, but lacked the opportunity to have a sit down dinner with a lot of members of the club. Your board has been busy preparing for the February 3rd event and I just wanted to share with you some of what we are doing to make it happen and what you can do to help.

Wild Salmon Dinner

Securing a wild-caught salmon dinner has become more challenging due to the closure of the California fishery last year. However, for our upcoming dinner, dedicated members flew to a remote part of Alaska to obtain our salmon.. Below is Sam catching our dinner.

Along with the salmon, we will be serving salad courtesy of California Grill/Lakeside Organic Gardens. The Peixoto run the largest family-owned organic farm in the US and grow most of their vegetables around Watsonville including decades at my family’s farm. Along with the fish and Salmon, Dave South has been busy sourcing the rest of the dinner from local, organic vendors around the county. And Elaine Cook is organizing a team to prepare delightful appetizers for everyone to enjoy while perusing the prizes, purchasing additional raffle tickets, and mingling with fellow attendees.

Raffle Prizes

Oh do we miss John Steele. For many, many years, John, would shop sales, fix equipment and create wonderful art work for the Annual Dinner. John had big shoes to fill, so we so we got a big man, Rick Chace, to step into the role. We are still acquiring prizes, but from what I have seen, there is going to be some nice stuff and a lot of it: at least 16 rods, 4 float tubes, tons of fly tying material, and boxes full of flies. We are hoping to get more non-fishing prizes for the raffle and welcome any donations from the membership. Maybe a gift certificate for a product or service? A piece of art? Bottle of wine? If you have any donation, please contact Rick Chace ( or (831) 234-9200.

Unlike our monthly raffles, you must be present to win, ensuring that you’re only competing against others in the room. Our goal is for everyone to leave with something.

New Location

For years, the dinner has taken place at a church in Santa Cruz. Unfortunately, post-Covid, that location is no longer practical. After exploring various alternatives, we found a fantastic venue with ample space, full bar service, and a large BBQ pit for cooking the salmon. The only downside is its location at the south end of Santa Cruz county, near the Santa Cruz Fairgrounds (the location and map are available in the article about the dinner).

For those traveling from a distance, consider staying overnight nearby. The new Hampton Inn off Riverside is a suggestion. Other viable options in Watsonville include the Holiday Inn Express on Main St and the Comfort Inn near the Airport. Sunset Beach and KOA offer campsites for RVs or fancy vans. Alternatively, you could collaborate with other members to rent an Airbnb at Pajaro Dunes and enjoy some beach or Salinas River fishing the next day.

Volunteers, Volunteers, Volunteers

“Many hands make light work,” or, in the case of the fundraiser, we need many hands to make it work at all. Elaine Cook has already put in a lot of hours coordinating this event and needs volunteers. She’ll be passing around a sign-up sheet at the December and January meetings. You can also make her task easier by calling Elaine at (831) 234-6515 or email at on how you can help at the fundraiser.

Ticket Sales and Purchase

If you want an easy way to support the fundraiser, consider purchasing your dinner and raffle tickets before the end of the year. Old-timers tell me that half of the tickets are sold a week before the event, meaning we waste time worrying about filling the room or cutting costs. Let us handle the logistics while you focus on making the event as fun and successful as possible! Dinner tickets are $40 and raffle tickets are $1.00 each. You can buy tickets at the December and January general meetings on line at

And Happy Holidays!

Scott Kitayama

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December Fly Tying Class: Trout Nugget

Dec 13 6:30 PM @ Aptos Grange

Trout Nugget - December Fly Tying Class

We welcome beginners and provide them with tools, thread and advice. It’s always helpful to bring magnification and a table lamp. Some lamps are always provided, but not enough to go around usually. Elaine Cook will be teaching. Sign ups are important and can be done at the September club meeting or calling  Elaine at 831-234-6515. Please allow at least 24 hours notice ahead.

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SCFF Volunteers Helping TU on Little Arthur Creek

by Bob Garbarino

Volunteers from Santa Cruz Fly Fishing club were out last month getting wet and dirty to help our local Trout Unlimited chapter. Tim Frahm, Central Coast Steelhead Coordinator for Trout Unlimited has been working on a project on Little Arthur Creek—a tributary of the Pajaro River—in an ongoing effort to improve and sustain steelhead habitat. Little Arthur Creek contains the best remaining spawning habitat for native steelhead in the upper Pajaro River system. One of the obstacles to steelhead moving upstream is a dam on the creek that is slated to be removed in 2024. The dam does have a crude retrofitted fish ladder that does not look to be effective. Another problem with the dam is that it collects debris on the upstream side—especially during heavy rain events. These two issues make it very difficult—if not impossible—for migration of steelhead further upstream.
Six of our club members showed up with shovels, picks, saws and other assorted tools to remove all sorts of wooden obstacles—small and large—to open up the flow of the stream for passage of fish beyond the dam prior to its removal. After a few hours of vigorous effort, we were able to accomplish our task. It was rewarding to spend the morning with my fellow fly anglers trying to help in a worthy cause to restore native fish in a local watershed. Thanks to Kevin Murdock, Kevin Morrison, Tommy Polito, Barry Burt and Jerry McKeon from Santa Cruz Fly Fishing. Also, thanks to Tim Frahm and Chris Fischer from Trout Unlimited Steinbeck Chapter for inviting us. I hope we can continue our our involvement in bringing back these iconic native fish. Trout Unlimited is one of the organizations our club supports with contributions thanks to your membership, raffle purchases and fundraiser participation.

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Club Activities – December

Date Activity Link DescriptionLocation
Dec 18 - Dec 19 10:00 am - 12:00 pmSpey Casting (See new dates)
Spey Casting clinics will be Monday, December 18 and Tuesday, December 19th .  Saturday, December 2nd is CANCELLED. Keep an eye out for updates from Alex Ferber on Google Groups messages for times and locations.  The Jade St. map is provided in case the class takes place there.  Spey Casting is a style of presenting a fly in a down and across manner ( aka Swinging Flies)It utilizes special lines and facilitates casting in tight quarters. It enables one to use sinking lines and throwing larger flies with ease.  It’s a technique used in fishing for Salmon, tout and Steelhead. It’ also has been used for Striped Bass and Shad.
Jade Street Park baseball field
Dec 30 1:30 pm - 3:00 pmFly Casting Meetup

All are welcome from beginners to experienced casters.  This is a good time to continue working on and enjoying your progress with effectively casting your fly-line -whether it’s 25, 35, 40, or 50 feet – 90% of your fishing casting.  We will continue to work on this foundation for everyone who wants to successfully and enjoyably pickup their fly rod and cast exactly where you want – time after time.  Bring your rod and reel if appropriate, and I will also have the nice club rods we have so you can toss one of those around too.

Jade Street Park baseball field