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November 2022 Table of Contents

General Meeting……………………
  Capt. Maury Hatch – Fly Fishing Stripers in NorCal
  November Raffle
President’s Line…………………….
Fly Tying……………………
  Blow Torch – Fly Tying Class
  Chironomid in red or amber
Conservation Concerns……………
  Steelhead and Coho Found in Mill Creek
  Los Padres Dam Steelhead Migration Data Results
Membership Notes…………………
  2023 Dues Renewal reminder
  Sign up to share your fish story
  Oct and Nov Casting Classes
  Tech Tip: Managing Google Group emails
Reel News…………………
Gone Fishing…………………
Fishout Schedule…………………

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Capt. Maury Hatch – Fly Fishing Stripers in NorCal

Nov 02 6:30 PM : Capt. Maury Hatch ~ Fly Fishing for Striped Bass in Northern California

Maury has been fly fishing the western United States and Mexico for 40+ years.  After honing his skills with trout, he hooked his first striped bass in 1995, and has been chasing, catching, and releasing stripers ever since.  As a Captain, he guides both out of the San Joaquin Delta in a center console bay boat in the fall and spring, and then on a jet sled on the Feather and the American Rivers in the summer for Stripers and Small Mouth Bass. All trips include top of the line equipment as well as custom tied flies. He is the sales rep for Costa Sunglasses in Northern California as well as an ambassador-level pro staffer for the following products: Simms clothing,  Sage rods, RIO lines, Galvan reels and Camp Chef Grill and BBQ products.Maurey will be providing a summary of his 35-year addiction to the pursuit of striped bass on the fly rod in Northern California.

Join us in person at the Aptos Grange or by Zoom.  (link is on club’s website  main  menu.  Zoom -> Club Meeting).

Future Speakers. Dates and speakers may change, please go to URL to see the current information.

Monthly Speaker Date Excerpt
Devin Olsen ~Tactical Fly Fishing: Lessons Learned from Competition for All AnglersDec 07 Devin Olsen ~Tactical Fly Fishing: Lessons Learned from Competition for All Anglers

Devin will be joining the club virtually to present Tactical Fly Fishing: Lessons Learned from Competition for All Anglers.

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November Raffle

Just because summer is over doesn’t mean we all pack away our gear, there are still a lot of opportunities out there to enjoy. Take a look at this neat stuff we have this month. This month lucky winners have chance to win a “Salmon Fly” Spey rod, a choice between two heavy-duty Adamsbuilt bags, and a Maxcatch fly fishing vest.

The ticket sales are open and close at noon the day of the meeting (11/2). 

Click on this link to purchase tickets:

Tickets are a dollar each, $20 bucks get you 25. The drawing of tickets will take place at the monthly meeting. Club membership is not required to participate, need not be present to win.

Support your club, buy a raffle ticket!

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Don’t Be Afraid To Get Involved – It Will Change Your Life!

by Tom Hogye

This President’s line is a tough one. I’m writing like this because I’ve been sitting here at my desk wondering what to write, how to start, for over half an hour. I’ve been thinking about this all week and how do I write it down for you, for me, for anybody.

The Santa Cruz Fly Fishermen, now Santa Cruz Fly Fishing, has been around for 45 years. No one thinks of that when they join, not that anyone should join because of its age. I certainly didn’t. My wife had a client who told her about the club, who told me, and since I was new to fly fishing in 1992, and I really wanted to learn more, learn to tie flies, cast better, know where to go at any given time of the year, I went to a club meeting.

I remember what I loved right away was how everyone was talking to each other; how easy it was to talk to anyone and tell them where exactly I was as a beginner. There were no “airs” as we often see in other settings. I was not only welcome but introduced to other people at the meeting simply because I was new and they all wanted to help. I don’t even know who the speaker was, or the raffle. But I do remember meeting Kathy Powers, John Steele, Tom McMillan and George Peterson. Today I still see this happening at every club meeting. I’ll say, it is also the very reason it is so difficult to start the “official” meeting part on time. Everyone is literally talking to each other about everything related to fly fishing – for the most part and I feel bad interrupting genuinely good conversations. And as embarrassing as it might be for some, I love the introduction of guests, new members and who’s been fishing, where… I still remember when I first stood up as a new member and how welcome I felt.

Kathy Powers encouraged me to get involved with the club, and within a few months I was going to be the clubs Conservation Chair the following year. It has been 30 years.

At the time, when newsletters were printed and mailed, SCFF was known for having the best newsletter in all the northern CA clubs. I thought that was the coolest thing on the planet. Pat Steele, and Elaine Cook were responsible for collecting all the data putting it in print, getting it mailed. For 29 years Pat Steele edited and published the newsletter, and when the internet came along, figured out how to put the website together and publish the newsletter to the website where we all had a chance to read it. She was also my best editor. The best letter I’ve ever received from anyone was Pat’s letter as I completed my first stint as President.

I’d say, on the side-lines, but it was characteristically more of a stealthy quiet thing, John Steele was there. President of our club the year I arrived. I realize John was younger than I am now when I first met him. And to think some of you still call me “kid”.

It was probably natural for John to be the President at that time, because along with his wife, he was actively involved with many parts of fly-fishing, and his other love – duck hunting. At that time, still working as a pharmacist here in Santa Cruz, raising two young adult children. John ran the rod-building class, organized, and encouraged people to go on a number of fish-outs – most notably the Green River for 30 years and a pile of Alaska trips. When he wasn’t doing that, with all of George Peterson’s walnut gunstock scraps, John was busy making shadowbox frames for fly displays, Regal vise holders and tool holders, fly-tying tables. John would make this beautiful large trout windchimes, wood carvings, fish, quail, frames, and stained glass. He’d take ordinary Sage blanks and turn them into works of art, especially the scrimshaw carvings, one of which I am a treasured recipient. And for as many years, taking a full bedroom in their house to store all the fly-fishing gear we would amass every year for the Annual Dinner Fundraiser. Spending his own time, buying things you would want, finding the best prices and the very best products for the benefit of everyone in SCFF. The silent auction was likely the largest contributor of finances during the Annual Dinner, most of which had something hand-made by John Steele. And if you ever asked John about fly-fishing, fly-tying, where to go, how, when… if John didn’t know the answer, he would take you to the person you could talk to, introduce you and make sure you were well on your way.

The formerly known Dame Juliana-Berners award for the person making the biggest difference in your fly-fishing experiences every year, became appropriately the John Steele Award.

In retirement, John and Pat made a pact to travel somewhere (most often involving fly-fishing) as often as humanly possible. And they did. Alaska, the Green River, Montana, Wyoming, the North & South Atlantic, the South Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico – East and West. Salmon, Trout, Bonefish, Redfish, Snook, you name it – there is a photo of John and Pat – together usually with fish. And after all that, dove, pheasant, duck season.

More than 57 years, married to the love of his life, his “cat”, glued to the hip. They did everything together and loved it! Especially fishing.

John died, again, this past Sunday. Yes, again. Some 22 years ago, John suffered a heart-attack and died. He and Pat were home, John in his easy chair – gone. Pat was in the other room for several minutes before discovering why John didn’t answer. The ability for him to come back was in part because Pat and John live less than 2 minutes from the fire department. John had been gone for quite some time.

When John got better after the first incident, he jumped right back into fishing, hunting, crafting…, giving. He got healthy. Then he ran the club and became President – again! He and Pat traveled, hosted the Board Meetings at their house for years, chock full of goodies to eat, dogs and cats, until the C-word stopped it. And travel they did.

This last time, John didn’t come back. He passed peacefully. Selfishly, because we loved him so very much, we’re kind of upset, sad, heartbroken, and grateful for all he meant to us – a tiny portion mentioned here. A celebration of John’s life is planned for November13th, at 1:00 PM, at Chaminade.
30 years. Half of my life. More than two-thirds as long as the club has been around. How did that happen? It wasn’t until this week I thought of it this way, knowing so many of you half of my life and some of the best parts of it. You join this club and it’s like Hotel California – you can check out, but you can never leave!

Don’t be afraid to get involved. It will change your life. You will find introductions turn into friends, turn into family.

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Fly Tying Class – Blow Torch

Blow Torch - November Fly Tying Class

This fly is almost guaranteed to catch steelhead in our local waters during early season, which is right around the corner. As always the class is free and materials provided except for thread. The thread this month is black 8/0 and any fluorescent orange, but only bring it if you have it. There will be plenty available for everyone at the class. Beginners are always welcome and there will be devices and tools available as well as threads. Sign ups are important so that enough material is available for all. You can sign up at the club meeting or call me with at least 24 hours notice . 831-688-1561

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Chironomid in red or amber

by Elaine Cook – fly tying chairman

Chironomid’s are more commonly called midges. They are the most abundant food source for trout and can be found in any freshwater , but most abundant in still water. They are available to trout year-round. This pattern simulates a midge in its pupa stage which is between larva and adult. Best fished under an indicator.
HOOK: TMC 200, Dai-Riki 270, Daiichi 1270.    Sizes 12-18.
Crimp Barb.
THREAD: Black 6/0.
Attach behind hook eye. Touching wraps to 2 eye lengths behind eye. NOTE: frequently spin bobbin counter clockwise to keep thread flat.
TAIL and GILLS: White High-Vis or Darlon or similar. (Same material for both. Gills in front of hook,  tail in rear, )
Separate fibers with bodkin. Use about 15 to 20 strands. Lay bundle on top of shank extending about hook shank length beyond eye. Tie in place with touching wraps back to slightly past rear of shank. Cut bundle about hook shank length beyond rear of hook.
BODY: red  Flashabou under red vinyl D-Rib (choose size to match size of hook).    OR.    Pearl Flashabou under amber vinyl D-Rib.
Attach Flashabou extending to the rear.  Thread wraps 2 eye lengths forward.  Cut piece of D-Rib 3” long. Cut one end at an angle. Position D-Rib, flat side down, extending to rear, and point where thread hangs. Tie in with snug touching wraps back to tail. Advance thread forward in one wrap to the D-Rib tie in. Using touching thread wraps, wrap forward to gill tie in, then back to the D-Rib tie in, then forward to gill tie in again. This will form a body with uniform thickness. Wrap Flashabou forward with touching or overlapping wraps to cover thread. Tie off cut access. Make one half hitch. While gently pulling on the rib material, make first wrap behind prior wraps then forward with touching wraps to gill tie in. Tie off cut access.
THORAX: peacock herl.
Divide gill fibers and pull out to each side of shank. Make criss cross thread wraps to hold in place. Using 1-3  pieces of herl depending on size of hook, pull off fragile tips. Tie tips in behind gills. Make dubbing loop, insert hurl, then twist to make chenille. Advance thread to behind eye. Wrap chenille behind and in front of gills. Tie off, cut excess. Wrap small thread head. Whip finish, cut thread. Cut out a few tail fibers. Trim gills and tail. (See photo)

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Steelhead and Coho Found in Mill Creek

by Bob Garbarino

Just over a year ago, a small dam on Mill Creek near Bonny Doon was removed (see my article in the June 2021 newsletter One of the expected outcomes was to expand and improve spawning habitat for fish. Now, scientists have reported some unexpected good news. Twelve juvenile steelhead and 15 coho fry have been found in the creek. It is the first time coho have been found in the creek. Though it is early in the recovery process and more work to be done—like removing invasive plant species and placement of large woody debris—this is encouraging news, no doubt.

For more interesting details on this article, see the following websites:

Coho, Cobble, and Creek Beds: A Year After the Mill Creek Dam Was Removed

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Los Padres Dam Steelhead Migration Data Results

by Bob Garbarino

An interesting recent article from FISHBIO discussed a study performed by the National Marine Fisheries Services on the migration of steelhead from the Carmel River up into Los Padres Reservoir and and their return out of the reservoir and downstream toward the ocean.  The data obtained from the experiment supports the concept that fishways at dams dams present what they call ecological traps.  The article describes ecological traps:  “Animals expressing instinctual behaviors that put them at disadvantage in an altered environment is referred to as an ecological trap.”    The goal of the study was to determine the how many fish made it back out of the reservoir on their way out to the ocean.   There are two routes for the fish to make it out:  over the spillway (when there is enough water) and through a bypass.  Both adult and juvenile steelhead preferred the spillway by a significant margin and that very low percentage of  fish make it back down to an antenna 8.7 miles downstream.  The scientists concluded that the dam significantly impairs downstream passage and the fishway is creating an ecological trap.  I encourage you to read the full article….it’s not long and and is quite interesting.  FISHBIO has an office in Santa Cruz.

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2023 Dues Renewal reminder

by Bob

Just an update for Dues renewal for next year. Dues can be renewed online @ 125 members paid online last year.

For members who have paid by check, the renewal application will be mailed out Nov1st.
Note:  Single membership Dues will be going up Jan1st to $40.  Family and Jr remaining the same @ $60/$20.  The Board hopes to continue to maintain current conservation projects going forward.
Thank you for all the contributions and donations.
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Sign up to share your fishing pictures and story in January.

We are looking for six people who want to share their 2022 fishing story with the club at the January 2023 meeting. Here are some details:

  • Story should be about six minutes long with pictures or video.
  • The story can be told live or can be pre-recorded .
  • The audience will be encouraged to ask questions.

With the success of the club’s Instagram account, we get a chance to see lots and lots of fish pictures during the year. So we are changing the traditional slideshow to a show-and-tell type format. This will be a fun way for us to get to hear some great stories and learn more about a place visited by a fellow member in ‘22. If you know of a member who has a great story, please encourage them to sign up and share it with the rest of the club.

To sign up, send an email to

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Fall Casting Class – Steelhead – Singlehand and Spey – Oct 29 and Nov 26

 Last Saturday of the month 1:30-3:30 – Jade Street Park

Well, it’s getting that time of year again – we hope. Rain and Steelhead.

I will be bringing my spey rod and single hand rods so you can work on some cool stuff for swingin flies for Steelhead or simply swinging flies in big water.

We’ll also show you some super easy and fun techniques for doing the same with a single handed rod on some of our local waters – the San Lorenzo, Soquel, Pescadero and others.

Come practice, learn something new – I guarantee it, and enjoy a couple hours away from the norm.   Let me know if I can help you with anything specific – bring a friend. We’ll have plenty of tools!

Fish on.   Tom  831-214-7578 /

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Tech Tip: Managing Google Group emails

by Scott Kitayama

I have been enjoying the banter on Santa Cruz fly Fishing’s Google Groups especially when new members ask questions. So I was surprised when I heard a member say that there are too many Google Groups emails or the subject line doesn’t make sense. I’m guessing this person’s emails all go to a single inbox and is messy, so this is a tip to manage your inbox.

Think of your inbox like a fly box, if you only have a few flies, they can all go into one box. After a while, you have dry flies, wet flies, streamers, poppers and your one fly box turns into a big ol’ mess. Just like having separate boxes for different flies, you can have separate email folders for different subjects.

Gmail :

For me, Google Groups emails go into a separate tab called Forums so I don’t have to look at them until I am ready. Here is a link to a video on how to set up Forums:

Other email viewers like Apple Mail, Yahoo, Outlook, AOL:

Since I haven’t used any other email reader in over a decade, I am not brave enough to provide instructions. I suggest you search google to find info on “moving new emails to folders using filters”.

Another solution:

Send an email to Bob Peterson or Scott Kitayama and request changing the way you are receiving the Google Groups emails:

  • Don’t send email updates: you won’t receive emails but you can still access the group messages, by
    double clicking on the group, then open and respond to any message within the list.
  • Send daily summaries: you will receive one daily message if any message(s) are posted.
  • Combined updates: One message with 25 responses in that message.
  • Every new message: (default) You will receive an email message for every new message or response is posted.

Hope this helps someone.

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O’Neill Fore bay Fishout Report or

What a difference a day makes!

Arrived with Brother Terry around noon on Thursday. Found that Elain and John had arrived the day before, and had selected a perfect waterfront campsite. That evening, they met up with Bill Seaman and had a fantastic evening on the water near the old boat launch. Lots of good sized fish.

Whilst Terry & I went about setting up camp, other members dribbled in off of the water with varying degrees of success. Scott Kitayama caught fish on both his first and last cast. He reported that Bob Garbarino had landed a very nice fish. Gil Santos showed up and quickly launched his pram. David Marks came into camp to visit & swap stories. Rumor had it that Yog was out on the water catching fish. Mike Diciano was camped nearby with his motorhome, and launched his inflatable shortly after we arrived. The weather was perfect, with gentle to no wind and comfortably warm temperatures. We watched as Mike rowed into the fray, and we wondered why the stern of his little floatie was under water. Turns out float tubes inflated in the heat of the day tend to loose air pressure when immersed in cold water…

I would point out that setting up camp to host a crowd is thirsty business, so Terry and I paused our efforts frequently to hydrate. During one of those pauses, I noted that my pop-up camper had been invaded by giant hornets. While they were not particularly aggressive, Terry is allergic to bee stings, so I spent the next hour chasing a couple dozen of the buggers out of the camper. Time to re-hydrate again.

With camp established (complete with full wind screen) we enjoyed a light meal. I intended to head out in my float tube afterwards. It was then that I discovered I didn’t have my license with me. I recalled it was on my entryway table, placed there so I wouldn’t forget it. Oh well, Los Banos was just a hop, skip, and jump away so I left for Walmart while Terry took his boat to be inspected.

We arrived back in camp just as everyone was coming off the water. It seemed that most everyone had caught fish, with the consensus being that this year’s graduating class of fish were considerably larger than the previous year’s. Armed with that knowledge, Terry & I weren’t too dismayed to not have fished that day; there is always tomorrow, and we had great expectations. Snacks, cocktails, a fire, and great conversations ensued.

The following morning dawned about ten degrees cooler than the previous day. Terry & I were on the water by 6:30. We fished the islands where Gil had measured some success the evening before. We marked a few sporadic fish on the finder in around 20 ft. of water, but they seemed to have developed lockjaw. We moved on to where the group was concentrated on the South west corner of the Fore bay. Slim pickens there too. Many had caught a fish or two, but certainly not at the rate of the previous two days.

Having been totally skunked, we decided to head to camp and enjoy a nice lunch. Which led to a Bloody Mary. Or two. Which led to a nap. I awoke greatly refreshed around 3:00. Time to head out for the afternoon bite, but we found that the mighty wind had risen and chased everyone off of the water. We thought it best to cut our losses and head on in. There were white caps and good swells so it took almost an hour to get to the dock area. We were thoroughly soaked, but the warm wind quickly dried us off. We noticed that there was about a 300 yard stretch of water out to 50 yards off shore that was in a ‘wind shadow’ from the hills behind the launch ramps. It was still breezy, so one of us had to helm the boat while the other fished. Terry piloted as I landed two schoolies of around18”. Terry’s turn. I handed him my rod and took over the helm. I like to believe it was my superior boat piloting that led to Terry landing a 25” chromer.

Getting the skunk off the boat took till the last 30 minutes of fishing time. Whew, that was close. Arrived back at camp to find JT and our newest member, Rich, had joined our group. Lance snuck in and set up his tent and joined in. Rich shared a fine bottle of Scotch with us, which instantly endeared him to the gang. We sat up till late sharing scotch and stories.

The wind grew in intensity.

Everyone slept fitfully Friday night, with the wind buffeting tents, campers, and trailers. Saturday morning found the red light blinking at the cottonwood creek entrance, meaning watercraft was forbidden from launching. I estimated a steady 30mph wind with occasional stronger gusts. Hoping against hope that the wind wouldn’t last, Terry & I hunkered down and made a nice breakfast. The sunrise was spectacular. The more experienced among us checked out the weather forecast to find that strong winds were expected through Sunday. Most folks began packing up to go. Around noon, we began to slowly break camp. The rest of the crew had left by one-o-clock. Around 3:00, I gave one last cruise by the North side of the Fore bay to see if the ‘wind shadow’ still held. There was still a small calm area, but I decided better than to launch my float tube when there wasn’t another vessel on the water anywhere.

Sadly, we had to cut the O’Neill Fore bay trip short. We missed out on several members who had planned on coming out on Sunday, but you just can’t ignore the weather. The moral of the story: The best time to fish is right now! (If you can).

Until next year,


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Fishout Schedule – Nov 2022

mobile scrollable table 

Kelly Lake – Watsonville (bass, crappie)Apr 12
Rooster Comb Ranch – UPDATED –Apr 18 - Apr 20
Green River – UtahApr 26 - May 03
Upper Sacramento River / McCloud Fishout – UPDATED –May 16 - May 19
Pyramid Lake FishoutJun 02 - Jun 04
Burney and Around – UPDATED –Jun 20 - Jun 22
Lake Almanor/Hex Hatch – Jun 22th – 28th 2025Jun 22 - Jun 28Trout, Bass Jeff (Yog) Goyert - Fishmaster (831)234-0033
Loreto Fly Fishing TripJul 07
Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 20-Oct. 4thSep 20 - Oct 04Trout John Cook fishmaster-- (831)688-1561 or (831)234-6515
O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout October 17-20thOct 16 - Oct 19

Apr 12 : Kelly Lake – Watsonville (bass, crappie)

Kelly Lake - Watsonville (bass, crappie)
Pajaro Valley Rod and Gun Club (Click for address and map)

Stand by as dates and details to be updated as the days get longer and warmer!

Fishmaster: Scott Kitayama
Location: Kelly Lake in Watsonville (Private lake limited to 6 people)
Species: bass,  crappie, bluegill
Duration: 1 day
Registration and Cost: No Cost, but you must contact Scott as the number of people fishing is limited.  Contact at

Addtional Details & Confirmation of dates to be updated – Stay tuned

Meeting time and place: Scott will directly be in contact with those that are coming on the Fishout.
Equipment: Need to have float tube or kayak to fish the lake.    PFD required and walkie talkie encouraged.
6 wt with intermediate line for stripping leaches or bait patterns.

6 or 7 wt floating line for poppers or float-n-fly

Flies: Topwater:  frog pattern, sliders,  gurglers, poppers

Stripping:  bunny leach, midnight cowboy, micro-clouser

Indicator:  balanced leach, crappie jigs,  hares ear (sz 10 and larger)

What To Expect: This is a private warm water lake in Watsonville. Surrounded by private residences and the Pajaro Rod & Gun Club. The club has gained access to the water thru the Rod and Gun Club. Bass and Crappie are the predominant species here.
Food: Bring lunch
Fishmaster Contact info: Scott Kitayama

650 279 5871


Apr 18 : Rooster Comb Ranch – UPDATED –

(Click for address and map)

23rd Annual Bass Fishout at Roostercomb Ranch

3/04/2025 – SOLD OUT 

– If you are still interested, contact the Fish Master to be added to the wait list (contact information below)

This is our club’s 23rd annual bass Fishout to the Roostercomb Ranch since year 2000. This sprawling private ranch is located adjacent to Henry Coe State Park, off Hwy 152  entrance in Hollister near Casa de Fruta Restaurant.  It’s a 22-mile off-road trek through the backcountry from the park entrance. This requires a 3-day weekend commitment.  Accommodations are a 1928 ranch house and bunk house with options to tent camp or sleep in your vehicle. The ranch offers 9 bass ponds on its property plus 2 hike-ins on park property, float tube or shore fishing, hiking, birding, photography, and opportunities for riding your ATV on miles of ranch roads.

The terrain is rough, rocky and sometimes steep, therefore, all vehicles MUST be 4-WD with good clearance to drive in and around the ranch! If you do not have a 4-WD vehicle, arrangements can be made for you to carpool with someone who does.

Breakfasts and dinner meals/barbecues are organized by teams.  Lunches, snacks and beverages are each individual’s responsibility.


Group is limited to 10 fishers (non-fishers welcome). Four (4) fishing spaces remain available!  COST:  $300/person (no charge for children 12 yrs and under).  Please note that you are NOT on the list until I have your check  YOUR CHECK SAVES YOUR SPOT!

Check payable to:  Cecilia Stipes   Mail:  328 Capelli Drive, Felton CA 95018

Fishmaster:  Cecilia Stipes – – 831-566-7707


Apr 26 : Green River – Utah

Green River - Utah
(Click for address and map)

Green River – Utah

Currently this trip is at maximum capacity.

For wait list options or updates, please contact the Fishmaster 

Rick chace

General Information –

It is necessary for us to pay upfront to reserve the accommodations. The club’s standard approach to this is for each angler to pay his individual portion of the rental fee for sleeping accommodations.
Each angler will be responsible for the weekly rate of $300. This is a nonrefundable fee.

If an angler decides not to attend, they are responsible to sell their portion to another angler or forfeit their portion of the rental. I’m counting on everyone on the list to send their payment and secure their place on the trip. If not all 14 people commit by payment, there will be a increased adjustment in the weekly fee for each angler since the rental cost is based on the number of people.

Matt Twissleman will be handling the food end of our trip. We discussed briefly a scenario of having three of the seven nights dinner meals be cooked and served as a group meal , and the other 4 nights you’ll be responsible for your own meals. So one of us or several of us will stop in Salt Lake City and stock up on provisions for these meals along with lunch makings. Breakfast will be up to the individual, whether they want to cook it or eat out. We will provide bagels and cream cheese as part of the group food. Matt’s email is included in the email list above. Please if you have any dietary restrictions advise him of specialty item possibly needed for your meals. The fee for food will be a separate fee calculated after our arrival at the fish out. If you intend to cook your own food, you’re welcome to use the kitchen, but keep in mind there are no grocery stores within 50 miles. So remember to stock up before you leave civilization! There are three different restaurants in the area.

There are many guide services available for the Green River float, along with raft rental. Over the next few weeks, we will provide a list of potential recommendations so you might want to book your float trips? There is plenty of access along this river for wading a 7 mile trail system along the A section of the river.

Elaine Cook has offered to hold a fly tying class especially for the Green and will provide patterns that will accommodate that time of year. There is a great fly shop Trout Creek Flyer

We will start an ongoing thread of emails to this group. I will start to suggest that you think about if you’re going to fly or drive. If you fly, you fly into Salt Lake City and you can rent a car and split the cost with another member or 2.. The drive time from Salt Lake is about 4 1/2 hours. Drive time from Santa Cruz is probably 14 1/2 or 15  hours.

A BUCKT LIST Fly Fishing Trip | Green River-Part 1

Fly Fishing for BIG BROWN Trout on a LEGENDARY Trout Stream | Green River-Part 2






May 16 : Upper Sacramento River / McCloud Fishout – UPDATED –

Dunsmuir Park (Click for address and map)

Date and description subject to change due to seasonal runoff conditions Please Stay Tuned

Alex Ferber
Alex’s guide site:

Location: Upper Sacramento River with Potential McCloud River Side Trip
Species: Trout
Date / Duration: Tentatively March 14th – 16th, 3 Days
(Please contact the Fishmaster for further details as the Fishout is dependent on flows/conditions)

Cost: No Cost

Typical Trout Set Up 9′, 4-6wt Rods w/ Floating Lines Ideal

Euro Nymphing, and Trout Spey conditions availableNymphs: Pheasant Tail, Hairs Ear, Prince Nymph, Wooly Buggers, Perdigon, Copper Johns, Zebra Midge, Micro May, Golden Stones

Drys: Caddis Patterns 12-16, Upright wing vs. Emerges, Missing Link, Stone Flys, Parachute Adams, Comparaduns (various sizes 16-12)

Misc.: Soft Hackles, Streamers, Leaches

What To Expect:
This Fishout’s final date is still TBD and subject to river flows as we get closer to spring.

The upper Sac. has excellent access via. Hwy 5 and by walking the railway tracks. Euro/High Stick/Indicator Nymphing is the go to. Come prepared with plenty of water to drink and expect to walk a fair amount. The river is made up of riffles, runs, pocket water, small holes, huge pools and undercuts.

Special Considerations:
In addition to this being a traditional Fishout, I propose that if there are any members of the club who are familiar with the Upper Sac. to volunteer as a mentor during the Fishout to those in the club with little to no experience. Groups of 2-3 novice anglers per mentor. This will help to add to the experience and allow others to get to know the river.

Food: DIY, with potential of potluck as details emerge

Sims Flat – 26987 Sims Lookout Rd, Castella, CA 96017

Castle Crags State Park – Located 6 miles south of Dunsmuir on I-5

Dunsmuir Lodge – 6604 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA 96025

Cave Springs Resort – 4727 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA 96025


Jun 02 : Pyramid Lake Fishout

Pyramid Lake Fishout
Pyramid Lake (Click for address and map)

Fishmaster: Mike White

Greetings fellow Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club Members

I have been leading the Pyramid Lake fishing trip for the past ten years. It has always been a remarkable fish out, and one of the best attended too. However the past three years have been very challenging and we have not caught very many fish and people have come away disappointed with the outcome.

That leads me to a new discovery about how to fish Pyramid Lake. Jeff Goyertte, a club member and our raffle coordinator took a trip to the lake and fished with Rob Anderson, a long time guide on Pyramid. He went on the trip in early to mid June of 2024. They fished from float tubes, and with fly gear that was not the typical set up that we are accustomed to using to catch these big trout . Well he did extremely well and when he told me about his experience, it peaked my curiosity.

Jeff was kind enough to put me in touch with Rob Anderson. I had a good conversation with him and I think it is worth exploring a fish out with Rob in June of 2025. He can take out a max of 12 people on float tubes. It is $350 for two and a half days ($175.00 Deposit). The first day people arrive at a beach along the lake where Rob sets up a camp. This first day is really a prep day where the guides provide training on how to fish from your float tube for these big trout. You would be responsible for your own lodging whether you camp on the beach or go back to a hotel or stay at Pyramid Lodge. Rob provides breakfast and lunch for your $350 fee. We are currently planning on June 2, 3 and 4th. Also, each club member would be responsible for making their own reservation by contacting Rob and paying a deposit to him directly.

Contact Rob Anderson at 775 7421754 to make reservation.

Note: this fishout requires float tubes/kick boats. NOT provided by Rob Anderson. They, along with fins, waders, and PFDs,  are the responsibility of each individual participant.

We are currently looking to book Rob to do a virtual presentation at either our January or February monthly meeting.

So this is a whole new deal. The old fish out would be replaced by this one. And it would be a different experience.

If you have any interest please contact me Mike White at 831 706-5556 or email at

Ps. Jeff Goyertte and a few other club members went on Rob Anderson’s float tube trip to Pyramid in early October. They did not have good success on that trip. The conditions were not ideal with water temperatures higher than usual. That probably contributed to the lack of catching fish that weekend.

General Lake / Shore Fishing Information: 

Equipment: 6-9 weight rods with hi-speed, hi-D shooting heads or fast sink integrated lines to fish the bottom in 6 to 9 feet of water, and a floating line for indicator fishing. You should bring a stripping basket and a ladder that will accommodate it. A ladder helps to get you up out of the cold water and enables you to cast out to where the fish are. You can still catch fish without one but not with nearly as much consistency.

Flies: Woolly buggers in black, white, purple, olive, midge, caddis and mayfly nymphs to name a few. Flies may also available from club member Jim Hall who ties some very good flies specific to Pyramid cutthroat as well as other species at reason-able cost. His number is (831) 713-6835. There is a general store with provisions as well as tackle and an assortment of flies.

How to get there: Take US 80 to Reno-Sparks, take the Pyramid Blvd. off ramp and go north about 35 miles. Crosby Lodge is at Sutcliff, near the Ranger Station.If you have any questions about equipment or how to get there, check the “Gearing up” columns in the March 2007-2009 archives on our great club website, or call Mike White at (831) 706-5556.If you are considering going to Pyramid again this year with the club and you have not already done so, please contact the person who is booking the trailer you stayed in last year. Trailer-masters, if your trailer has gaps or cancellations, you can call Mike so he can pass the names of members who don’t have lodging to fill the empty spots.

Fishing, Camping, and New Ladder Regulation: Fishing and camping permits can be purchased online prior to the fish-out. We would highly recommend doing this. Go to to obtain your licenses. There is also an RV Park available at (775) 476-1155.Pyramid Lake Fishout, March 15th-21st, 2020

As with any great fishery there are always a long list of rules and regulations. We would recommend you review them on the website above. Suffice to say those of us who have been go-ing to Pyramid Lake for many years are a good source of infor-mation as well. We will help inform and guide all newcomers.

15.6 USE OF LADDERS, ETC.Any ladders, milk crates, boxes or other objects used in the water as a fishing aid must be occupied or closely attended (i.e. remain in the area) by fishermen at all times. Any person who leaves such objects unoccupied in the water for more than one hour will be deemed guilty of littering. 15.6.1 Fishing aids described above must have a permanent tag affixed that has the name, address, and phone number of the owner of the fishing aid. If the permitted angler using the fishing aid is not the owner, the owner will be the responsible party for any infractions by the permitted angler.

Last year I observed people parked closer than 100 feet to the lake. I asked several of them about it, and the response was the Rangers weren’t enforcing it. This prompted me to contact the lead Ranger by phone. He said, “We are most definitely going to enforce the 100-foot ordinance!” So, when parking your vehicle, you must be a minimum of 100 feet from the lake’s water line. Also, you need a permanent tag affixed to your ladder with your name, address, and phone number on it. Most of us who use fiberglass ladders use a heavy black magic marker to write the necessary information directly on the ladder. There are also tags which can be purchased from local fly shops, for a fee.

Pyramid Lake Lodge at (775) 476-0400

NOTE: Due to insurance regulations, all attendees must be paid up members of Santa Cruz Fly fishermen, so get your member-ship paid up if you haven’t done so yet.

Jun 20 : Burney and Around – UPDATED –

(Click for address and map)

Date and description subject to change due to seasonal conditions Please Stay Tuned

Fishmaster: Alex Ferber
Location: Lakes, rivers and streams of the Burney area
Species: Trout
Duration: 3 Days
Cost: No Cost
Meet Up: Date of Fishout TBD and subject to change due seasonal conditions

Hat Creek Park off Hy 299 (See the map below). The park is approximately 10 minutes from the highway 299/80 junction. The park is on the left hand side going east on 299. If you google Hat Creek Park, it should show up.

This meet up will be a general discussion with your Fishmaster Alex Ferber. Here he will be discussing the local fishery, access points, general information and answering any questions you might have about making this a successful outing.

Meeting time to be updated as we get closer

Equipment: Typical Trout Set Up 9′, 4-6wt Rods w/ Floating Lines Ideal
Euro Nymphing, and Trout Spey conditions available
Nymphs: Pheasant Tail, Hairs Ear, Prince Nymph, Wooly Buggers, Perdigon, Copper Johns, Zebra Midge, Micro May, Golden Stones
Drys: Caddis Patterns 12-16, Upright wing vs. Emerges, Missing Link, Stone Flys, Parachute Adams, Comparaduns (various sizes 16-12)
Misc.: Soft Hackles, Streamers, Leaches
What To Expect: This Fishout is DIY Fishout with your Fishmaster acting as a resource person helping with any questions regarding where to fish, access, use of personal watercraft, fishery history, etc. Depending on interest there is potential of a pre Fishout presentation (TBD) and or tour of any one of the local areas with the most interest.

More information to be updated as interest develops. Please contact the Fishmaster if you are interested in attending.

Local Waters: Hat Creek: Spring creek with plenty of easy access, walk and wading. There are 3 distict sections from the Power House Riffle, to The Lower Freestone Section. There are an abundence of hatches year round and daily from mayflies, caddis, and stone flies with the potential of a trico or green drake hatch.

Burney Creek: Spring creek with access around the McArthur Burney Falls State Park. The waterfall is a must see. This is great water for a dry/dropper set up as well as traditional dry and nymph fishing. Above the falls the creek is stocked and below the fish are wild.

Pit River: Classic tailwater freestone fishery. This river is known for its hard fighting wild rainbows. There is great walk and wade access but the terrain is difficult with large snot covered bowling balls covering the river bed. Those with strong wading skills and a stout wading stick only need apply.  The river is broken up by multiple power houses each with their own characters. Primary a nymphing river either by indicator or tight line. Rubber legs and dark lords and lots of weight (bring lots of both).

Baum Lake: Stocked and great for a small float tube or kayak. Excellent dry fly and streamer fishing.

Lake Britton: Primarily a motorized boat lake. Warm water fishery with small mouth bass, and potential for bull trout.

Ahjumawi / Big Lake Lava Springs State Park: Launch at “Rat Farm”

Fall River: Iconic spring creek with an abundance of large wild rainbows. No shore access. Non motorized boats can be launched at the Cal Trout public access or a kayak/motor boat at the “Rat Farm” (Big Lake/Ahjjumawi launch). Awesome dry fly, streamer and indicator fishing.

Lodging: Camping  – Too many to list, this is an outdoors paridise with options from unimproved to glamping. Plenty of places for RV hookups and KOA camping
Hotels & Motels: Various options available in the Burney area
Food: DIY, with potential of potluck as details emerge
Fishmaster Contact info: Alex Ferber
Burney Sporting Goods – 37427 CA-299, Burney, CA 96013


Jun 22 : Lake Almanor/Hex Hatch – Jun 22th – 28th 2025

Lake Almanor/Hex Hatch - Jun 22th - 28th 2025
(Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: Jeff (Yog) Goyert - Fishmaster (831)234-0033

The Lake Almanor Fishout is scheduled for the last week of June, 6/22 thru 28th, 2025. This time period is, hopefully, the peak of the annual Hexagenia hatch that begins generally mid-June and runs through mid-July. The most productive fishing takes place early evenings on into past dark between Lake Almanor West to Canyon Dam on the Southwest side of the lake. Most of the fishing is done from float tubes as well as small boats or even from shore.

In addition to the evening “Hex” hatch, a multitude of opportunities exist for fishing throughout the day to include Little Crater Lake, Manzanita Lake, Baum Lake, Eagle Lake, Butt Valley Reservoir, Deer Creek, Clear Creek, Feather River, Yellow Creek, plus many more.

Lodging will be the responsibility of individual attendees. A popular campground operated by PG&E is the Rocky Point Campground, for reservation information call 916-386-5164. Many USFS campgrounds are in the area. Reservations are available through or by calling 877-444-6777. Make use of internet resources to acquire the actual campground names. There are also many resorts and rental cabins available in the area. A few examples are Wilson’s Camp/530-259-2267 and Plumas Pines Resort/530-259-4343. Other options are available via online research. Be advised that due to the popularity of fishing at this time of year reservations fill up early.

Sierra Fly and Tackle, stores in Chester and Hamilton Branch, is a great resource for current conditions and reports along with a large inventory flies and equipment. A must stop for all visiting fly fishers if only to get one of their cool tee-shirts. Both first time and veteran “Hex” Anglers could well benefit from the expertise provided by a knowledgeable and experienced guide. Lance Gray (530-517-2204) or Tim Loomis (831-345-8411) both offer instructional packages to help achieve success during the “Hex”.

Fish Master – Tim Loomis
Tim Loomis <>
May 7th
Club monthly meeting will have Lance Gray providing a talk about fishing Lake Almanor in preparation for the June Fishout

Jul 07 : Loreto Fly Fishing Trip

Loreto Fly Fishing Trip
(Click for address and map)

Loreto Mexico

Details to be finalized and date to be confirmed 

The fishing day starts around 6:00 a.m. and we usually get back to the harbor between 1:30 and 2:00 p.m. Spend the rest of the afternoon fishing from the beach, having a cool drink in the pool, exploring Loreto, or just sitting around telling some tall fish stories. And, you will have many exciting moments on the Sea of Cortez to talk about.

The approximate cost for everything but meals and airfare is: *$995.00 per person, double occupancy; around $460.00 for a non-fishing guest. – 

It does not include meals because there are some nice restaurants (A lot of fresh seafood!) in town or if you prefer, eat at the hotel, where they will also cook your catch to your preference. Interested?

Please contact Rich Hughett, 831-757-5709, for all the details. You will need to book airline flights* as soon as possible.

*No money will be collected in advance. Southwest Airlines and Alaska Airlines from San Jose to  Los Angeles and Alaska Airlines to Loreto. Rich will help with your airline reservations.

Gear: The minimum size rod for Dorado is a 10 weight, with a corresponding size reel with plenty of backing.  I suggest everyone take floating, intermediate and full sink lines, such as T-14.  Most fish down there are not leader shy, so I use about a 5 foot leader with a 20 pound tippet.  For Dorado, the main fly is a Sarmulmac.  Clousers also work.  In fact a variety of flies work for salt water fish, as long as they represent a smaller baitfish.

Notes: Further discussion of dates, gear and preparations to be had as interest develops

Sep 20 : Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 20-Oct. 4th

Mammoth Fishout -Sept. 20-Oct. 4th
Mammoth Lakes (Click for address and map)
Fishmaster: John Cook fishmaster-- (831)688-1561 or (831)234-6515

Sign Ups: As a reminder, it is important to sign up early as sign ups have started and spaces are filling up fast for this Fishout.

Call John Cook letting him know which week, both or private room. Payment is required to secure our spot we need people to sign up as soon as possible. Should you need to cancel, you can find someone to take your place and get your money back.

Contact Ph # (831) 234-6515

Fishmasters: John & Elaine Cook

Dates:  This Fishout will take place over two consecutive one-week periods. You may sign up for one or both weeks. Week 1: Sept  20 – Sept 27 .       Week 2: Sept 27 – Oct 4.

Location: The town of Mammoth Lakes is located on the eastern side of the Sierra, 6 or 7 hours drive from Santa Cruz. There are many lakes and streams in the area to fish.

General: We will be staying in condominiums in the town of Mammoth Lakes. Condo has a lovely hot tub, so bring your suit. Two people per bedroom. Most people bring a sleeping bag to share queen size bed or a pad and sleeping bag to sleep on floor. A private room option is possible at an increased fee.

Cost:  Shared single:  $500/wk, $1000/2 wks. (Pricing Subject To Change)

Food Preparation: Breakfast and lunch items will be purchased by the Fishmaster ahead of time. Each person will be assigned a Kitchen Day. On that day, tasks will include setting out breakfast and lunch items, store unused food, and preparing the evening meal and clean up afterwards.   Each person will be assigned a dinner that you will need to purchase and prepare.   You will then be reimbursed for the cost for the dinner.

Oct 16 : O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout October 17-20th

Medeiros Primitive Campground - Oneill Forebay (Click for address and map)

Event: O’Neill Forebay ‘Stosh’ Memorial Fishout

Date: October 17th – 20th (Subject To Change)

(I will be looking for a weekend with a ‘skinny’ moon, less night feeding for the fish)

Target Gamefish: Striped Bass

Location: Medeiros Campground located on the Southern Shoreline of the O’Neill Forebay, access off of Santa Nella Blvd. (Highway 33)

Hosts: Kevin Murdock

These are primitive campsites so bring your own water. There are tables, sun pavilions, and chemical toilets, or outhouses and fire rings. No open fires are allowed outside of the rings.

Typically we will be camping as close to site 29 as we can get. This is a first come, first serve campground, so no reservations are accepted. Float tubes can be launched near the campsites, but boats must be first inspected, then launched from the

San Luis Creek Boat launch. Boats may not be left on the lake overnight. Boaters would be wise to exit prior to the closing of the entry kiosk. The ranger can place a seal on your trailer, allowing you to bypass the inspection process the next morning.

The rangers at the kiosk by the Medeiros entrance may insist that your float tubes need inspection. make sure they’re clean & dry.

Equipment: 8wt rods with fast sinking lines. Some anglers will occasionally use a floating line with a ‘gurgler’ type fly

Flies: Lee Haskins San Luis smelt, ‘Deceiver’ type patterns in red, white, chartreuse, the aforementioned gurglers and poppers.

Float tubes (may require inspection for quagga mussels)

Fins, sunscreen, polarized glasses, life vest

Links: A fly-fishing addict who fishes San Luis Reservoir and the Forebay. Long time local fishing guide.

Forebay Water level:

There will be a signup sheet at our September meeting. We’ll also create a list for those hoping to participate in a pot luck in honor of Steve ‘Stosh’ Rudzinski.

Weather conditions can vary dramatically, so it would behoove members to check prior to departure. You could email me or just get conditions on-line. High winds can cause the lake to be closed to all vessels.

This is one of our nearest Fishouts, with the possible payoff of a double digit fish! Don’t miss out!