Winter 2024 Central Coastal Stream Regulations

Information comes from a presentation from Geoff Malloway of Central Coast Fly Fishing and California Fishing regulations.

Steelhead Season: December 1 through March 7.  Only on Saturdays, Sundays, Wednesdays, legal holidays and opening and closing days.

Basic fishing license:

  • Good for 365 days from purchase.
  • 16 year old and older must have a license.

Steelhead report cards:

  • Must be purchased regardless of age when fishing for steelhead.
  • Valid for calendar year.
  • Steelhead defined for the purposes of the regulations: a rainbow trout & 16 inches in total length found in anadromous waters.
  • Steelhead defined for the purposes of the regulations: a rainbow trout & 16 inches in total length found in anadromous waters.

Lures/flies per line –  3

Only barbless hooks may be used. Note: Carmel River is artificial lures with barbless hooks.

Fishing can be done on any stream west of any highway 1 bridge except those listed by name in section 7.40 of the special regulations.

Flows are checked every Tuesday and Friday. Call 831-649-2886.

Santa Cruz County and North

Butano Creek (San Mateo CO)- from the mouth to the bridge at Pescadero-Bean Hollow Rd.

Pescadero Creek– from the mouth to Stage Road Bridge at Pescadero.

San Gregorio Creek– from the mouth to Stage Rd. bridge at San Gregorio.

San Lorenzo River– from the mouth to the Lomond Street Bridge in Boulder Creek. The minimum flow is 40cfs for San Lorenzo north through Waddell Creek. USGS Gauge #11160500

Scott Creek– from the mouth to the confluence with Big Creek.

Soquel Creek– from the mouth to the confluence of East and West Branch.

Waddell Creek– from the mouth to the highway 1 bridge. San Lorenzo minimum flows apply.

Monterey Co and South

Arroyo Seco River– mainstream and tributaries below the waterfall located approximately 3.5 miles upstream of the USFS Ranger Station.

Big Sur River – from the mouth to the highway 1 bridge. 40 cfs minimum flow. Always closed in the State Park upstream of highway 1. USGS Gauge #11143000

Carmel River – mainstem below Robles del Rio/Esquiline Rd…Rosie’s Bridge…downstream to the  mouth. 80 cfs minimum flow. Artificial lures with barbless hooks. USGS Gauge #11143250

Chorro Creek (SLOCO)- from the mean high tide line upstream to the South Bay Blvd. bridge.

Corralitos Creek– from the mouth to Browns Valley Rd.

Limekiln Creek– above highway 1. Big Sur minimum flows apply. USGS Gauge #11143000

Pajaro River– from the mouth upstream to Uvas Creek.

Salinas River mainstem– this includes fishing for stripers. 

San Luis Obispo Creek (SLO CO)- from the mouth to the first and most southwestern highway 1/101 bridge.

San Simeon Creek (SLO CO)- from the mouth to the pedestrian bridge in San Simeon Beach State Park.