First of all I want to thank all of you who have participated in the Zoom meetings we’ve had over the last year. You made the leap and helped all of us have fun at a time when the media wanted us to focus on doom and gloom. I am grateful for all the new members we got to meet via Zoom, and some of the casting classes we were able to have together.
Now that the world is beginning to turn again – I’m singing the song – “Crimson and Clover, Covid is over…”.
At this writing, Mona and I are preparing to take off for almost a week of Eastern Sierra bliss – no cell, no work,. Just fly-fishing and exploring that beautiful part of our country along the 395. We will be hitting Mammoth, Crowley, Bishop, Lone Pine and Cerro Gordo (look it up and follow Brent on YouTube). I hope to have some photos for our Instagram and Facebook pages to share with all of you – pretty much – instantly – when cell or wifi is available. .
Our June meeting will be via Zoom – but don’t miss it. We’re bringing back a special presentation we use to do years ago – Teach you how to take awesome photos of the fish you catch. Brian O’Keefe, has some of the most common sense, but often overlooked, tips on how to get great photos of your fly-fishing experiences – including those of fish you would like to show off. Then you can share them with us so we can post to our Instagram page!!!
July we should be starting to experiencing some sense of normalcy, but we don’t have a club meeting historically, for obvious reasons. You’re all out fishing!!
August – Mark your calendars – we are going to have an in person Club BBQ. We historically call this our slop and swap – which means we grill up the food and you bring something to swap with other members. This will be our first physical gathering since March of 2020. More to follow, but we’re planning to have this at the Sherriff’s Posse’ hall on Ocean Street Extension, a beautiful rustic club atmosphere. Could be a sign of things to come.
Haven’t figured out who will be our speaker in September yet, but we’re hoping this will then be our first club gathering together. If any of you want to hear yours truly, speak on our own San Lorenzo River, with some recent updates, let me know. Otherwise send me some suggestions of what you’d like to hear.
Our raffle this month is going to be as good, and relevant, as ever. Thank you, Jeff Goyert for pulling in some of the best prizes our membership has had the pleasure of winning. You guys are barely spending twenty bucks on average, winning prizes that are worth hundreds. Keep it up. Even when we get together permanently, we’re going to continue the raffle as it is, so everyone has a chance to win something whether you’re at the meeting or now. Although, I’m thinking maybe I better have Jeff pull something really awesome just for those who pull their keesters out of the easy chair and make it to the meeting!
I’m really looking forward to “normal” again. I’ve met so many of you who have yet to experience the fun we have when we are together, aside from fishing together. Speaking of – lots of fishing to do together. If you’re not on the club email – get on it. There are lots of outings people are planning – surf, San Luis, Sierra, and more.
Our scholarships went out again this year and while we didn’t get as much participation due to covid, nine of the 14 available scholarships went out to students at San Lorenzo, Soquel, Aptos, Pajaro and Watsonville High Schools. We’re hoping Santa Cruz and Harbor have pulled it together after this writing to make it 13 out of 14. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the “Donation” button. That is where these dollars are going and we’re planning to continue and grow this in the future.
Some of you may be following me on Instagram, and you should also be following “Santacruzflyfishing” on Instagram also. If you’re following me, you’re probably wondering why you see more horses than fish. I moved here in 1982 as a 20-year-old kid, competing in horse sports. After Tommy and Emily were born I stopped riding and focused on family, building a house, career. Some of you know Emily turned out to be quite the accomplished vaulter, rider, trainer and started asking me to ride again. I knew what that meant if I was to do it right. And, since you only have so much time to spend with your kids, when they ask – you do.
Someone once asked me about fly-fishing and if I was getting to do all the fly-fishing I was able to do. At the time I answered, not completely, but I’m really happy with all the opportunities I do get to spend that time fly-fishing. They seemed disappointed when I said it was probably maybe 50 days a year. But they are the most precious days of the year with really awesome people – most of them from this club and my family.
Who could ask for anything better! Tread lightly people. We are all sensitive, even the fish.
I can’t wait to see you. Tom
Posted on May 25th, 2021